iWarlock & sPvP

iWarlock & sPvP

in Mesmer

Posted by: lojer.8576


I always thought that Phantasmal Warlock was more for condi builds, but that changed when it hit thief for 5,6k dmg in sPvP on non-phantasm berserker build.

iWarlock & sPvP

in Mesmer

Posted by: Curunen.8729


It can do a huge amount of damage when a target has many conditions on them.

Staff is a a defensive/utility tool that works well in any type of build – power or condition.

iWarlock & sPvP

in Mesmer

Posted by: Pyroatheist.9031


I always thought that Phantasmal Warlock was more for condi builds, but that changed when it hit thief for 5,6k dmg in sPvP on non-phantasm berserker build.

Need to read the tooltip a bit better then. The warlock is a fully power based skill. It scales in damage with each unique condition on the target.

iWarlock & sPvP

in Mesmer

Posted by: lojer.8576


Yes, I know that, but during hit, he has only 3 conditions on him.
If wiki is correct:
Phantasmal Swordsman: Damage: 672 (1.925) = usualy hits for 3k-4k on medium armor.
Phantasmal Warlock: Damage: 438 (1.65) = should be less than iSwordman, but -30% from conditions it is 4,3k; so better than average iSwordman and is still far more then I expected.

iWarlock & sPvP

in Mesmer

Posted by: UnknownFreak.2805


Warlock is my favorite. That’s why I always run staff, defensive and pretty good phantasm.

(not pvp but…) It can do up to 20k in pve world bosses. My best is around 19.5k. (exotic gear, with some ascended trinkets)

How to crashreport…
Someone say game crash must be related to OOM
when you read the log it’s not related to that whatsoever…

iWarlock & sPvP

in Mesmer

Posted by: skcamow.3527


Keep in mind you were fighting a likely full glass thief and you had 11 vuln stacks on him as well.

Kortham Raysplitter (Yak’s Bend)

iWarlock & sPvP

in Mesmer

Posted by: lojer.8576


Yes, but dmg boost isn’t per stack, but per uniqe condition.

iWarlock & sPvP

in Mesmer

Posted by: Curunen.8729


I might be seeing this wrong, but in the clip he had 4 conditions right before the warlock hit, so that combined with vulnerability stacks and if he was glassy could account for all the damage.

Maybe it registered the hit before that condition dropped off?