are mesmers the weakest class
Requires more effort than most to reach same level of effectiveness.
Especially compared to warrior.
Everytime I read any thread on this forum. I gotta get my build up here on the forum because I feel like I would be doing everyone a great service. The amount of people that complain about mesmer being underpowered is amazing for how powerful the class is.
I guess you talk about PvE? You have to keep in mind that the mesmer got a terrible start, since his damage relies a huge part on his traits. The warrior won’t get that much stronger. He attacks the same way with traits and without. The mesmer however changes quite a bit.
Also the mesmer is pretty much about passive damage and phantasm damage. If you can keep up 3 dd phants (iDuellist / iSwordsman / iWarlock) no other class will be able to outdamage you. The mesmer is superior in utlity and support aswell singletarget dmg and survivablity. However he lacks in AoE damage and is forced to use the sword mainly.
Fun fact: In a full buffed lv80 party the mesmers Time Warp will deal approximately 200’000-250’000 damage. Cast time? 0.5 sec. I luv u too
“Mentoring engineers / mesmers and showing you what you can do with your fantastic class!
Just pm me for my advice! Always eager to help!”
Warrior does way more single target damage in PvE tho…
I was just like you about a year ago. I used to play my warrior as easy mode (about 300 hours on it) but after half a year I completely stopped playing it. So boring, not that tanky, won’t save the team and also not the best at DPS.
Warriors have more passive defense while the mesmer has super strong active defense. Despite being a full zerker light armor, I actually consider my mesmer tankier than my warrior while being able to prevent so much damage from happening to myself and my team. For damage, the mesmer is lower until you look at reflects and then they even out. Under somewhat ideal conditions, the mesmer can pull ahead even without reflects. For open world PvE, phantasm -> shatter spiking enemies kills stuff faster than my warrior.
If you want to do some amazing damage and buff your teams damage like crazy, go ele or engineer. They can also help defend the team better than a warrior and are really fun to play. Thieves also bring some awesome utility with stealth and have amazing dmg as well. They take effort though. I don’t find the other classes as fun but I do play them from time to time and they are all decent to great if you are willing to spend the time to truly learn them.
TLDR: If I’m stuck in a group of noobs, I would never bring my warrior as it will never save the day. In the end though, play the class (or classes) you find fun and get good at it. To answer your question though, I would say necro for PvE is the worst but they are not terrible. Most rangers just suck at playing a ranger =/.
Mesmers have to deal less personal damage due to the phantasm potential and the control potential.
Warriors don’t have as much damage mitigation as Mesmers. So in an outnumbered fight, it’s possible that the warrior goes down faster than a Mesmer so eventually Mesmer will outlast and out DPS a warrior.
Like if you’re fighting a group of harpies and some melee mobs. The Mesmer can reflect all, if not most of the harpies’ attacks, while switching to range to kite the melee ones. This potential isn’t available to the warrior class. The warrior has to charge in into the range attackers, find LoS spots, use whatever dodges they have and hope they are downed fast enough so you can kite the melee ones if you need to.
i went on my level 20 warrior and i was surviving noticably longer and dealing noticably more damage than my level 80 mesmer ever did.
i havent got much power or precision in my mesmer build but even if i tried to max it out i am sure if i max it on my warrior he would be have even more of a noticeable advantage.
i like the mesmer its a very unique class and its alot of strategy but both damage out put and defences seem quite weak to me
Practical mesmer damage output is basically terrible.
Warrior DPS is average but extremely easy to peak with since their self buffing is so good.
Post-patch, mesmers will basically be completely phased out of serious dungeon runs since the crit damage nerf will hit them the hardest since their reflects are so reliant on it.
When it comes to survivability, warriors have a ton of it. Use your burst skill for an extra dodge, block on off-hand sword, whirlwind attack, plus energy sigil in addition to having the highest HP and armour stat of all the classes in the game.
Mesmers have blurred frenzy on a decently short cooldown, distortion shatter, scepter block, sword block, perma vigor (vigor on crit) and projectile reflection.
Warriors don’t have as much damage mitigation as Mesmers. So in an outnumbered fight, it’s possible that the warrior goes down faster than a Mesmer so eventually Mesmer will outlast and out DPS a warrior.
Healing signet/defiant stance, endure pain, whirlwind attack, sword block, shield block, energy sigil. burst skill for endurance, able to reach its peak of DPS extremely easily.
Like if you’re fighting a group of harpies and some melee mobs. The Mesmer can reflect all, if not most of the harpies’ attacks, while switching to range to kite the melee ones. This potential isn’t available to the warrior class. The warrior has to charge in into the range attackers, find LoS spots, use whatever dodges they have and hope they are downed fast enough so you can kite the melee ones if you need to.
Warrior rolls in starts to hundred blades, whirlwinds mid-cast and kills everything. Mesmer dumps a warden or feedback, auto attacks a bit, stuff dies. Warriors really don’t have a problem surviving. Mesmers don’t really either, it’s just your damage is generally lower so you have to be more consistent in using your defensive skills than the warrior who can be lazy with it.
Game over, yo.
i went on my level 20 warrior and i was surviving noticably longer and dealing noticably more damage than my level 80 mesmer ever did.
i havent got much power or precision in my mesmer build but even if i tried to max it out i am sure if i max it on my warrior he would be have even more of a noticeable advantage.
i like the mesmer its a very unique class and its alot of strategy but both damage out put and defences seem quite weak to me
Practical mesmer damage output is basically terrible.
Warrior DPS is average but extremely easy to peak with since their self buffing is so good.
Post-patch, mesmers will basically be completely phased out of serious dungeon runs since the crit damage nerf will hit them the hardest since their reflects are so reliant on it.
When it comes to survivability, warriors have a ton of it. Use your burst skill for an extra dodge, block on off-hand sword, whirlwind attack, plus energy sigil in addition to having the highest HP and armour stat of all the classes in the game.
Mesmers have blurred frenzy on a decently short cooldown, distortion shatter, scepter block, sword block, perma vigor (vigor on crit) and projectile reflection.
Warriors don’t have as much damage mitigation as Mesmers. So in an outnumbered fight, it’s possible that the warrior goes down faster than a Mesmer so eventually Mesmer will outlast and out DPS a warrior.
Healing signet/defiant stance, endure pain, whirlwind attack, sword block, shield block, energy sigil. burst skill for endurance, able to reach its peak of DPS extremely easily.
Like if you’re fighting a group of harpies and some melee mobs. The Mesmer can reflect all, if not most of the harpies’ attacks, while switching to range to kite the melee ones. This potential isn’t available to the warrior class. The warrior has to charge in into the range attackers, find LoS spots, use whatever dodges they have and hope they are downed fast enough so you can kite the melee ones if you need to.
Warrior rolls in starts to hundred blades, whirlwinds mid-cast and kills everything. Mesmer dumps a warden or feedback, auto attacks a bit, stuff dies. Warriors really don’t have a problem surviving. Mesmers don’t really either, it’s just your damage is generally lower so you have to be more consistent in using your defensive skills than the warrior who can be lazy with it.
It depends. Like a Mesmer can pull them altogether but the Warrior may not be able to cleave them altogether. It is possible to delay this by using endure pain, but Mesmers’ reflects scale better depending on how outnumbered you are vs range attacks and where they come from.
If the ranged mobs are still alive after the first burst of defense, the warrior starts feeling a bit naked. Whereas Mesmer can kinda continue to reflect all incoming projectiles. Like that barn fight in CM p1.
(edited by xallever.1874)
I guess you talk about PvE? You have to keep in mind that the mesmer got a terrible start, since his damage relies a huge part on his traits. The warrior won’t get that much stronger. He attacks the same way with traits and without. The mesmer however changes quite a bit.
Also the mesmer is pretty much about passive damage and phantasm damage. If you can keep up 3 dd phants (iDuellist / iSwordsman / iWarlock) no other class will be able to outdamage you. The mesmer is superior in utlity and support aswell singletarget dmg and survivablity. However he lacks in AoE damage and is forced to use the sword mainly.
Fun fact: In a full buffed lv80 party the mesmers Time Warp will deal approximately 200’000-250’000 damage. Cast time? 0.5 sec. I luv u too
I mainly PvE yes but I can WvW with success too. I don’t pvp really but in the few 1v1s i’ve gotten into while in WvW, I sort of crushed them easily not even a contest.
The most important thing about this game is not if your build is OP, but how you play it. You need to be comfortable with your gameplay because knowing how to play your class is always better than trying to go for the OP builds. If you know your class you can always adapt.
(edited by Rainbow Sprint.3215)
No not the weakest. my phantasms have hit up to 7.8k iv seen. and you can summon 3 + your own attacks.
It depends. Like a Mesmer can pull them altogether but the Warrior may not be able to cleave them altogether. It is possible to delay this by using endure pain, but Mesmers’ reflects scale better depending on how outnumbered you are vs range attacks and where they come from.
LoS, whirlwind in to wall, everything dies.
If the ranged mobs are still alive after the first burst of defense, the warrior starts feeling a bit naked. Whereas Mesmer can kinda continue to reflect all incoming projectiles. Like that barn fight in CM p1.
It would surprise you how resilient warriors can be against projectiles.
The most important thing about this game is not if your build is OP, but how you play it. You need to be comfortable with your gameplay because knowing how to play your class is always better than trying to go for the OP builds. If you know your class you can always adapt.
Or, you take the strong build and then try to understand why certain traits are taken and their synergies with both each other, utilities and weapon skills. For literally every class I’ve leveled I’ve taken a meta build and then took the time to understand why the traits were taken.
No not the weakest. my phantasms have hit up to 7.8k iv seen. and you can summon 3 + your own attacks.
And they took three seconds of casting time while the thief sat there doing a cloak + dagger, backstab and autoattack rotation, dealing absolutely huge amounts of damage.
Game over, yo.
(edited by hendo.1940)
And they took three seconds of casting time while the thief sat there doing a cloak + dagger, backstab and autoattack rotation, dealing absolutely huge amounts of damage.
And then your theif goes on cooldown while you and your phantasms keep hitting. If your talking about PVP just roll the PU
I understand where your coming from though but mesmers arent built for pure DPS we bring utility and control.
(edited by Jake.5017)
And then your theif goes on cooldown while you and your phantasms keep hitting.
lol, “cooldown”? Do you even thief?
I understand where your coming from though but mesmers arent built for pure DPS we bring utility and control.
Maybe I need to start recording examples of thief utility and control because clearly people can’t figure it out for themselves.
Game over, yo.
Ok mate go do that.
I know that a warrior has much better active defences than a Mesmer. My warrior runs a complete zerker/stances build – 2 ignore pain, zerker stance, 2 balanced stance, shield stance, defiant stance for heals. He basically crowd-surfs WvW zergs running full zerker and AA axe for 4k.
I was literally farming the JQ Zerg on their BL not 30 min ago with half their numbers with this build. My Mesmer would drop instantly especially if I ran zerker.
If you just stand ground and eat all dmg,than yes,we are one of weakest.If you start actually playing,you should be last to die even in full zerker.In WvW,PvP and especially in PvE.But i guess it depends on your weapon choice,utils and positioning.Anyway,once you get used to mesmer play,you will find it OP and strongest class in many game aspects.We suck maybe in sustain aoe dmg,but thats it.
At least in smooth game,if you geting skill lags in some zerg fights,than its game over usually.
I know that a warrior has much better active defences than a Mesmer. My warrior runs a complete zerker/stances build – 2 ignore pain, zerker stance, 2 balanced stance, shield stance, defiant stance for heals. He basically crowd-surfs WvW zergs running full zerker and AA axe for 4k.
I was literally farming the JQ Zerg on their BL not 30 min ago with half their numbers with this build. My Mesmer would drop instantly especially if I ran zerker.
That is so funny. Zerk war in WVW with Axe. Any half decent thief or mesmer would love your bags.
If Mesmer is the weakest one, we probably got buffs from the dev several times in a row. Instead, the main selling point for Mesmer in 4/15 feature pack announcement are the bug fixes. What a joke.
Comparing warriors to mesmers makes me lol. So you try the most OP class in the game and then automatically assume that mesmers are the weakest? Your logic is poor.
Mesmers and Warriors, solo.
[ 34%] 1,305 dps (0/30/0/25/15 mes, 0 mantra, 0 phantasms)
[ 38%] 1,486 dps (0/30/0/25/15 mes, 3 mantra, 0 phantasms)
[ 87%] 3,369 dps (0/30/0/25/15 mes, 3 mantra, 3 swordsmans)
[100%] 3,881 dps (25/30/0/0/15 mes, 3 mantra, 3 swordsmans)
Now, compare that to an axe/mace warrior only using auto-attack,
[ 98%] 3,260 dps (30/25/0/0/15 war)
It’s clear that if you compare direct damage mesmers have to work overtime to even match a braindead warrior that’s simply hitting 111111111. Now, once you start adding buffs then mesmer gets left behind even more since our phantasms just ignore most of those buffs…
(edited by frifox.5283)
It depends. Like a Mesmer can pull them altogether but the Warrior may not be able to cleave them altogether. It is possible to delay this by using endure pain, but Mesmers’ reflects scale better depending on how outnumbered you are vs range attacks and where they come from.
LoS, whirlwind in to wall, everything dies.
If the ranged mobs are still alive after the first burst of defense, the warrior starts feeling a bit naked. Whereas Mesmer can kinda continue to reflect all incoming projectiles. Like that barn fight in CM p1.
It would surprise you how resilient warriors can be against projectiles.
The most important thing about this game is not if your build is OP, but how you play it. You need to be comfortable with your gameplay because knowing how to play your class is always better than trying to go for the OP builds. If you know your class you can always adapt.
Or, you take the strong build and then try to understand why certain traits are taken and their synergies with both each other, utilities and weapon skills. For literally every class I’ve leveled I’ve taken a meta build and then took the time to understand why the traits were taken.
No not the weakest. my phantasms have hit up to 7.8k iv seen. and you can summon 3 + your own attacks.
And they took three seconds of casting time while the thief sat there doing a cloak + dagger, backstab and autoattack rotation, dealing absolutely huge amounts of damage.
That’s a very nice video. Thanks for showing that to me.
I’m aware of LoS and shield blocks, but how do you LoS or burst the riflemen in the CM barn fight? Because those riflemen don’t just attack in bursts and they are rooted to each of their locations. If you could nullify a burst of barrage and then kill all the sources of projectiles, sure.
Anyway,once you get used to mesmer play,you will find it OP and strongest class in many game aspects.We suck maybe in sustain aoe dmg,but thats it.
I’m pretty accustomed to playing mesmer, and in PvE they feel like complete junk. I have gem store armours, expensive dyes, expensive weapons and ascended gear – I like mesmer – but it honestly just blows outside of Arah.
Comparing warriors to mesmers makes me lol. So you try the most OP class in the game and then automatically assume that mesmers are the weakest? Your logic is poor.
lol, “OP”. How is “strong survivability yet average DPS” overpowered? Do we even play the same game?
That’s a very nice video. Thanks for showing that to me.
I’m aware of LoS and shield blocks, but how do you LoS or burst the riflemen in the CM barn fight? Because those riflemen don’t just attack in bursts and they are rooted to each of their locations. If you could nullify a burst of barrage and then kill all the sources of projectiles, sure.
That’s like asking how to fit a cube in to a triangle. The point is – warriors have a lot of survivability and can basically tank through projectiles in a number of cases. The example you give is a group situation where the warrior (since elites have pretty heavily scaled up damage) isn’t going to be expected to soak hits, and another class will be providing reflect. Worst case scenario, you stick endure pain and defiant stance on, mace 5 the rifleman, pop an invuln at the next choreograph, and then an invuln for the next, dodge the next two, eviscerate for a dodge then dodge the next. Warriors are surprisingly well equipped for surviving against projectiles if you prepare yourself.
Game over, yo.
War in PVE is easy mode op class. It was that way from start and then wars where buffed and rebuffed by Anet in order not to suck in WVW and PVP.
SO far best dungeon run group composition is 2 wars, ele, guard and mesmer. Will see what happens after april 15.
Warrior is E. Honda from SF or Chun Li
Warrior is Paul Phoenix from Tekken
Warrior is Zerg 6 pool against against noobs and easy ai settings
Warrior is noobtube in COD
Warrior is buying a car with launch control so you can test your 1/4 mil or 0-60 instead of buying a manual(launch control isn’t subpar in the slightest it just does what manual does reducing the chance for error)
There isn’t nothing wrong with warrior having a low barrier of entry and it has some depth it just doesn’t have as much depth as some other classes and it’s more forgiving. This is my assumption because I don’t know for sure but it is the class to pick up and play for new players it has it written all over.
That’s a very nice video. Thanks for showing that to me.
I’m aware of LoS and shield blocks, but how do you LoS or burst the riflemen in the CM barn fight? Because those riflemen don’t just attack in bursts and they are rooted to each of their locations. If you could nullify a burst of barrage and then kill all the sources of projectiles, sure.That’s like asking how to fit a cube in to a triangle. The point is – warriors have a lot of survivability and can basically tank through projectiles in a number of cases. The example you give is a group situation where the warrior (since elites have pretty heavily scaled up damage) isn’t going to be expected to soak hits, and another class will be providing reflect. Worst case scenario, you stick endure pain and defiant stance on, mace 5 the rifleman, pop an invuln at the next choreograph, and then an invuln for the next, dodge the next two, eviscerate for a dodge then dodge the next. Warriors are surprisingly well equipped for surviving against projectiles if you prepare yourself.
I don’t know why that would make a difference because the Alphard is also a group situation. That’s like giving an example of a Warrior soloing Lupicus, where in a group situation none of the survivability tools matter if boss is downed too fast.
I do get your point, but it’s also why I brought up this point because Mesmer can have an upper hand handling projectiles in scenarios like that, and therefore survivability.
(edited by xallever.1874)
If you guys just stand there and try to tank damage no class will be able to take it. Even a warrior cant just stand still and take damage. Try not doing that, you might have more success.
Your class is already king in pvp, what more do you want?
I know that a warrior has much better active defences than a Mesmer. My warrior runs a complete zerker/stances build – 2 ignore pain, zerker stance, 2 balanced stance, shield stance, defiant stance for heals. He basically crowd-surfs WvW zergs running full zerker and AA axe for 4k.
I was literally farming the JQ Zerg on their BL not 30 min ago with half their numbers with this build. My Mesmer would drop instantly especially if I ran zerker.
That is so funny. Zerk war in WVW with Axe. Any half decent thief or mesmer would love your bags.
The funny thing is he is traited rifle too. This char kills more stealthers with kill shot and volley in a group than any of my other L80. Channeled attacks own thieves. Mesmers are super easy I just shoot the clones and the attacks pierce right through to the Mesmer.
And no I don’t run him solo he is a Zerg spec only. This game isn’t played solo. If I need to scout I have a thief and a Mesmer.
If you guys just stand there and try to tank damage no class will be able to take it. Even a warrior cant just stand still and take damage. Try not doing that, you might have more success.
just to play a mesmer basically you are forced to have more skill than the average ranger
mesmer have really good fields i think people are more afraid to fight on a null field than any other kind of field.
but as mesmer i so far havent been able to beat anybody 1v1 since month of release
thieves just kill me while stealthed, guardians just shrug off any of my conditions, archers would be ok if their pets didnt stay locked onto me despite my stealth
i know it cant be because of lack of skill because i get every skill off on them, chain every combo use every block and dodge i have. there could be an issue with my gears (still using greens confused about runes) but i cant imagine gears should really make that much difference
Gears and traits are what make or break pvp lol. Look around for some videos and guides on the mesmer forum for something that interests you.
just to play a mesmer basically you are forced to have more skill than the average ranger
mesmer have really good fields i think people are more afraid to fight on a null field than any other kind of field.
but as mesmer i so far havent been able to beat anybody 1v1 since month of release
thieves just kill me while stealthed, guardians just shrug off any of my conditions, archers would be ok if their pets didnt stay locked onto me despite my stealthi know it cant be because of lack of skill because i get every skill off on them, chain every combo use every block and dodge i have. there could be an issue with my gears (still using greens confused about runes) but i cant imagine gears should really make that much difference
1v1 is where memsmer shines. This class as well as thief created for 1v1 fights. FOr me mesmers actually worst class to fight which is more realated to my large sckreen and me sitting far from it. I deal with thieves much easier then with mesmers. Other classes go like that
Mesmer rate is 50-50
Thief 50-50 as well but fights ar much faster and easier comparing to mesmers
Engy I can do almost nothing against good one but it is “rare avis” 80% engys suck and easy to kill
War 70-30. Newe know what to expect. Some impossible ti kill, some zerked and good. But considering huge numbers i kill them a lot.
Ele. 70-30 but much easier comparing to wars
Guard only zerk guards with focus judge intervention and hammer can be a problem,
PTV Staff, GS are a joke in 1v1 80-20.
necro. Power necro usually easy but for meta cond necro i need to run null field and mantra 90-10
ranger. I have seen few good ranger but it is newer Bearbow type. in 1v1 with rangers i die 4 times. Have no idea how many i kill.
BTW my rank in WVW on memser is Bronze colonel and i rarely run in zergs. Small groups or roaming. IE my over 20 k are real not like ele or necro aoe marks.Necro with same rank as me can have 50+k kills easy.
(edited by Ptolemy.5086)
Don’t know about PU but straight oldschool shatter is very hard to play these days and probably one of the weakest and most skill intensive (tied with pure lockdown probably) specs in the current (condition and warrior) meta.
Sadly, it will only worsen once the patch hits, but i’m sure many people, me included, won’t stop playing the mesmers former signature build.
The funny thing is he is traited rifle too. This char kills more stealthers with kill shot and volley in a group than any of my other L80. Channeled attacks own thieves. Mesmers are super easy I just shoot the clones and the attacks pierce right through to the Mesmer.
And no I don’t run him solo he is a Zerg spec only. This game isn’t played solo. If I need to scout I have a thief and a Mesmer.
Honestly, that’s pretty cute. There’s enough projectile reflects going around in any competent group that the only thing you’ll be doing with rifle is killing yourself.
Additionally, saying that mesmers are easy because you just shoot the clones immediately tells us that you run him outside of zergs…because clones don’t survive in zergs.
if anyone can show me a video of a mesmer killing a geared guardian or warrior that would be nice to see how they do it
if anyone can show me a video of a mesmer killing a geared guardian or warrior that would be nice to see how they do it
I have some old videos from my immortal build. You cold also check Osicat’s and Vashury’s videos for more recent things.
@ Reikan
Wellgeared legendary Guardians (s) 2 vs 1 Duel :
Warrior (s):
Shatter gameplay, killing a varitey of 1vs x
The funny thing is he is traited rifle too. This char kills more stealthers with kill shot and volley in a group than any of my other L80. Channeled attacks own thieves. Mesmers are super easy I just shoot the clones and the attacks pierce right through to the Mesmer.
And no I don’t run him solo he is a Zerg spec only. This game isn’t played solo. If I need to scout I have a thief and a Mesmer.
Honestly, that’s pretty cute. There’s enough projectile reflects going around in any competent group that the only thing you’ll be doing with rifle is killing yourself.
Additionally, saying that mesmers are easy because you just shoot the clones immediately tells us that you run him outside of zergs…because clones don’t survive in zergs.
Please please kill my clones. I have 1 up every time i dodge. I love people killing my clones and get conditions. BTW when invis i have aegis ie no DMG to me. That guy is an idiot who kill few noobs and now think he is god of WvW
Cute, a PU clone-death spammer pretending to be skilled.
Cute, a PU clone-death spammer pretending to be skilled.
Every mesmer spam clones. If you don’t understand that you even bigger idiot then previos guy. Every mesmer skill put clone or phat up. It is how we fight. Hope you don’t expect me to kill war with main hand sword spaming 1
Cute, a PU clone-death spammer pretending to be skilled.
Cute, a player that thinks he’s better than someone else by putting down others.
I play PU condition. I also play phantasm builds. On occasion, I play shatter and lockdown as well, but I don’t like those as much.
Do you think that I’m not skilled because I prefer PU condition and phantasm builds? If so, I invite you to put up or shut up.
(edited by Pyroathiest.4168)
The mesmer is a very capable class in solo PvE. Dropping your clones/illusions and then going invisible will make your opponents focus on your clones/illusions. Depending on your traits, you can have 3 clones/illusions up pretty much all the time. Using both decoy and the #4 torch ability resets your aggro, and pretty much every time you regain it, the skills are off cooldown again.
Combine it with a signet of the ether, just as an example, you are almost always at full health while not even being the primary target. This whole thing doesn’t even take skill to play. You just use a normal rotation, and even most champions become a breeze. The only problematic enemies are those that can one-hit your illusions/clones.
Pyroathiest just went in.
Learn 2 Play Mesmer Here! || Lookit! Gots me a youtube!
Mesmer Personality Quiz! Exclamation Points!
He has a point though, just because you play differently than a lot of mesmers play doesn’t make you worse. Elitist are annoying for everything.
Every build has it’s place. I like power + cond PU in WvW, phat in Dungeons, sometimes shatter for dueling. I see no reason to pull nails with my teeth when perfectly good set of pliers lie on the table. I have enough money in the game to keep all mesmer weapons and 2-3 sets of armor each for different task.
The funny thing is he is traited rifle too. This char kills more stealthers with kill shot and volley in a group than any of my other L80. Channeled attacks own thieves. Mesmers are super easy I just shoot the clones and the attacks pierce right through to the Mesmer.
And no I don’t run him solo he is a Zerg spec only. This game isn’t played solo. If I need to scout I have a thief and a Mesmer.
Honestly, that’s pretty cute. There’s enough projectile reflects going around in any competent group that the only thing you’ll be doing with rifle is killing yourself.
Additionally, saying that mesmers are easy because you just shoot the clones immediately tells us that you run him outside of zergs…because clones don’t survive in zergs.
Please please kill my clones. I have 1 up every time i dodge. I love people killing my clones and get conditions. BTW when invis i have aegis ie no DMG to me. That guy is an idiot who kill few noobs and now think he is god of WvW
FYI this lame warrior build helped defend a massive double team on TC garrison by JQ and BG followed by taking a Fully upgrade hills from JQ this morning. Commander put out a call for thieves in mumble on a queued map and got two names. Later we managed to get a few people to login mesmers so that we could get four to portal omegas to Hills.
The point being that on the most successful WvW servers mesmers and thieves are non-factors.
I am only telling you what works in T1 but you can call me a noob if you want.
The funny thing is he is traited rifle too. This char kills more stealthers with kill shot and volley in a group than any of my other L80. Channeled attacks own thieves. Mesmers are super easy I just shoot the clones and the attacks pierce right through to the Mesmer.
And no I don’t run him solo he is a Zerg spec only. This game isn’t played solo. If I need to scout I have a thief and a Mesmer.
Honestly, that’s pretty cute. There’s enough projectile reflects going around in any competent group that the only thing you’ll be doing with rifle is killing yourself.
Additionally, saying that mesmers are easy because you just shoot the clones immediately tells us that you run him outside of zergs…because clones don’t survive in zergs.
Umm there are no reflects because the JQ/BG hammer trains run retaliation only. What the EU guilds have been doing to beat the hammer meta is piercing projectiles and ranged kiting. I have been trying it and it is very effective vs clumped melee.
And yes whenever I see a Mesmer I literally just stand there and shoot clones and phantasms and maybe dodge a zerker. I am not mocking mesmers I am kittened off that my Mesmer is basically useless in T1 WvW.
I know how mesmers work and I have run a PU condi build. What you may not be aware of is how weak sauce it is from a warrior perspective.
Commander put out a call for thieves in mumble on a queued map and got two names. Later we managed to get a few people to login mesmers so that we could get four to portal omegas to Hills.
The point being that on the most successful WvW servers mesmers and thieves are non-factors.
I’m T1 NA as well and just last night I was running with a random 40man zerg. Commander asked for mesmers in TS and only two x’d up. Using my tool I saw that there were actually SIX mesmers around and I pm’d two of them out of curiosity. Guess what, they didn’t x up simply because they didn’t want to be the veil/portal bots. Commander asking certain classes to x up in /m does not reflect actual class composition at the time.