playing versus 3 DH
I remember back in the day when Ranger LB got buffed and suddenly there were LB rangers everywhere. OMFG was running a 5 mesmer comp, with three rangers on the enemy team we all took feedback. It was glorious.
Ross – so you won that fight?
I bet you dont have it on youtube… RIP
sry guys no reflect as the meta for guard is symbol and traps and less LB
try again
common its easy than you think
you rotated far and held out 1v3 DH’s for half the match.
so maybe U out-rotate them?? Dunno I’m realy curious…
If they are smart and bring decap DH you can’t even hold a point.
you lost you had no chance to win.
Maybe a disconnect could have saved you.
He play it smart, and almost did not aproch mid and he hold far, when others holded close and distract oponents on mid whole match ;-) btw nice play
we have a winner Pico gg
i knew my team couldnt held mid fight as basically 3 DH and ranger counter the mesmer necro and ele while we have no dmg at all.
so tactics is to split them
so i push far with engi and hope for the best
BTW we won
I’m not a winner, just subbed U’r youtube channel so I saw what U did
I subbed too
Who knows, maby after month or 2 i become ok mesmer.
LOL, i just notieced that build i use is not that far from yours ( ). Maby my mesmer does have chance of getting better in future Except in pve i can afford to use wells and in pvp i bet they are useless, right? I notiece you never use wells, excpet healing one. Or is it just your playstyle?
This is what happens when you make a game format around holding points the size of most AoE spells. AoE bomb classes dominate them.
Change the game format to something not related to sitting on a point and suddenly DH is back to trash tier.