A levelling build for my necro?

A levelling build for my necro?

in Necromancer

Posted by: MAUS HOUS.8047


Hi, I’m currently levelling my necromancer and am currently at level 45. I stacked condition damage on pretty much all my gear and use a ton of conditions but the damage is still terrible! I need a build that will either take advantage of my condition damage gear more, or a totally new build all together. Something thats great for AOE and doesnt have stupidly long cooldowns preferably:) All suggestions are welcome and thankyou in advance!:)

Holla. At. Me.

A levelling build for my necro?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sylpheed.5034


I started with MM on early levels then slowly shifted my build to condition damage. From all my characters my necro was the easiest to level with.

If you use Epidemic frequently, you don’t even need to hit the others aside from your main target.

This is the combo I’m using:
Scepter 2 > Dagger 5 > Epidemic (for weaker enemies)
Scepter 2 > Dagger 5 > Blood Is Power > Dagger 4 > Epidemic (for tougher enemies)
Scepter 2 > Dagger 5 > Blood Is Power > Dagger 4 > Epidemic > Staff 2 > Staff 3 > Staff 4 > Staff 5 > DS 5 > DS 3 > DS 4 (for Veterans or the mob overpowers you)

Blood is Power helps a lot since it’s 10 stacks of might (more direct and condition damage). Really helpful if the battle will take a bit long.

I use Staff whenever my main weapon’s on cooldown. Remember that Staff acts more of a Utility weapon than your main offensive weapon. Also, don’t forget to keep using Scepter 3 whenever it’s on cooldown. You will need it for your DS.

Good thing about necro is you have a lot of AoE skills to choose from and most of them only have very short cooldown. You will rarely use up all your AoE skills and if it did, some of your skills have already cooled down for you to use again.

I used Carrion set before. (I’m not sure if Rabid set is available for low level). Carrion has a bit of power so it’ll help a bit on 1v1.

Oh and you have your Flesh Golem to take some damage for you. It’s really easy to be a necro.

(edited by Sylpheed.5034)

A levelling build for my necro?

in Necromancer

Posted by: MAUS HOUS.8047


Thanks man, how do I acquire this carrion armour? I searched it on the wiki but couldnt find anything simple to explain it. I dont have any inscriptions that let me craft them.

Holla. At. Me.

A levelling build for my necro?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Behemoth.2193


If I’m not mistaken carrion (or any stat combination that has 3 stats like Berserker, Knight, etc.) doesn’t start becoming available until level 55 at the minimum. Until then you’re stuck with with only 2 stats per item.

A levelling build for my necro?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Andele.1306


How to level necro in 10 easy steps:
1. Get to level 10 by killing shiz
2. Unlock Bone Minions
3. Unlock Bone Fiend
4. Unlcok Shadow Fiend
5. Let 5 minions murder everything in your way as you pick Daisies, Shiny rocks and get some VisualWood (yay for obligatory promotion).
6. Make sure to have food buffs always up and run to events
7. Unlock giant undead turkey aka Flesh Golem
8. Go trough weapons and stick to the ones you like
9. You hit level 65~ and minions started dying to veterans, start actually killing stuff yourself with your fav weapons
10. Gratz you got to 80, now retrait, unlock whatever skills you want for your build and learn to go trough explorable mode dungeons.

When life gives you lemon, ask if its from a anime or manga.

A levelling build for my necro?

in Necromancer

Posted by: TheAgedGnome.7520


Thanks man, how do I acquire this carrion armour? I searched it on the wiki but couldnt find anything simple to explain it. I dont have any inscriptions that let me craft them.

I think this may be the single best page on the GW2 wiki. It will really help sort out the stat varieties available for armor & weapons, and where you can get them:


Stealth nerfs are the perfect fertilizer for mistrust.
PVE Power and Support Build

A levelling build for my necro?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sylpheed.5034


If Carrion isn’t available yet, use Ravaging (highly available).

You’ll be spending more if you craft given that you don’t have the materials yet. Most of the time Fine rarity is enough (costs 1-2s a piece in the Trading Post). I only use Masterwork or Rare if I got one by chance (loots, rewards).

Andele’s right, there will be a point where your minions will became less useful than it was on lower levels. I’m only using Flesh Golem (even now).

Here’s a build that you may follow while you’re leveling to 80.

- Make sure to get Dhuumfire (Spite) in the future (level 70 if I’m correct), it will help you kill even faster. That trait works pretty well for leveling and exploration.
- The last 10 points can be allocated anywhere you want to.
- I used Sigil of Geomancy so that when you swap weapons you inflict more bleed. Sigil of Earth will not work yet since you only have a puny crit chance. If you find a more useful Sigil, feel free to swap it out.
- Sigil of Corruption is definitely needed.
- The Runes will make your bleed hurt more and last longer. That’s the same Runes I use for my conditionmancer.
- I’m not sure with the food so I just threw in the food I’m using for my Lv80 conditionmancer. Anything with Condition Damage will be good enough.

Good luck!

A levelling build for my necro?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sylpheed.5034


I’ll put this in a separate post.

Another build you could take is Hybrid Necro (Pow + Condition). It’s much faster but the armors are mixed. Let me know if you’re interested on this build and I’ll make one for you.

A levelling build for my necro?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Orikx.9671


The best leveling build right now is the following:

1. Grab Staff
2. Stack Power(cheap blue gear will work fine because you are going to uplevel)
3. Use Well of Suffering and Corruption along with Spectral Walk(to keep up)
4. Staff Mastery and Ritual Mastery traits.
5. Go to Mad King Labyrinth and follow zerg.
6. Tag everything and enjoy the waves of XP.

It’s boring but unbelievably fast at leveling.

Sanctum of Rall

A levelling build for my necro?

in Necromancer

Posted by: MAUS HOUS.8047


This is all amazing stuff guys, thank you so much:D It’s all totally appreciated. I’m now going to spend my morning researching everything you’ve all said to find my perfect way of doing it. Thankyou all again, and get out there to kill some stinky kitten krait!

Holla. At. Me.

A levelling build for my necro?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sheobix.8796


1. Find a rich guy with 200-300 excess gold.
2. Hustle him into giving you said gold.
3. Craft everything imaginable, and break down those things and re-craft them.
4. Get the “Master Crafter” achievement and title
5. Look at your xp bar. You’ve hit 80… 20 levels ago… in 12 hours maximum!