What if we got a new weapon in HoT

What if we got a new weapon in HoT

in Mesmer

Posted by: Profanity.6829


Altho it isn’t official that Heart of Thorns is an expansion, but what if it is, i’m hoping so much that they they will add 1 or 2 professions. In addition, new weapon combo’s for existing professions.

For mesmer I’m hoping so much for an main hand pistol! Wouldn’t it be awesome as Mesmer to dualwield 2 awesome pistols? Abilities could be something like:

#1: Shoot your target, applying a 1 second cripple on your 2nd chain shot, applying a 1 second chill on your 3nd chain shot,1 sec cast.
#2: Abimbo style 2,5 sec channeled cast, shooting with both pistols, knocking the target back on 1st hit.
#3: Fade in steatlh for 3 sec, replacing yourself with a phantasm that rips 1 boon from target
(all numbers and cooldowns balanced ofc)

And im just WILDLY brainstorming here, not looking for anythink overpowered :P

If they would ever add weapons to classes, what would you like to see on your mesmer?

What if we got a new weapon in HoT

in Mesmer

Posted by: rabidsmiles.5926


I just want to shoot unicorns and have pretty purple butterfly graphics too…is that so much to ask for Anet? Come on, just look at Dreamer and tell me that it doesn’t look like a mesmer shouldn’t be using it???

What if we got a new weapon in HoT

in Mesmer

Posted by: Profanity.6829


I just want to shoot unicorns and have pretty purple butterfly graphics too…is that so much to ask for Anet? Come on, just look at Dreamer and tell me that it doesn’t look like a mesmer shouldn’t be using it???

This would actually be an awesome animation for both pistols

What if we got a new weapon in HoT

in Mesmer

Posted by: Swish.2463


too much hype in this thread…

all in good fun i’m sure but don’t bother getting too serious about it. If this actually is a proper full expansion that actually brings things like new weapons or skills then they are probably well past the point of finalized and firmly locked in the pipe line.

“Gw2, It’s still on the Table!” – Anet

What if we got a new weapon in HoT

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ragnar the Rock.3174

Ragnar the Rock.3174

For a main hand I’d like to see dagger, moderate range 0-600 with a god balance between raw damage & conditions.

For an offhand, I’d love to see warhorn. If we could use it like a bard and make enemies dance while we kill them it would be hilarious.

What if we got a new weapon in HoT

in Mesmer

Posted by: Jerus.4350


Mainhand Focus.

Mainly so I can have a beer mug in both

What if we got a new weapon in HoT

in Mesmer

Posted by: Warshade.2984


For mesmer I’m hoping so much for an main hand pistol! Wouldn’t it be awesome as Mesmer to dualwield 2 awesome pistols? Abilities could be something like:

#2: Abimbo style 2,5 sec channeled cast, shooting with both pistols, knocking the target back on 1st hit.

Are you implying by this that they should add in a weapon combo mechanic similar to the Thief profession? :P

What if we got a new weapon in HoT

in Mesmer

Posted by: Profanity.6829


too much hype in this thread…

all in good fun i’m sure but don’t bother getting too serious about it. If this actually is a proper full expansion that actually brings things like new weapons or skills then they are probably well past the point of finalized and firmly locked in the pipe line.

Obviously this expac is just speculation. I’m just trying to learn what people like to see added to this class (given or not). Purely for the purpose of entertaining, not with the intention to sharpen my pitchfork, lighten my torch, and to run to the devs office

For mesmer I’m hoping so much for an main hand pistol! Wouldn’t it be awesome as Mesmer to dualwield 2 awesome pistols? Abilities could be something like:

#2: Abimbo style 2,5 sec channeled cast, shooting with both pistols, knocking the target back on 1st hit.

Are you implying by this that they should add in a weapon combo mechanic similar to the Thief profession? :P

Hehehe, well i think class mechanics should stay unique, but it could be a Dual-wiel animation, just foor the looks of it (and needless to say because of awesomeness)

What if we got a new weapon in HoT

in Mesmer

Posted by: CruleD.7380


New weapon?
How about fixed Illusions.

What if we got a new weapon in HoT

in Mesmer

Posted by: Warshade.2984


too much hype in this thread…

all in good fun i’m sure but don’t bother getting too serious about it. If this actually is a proper full expansion that actually brings things like new weapons or skills then they are probably well past the point of finalized and firmly locked in the pipe line.

Obviously this expac is just speculation. I’m just trying to learn what people like to see added to this class (given or not). Purely for the purpose of entertaining, not with the intention to sharpen my pitchfork, lighten my torch, and to run to the devs office

For mesmer I’m hoping so much for an main hand pistol! Wouldn’t it be awesome as Mesmer to dualwield 2 awesome pistols? Abilities could be something like:

#2: Abimbo style 2,5 sec channeled cast, shooting with both pistols, knocking the target back on 1st hit.

Are you implying by this that they should add in a weapon combo mechanic similar to the Thief profession? :P

Hehehe, well i think class mechanics should stay unique, but it could be a Dual-wiel animation, just foor the looks of it (and needless to say because of awesomeness)

How would that work if you had, say, a sword/torch/focus in your off-hand? :P

What if we got a new weapon in HoT

in Mesmer

Posted by: Profanity.6829


How would that work if you had, say, a sword/torch/focus in your off-hand? :P

Then you summon an illusionary Ranger that spams longbow 2 ^^

What if we got a new weapon in HoT

in Mesmer

Posted by: Dondagora.9645


Think how ridiculous we’d be if we had MH pistols, traited for 1200 range on dual pistols and all.

My idea for it is:
#1: Ether Shot – Fire a magically constructed bullet to Weaken targets. [1-3s of Weakness]
Simple AA concept, Weakness meant to give us some form of defense, but weaker than Scepter and Sword’s active offense, as pistol will also have range to protect it.

#2: Special Vantage – Target a specific area to summon a clone wielding a pistol. [CD: 10]
Probably needs one other effect, but the main idea is placing pistol clones in places either where they won’t be destroyed or possibly inside enemy lines for shatter or clone-death purposes. To make this truly useful, as a skill, I’m thinking it should apply some kind of condition, perhaps Chill or Confusion or Blindness, to foes near the area the clone is summoned.

#3: Curved Light – Fire a magical beam which can curve itself to hit targets. [CD: 15s]
I’m thinking this could work somewhat like the engineer’s rocket turret’s ability to change the direction of its rockets a bit. The difference being is that this will be a high-damage channeled skill that has a medium-speed laser[not instant] that “bounces” in mid-air to allow shots around corners or hits after dodges. Might be cool if it could take advantage of Illusionary Elasticity for an additional curve.