Hey everyone. Im Lani Ster, coming from WoW Arena/Rbg with some mate of me who have been lured in this game.
Im willing to share a very nice build for WvW. I’ve spent tons of hours/gold trying to find THE all around WvW build. I tried everything from berz shatter to tanky glamour build and have all armor sets of the game now. I found that Pure builds are either good in small fights OR in zergs. But rarely in both.
So i tried to find a nice build that can melt zerg with insane confusion bombing and be competitive enough small group fights/roaming. All of this with GS kitten look( Playing with GS Is one of the mandatory objective of that build). And i think this one can matches those objectives.
Thanks to anyone who help improving it.
What you can do with this build:
- Fight in big 30+ Zerg and tagging lot of ennemies while having a decent survavibity.(Bags everywhere)
- Fight in Small group scale.
- Tag ennemies/dolyak real fast with GS#1 for bags/karma.Scepter #1 and Staff #1 are soooooooooo kittening slow.
- Have fun in any case. Log in WvW and whaterver you do, you ll do good.
- Nice looking with greatsword help to not beeing bored. Looks like a War, make them QQ like a thief.
What you cant do with this build :
- One shooting people. Go for classic zerker s+p or Scepter/staff rabid confusion build and press scepter #3 . Or level a thief.
- 1v1
IT’s NOT a leveling build. You ll need the last traits of the game.
That build is very GEAR+FOOD dependent. If you dont have the right gear, you ll be as useless as an kitten right here. DO NO TRY IT if you dont have the gear required or dont want to play with Foods.
20 = I + VIII (key of the build, dont touch)
20= II + X(for survavibility/Clone generation for shatter)
30 = V+VIII+IX (keys of the build, dont touch).
Simply go full Carion armor and full Berseker Jewlery.
Runes : 5X Superior Runes of Nightmares + Coral Orb
Note : Thanks a lot for kylia for showing us that Nighmares is better than Undead for that build. His maths : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AkXSlFKEkur9dDMtQ3NqUldMMWZiM0lRSHNSc05DckE&usp=sharing
If you dont PvE go for Undead.
Weapon : Zerker GreatSword (Superior Sigil of Fire Help a lot tagging with GS #1) /// Staff (Superior sigil of Corruption to boost cond damages)
You ll have something like this without buff :
Prec(1589) 35%crit chance and 61% Crit bonus
Vita(1155) 17472 Life
Cond Damages(908 Unbuffed)(1300+ With Sigil Stacked and Crystal+Food)
Rare Veggies PIZZA (+40% Condition duration lol)( Get the 36% pizza if poor)
Master Tuning Crystals
Utility Skills : Nullfield and Feeback are mandatory because of short cd’s.
Veil is also a very good glamour opener against running Zerg.
Edit : French client says Veil is a “Symbol” skill not glamour. But thx to feedback veil is really a glamour skill.
How it works.
Basically it’s kitten mix of Berseker shater build and Glamour Confusion Bomber.
The key of the build is a combo of traits from classic glamour builds :
Domination : Confusing enchant(VIII) Glamours skill cause confusion to foes who enter/exit target aera.
Inspiration : Dazzling Glamours (XIII) Glamours skill blind foe at target location
Blinding befuddlement (IX) Cause confusion when you blind a Foe
So as soon as you see ennemy Zerg/Small Group, throw Feedback/Nullfield/Veil and Chaos storm in front of them. Foes in the target zones ll have 3 stack of confusion+blind and ll get 3 more stack when quitting them. 6 stacks of confusion hits for 1800 with this gear . Bump you ennemies with GS#5 back in the glam field to get another 6X stacks !!!!!!Up to 12 confusion Stacks your screen ll be spammed with tons of number.
Wait ennemies to hit you and cast chaos armor then switch to GS when the Zerg spreads.
Then just Izerker(Gs #4), Miror Blade (GS #2)(while precasting Mind Stab). As soon as the clone popped from miror Blade : INSTANT Mind Wrack+ Mind stab you’ve precasted. It really melt people.
GS ll also tag downed ennemy that a far away with GS #1.
Some tips/good Sense
When you cast chaos storm on you (or any glam skill) and you need some defense, simply use Staff #2 in chaos tempest to make your own combo = Free chaos armor.
Elite Skill is a question of situation. Manual Switch them.
When Porting your team inside ennemy zerg for bombing, foes ll get confusion stack when they walk on your portal.
Enjoy your bags.
(edited by playandchill.3908)