sPvP video - critique

sPvP video - critique

in Mesmer

Posted by: Warshade.2984


I have been trying to get a buddy of mine (who I played WoW with for about 7 years…) to join up on GW2, and he asked me to record an entire match to get a feel for the PvP. (Of course, I told him that this was superfluous as there are plenty of videos out there already…but he said he wanted to see ME play, lol.)

Anyway, I thought I would post it here to get some critiques & input, (even though I was hesitant to as this video will clearly show me making more than my fair share of mistakes!)


Some caveats:

  • I have just come back to the game from a year-long break.
  • I haven’t played much sPvP at all.
  • Mesmer is my newest character, (just made him last month).
  • <3 <3 <3

sPvP video - critique

in Mesmer

Posted by: Swish.2463


i think your team did a great job of carrying you but its also in unranked que so everyone has much more room to be sloppy and do stupid things.

you’ve got a lot to learn when it comes to shattering but theres a lot of help for that on the forums and from other players.

“Gw2, It’s still on the Table!” – Anet

sPvP video - critique

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

First let me just start by saying there is nothing wrong with your vid.

Now that we’ve got that out of the way, the purpose here isnt just to show a matchup vid, its to impress your friend with a matchup vid. In which case I have to say I found this match very stale, very boring. Ok, maybe that’s just me as I have an understanding of the game, and certain expectations come with that. Maybe your friend wont see what I saw. Then again, I found the match/video aesthetically lacking. There may be a few reasons for this.

1) The fights were few and far between. Lots of standing around, or even attacking targets that weren’t fighting back.
2) You were not challenged. You were never in any danger.
3) The other team was bad, and the score showed it. The entire match was unexciting.
4) Shatter gameplay might hold part of the blame. Don’t get me wrong, shatter is effective, but MY GOSH can it be awfully boring to watch.
5) I could probably go on.

How to improve?

A word about music. Under normal circumstances I might recommend music. It can heighten aesthetics, make things look and feel more exciting. However your friend is trying to gauge the game from a full match, so it might have been more prudent to have shown it with sounds and all. Hearing that 3 clone shatter and BF hit is nothing to shake a stick at.

Find a better match. Find something with more on the line, better players, more fast paced encounters, big decent group fights. Get maximum 3 clone + IP shatters on 5 targets so your screen gets painted white with red behind it. Its about the only thing shatter is good for :p

Or, just give up and show him this. Hilarious

sPvP video - critique

in Mesmer

Posted by: Warshade.2984


Thanks Ross, (and I would agree with pretty much everything you said). Unfortunately, I was having issues with recording video, hence the reason I only used the one that I got to record properly. (I only have the free version of fraps, and it will only records 30 sec at a time. And Shadowplay was causing so many issues at first (black screen, lagging keyboard, no sound…). Preferably I would’ve liked to have the in-game sound, but Shadowplay required it to be disabled for me to actually be able to use the kitten software, haha…

sPvP video - critique

in Mesmer

Posted by: Chaos Archangel.5071

Chaos Archangel.5071

Hey warshade. I saw some of the video earlier, but didn’t have time to comment. (even now I’m on my cell)

A couple things I noticed.. Check out terrorsquads phase retreat guide and youtube some blink spot guides to learn some Blink locations. Your blinks are often being wasted for an extra bit of mobility rather than being used to reposition into favorable spots or saving you from danger.

You seem to over rely on GS a bit too much, I saw a few instances where you were using GS in melee range when fighting on point, even though you coulda switched to sword. As a rule, greatsword is stronger the further you are from opponents, and the auto attack damage scales with the distance. Use iWave (GS5) to push people off point and away from you.

And shatters.. Specifically diversion[F3] if not being used to set up a chain daze -multiple illusions running from different distances to daze the opponent- then it should be either to save yerself defensively or interrupting stomps/rezzes.

(edited by Chaos Archangel.5071)

sPvP video - critique

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

I put this guide up a month or whatever ago


It covers everything from software, editing, to asthetics

sPvP video - critique

in Mesmer

Posted by: Warshade.2984


Hey warshade. I saw some of the video earlier, but didn’t have time to comment. (even now I’m on my cell)

A couple things I noticed.. Check out terrorsquads phase retreat guide and youtube some blink spot guides to learn some Blink locations. Your blinks are often being wasted for an extra bit of mobility rather than being used to reposition into favorable spots or saving you from danger.

You seem to over rely on GS a bit too much, I saw a few instances where you were using GS in melee range when fighting on point, even though you coulda switched to sword. As a rule, greatsword is stronger the further you are from opponents, and the auto attack damage scales with the distance. Use iWave (GS5) to push people off point and away from you.

And shatters.. Specifically diversion[F3] if not being used to set up a chain daze -multiple illusions running from different distances to daze the opponent- then it should be either to save yerself defensively or interrupting stomps/rezzes.

Thanks Chaos, and for the record, these are some of the very things that I have been working on (since the video in question), and I have actually been really liking the chain daze ability. Also, I have read through the guides and watch most of the videos too. I just thought that it could perhaps be beneficial to throw the video up anyway to see if I could glean anything more. I appreciate the input for sure.

A couple of questions:

  1. What are your thoughts on Confusing Cry (Illusions II)? I typically just use Precise Wrack, but have used Confusing Cry a couple times (just not enough to get a good feel for it). It doesn’t seem like a popular choice, so perhaps it is because of a good reason.
  2. Do you find Portal still a good choice when solo Q, or do you see most of it’s use when you are with a team/party?
  3. Thoughts on Illusionary Elasticity vs Illusionary Invigoration?

Some things to add:

  • It is fairly rare when I use GS in melee, unless I have a reason (like waiting a couple seconds for either IW or weapon swap to come off CD).
  • I usually use sword or pistol in my off-hand, though I would like to get more use out of the Focus, but I just don’t feel very fluid with it in sPvP.

Thanks again!

(edited by Warshade.2984)

sPvP video - critique

in Mesmer

Posted by: Warshade.2984


I put this guide up a month or whatever ago


It covers everything from software, editing, to asthetics


sPvP video - critique

in Mesmer

Posted by: Mogar.9216


You started out going to home when you don’t need to. When there are 2 of you at home uncontested you should have moved to mid right away. In general you should move the whole match to kill ppl leave the capping to your teammates who can bunker the pt.
That’s all I can say, the combat is hard to judge you did nothing wrong but then again your opponents were pretty bad.

sPvP video - critique

in Mesmer

Posted by: Warshade.2984


You started out going to home when you don’t need to. When there are 2 of you at home uncontested you should have moved to mid right away. In general you should move the whole match to kill ppl leave the capping to your teammates who can bunker the pt.
That’s all I can say, the combat is hard to judge you did nothing wrong but then again your opponents were pretty bad.

Yeah, I thought the same myself afterward, lol. Thanks Mogar!