What is pu build? spec /gear etc.

What is pu build? spec /gear etc.

in Mesmer

Posted by: daydream.2938


What is this PU build I see on mesmers so much lately with perplexity runes often.

What trait line , typical skills are used, and what type of gear. Id really like to understand this build. Might try it out in spvp to get a taste for how to fight with it and against it.

What is pu build? spec /gear etc.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Dawdler.8521


20 points in the power tree (torch traited) and 30 points in the toughness tree (prismatic understanding). Most choose the remainder as 20 points in the precision tree (sword and clone dodge traited).

Then you just decide if you want the ultimate cheeze build (condition gear) or the slightly less cheezy build (direct damage gear).

In sPvP any build based on stealth is kitten since it make you loose the match. Not to mention you cant even achieve half the damage of PvE gear.

What is pu build? spec /gear etc.

in Mesmer

Posted by: daydream.2938


Right, I get that it wouldn’t be useful for spvp. More in terms of just going into dueling hotjoins and learning to 1on1 in it.

What is pu build? spec /gear etc.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Dawdler.8521


You’re only changing the amulet and weapons so go nuts in sPvP. It helps to teach the basic functions, but it doesnt really teach you how to handle it in WvW. Enemies run so much different builds most of the time.

What is pu build? spec /gear etc.

in Mesmer

Posted by: daydream.2938


Right but at least if I know the typical traits and abilities I can reason from there.

What is pu build? spec /gear etc.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Krispera.5087


Right but at least if I know the typical traits and abilities I can reason from there.

Dawdler.8521 already answered you.

… it’s like super easy. If only you read a little about prismatic understanding (http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Prismatic_Understanding), you’ll know you need to get most of stealth abilities (decoy, the prestige(torch), mass invisibility, etc.). Then, get clone death condi traits and have fun.

What is pu build? spec /gear etc.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ptolemy.5086


I am not sure why a lot of players even among nesmers are vocal against PU. Wars in full PTV with healing signet and running ability, fully cond perma stealth thieves, chain fear necros, fully cond engys, eles with conjured weapons, Judge intervention guards with blowing up focus, smite and hammer. Every class every smart player in the game runs best possible build. PU is mesmer best WVW build today. You can run it as a power build which is more fun but cond gives more survival and higher chance to win. A lot of ppl say it doesn’t involve any skill to play. Not true. It does. It just easier and faster to learn and it is better working today comparing to shatter or phat builds both of which require higher skill cap and experience.

What is pu build? spec /gear etc.

in Mesmer

Posted by: EnderzShadow.2506


PU is mesmer best WVW build today. You can run it as a power build which is more fun but cond gives more survival and higher chance to win. A lot of ppl say it doesn’t involve any skill to play. Not true. It does. It just easier and faster to learn and it is better working today comparing to shatter or phat builds both of which require higher skill cap and experience.

There are downsides to playing Condi PU— people can and will just run from you.

I think it is a great learning build as it gives you time to observe the classes you are fighting against.

Condi pu imo plays better in small groups than it does solo.

Power PU— hidden cat (osicat build) hits like a truck and gives you more options against runners.

Shadowbane DarkAges Of Camelot WoW AION WarHammer GuildWars2

What is pu build? spec /gear etc.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

PU is mesmer best WVW build today. You can run it as a power build which is more fun but cond gives more survival and higher chance to win. A lot of ppl say it doesn’t involve any skill to play. Not true. It does. It just easier and faster to learn and it is better working today comparing to shatter or phat builds both of which require higher skill cap and experience.

There are downsides to playing Condi PU— people can and will just run from you.

I think it is a great learning build as it gives you time to observe the classes you are fighting against.

Condi pu imo plays better in small groups than it does solo.

Power PU— hidden cat (osicat build) hits like a truck and gives you more options against runners.

Or no mobility problems, hybrid damage, no reliance on GS or Phants

Be skeptical when you hear people crying about “PU” though. It’s pretty much boiled down to the cuss word of non mesmers toward mesmers when the fight doesnt go their way for whatever reason (PU being used or not).

What is pu build? spec /gear etc.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Natsu Dragneel.1625

Natsu Dragneel.1625

If you decide to give the condition variant a go, the link in my Sig for the “Blackwater Build” has essentially everything you need to know in there.

If you are looking for a Power based PU build, check out Osi’s thread for the Hidden Cat.

There are also a few hybrid builds around, have a look at Biddle’s builds and Blackdevil’s if you wanted to give a hybrid a go.

What is pu build? spec /gear etc.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Darnacus.5961


+1 for people insulting you for ‘running PU’ – from experience most 2-2-2-2 thiefs and hambows will label you PU if you go invisible once during the fight, regardless of your spec.

Winning as PU is one thing, winning and not losing your node is where the fun starts. If you are learning, first focus on winning, go fight at non-capping objectives like buffs (temple), treb (kylho) or red/blue lords where you can use all the stealth you want to get used to the spec.

Once you get the feel for rotations and cooldowns, start doing the same while staying more visible. Act as a clone, take risk by staying in place (inside the circle), use F4, scepter or sword 2 to avoid damage, use chaos storm and armor, make sure your staff2 teleports keep you on the node, etc… You may lose more duels, but win more games.

What is pu build? spec /gear etc.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340


PU is a cheesy build, but it can be effective against most opponents. HS Warrior, bunker guardian, thief, decap engie will still beat PU mesmer most of the time, given equal skill levels.

PU gives you enough survivability in many cases to run with Ether Signet, which can be a lot of fun. Starting a fight with double iBeserkers as a DPS PU can put your opponent in a huge hole.

What is pu build? spec /gear etc.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Natsu Dragneel.1625

Natsu Dragneel.1625

I have to disagree with you about loosing to bunker guardians and warriors, not once have I lost to a warrior or guardian, like ever, while running my Blackwater spec. A couple of fights have been draws against a few really good warriors, but I can honestly say I can’t remember loosing to a warrior or guardian in the last 8 months ^^

What is pu build? spec /gear etc.

in Mesmer

Posted by: daydream.2938


Ya i just want to use Mesmer a bit because my guild doesn’t have one. And i really don’t know the class well, and people said PU is the current meta on it, so i want to learn that. Also i find them hard to fight against on my engy. Curiously warriors don’t give me much trouble on the engy and everyone complains about them -_-.

Hmm, i suppose i should learn about a support build as well, like using viel and portal for when im in a bigger group.