(edited by Rok.5260)
What aren't Mesmers good at?
Condition removal isn’t great,the only reliable way for swiftness is with a focus off hand.
And most players will see you as a walking teleport/time warp dispenser!
as gelltor said cond removal, bad mobility (not taking portal into account when you just have to go from A to B ), bunkering (bad heals since mantra’s have an immense casting time that will always be interrupted, and bad cond removal), condition damage
wearing bows. 8D
Bunkering? A good mesmer bunker can be unkillable.
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]
Melee-range combat. =/ Most of our defense comes from not getting hit at all.
Learn 2 Play Mesmer Here! || Lookit! Gots me a youtube!
Mesmer Personality Quiz! Exclamation Points!
Mesmer are a very versatile class and can do a lot, but remember no mesmer can do all of them at the same time. You have to focus your build to be good at your role.
And there are a few roles we struggle with. Leveling 1-40 in PVE, tagging in PVE, roles that require mobility outside of sPVP (supply runs, chasing, etc.), and sieging are principal among them. Bunkering is not one of them. There are actually at least 2 really good bunker builds for us out there.
Condition removal isn’t as good as most other classes, but can be done if specced right, you just have to build for it a little more than others.
Dissentient [DIS] ~Tarnished Coast
Mesmer are a very versatile class and can do a lot, but remember no mesmer can do all of them at the same time. You have to focus your build to be good at your role.
And there are a few roles we struggle with. Leveling 1-40 in PVE, tagging in PVE, roles that require mobility outside of sPVP (supply runs, chasing, etc.), and sieging are principal among them. Bunkering is not one of them. There are actually at least 2 really good bunker builds for us out there.
Condition removal isn’t as good as most other classes, but can be done if specced right, you just have to build for it a little more than others.
I would like to respectfully disagree. If you mix and match, leveling in PvE should be a breeze after level 7-13. Radiation Field (Asura) + Chaos Storm (Staff) + Weapon Swap (Greatsword) + Spam 1-5 = Huge AoE clear. I used that combo all the way up to 80 and kept playing that until I started tweaking for dungeons. Heck, I didn’t even learn about Deceptive Evasion until I was at 1.4k Achievement Points (currently sitting at 5k, using them as waypoints of “knowledge”). Didn’t swap out of greatsword until about 2.4k. Didn’t run berserker until 3k.
Tagging is still a problem, even with Radiation Field and Chaos storm alternation due to cooldowns still coming in the way. If I were to run Pain Inverter, I might be able to have near 100% uptime on tagging assuming mobs aren’t getting killed before they strike, but it’s not a guarantee and relies too much on being Asura.
Running supply is quick and easy if you use focus to get swiftness (or centaur runes) and then blink+staff2 off a critter.
Chasing will always be a problem if you don’t get lucky on your chaos storms or critter placements.
Sieging is definitely a problem.
Just my 2 cents, although forcing someone to be Asura to level 1-40 easy is a bit.. well.. unreasonable.
Raw DPS is a weak spot too; they can create a fairly good spike (Though not as good as a thief), but sustained DPS falls behind that of most other classes.
Garnished Toast
Raw DPS is a weak spot too; they can create a fairly good spike (Though not as good as a thief), but sustained DPS falls behind that of most other classes.
Phantasm Mesmers can constant spike but it’s not really us spiking it (and has a charge-up).
Condition Mesmers can constant dps but it takes charging up time.
As you said, leveling and tagging might be easier for asura, but this topic is about the class, not just asuran mesmers. I am charr and I admit I didn’t have much trouble leveling either. Maybe a little slower than my warrior and some trouble in the 30s, but I did mesmer first so I knew more for my alts. But it is a common complaint new users have for the class, so I listed it. shrug
As for supply runs, focus and TPs help a lot, but focus provides <50% uptime for most builds. Yeah, builds with Chaos or other boon duration bonuses can do it better, but building for mobility is objectively much more expensive for mesmers than most classes, and runes are bit much to expect for someone to have on hand at any time.
Dissentient [DIS] ~Tarnished Coast
. . . hiding in their own clones!
Oh and ummm. . . using Mantras effectively! (kidding!, they just aren’t as strong as they need to be yet, they should all be AoE effects!)
However, for leveling I’ve yet to find a profession that felt nearly as powerful. For Dynamic Events and such before the berzerker became broken it was fine for me, afterward it was less so. Dungeons and everything else felt great to me. I started as a Mesmer though, not having played anything else but Guardian to lvl 30 until my Mesmer was capped.
Also, Mesmer is really bad at being seen as not Overpowered.
- Dr. Alfred Lanning, fictional character of great intellect.
Mesmers are hard to master. Just look at all the previous comments about how versatile we are. Now imagine being a new player, trying to find which niche is good for you. Personally I’ve gone from being confused about what stats are best for me to Carrion to Rabid and finally settling in Rampager. Runes are even harder as I’m debating yet another change.
Naturally you can’t do everything at the same time so I wouldn’t say we are good at everything. Instead, I’d say we malleable to almost whatever any player desires. So, in essence, the class is designed well. In my opinion, it’s a good class but there are a lot of little things keeping it from being a great class.
The only thing i can say mesmers are not good at, from my personal experience is fighting a zerg of 10+ solo. NOT good at that at all.
Condition removal isn’t great,the only reliable way for swiftness is with a focus off hand.
And most players will see you as a walking teleport/time warp dispenser!
Null Field is fine for condition removal imo, rune of the centaur and focus give 100% swiftness uptime too.
as gelltor said cond removal, bad mobility (not taking portal into account when you just have to go from A to B ), bunkering (bad heals since mantra’s have an immense casting time that will always be interrupted, and bad cond removal), condition damage
We can bunker with the best of them, along with the immortal mesmer build linked we have my Condition Tank build.
Our upfront DPS and AOE isn’t exactly great, but our survivability makes up for it.
We are lacking in:
1.) Sustained movement. We excel in small-area fight movement, but our limited access to swiftness hurts our ability to get across maps fast.
2.) AoE is very lacking, especially for a cloth class in an MMO.
3.) Quite soft once you hit us. However, we are exceptional at not getting hit at all.
4.) Reliant on a system which becomes easier to counter with experience. Meaning, a brand new player has a real hard time with clones and the burst the class can put out (It’s also an odd burst to a lot of classes people may be familiar with in other games; as Suzut said it’s not as front loaded as many may be used to, we can lull people into thinking we don’t hit hard very easily). However, a more experienced player is less likely to be fooled by the tricks, and then it’s see #3.
5.) This may be a bit of a stretch, but Blind can be a killer for us, perhaps moreso than any other class. Chain blinds can mess any player up, but Mesmers can have a little bit more of a domino effect when we can’t effectively get out Phantasms and clones due to blind and los. But like I said, that opinion may be a bit of a stretch.
Runes of the Centaur/Runes of the Air + Mirror. Add boon duration as desired. There goes your movement problem.
Other than what has been said… some class mechanics are pretty kittened. No phantasm if the mesmer is blind or your opponent blocks/dodges at the time of the attack makes mesmer the ONLY class where AOE/Multi hitting attacks don’t even occur due to a single blind/block/dodge.
I only call summoning a phantom an attack because that’s how the dev’s justified this… despite that making no logical sense either…
The class is also plagued with bugs which constantly pop up in addition to ones which have been around since launch… but eventually those will be fixed. I can understand how complex of a class mesmer must be to the poor bug fixers
Runes of the Centaur/Runes of the Air + Mirror. Add boon duration as desired. There goes your movement problem.
As well as there goes your choice of runes/traits… and thus diversity as well. This isn’t as much of a deal in PvE or sPvP… but in WvW…
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide – http://tinyurl.com/l8ff6pa
(edited by Aberrant.6749)
Mesmers are good for:
A second Mesmer in a team is good for:
Mesmers also suck in damage, condition damage and ooc-movement.
Mesmers have a host of issues, but to be honest we do really well despite that.
PvP wise our issues are:
- Low access to swiftness, hampering OOC transfer speed significantly, and making it impossible to properly eject from a fight going badly.
- Very low condition removal.
- Weird and reactive access to Stability (it’s too short to blow pre-emptively).
- Too much need for Glamour makes us very prodictable an enemy, our utility slots are filled up so you know what we’re going to do.
- Shatter can be shut down entirely with a curtain of AE spam between zergs, forcing us to flank (making us isolated enough to exploit or lack of runspeed).
Mesmers are not good at looking bad. No matter how hard you try, you won’t look bad.
I totally disagree with Mesmer having bad condition removal, people need to look at their mantras.
The only thing the Mesmer can’t do, is traveling and having pets. Burst, bunker, support, boon control, crowd control, underwater combat, stealth/deception, invulnerability, interrupts, healing, the Mesmer is capable of doing it all.
“The learned is happy, nature to explore. The fool is happy, that he knows no more.”
-Alexander Pope
(edited by Kasama.8941)
I have to disagree with the bad damage comments. I do a lot of spike damage, and very good sustained damage in a 20/20/0/30 Spec. The trick is phantasm management between shatters. I rarely have classes pulling aggro from me besides warrior, and even then if I start using daze/mirror image bursts I can grab it here and there. If specced for it, we have some of the strongest spike damage in my experience. While if you go for a phantasm build, you can have really high sustained damage, specially if you roll with offhand sword.
On topic though, we do have a tough time with AoE, and outside of mantras, our condition removal isn’t the best. Null Field is amazing but most builds need those 3 utilities for other core parts of the build. A lot of mesmers have the transfer condititon/remove condition on crit sigil for that reason in my opinion.
We have better in battle mobility then out of combat mobility, but in order to get it we need a bit more then other classes. As Kasama pointed out though, Mesmers do a LOT despite the things it can’t do particularly well.
Bad condition removal doesn’t mean NO condition removal. Part of the Mesmer’s design is that we aren’t very good at condition removal. Yes, we have it, but it’s utility based on long CDs.
Here is the recent design philosophy posted of the Mesmer profession:
Mesmers rely on illusions in order to accomplish their goals. They need illusions to accomplish some of their highest damage and control, and without the illusions, they become fairly fragile. They can deal with enemy boons better than most classes, but enemy conditions can often be a problem. They share some of the stealth and mobility that the Thief enjoys, but suffer from a low health pool if you get past all their tricks.
I had to login specifically for this but….why the heck is everyone saying mesmers are bad at condition removing? We have Null Field, the Mantra (usable 2 or 3 times, depending on traits), then that utility spell that switches 3 boons and conditions with the enemy.. i dont think its all that bad or ‘weak’ when it comes to condition removing…
on a side note.. id say mesmers lack burst damage…and !!!MOVEMENT SPEED!!!
Null Field is long CD and glitchy. Arcane thievery is short range and often simply DOES NOT FUNCTION.
The Mantra is your best cond removal option, tbh, but as with all mantras requires a charge.
Mesmers can have great burst if you trait/gear for it. The problem with mesmers is you have to pick a few things you want to be good at and accept that you will literally suck at everything else. If you want good burst, you will be squishy. If you want to tank, you will suck at damaging. You can be good at damaging and good at avoiding having to tank, but you have a certain “charge up time” which means your burst isn’t a true burst and is avoidable and predictable.
Glamour confusion mesmers are OP in zergs, , 1v2+, but crappy in PvE, 1v1, sPvP.
Shatter mesmers are OP in 1v1, sPvP, PvE, but suffer in large zergs and 1v2+.
Immortal build is OP in 1v1, 1v2+, sPvP, but is not useful in PvE or large zergs.
Depending on your play style, you might be perfectly happy in your build. I’m a perfectly happy shatter mesmer. But, I recognize there are some things I’m not so good at.
Oblyth, Mes ~ Nadeshiko Naito, War ~ Hwertu, Gua
Evenree, Necro (M) ~ Ran Still Died, Thief
…great and very welcomed in PvE…
You seem to play a different Mesmer than me.
PvP Mesmer is hardly balanceable, we all know. But in PvE he lacks power like a sinkin’ rat. This starts from the missing swiftness – a buff that has become pretty much like pandora’s box and thus never should have found a way into this Game – up to simple conclusions that my mesmer crits with Staff-Autoattack of 600 dmg while my Thief hits for 2.5k DPS in twice or three times as fast as the autoattack of the mesmer. Staff overall is quite bullkitten as it’s suposedly a condition weapon while it’s only dmg skill, the warlock, is a berserker power/crit dependent. What’s more is, confusion as Mesmers main Debuff sucks as hell in PVE – no counter-arguments here. Last disadvange is (as a direct result of the first two) the bondage of using specific weapons. Focus for Speed is a Must-Have aswell as GS as it’s the only acceptable weapon for damage.
As a PVE only Gamer I am really unhappy with my Mesmer as he is no match compared to my Thief.
GS is the only acceptable weapon in PvE? Really now?
well it was until about three months ago when I stopped playing and since then lurking at every patchnotes in hope (among other things as it is not as I just quited because I’m QQ with current PVE Mesmer status-quo) they would boost Mesmer in PVE – so feel free to fill me up with actual ingame scenery.
Sword/Focus in pve. The sword has the nice overall damage, and 2 serves as another dodge so you can stay in melee range (also crits for like 6k). The focus has a nice aoe phantasm (that dies an awful lot tho) and temporal curtain is one of the best skills to stack mobs.
GS is more of a fallback weapon when you need to do ranged damage, need to kite or whatever.
The usual 20/20/0/0/30 setup also comes with 25 stacks of vulnerability, instantly, with shatter 3. Time warp still boosts killing speed by a lot. All in all, saying mesmer is weak in pve isnt true. We also have a crapload of utility independent of our spec, just because of utility skills.
So we are basicaly back at the Focus Must-Have. I’d ran a 20/20/0/0/30 Build if I remember correctly. But I only managed a 6k DMG attack with an all-hit-shattering & blurred Frenzy (so two mainskills on CD). I cannot like that completely, because in comparison to what my thief does easily outshine this with his autoattacks (1k, 2.5k, 2.5k hits really are not rare – and everybody who has played thief before know how fast they hit their autoattack with daggers) wile the thief is much more survivable than the mesmer in meleecombat. I do not even want to start compare to a GS Warrior…
So basicaly for playing a Mesmer acceptable in PVE you have to go through a lot of hardship (much harder playstyle than thief/Warrior due lower health/defense) while not completing reaching the output of other melees.
And in question with Utilities…. yeah, Mantras are awesome….not. Veil….Blink…Mimic…the phantasm (which die ridiculously fast as every Boss throws around AEs like stupid)… nope, I don’t like them, to be honest. Other classes have more viable Utilities for PVE.
The thing I cannot approve the most are people who run their Mesmer with a Support Build. They really think they are an aid to a party? The content in where a supporter is needed has to be invented first. Right now, one can accomplish every dungeon with 5 berserkers. If you switch only 1 berserker with a supportmesmer, the needed time to finish a dungeon goes up. So right now supporters are nothing more than a hindrance for their party. – that’s why currently a PvE Support Mesmer is no smart choice either.
Gues I’m just fed up with Mesmer. He had a great introduction, but ingame he never reached the potention the developpers promised. And they just keeped on nerfing the class because he is unbalanceable in PVP – but with all the nerfing his PVE potential got more and more downstairs.
(edited by Mephisto Loire.8207)
Wait… what? How are thieves more durable than Mesmers in melee?
Mesmer is definately in the upper half of the “best PvE classes around”.
I’d say top three, with warrior & guardian.
Now, Mesmers do have problems (low number of specs for example) but within that spec(s) the class is “insanely” strong, and maybe the only class that fares equally well in PvE as it does in PvP (unlike warriors or thieves for example).
Getting anywhere on time, but you know what they say about Wizards.
Member of Gamers With Jobs(GWJ)
From the Northern Shiver Peaks
My Norn Mesmer arrives exactly when he intends to … sadly, that’s generally after my Elementalist, Warrior, Thief, etc. allies have already killed half my enemies … stealing half the fun.
Try your best to not make mistakes, but, when you do make mistakes, learn from them.
Better yourself.
They are just clearing the way for the magnificence that is the glorious mesmer. It would be insulting if they didn’t kill half an army for you. All bow to the Master of illusions and butterflies!
Member of Gamers With Jobs(GWJ)
From the Northern Shiver Peaks
So we are basicaly back at the Focus Must-Have. I’d ran a 20/20/0/0/30 Build if I remember correctly. But I only managed a 6k DMG attack with an all-hit-shattering & blurred Frenzy (so two mainskills on CD). I cannot like that completely, because in comparison to what my thief does easily outshine this with his autoattacks (1k, 2.5k, 2.5k hits really are not rare – and everybody who has played thief before know how fast they hit their autoattack with daggers) wile the thief is much more survivable than the mesmer in meleecombat. I do not even want to start compare to a GS Warrior…
So basicaly for playing a Mesmer acceptable in PVE you have to go through a lot of hardship (much harder playstyle than thief/Warrior due lower health/defense) while not completing reaching the output of other melees.And in question with Utilities…. yeah, Mantras are awesome….not. Veil….Blink…Mimic…the phantasm (which die ridiculously fast as every Boss throws around AEs like stupid)… nope, I don’t like them, to be honest. Other classes have more viable Utilities for PVE.
The thing I cannot approve the most are people who run their Mesmer with a Support Build. They really think they are an aid to a party? The content in where a supporter is needed has to be invented first. Right now, one can accomplish every dungeon with 5 berserkers. If you switch only 1 berserker with a supportmesmer, the needed time to finish a dungeon goes up. So right now supporters are nothing more than a hindrance for their party. – that’s why currently a PvE Support Mesmer is no smart choice either.
Gues I’m just fed up with Mesmer. He had a great introduction, but ingame he never reached the potention the developpers promised. And they just keeped on nerfing the class because he is unbalanceable in PVP – but with all the nerfing his PVE potential got more and more downstairs.
First of all, complaining your mesmer is weak when you are undergeared (which you obviously are, to come to the conclusions you are at) is noones fault but yours. You should be at some 10k damage with shatter and BF alone (and thats with my 0/20/20/0/30 setup in “tanky” gear). You do that every 10 seconds. You also get some 6-10k from the two phantasms. Thats not warrior level dps, but its not nearly as terrible as you say it is.
Utility. We have craploads. Our aoe cleanse does not only cleanse conditions, it also purges buffs. Our reflects trivialize many dungeons. Sword one purges buffs. Signet of inspiration doubles might stacks and doubles buff durations on everyone else (with group buffs). Veil and mass invisibility makes skipping a breeze. If you keep your utilities the same wherever you go and dont adapt, its again, your own fault.
And while support mesmers might run subpar in some groups. Its the only class that can give everyone every boon in the game. That this isnt needed or welcomed in the current meta, is hardly the classes fault, but a game design issue.
Also, we did not get nerfed. Every quickness in the entire game was reduced to the same. Timewar kitten till the longest quickness source and has zero downsides. Your tears are not justified.
I’m confused by the people who are saying we do not have very good condition removal. We have some great utility options for condition removal as well as traits. I really have no clue how you could possibly think we don’t…
Ironically I actually think conditions are our weak spot. Although confusion is strong in PvP overall compared to others our condition damage isn’t great across the board. This is mainly due to the randomness of the conditions we apply. It makes it a little difficult for the enemy to remove them all (nowhere near as difficult as ‘here have 10 conditions’ necro) but it also makes it hard to stack them in intensity and so apart from confusion in pvp our conditions are quite pitiful in comparison.
• Have you heard of the city? The ancient uru? Where there was power to write worlds •
(edited by Fay.2735)
I mostly agree with you Fay. I found that I was best applying condition via high crit chance with clones/duelist/berserker. Sadly, that means you have to dip a bit into your condition damage to up your precision
However, it’s not that horrible of a thing since Mesmer gets a 100% return on precision w/ 15+ points in Dueling and so you have precision improving both direct and condition damage (assuming you aren’t a shatter build).
As far as “what are Mesmer’s not good at” … I’d say having a versatile build. It is quite difficult to have a build that fits every situation. The Mesmer doesn’t have anything like the Elementalist’s current 0/10/0/30/30 Dagger+Dagger build.
The Mesmer specializes and as such this specialization forces the Mesmer to incorporate particular strengths and weaknesses. For example, take a look at Osicat’s shattercat builds. Do you see condition removal there? Nope. Guess what melts it if you can land it? Look at Pyro’s immortal mesmer build. Its damage isn’t going to pressure anyone nearly as well Osicat’s.
Try your best to not make mistakes, but, when you do make mistakes, learn from them.
Better yourself.
(edited by Sebrent.3625)
They are just clearing the way for the magnificence that is the glorious mesmer. It would be insulting if they didn’t kill half an army for you. All bow to the Master of illusions and butterflies!
You mean they took their fair half before leaving yours!
I’m confused by the people who are saying we do not have very good condition removal. We have some great utility options for condition removal as well as traits. I really have no clue how you could possibly think we don’t…
This is because for us to get condition removal, we either have to spec for it or sacrifice an important utility spot for it in which case the cd is too long (compared to other classes ignoring warrior lol)
Other classes have it much easier when it comes to condition removal and it hardly affects their builds
Forum Topic: http://tinyurl.com/flimpforum
(edited by FLIMP.8172)
I mostly agree with you Fay. I found that I was best applying condition via high crit chance with clones/duelist/berserker. Sadly, that means you have to dip a bit into your condition damage to up your precision
or you could get rabid gear and get both precision and condition damage?
Forum Topic: http://tinyurl.com/flimpforum
I mostly agree with you Fay. I found that I was best applying condition via high crit chance with clones/duelist/berserker. Sadly, that means you have to dip a bit into your condition damage to up your precision
or you could get rabid gear and get both precision and condition damage?
Yes, but Rampager and of the Knight (those new ascended trinkets) gives higher precision so if you need higher it’s a tradeoff. That’s what I was talking about.
Try your best to not make mistakes, but, when you do make mistakes, learn from them.
Better yourself.
This is because for us to get condition removal, we either have to spec for it or sacrifice an important utility spot for it in which case the cd is too long (compared to other classes ignoring warrior lol)
Other classes have it much easier when it comes to condition removal and it hardly affects their builds
Pretty much all professions need to sacrifice an utility slot or spec for it if they want condition removal. I personally like the remove a condition when you heal trait on inspiration adept trait line. Not hard to spec into since it’s in adept and it doesn’t take away an important utility slot. Both nullfield and mantra of resolve are great condition removals. I never had issues or struggled with condition removal anyway.
• Have you heard of the city? The ancient uru? Where there was power to write worlds •
Mesmer Condition Removal Options:
- Utility: Null Field
- Utility: Phantasmal Disenchanter
- Utility: Mantra of Resolve
- Utility: Arcane Thievery
- Trait: Cleansing Inscriptions
- Trait: Mender’s Purity
- Trait: Shattered Conditions
- Combo: Focus Temporal Curtain + Phantasmal Warden
Then there are Sigils and Runes.
We’re not like Elementalists who can currently have condition removal from all 3 utilities and their heal and have the utilities also be stun breakers, give vigor, give regen, and do other effects and then also have weapon skills that heal and remove conditions … but that is a bit OP and hopefully to be nerfed one day (ArenaNet has mentioned they’re looking at Elementalists for some nerf-bat action.).
Try your best to not make mistakes, but, when you do make mistakes, learn from them.
Better yourself.
This is because for us to get condition removal, we either have to spec for it or sacrifice an important utility spot for it in which case the cd is too long (compared to other classes ignoring warrior lol)
Other classes have it much easier when it comes to condition removal and it hardly affects their builds
Pretty much all professions need to sacrifice an utility slot or spec for it if they want condition removal. I personally like the remove a condition when you heal trait on inspiration adept trait line. Not hard to spec into since it’s in adept and it doesn’t take away an important utility slot. Both nullfield and mantra of resolve are great condition removals. I never had issues or struggled with condition removal anyway.
I guess I’m more looking at it from a PvP perspective and if you look at other classes, it’s not really a “sacrifice”. I’m not gonna name every class and list their condition removal skills but there’s A LOT more synergy with their traits and utilities when compared against typical mesmer builds (for pvp). Specing for condition removal is too heavy of an investment as a mesmer imo relative to other classes.
Taking your heal trait for example – we HAVE to trait for that condition removal whilst every other class has some form of condition removal on their stock heal.
I’m not sure if you’ve played other classes but you’ll realise that mesmers have it real hard when it comes to condition removal and swiftness.
Forum Topic: http://tinyurl.com/flimpforum
(edited by FLIMP.8172)
The mesmer has overall a lot of problems with traits. A lot of them are not very good or in the wrong locations and almost feels like they were randomly thrown into different trait lines rather than synergies well with the build they were intended for. I see some traits and think… why… why would you place this one here or why would anyone pick this over -list 8 different options- definitely needs a good looking at.
• Have you heard of the city? The ancient uru? Where there was power to write worlds •
Mesmer Condition Removal Options:
- Utility: Null Field
- Utility: Phantasmal Disenchanter
- Utility: Mantra of Resolve
- Utility: Arcane Thievery
- Trait: Cleansing Inscriptions
- Trait: Mender’s Purity
- Trait: Shattered Conditions
- Combo: Focus Temporal Curtain + Phantasmal Warden
Then there are Sigils and Runes.
We’re not like Elementalists who can currently have condition removal from all 3 utilities and their heal and have the utilities also be stun breakers, give vigor, give regen, and do other effects and then also have weapon skills that heal and remove conditions … but that is a bit OP and hopefully to be nerfed one day (ArenaNet has mentioned they’re looking at Elementalists for some nerf-bat action.).
All invalid in spvp/tpvp if you actually want to survive and be useful to your team. With null field being the one exception if you are using endurance sigils to compensate for clone generation. Conditions are applied too fast regardless, we just do not have access to convenient condi removal within our competitive build…..or builds if you can pull of a confusion condi or “bunker” version in tpvp.
So with that being said, like others have stated, condi removal and mobility are our biggest downfalls.
(edited by mongolianmisfit.8350)
If you’re worried about quickly applied conditions, Shattered Conditions is actually a very good trait. The reason you don’t often see people take it is because of the plethora of other good traits Mesmers have.
There is no other class in GW2 that I’ve leveled to 80 that I’ve thought “if only I had 5+ more trait points” than my Mesmer. I think this is in part due to the fact that the Mesmer has so many great traits but also in part due to what Fay was saying about the layout of mesmer traits.
Try your best to not make mistakes, but, when you do make mistakes, learn from them.
Better yourself.
I totally disagree with Mesmer having bad condition removal, people need to look at their mantras.
Mantras also use up a Utility Slot for a non-AE non-support ability. Generally not something you’re free to do in WvW, as you already get 1 slot locked up for Blink, outside of extremely organized runner groups, which will have you run triple-glamour anyhow.