(edited by Yashuoa.9527)
distortion and block
Distortion is invulnerability
Block is block
Some skills are unblockable, and will hit trough blocks.
Nothing will hit trough invulnerability.
Distortion is invulnerability
Block is blockSome skills are unblockable, and will hit trough blocks.
Nothing will hit trough invulnerability.
Thanks for clearing this up.
So lets say a ranger shoots a big attack on my bro.
I jump in front of him and activate distortion.
Will I meatwall the ranger attack and prevent my bro from getting hit?
Its difficult but yeah, better to absorb/reflect the damage with focus or mirror.
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Mesmer Personality Quiz! Exclamation Points!
With the Inspiration line you could share the distortion with your bro.
Or just interrupt the Ranger
With the Inspiration line you could share the distortion with your bro.
Or just interrupt the Ranger
Yeah I saw that trait.
Pretty cool. I am a fan of skill timing spells like that.
Still its sorta heroic, jumping in front of someone and meatshielding the attack. through reflect, block, distortion or plain eating the attack if you have the health for it and your buddy doesnt
(edited by Yashuoa.9527)
What kind of build do you run?
Learn 2 Play Mesmer Here! || Lookit! Gots me a youtube!
Mesmer Personality Quiz! Exclamation Points!
Distortion / Invulnerability will always destroy any projectiles that hit the caracter.
This status (it’s not a boon and can not be boonstripped from you) will prevent any direct damage to happen to you, it will prevent conditions to be applied to you but not the current ones damaging you, and it will prevent you from getting damaged by retaliation, but not from fall dmg or lava. It also prevents phantasms to be cast on you.
Evade (and Blur like on sword 2) will allow you to destory most projectiles if they’d hit you. Only a few specific will still come through (like Mai Thrin and Horrik’s cannon balls) You will evade the dmg, but not the projectile in that case. Except for some exceptions, you will be able to “bodyblock” allies when you evade a projectile.
Block will block projectiles aswell. You will be able to prevent aoe’s to happen if they’d hit you directly. Yet there are unblockable projectiles, who will ignore you and just fly right through you. You will still be in the block animation from your block skill, so you can block a blockable skill later.
Reflection will reflect / Absorb will absorb all projectiles except for those who are unblockable.
You can bodyblock with ANY of them, just make sure the projectile hits you directly. You can prevent the aoe of a projectile completly if it hits you.
For example a fireball hitting you while you block, will destroy it, keeping your allies save. If the fireball hits the ground next to you, you block the damage, but all your allies still get hit.
If an enemy cleaves, you can not bodyblock for them.
Sry for the wall’o’text, but I hope I could help
“Mentoring engineers / mesmers and showing you what you can do with your fantastic class!
Just pm me for my advice! Always eager to help!”
The Wall’o’text is appriciated.
Distortion is not the same as the blur/evade as on sword 2?
It will not give your teammates distortion if traited and you use sword 2?
(edited by Yashuoa.9527)
1. No. You still get hit by retaliation, auras, etc when are using blurred frenzy.
2. Yes. You can’t spread sw2 between teammates because of it is nit true distortion.
(edited by Mak.2657)
Also distorsion prevents point capture in PvP, not blurred frenzy.
So lets say a ranger shoots a big attack on my bro.
I jump in front of him and activate distortion.
Will I meatwall the ranger attack and prevent my bro from getting hit?
If it’s Piercing Projectile it won’t body block. But u are using Distortion.. Hmm Hard to tell. But if ur Distortion F4 has Reflection Trait then it can body block then reflect.
Example of Normal Projectile(U can body Block. Take the dmg instead ur friend):
- Mesmer iGunner
Example of Piercing Projectile (Better not body block unless u have reflection):
- LB Ranger
- Necromancer DS#1 with Trait.
Example of Unblockable Projectile but not Piercing (U can body Block):
- Mesmer GS #2
Invuln, reflect, absorb and block (even aegis) can destroy (or reflect) any piercing projectiles aslong as they arent unblockable. If they are, only invuln can destroy them.
“Mentoring engineers / mesmers and showing you what you can do with your fantastic class!
Just pm me for my advice! Always eager to help!”