I just read someting interesting :
First, sorry for my lenguage. English is not my mother tongue, and thus I apologize in advance for any butchering of your lenguage that I may do…
I’ve been playing since beta. I usually read the formus, but I’ve never posted anything else, though. I’ve seen the rise of the zerker meta, I’ve seen the good and the bad, and currently, the game is not where it should be, not in 2 years now.
But many people’s suggestion are definitely unfounded, or just plain wrong (or impossible to implement).
What it’s worst, I haven’t met yet somebody who knows what is the reason for many of the current profession specific issues.
Rant ahead,you have been warned.
Why do I start with the necromancer? No, it’s not my main class to play. But it’s by far the profession that is in the worst ¨Design¨ state. Any necromancer can see it.
Condition necromancer has nothing to do with attrition, or at least,it has WORSE sustainability than the power necromancer. How is that?
The power necromancer weaponset is the best at generating life force. Why, if the highest DPS for such build is without DS?
At the beginning, DS didn’t work as it does now. It acted as a ¨third downed state¨.
When the necromancer’s HP reached 0, it transformend into DS, instead of going into the downed state.This was true for the 31 of May,of 2011.This explains everything, doesn’t? If not,let me explain it for you:
-Necromancer’s downed state is by far the worst. #1 does very weak dmg, and heals even less.#2 is way too short,#3 does NOT help at all in a downed state,#4 is common to al classes. This was in exchange for having death shroud, a much more powerful ´Downed state´
-This was changed because it made necromancers way too hard to beat. I actually like that change. The real issue is, the weapon skills, and traits of the necromancer were not changed back to reflect this CORE MECHANIC change
That does not mean that the necromancer is useless, that’s why anet has not changed it yet…
But take a look.Glass cannon necromancer has very low passive and active defenses.Low armor, 18k healt,no vigor,very little access to protection,little regeneration,no blind, ect…In exchange,they generate life force faster than any other build (Axe faster cooldowns,faster lf generation) so they could survive the burst while they have been doing high damage (Dagger auto,axe #2,focus #4) and making the necromancer’s oponent weaker (Vuln) to then,in the verge of death, come back and destroy his/her oponent with lifeblast (power,+vuln) to finish its oponent off and survive
Condition necromancer sinergizes well with blood magic.Heal on hit,heal on crits.
It has much more proactive defenses (Weakness,blind,more chill,more fears,more cripple) and has higher toughness. But his/her weapons generate a lot less life force: they are supposed to sustain themselves during the fight,and having a weaker death shroud (so the constant damage never ends kicking in,and if the condimancer needs a condi burst,you get extra chill,extra bleeds and extra fear)It makes sense doesn’kitten But not only are this weapons and traits designed to fit that mechanic, MOST of a necromancer’s skills,traits and weapons are DESIGNED with that in mind.But they changed it,and now power necromancers have more sustain and death shroud uptime than condi necromancers. That’s why you dont get healing while in DS.You were not supposed to,not as a condition/minion necromancer,because you were supposed to sustain yourself long enough before you could have your DS ready.
Power necromancers could not abuse death shroud,because it has a cooldown, neither could condition necromancers, because they had to sustain themselves until they got DS,and a weaker version of DS.Just take a look at those traits.
+30% in downed state
+Heal when exit DS
+Weaken when enter DS
+Fear when downed
+Life transfer healing allies,support becoming stronger when about to die,
Next ¨episode¨, warriors.
How You think about this?
(edited by KlausKNT.9302)