Altruistic Necromancer

Altruistic Necromancer

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lily.1935


This is going to be a fantasy post. Because the type of build I’m about to present to you is pure fantasy and can only ever exist of Life stealing scales exclusively with healing power.

I’ve had this idea of running a healing necromancer for a while. But the healing output from life stealing is really bad. There is no way around it. Going into the PvP lobby and seeing what the max healing you can get off of it, compared to just going power its a 7 health difference at best. Which is just pitiful. My hope for the future is that arena net increase the healing and damage from life stealing but make it scale exclusively with healing power. I’d like to see a real impact on the damage and healing. With no investment being low, like in the 20s and 30s in damage and at max healing being closer to 200 in damage and healing. Max healing being your primary stat, not secondary.

So if this was to happen I’d end up making an Altruistic Vampire. I had this idea of out going healing getting stronger for allies also buffing out going life stealing. Giving Allies Vampiric aura and buffing it even further to make a unique supportive healerish build we haven’t really seen since GW1.

This is my dream for a vampiric necromancer arena net. I’d love to see something like this. Reward us for using healing power. Reward us for being aggressive.

What do you guys think? would you like to see something like this?

Altruistic Necromancer

in Necromancer

Posted by: The Wizland.8435

The Wizland.8435

Hey, I’ve dreamed of it since I started the class. I think plenty of others have too. We just gotta wait and hope Blood Magic changes make it a good trait line.


Altruistic Necromancer

in Necromancer

Posted by: The Demonic Spirit.3157

The Demonic Spirit.3157

As a Vampire MM , I totally agree with you. I think that both Vampiric and MM builds should be viable ones and along with the effectiveness of zerger/condi builds.

All 80es > MM necro is my best ,cleric
guard ,nades eng ,Trap thief \ranger ,signet\shout warrior, zerk mes\ele & shiro rev.

Altruistic Necromancer

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lily.1935


As a Vampire MM , I totally agree with you. I think that both Vampiric and MM builds should be viable ones and along with the effectiveness of zerger/condi builds.

I definatly don’t think Minion siphoning should be anywhere near player siphoning though. XD

Altruistic Necromancer

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ragnar the Rock.3174

Ragnar the Rock.3174

With the proposed changes Blood looks like it will be good for self sustain.

It will likely still be utter crap for ally support however.

My hope is that sooner rather then later they come out with a new necro elite spec that focuses on supporting allies with more then just healing.
(you know things like condi cleanse, protection, damage prevention etc.. hopefully even some group fury or might)

The question would be what to call it, my vote is with Witchdoctor.

Altruistic Necromancer

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lily.1935


With the proposed changes Blood looks like it will be good for self sustain.

It will likely still be utter crap for ally support however.

My hope is that sooner rather then later they come out with a new necro elite spec that focuses on supporting allies with more then just healing.
(you know things like condi cleanse, protection, damage prevention etc.. hopefully even some group fury or might)

The question would be what to call it, my vote is with Witchdoctor.

I Vote Ritualist. Its fitting. I’ll still say that. Also the necromancer needs a long ranged specialization after this. They’d probably get torch or something similar.

Altruistic Necromancer

in Necromancer

Posted by: foste.3098


Well we know from the reaper livestream that the blood magic trait transfusion will revive downed allies within the aoe of life transfer and the reaper equivalent.

So as far as vampire themed support goes we will at least get that, and with siphoning working in death shroud, and depending on how good blood aura ends up blood magic might end up as a good 3rd trait pick after spite/soul reaping.

see no evil ,until i stab you

Altruistic Necromancer

in Necromancer

Posted by: Anchoku.8142


I have learned to ignore all of the vampiric traits and skills: they are there as a distraction to entice people into builds that do not work.

For a healing support build right now, get a lot of healing stat and run transfusion, then reduced CD on wells and DS. It really hurts damage output but can heal quite a bit if you discipline yourself to use Life Transfer as much as possible. I use Exuberance runes for the healing armor to convert some vitality back into power but you can run other healing runes. Spite, Blood Magic, and Soul Reaping. If needed, you can also grab Ritual of Protection in Death Magic or slot Spectral Armor instead of the blind.

This is only for PUGs in trouble, though.

It’s ugly, I know, and hard to set up in the middle of a dungeon run gone sour but something like this is the best group support I have been able to find. Signet of Undeath and Renewing Blast should be useful but are not. SoU takes so long to complete that myself or others can just res the person faster and RB is nearly impossible in a group dodging and kiting; never mind the fact it only works if i have allies between myself and the target when I am best set up to tank the target myself.

Off-hand dagger can be swapped for war horn, of course.

The trick is to get people to stack on me.

(edited by Anchoku.8142)

Altruistic Necromancer

in Necromancer

Posted by: L Step.8659

L Step.8659

I wouldn’t expect any actually support aside from group siphoning, anet seems very intent on keeping us as debuffers for support and being unique. I think the design philosophy is bad with how the game is but oh well.

ReRolled [Re] GvG Hero/Wannabe

Best NA rallybot on EU

Altruistic Necromancer

in Necromancer

Posted by: Balekai.6083


I wouldn’t expect any actually support aside from group siphoning, anet seems very intent on keeping us as debuffers for support and being unique. I think the design philosophy is bad with how the game is but oh well.

Well we can expect the following since they already hinted to:

- Vampiric Aura: Group life steals as you say.
- Life Transfer’s Transfusion is maybe going to gain the ability to heal downed players. That will be super useful in WvW, PvE content and PvP.
- Patch notes a couple weeks ago involving SoU said they may try to make the signet better at team support.

There also seems to be a philosophy change around Necro group heals. Transfusion/Life Transfer stopping on DS exit (bug again?), Transfusion possibly ressing downed players, and the Deathly Invigoration changes may signal multi-purpose powerful group heals from DS that don’t affect us. However, a lot could have changed philosophy wise since the initial reveal of their core specialization changes. Vampiric Aura was non-existent then as an idea it looks like.

Or as usual all heals will start healing/ressing downed players and it won’t be unique to us.

Altruistic Necromancer

in Necromancer

Posted by: Xom.9264


Every necro still playing from the start has tried it at somepoint…. its not even close to viable.

I have been branching out into other classes…. necro is in a really bad state with so many useless traits.

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

Altruistic Necromancer

in Necromancer

Posted by: Fashion Mage.3712

Fashion Mage.3712

I would have liked to have seen a practical version of Renewing Blast. I think it was a nice trait, but it needed serious revision. They could’ve made it bounce to allies or something, but it looks like it’s just being removed.