DragonBrand – [Agg] Aggression
You know you've played to much Mesmer when
DragonBrand – [Agg] Aggression
My cats woke me up at 4am today by running around and fighting. I thought I could shatter them to get rid of them.
My cats woke me up at 4am today by running around and fighting. I thought I could shatter them to get rid of them.
And then just summon some more?
I find myself doing this – dodge rolling on my ranger waiting to see a clone afterwards
Or since I use sword focus- I tend to check my skill bar to summon the phantasmal warden on my ranger- tends not to work xD
(edited by SnowHawk.3615)
…When your little cousin got a paper cut and you go:
Agony, torment, pain!
Warning: link may contain traces of awesome.
Lyssa’s Grimoire – a guide every Mesmer should read.
…When your little cousin got a paper cut and you go:
Agony, torment, pain!
Disturbed… Only slightly but still disturbed. lol.
…when you dodgeroll twice on your 8 foot norn guardian, then wonder why there aren’t three 8 foot norn guardians fighting the boss mob.
And yes, this happens to me several times a week.
That often happens to me when I play another toon for a break
When you wonder why your Warrior is taking damage while using 100B.
Every. Single. Time.
(It doesn’t help that they’re the same button)
…When your warrior doesn’t throw an unblockable bouncing sword when you press 2.
When you wonder why your Warrior is taking damage while using 100B.
Every. Single. Time.
(It doesn’t help that they’re the same button)
Warning: link may contain traces of awesome.
Lyssa’s Grimoire – a guide every Mesmer should read.
You are playing a different class and wonder if you’d have more fun with your mesmer.
You are playing an alt and constantly try to shatter your clones.
Someone is talking to you in RL and your looking around for places you could blink to get away.
You play or watch another class use an ability and think “that would make for a cool phantasm”
Morrï (Mesmer) | Serah Mahariel (Guardian) | Morrï Mahariel (Warrior)
“colesy’s on rampage today. Slaying casuals left, right and centre” – spoj