Are Necromancers good for PvP?

Are Necromancers good for PvP?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Shadowjaason.7146


Are Necromancers good for PvP? Do they have good self healing?

Are Necromancers good for PvP?

in Necromancer

Posted by: BobJoeXXI.2493


If you compare the Necromancer with other classes on an even match, no Necromancers are not good at PvP.

Apicharr Science [ASci] – Maguuma
80 Necro, 80 Ranger, 80 Warrior, 80 Mesmer, 80 Engineer.

Are Necromancers good for PvP?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Mega Skeleton.8259

Mega Skeleton.8259

They’re okay, they’re not any good at burst damage, and not the best bunker, and fulfill a more hybrid/support role and therefore will always be unpopular as they’ll rarely be a primary class in a team comp. But they have their strengths.

You’ll probably get a lot of discouraging responses in this thread though since most people come to forums to complain.

[EG] is recruiting!

Are Necromancers good for PvP?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lordryux.9785


MEHHHHH ive seen a good burst build for necro on this forums somewhere thier was a vid with it aswell he was like a dagger gank thief lmao. it was pretty funny how he bursted down people at the same speed…

Are Necromancers good for PvP?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Mammoth.1975


Yes and yes.

Here’s the issue:
Bunkers are almost required. Guards are the best bunkers. Good mobility is required. Thieves and mesmers have the best mobility. Someone has to kill the treb. Eles and necros do it best, but eles have better mobility.

Result: You want guard/thief/mesmer/ele +1.

Necro is a fine +1, but you’re competing with 5 other classes (2 thief or 2 guard isn’t great, 2 mes or 2 ele is fine).

None of this is necessary of course, but it helps.

If you’re not playing to win, don’t complain when you lose.

(edited by Mammoth.1975)

Are Necromancers good for PvP?

in Necromancer

Posted by: hackks.3687


Current #2 Player on the tPvP QP Leader boards is a glass cannon Necro

just thought I’d mention that

I’ve stayed at this party entirely too long

Are Necromancers good for PvP?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Aga.8641


Someone has to kill the treb. Eles and necros do it best, but eles have better mobility.

What on earth are you talking about? Necros are the WORST at killing trebs, there’s 1 viable spec for a necro to run in PvP, that’s conditions….condition specs do not kill trebs. If you’re running any other spec as a necro you’re completely useless to your team, so it doesn’t matter if you can kill the treb of not.

(edited by Aga.8641)

Are Necromancers good for PvP?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Xom.9264


Takes an hour for a necro to kill a treb.

PvP no necros are not a good choice

WvW sure abuse the mobs running around in WvW to always have full lifeforce it makes the class balanced.

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

Are Necromancers good for PvP?

in Necromancer

Posted by: barti.7685


they are ok but you got to manage the class with the tools you have.

necros lack :

stability = huge deal even for support
knockback would be nice since our fear kinda sucks
only stuck with 1 good dps condition only bleeds.. wich is easily removed and never will reach its full potential.
real good burst on a constant base and its highest atk is dagger #3 wich requires you to hit a target 2 times and hope the target stays around for hit 3

and quite a few things more but you can make it work if you want it too even as a power necro you can be a great asset in lich form by quickly clearing up a big battlefield.. or help with immobilizeing focused targets to burst them down fast with multiple people and a lot more.

Are Necromancers good for PvP?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Aethyir.5683


I’ve found necromancers to be one of the more potent professions in PvP. As Bari noted in his post, we do lack certain features such as easy access to stability (but this is a generalized problem across most if not all professions) and knockbacks (but knockbacks are arguably out of control).

What necromancers do have is multiple condition removal and transfers which makes them incredibly robust against a major game mechanic and acts as an additional way to disable and damage your opponent. Death shroud is also extremely potent and not only acts as a damage buffer, but also gives you life transfer, a teleport that chills/bleeds, and fear on demand (to stop stomps, delay revives, keep an enemy off a point while neutralizing it, or controlling movement into marks/wells). Life transfer is extremely good and provides significant AoE pressure, while maintaining you in DS mode.

Typically, I think that most people have difficulty understanding how strong necromancers can be because they haven’t gotten a strong grasp on the mechanics of the game. Time and time again I see “condition necromancers” simply auto attacking with a scepter when they should be actively cycling through their skills to get to 15-18 stacks and then throwing down epidemic to apply huge AoE pressure. You can also achieve a similar type of pressure with wells and life transfer, which can easily turn the tide of a battle in your favor. While some people rag on wells because you can evade out of the area, you have to realize that well bombing over a capture point is a form of zone control.

I’m not saying there aren’t issues, but I find necromancers to be a strong PvP contender. I used to feel that the class was a bit lacklustre, but that opinion was purely based on my poor understanding of the profession. I imagine that this rings true of most of the professions in GW2, where that if you know your profession well and can play to their strengths, you can make a significant impact on the game. Believe it or not, there IS a learning curve – just stick with it and you’ll likely be impressed with what you’ll be able to achieve.

Are Necromancers good for PvP?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Xom.9264


Yeah all well and good if it was strong or even balanced the class would not be one of the least used in Spvp and Tpvp.

Its not terrible unplayable, however it is nitch underpowered class in PvP.

1 Mesmer
2 Guardian
3 Thief Ele (right spec)
4 Eng
5 Warrior Necro
6 Ranger

At least we are not rangers

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

Are Necromancers good for PvP?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Aethyir.5683


Don’t consider this an attack on you Xom, but I find it hard to believe anything you say in your posts when you make broad statements with zero substantiation. This is a problem of the boards in general. When you don’t give an argument, which is ideally supported by mathematical evidence or at the very least a list of reasons why you feel the way you do, it is hard to distinguish whether you (1) came to that conclusion yourself and are just not sharing the evidence, (2) are perpetuating a widely held belief, (3) or are just trolling.

As far as I know, there is no way to say whether necromancers are one of the least used classes in sPvP or tPvP outside of your personal impressions, where (n) could equal 5 games or 500 games. It’s often been the case in MY experience that there will be as many as 3 necromancers on either side of an sPvP match, that being said, I try not to run around espousing that as the true representation of things.

Are Necromancers good for PvP?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ezeriel.9574


Necros may have a nitch in spvp as daggers or axe and wells, I dunno. Most people I fight don’t stand in wells.

..but I only do WvWvW, and there, necros are the worst class in the game.

It’s playable. If you spec for conditions, and spam Mark of Blood, it’s actually quite fun, but you are really only mildly annoying people and kill stealing.

You can’t bleed objects or some immobile mobs.. so yeah.. not very useful at all.

The only way to play the engineer is to exploit it.
Playing the engineer “as intended” is simply not viable.

Are Necromancers good for PvP?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Drarnor Kunoram.5180

Drarnor Kunoram.5180

Really? I find Necros to be one of the strongest professions in WvW due to great zone control abilities. If nothing else, Plague is a shut-down for an opposing army. Wells and marks are fantastic for making the battlefield hostile to enemies. Spectral Wall is a perfect drop on a bridge or in a gate (whichever direction you’re running through)

What they lack, however, is effective ways of dealing with siege weaponry (other than just wading through the arrow carts with protection)

Dragonbrand |Drarnor Kunoram: Charr Necro
I’m a Geeleiver

Are Necromancers good for PvP?

in Necromancer

Posted by: displacedTitan.6897


Current #2 Player on the tPvP QP Leader boards is a glass cannon Necro

just thought I’d mention that

I dont suppose you happen to have his build anywhere? I want to switch to a glass cannon build as I am getting tired of my current condition/tanky necro (Rabid gear).

Necros are for sure one of the best WvW classes, Epidemic alone will ruin a whole squad if you get lucky with the timing and have some focus on your target (so that they have tons of bleeds/poison/vuln). Staff with Greater Marks has a silly range on it due to being able to lay the center at 1200 and the aoe radius will hit them further out than this. You have plague form which is a moving aoe blind. Basically you should do Condition damage and just spam AoE attacks, between 4 staff skills and 2 aoe on S/D PLUS life transfer in deathshroud all you cast are AoE attacks that stack conditions.

Are Necromancers good for PvP?

in Necromancer

Posted by: hackks.3687


Current #2 Player on the tPvP QP Leader boards is a glass cannon Necro

just thought I’d mention that

I dont suppose you happen to have his build anywhere? I want to switch to a glass cannon build as I am getting tired of my current condition/tanky necro (Rabid gear).

Necros are for sure one of the best WvW classes, Epidemic alone will ruin a whole squad if you get lucky with the timing and have some focus on your target (so that they have tons of bleeds/poison/vuln). Staff with Greater Marks has a silly range on it due to being able to lay the center at 1200 and the aoe radius will hit them further out than this. You have plague form which is a moving aoe blind. Basically you should do Condition damage and just spam AoE attacks, between 4 staff skills and 2 aoe on S/D PLUS life transfer in deathshroud all you cast are AoE attacks that stack conditions.

here tis

I’ve stayed at this party entirely too long

Are Necromancers good for PvP?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Infectious.4836


Necro are one of the most underated classes in the game.
The only class I consistantly have problems with as a necro are mesmers.
They are not “great” by any stretch of the imagination, but more than capable of holding a spot on a tPvP team.

Are Necromancers good for PvP?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Calli.6309


I’ve encountered more necros these days in WvW and all I can say is they are a game changer. Taking conditions away and putting multiple debuffs, unless you have ranged dps you almost could not get close enough to a necromancer while others deal heavy damage to you, and yet at the same time if you ignore them…

It made me create a necromancer in short, lol. I’d say a necro shines most when he has 1 or 2 others with him, able to take down multiple targets.

Are Necromancers good for PvP?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lgn.3450


If you compare the Necromancer with other classes on an even match, no Necromancers are not good at PvP.

Uh? There’s not a single class that I have trouble with on my Necromancer. Necros are amazing for S/TPvP and WvW, I don’t know what you’re talking about.

Are Necromancers good for PvP?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Xom.9264


Don’t consider this an attack on you Xom, but I find it hard to believe anything you say in your posts when you make broad statements with zero substantiation.

You will find I research and test what I claim.

Dont take this as an attack but you need to remove emotional investment you have in a class when people that have not played a class ask if its good or not. You could waste alot of someones time that is new to the game and wants to eventually play high level tpvp.

What you have fun playing does not = what is the strongest in pvp.

Its a nitch class that only a few mid level free tpvp groups run I dont think many of the paid teams run necros at this point in the game.

Here is some data from free tpvp. Numbers drop in paid tpvp I know this first hand.

p.s. QP farming and the farming of individual nuts that play 24/7 is not an indication of anything another reason we need rated arenas badly. Its all about averages and bell curves.

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

(edited by Xom.9264)

Are Necromancers good for PvP?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Mammoth.1975


Someone has to kill the treb. Eles and necros do it best, but eles have better mobility.

What on earth are you talking about? Necros aren’t the WORST at killing trebs, there’s 1 viable spec for a necro to run in PvP, that’s conditions….condition specs do not kill trebs. If you’re running any other spec as a necro you’re completely useless to your team, so it doesn’t matter if you can kill the treb of not.

Sorry, that’s not correct. You can fill in for an ele just fine, providing just as much benefit to your team in fights, downing the treb almost as fast and more reliably. The problem is that it takes you so much longer to get there, and that means more shots fired, which is why people use eles instead.

I dont think many of the paid teams run necros at this point in the game.

This is not correct either, which kind of turns the rest of your post on it’s head. Necromancer players may even be slightly over represented on the leaderboard.

If you’re not playing to win, don’t complain when you lose.

(edited by Mammoth.1975)

Are Necromancers good for PvP?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Xom.9264


Someone has to kill the treb. Eles and necros do it best, but eles have better mobility.

What on earth are you talking about? Necros aren’t the WORST at killing trebs, there’s 1 viable spec for a necro to run in PvP, that’s conditions….condition specs do not kill trebs. If you’re running any other spec as a necro you’re completely useless to your team, so it doesn’t matter if you can kill the treb of not.

Sorry, that’s not correct. You can fill in for an ele just fine, providing just as much benefit to your team in fights, downing the treb almost as fast and more reliably. The problem is that it takes you so much longer to get there, and that means more shots fired, which is why people use eles instead.

I dont think many of the paid teams run necros at this point in the game.

This is not correct either, which kind of turns the rest of your post on it’s head. Necromancer players may even be slightly over represented on the leaderboard.

Data says its underplayed bottom three. I always go with data.

Mesmer, Guardian, Thief, and lately Ele and warrior are used the most. I will give a side point to any arguments that say Mesmer, Guardian and Thief numbers are higher because they are classes that can do well with having two of them or more in a tpvp groups where Necro is used as 1 of and fills one role… However that still = less tpvp slots for the class less roles and flexability. Hence the data.

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

Are Necromancers good for PvP?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Mammoth.1975


Which data? Link goes to a blank page for me. I told you already why mes/guard/thief/ele are the top 4. Double guard and/or double thief are bad ideas btw, again, as I said before.

If you’re not playing to win, don’t complain when you lose.

(edited by Mammoth.1975)

Are Necromancers good for PvP?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Xom.9264


Which data? Link goes to a blank page for me. I told you already why mes/guard/thief/ele are the top 4. Double guard and double thief blows btw, again, as I said before.

Hum thread can not be opened it was a hot topic in the spvp forums… looks like a forum bug or it was stealth deleted without being deleted.

Has 2740 views 49 replies was made started by Argo.7541 Its on page 5 atm.

It had a nice sample size of free tpvp Im going off memory I think a few samples of 2000+ all laid out and charted based even on player rank and showed trend that higher rank players drift towards Mesmer Guardian Thief etc… Showed rangers as the least used.

There was a data collection right after the patch showing thief numbers actually went up with the so called nerf perhaps the nerf to guardian outweighted the nerf to thief burst thats what the data sugested. Real shame the info in the thread and no posts can be viewed it was impressive work by Argo.

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

(edited by Xom.9264)

Are Necromancers good for PvP?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sheobix.8796


Someone has to kill the treb. Eles and necros do it best, but eles have better mobility.

What on earth are you talking about? Necros aren’t the WORST at killing trebs, there’s 1 viable spec for a necro to run in PvP, that’s conditions….condition specs do not kill trebs. If you’re running any other spec as a necro you’re completely useless to your team, so it doesn’t matter if you can kill the treb of not.

Sorry, that’s not correct. You can fill in for an ele just fine, providing just as much benefit to your team in fights, downing the treb almost as fast and more reliably. The problem is that it takes you so much longer to get there, and that means more shots fired, which is why people use eles instead.

I dont think many of the paid teams run necros at this point in the game.

This is not correct either, which kind of turns the rest of your post on it’s head. Necromancer players may even be slightly over represented on the leaderboard.

^ mammoth is correct here. my cookie-cutter condition necro always finished top of the leaderboard at the end of tPvP matches i do with my guild in vent. other necro on our team plays minion bunker, and he solo locks down a control point for the whole game. i also see it played in sPvP frequently.

as for necro mobility to get to treb, horn5+s.walk will get you there really dang fast.

Are Necromancers good for PvP?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Thora.6428


Hello fellow necros

My main character is mesmer and I recently started playing necro. The difference between the 2 classes is enormous (in terms of gameplay).

  • Builds: I run a shatter build with my mesmer (quite popular, FYI 20/20/0/0/30) and I run a power/minion build with my necro (30/0/20/20/0) and another alternative to life leeching with MH dagger (same specs).
  • Stats : Mesmer is with Knights amulet (power,prec, vit) . The necro is with Soldier’s amulet (power, tough, vit).
  • Comparison: As it seems the mesmer has a huge burst damage. However, his weakness lays in nuking down bunker build. Taking them down is quite hard with him (not impossible, just bloody hard). When it comes to the necromancer, with the build I’m using it is quite easy to take down an opponent, ignoring what type of spec he is running. If you fight against a bunker build, you need to stack your vulnerability to at least 15, 16 so you ignore some armor and keep the enemy chilled so you can keep him from healing himself. If you fight against a burst damage build (mesmer for example) I’m simply putting well of darkness on the ground and pufff -> no illusions coming from him and I can take him down easily.

The bottom line is: Necromancer class is good for PVP, it’s your expectations that are wrong. They are not the best at burst damage, they do not have the strongest tank build with healing, their condition build and support build are not the greatest in the game. However, in this class you can mix all of the above so well and in a way that it cannot be done in any other class.

For those of you who said to themselves TL;DR
Nercos are awesome!

Aurora Glade
Diversity requires versatile play

Are Necromancers good for PvP?

in Necromancer

Posted by: glock.2089


I run a power/minion build with my necro (30/0/20/20/0) and another alternative to life leeching with MH dagger (same specs).

  • Stats : Mesmer is with Knights amulet (power,prec, vit) . The necro is with Soldier’s amulet (power, tough, vit).

Thora: could you post a link to your power build? thanks.

Are Necromancers good for PvP?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Knote.2904


IMO the only necro build worth anything in pvp is a fear/condition build.

And I’m usually on babysit duty.

Are Necromancers good for PvP?

in Necromancer

Posted by: nurt.5401


Necros are very good. Extremely good ranged aoe pressure and some nice team fight support.

Been dueling a lot lately and the same build (different utilities/runes) also seems to be one of the best 1v1 builds out there. At least with flesh golem.

Are Necromancers good for PvP?

in Necromancer

Posted by: MysticoN.5068


Are you good at PvP? A bad player is not going to do wel in pvp even on necro. I play necro, i love necro and i focus on PvP/WvW.

MysticoN – 80 Necro
Draci – 80 Guardian ( on hold)
-Far Silverpeak-

Are Necromancers good for PvP?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Zeke Minus.5720

Zeke Minus.5720

Yes, Necros can do great things in PvP. They can turn the tide of battle with well-timed abilities, and can be very hard to take down.

With conditions, a random little trick I like to do is to stack bleeds on a pet (if there’s a Ranger) and other conditions I have and Epidemic them onto everyone. Condition removal can be a pain, but it’s really more about positioning and waiting it out, seeing as the longer a fight goes, the higher chances a Necro will win.

Daggers can be used in may ways, but I find a DS/Chill/Well build to work well. Not many people expect a melee Necro, so it sometimes catches people off guard. We don’t have issues keeping an opponent pinned down or staying on them. Chill is a very strong condition.

Are Necromancers good for PvP?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Schwahrheit.4203


They are. Why the hell do you think they’re required in tPvP? Its a borderline broken class if you know how to do 30/30/10/0/0 the correct way with corruptions and one stun break.

Since people are negative about nerfs, how about we buff to balance then?

Are Necromancers good for PvP?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Mammoth.1975


Seeing more and more necros these last few days. Guard/mes/ele/necro and either thief or warrior accounts for more than half the teams you face.

If you’re not playing to win, don’t complain when you lose.

Are Necromancers good for PvP?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Thora.6428


Thora: could you post a link to your power build? thanks.

Find my build linked below (copy the URL and paste into the browser):;9;4T-JJ-18A;102-16;253H7-NV0OZG5OZG56gS

As for anyone who wants to give an advice about it or enhance it, I will be glad to hear your voice.

Aurora Glade
Diversity requires versatile play

(edited by Thora.6428)

Are Necromancers good for PvP?

in Necromancer

Posted by: PinCushion.7390


Thora: could you post a link to your power build? thanks.

Find my build linked below (copy the URL and paste into the browser):;9;4T-JJ-18A;102-16;253H7-NV0OZG5OZG56gS

As for anyone who wants to give an advice about it or enhance it, I will be glad to hear your voice.

I’m not a fan of staff and marks, and I wonder (with as much siphon as you have) if you wouldn’t be better off with Dagger/Warhorn in your off-hand. Warhorn #5 is great for building quick Life Force in groups from the AoE Cripple.

Or is staff there for the AoE Regen on your minions?

Edit: Just re-read your OP. You swap back and forth between Dagger depending on what you’re doing. I’ve gotten kinda spoiled from 30 Soul Reaping for stability. How’s the Blood Fiend after the fix?

(edited by PinCushion.7390)

Are Necromancers good for PvP?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Thora.6428


I’m not a fan of staff and marks, and I wonder (with as much siphon as you have) if you wouldn’t be better off with Dagger/Warhorn in your off-hand. Warhorn #5 is great for building quick Life Force in groups from the AoE Cripple.

Or is staff there for the AoE Regen on your minions?

Edit: Just re-read your OP. You swap back and forth between Dagger depending on what you’re doing. I’ve gotten kinda spoiled from 30 Soul Reaping for stability. How’s the Blood Fiend after the fix?

I use the staff mainly for the chill condition (combined with 33% reduced healing from the poison) and the regeneration from the blood mark as you said. If you want a more detailed analysis, here is what I gain from staff and from dagger/warhaor:

  • Burst damage with 1st dagger attack
  • Life leeching with the 2nd attack (with the trait Dark Armor it grants me more survivability)
  • Immobilize the foe
  • Daze for 2 second (which is important for quick interrupts)
  • Cripple/swiftness


  • Blood mark grants regeneration (healing myself and my pets)
  • I have chill + poison on 20 second cool-down (reduced movement speed, reduced recharge rate speed, reduced healing by 33%)
  • AOE blast finisher (if properly placed within chilblaines grants AOE weakness which reduced damage output of the foe by aprox 30% and reduces possibility to dodge)
  • Fear for interrupt

As you can see, the dagger has bigger damage output while the staff lowers your opponent’s ability to survive drastically. With the +30% condition duration from the spite tree it becomes really useful.

Aurora Glade
Diversity requires versatile play

Are Necromancers good for PvP?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Khalifahaze.6045


Necromancers are incredibly potent in pvp, espically tournaments. There is a reason why they usually get focused first. Hate to say it but if you think necro sucks its a l2p issue. Keep at it and you will learn how to counter other classes.

QT Khalifa [Cute] – Necromancer

Are Necromancers good for PvP?

in Necromancer

Posted by: PinCushion.7390


I’m not a fan of staff and marks, and I wonder (with as much siphon as you have) if you wouldn’t be better off with Dagger/Warhorn in your off-hand. Warhorn #5 is great for building quick Life Force in groups from the AoE Cripple.

Or is staff there for the AoE Regen on your minions?

Edit: Just re-read your OP. You swap back and forth between Dagger depending on what you’re doing. I’ve gotten kinda spoiled from 30 Soul Reaping for stability. How’s the Blood Fiend after the fix?

I use the staff mainly for the chill condition (combined with 33% reduced healing from the poison) and the regeneration from the blood mark as you said. If you want a more detailed analysis, here is what I gain from staff and from dagger/warhaor:

  • Burst damage with 1st dagger attack
  • Life leeching with the 2nd attack (with the trait Dark Armor it grants me more survivability)
  • Immobilize the foe
  • Daze for 2 second (which is important for quick interrupts)
  • Cripple/swiftness

*Stafkitten Blood mark grants regeneration (healing myself and my pets)

  • I have chill + poison on 20 second cool-down (reduced movement speed, reduced recharge rate speed, reduced healing by 33%)
  • AOE blast finisher (if properly placed within chilblaines grants AOE weakness which reduced damage output of the foe by aprox 30% and reduces possibility to dodge)
  • Fear for interrupt

As you can see, the dagger has bigger damage output while the staff lowers your opponent’s ability to survive drastically. With the +30% condition duration from the spite tree it becomes really useful.

I took this build out for a spin in PvE, just to try it out. I didn’t really have the time to sPvP or WvW with it, but here’s my initial reaction.

1) Tough as nails! Pets providing life-leech is a major factor here. The damage was fairly mediocre, but OMG can this build take a beating!

2) Very Single Target Oriented. The damage seemed mediocre if I was fighting multiple things, but if there was only one enemy it generally died very fast once all the pets started focusing on it.

3) Blood Fiend is actually decent. The high toughness makes this pet’s life leech actually worthwhile. I hadn’t really used it since the last patch.

4) Dagger’s Life Siphon is pretty amazing

5) I hate pet AI. Flesh Golem is very dumb. The other pets get the job done, and the toughness bonus from just having all of them out is noticeable. Still, the amount of fights where my golem just stood around staring into space annoyed me.

6) Death Shroud use seems like a burst-absorbing afterthought, since going into DS prevents you from getting all the life steal your pets are dishing out.

7) Conditions must hurt in real PvP. I’m accustomed to bringing loads of condi removal, and not having it makes me a little uncomfortable. Consume Conditions has spoiled me.

All in all, I was pleasantly surprised at how this build ran. I’m sure with practice it would be pretty fun. Loads of survival and healing, without having to saddle your build with Healing Power. If I was going to change anything I’d probably swap one of the minions for Well of Power just because Bleed/Poison is the obvious counter to this build.

Are Necromancers good for PvP?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Thora.6428



FYI if you pick dagger, change the last trait in Spite to Close to Death
If you want AOE in PVE, this is what I do:

  • Swap Spectral walk for Well of Suffering (you will be fine without the stun breaker).
  • Change the bone fiend to bone minions

Then it goes as follows:

  • Activate the Well
  • If you have a staff, place your marks
  • Blast one of your minions
  • Go into DS and start Life Transfer

Here is the interesting part, if you play with staff when you have finished with the life leech, you most probably have Chilblains and Putrid Mark ready (or at least 5 sec cool-down left on them). You can again place your marks and explode your 2nd bone minion. At this point there is nothing left out there.

Aurora Glade
Diversity requires versatile play

(edited by Thora.6428)

Are Necromancers good for PvP?

in Necromancer

Posted by: XiL.4318


Necros may have a nitch in spvp as daggers or axe and wells, I dunno. Most people I fight don’t stand in wells.

..but I only do WvWvW, and there, necros are the worst class in the game.

It’s playable. If you spec for conditions, and spam Mark of Blood, it’s actually quite fun, but you are really only mildly annoying people and kill stealing.

You can’t bleed objects or some immobile mobs.. so yeah.. not very useful at all.

Being bad at playing necro does not indicate the class is bad but rather your grasp of it is limited. Wells and Marks are extremely powerful in WvW just like all other AoE.

A properly played necro is a mobile siege fortress with a rampaging kittenminion knocking crowds people down so they can’t evade from wells, marks, and subsequent secondary effects like chill and their HP reaching zero.

Problem is people don’t use targeted wells and are bad with placing marks. You literally have to play necro as if it is a ground target siege machine. Then you suck much less.

Are Necromancers good for PvP?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Thora.6428


XiL.4318 I tend to agree with you.
When you play PvP (sPvP, WvW, tPvP) the wells come in handy, but the most important is their placement. For example try the following placement when in WvW and sieging a keep:

  • Place all marks from the staff just in front of the entrance near the gate.
  • Watch as the player that appears starts to run in fear while your marks do damange
  • With the trait Focused Rituals you can place your wells the same way you place marks (more damage and support).

This way you can combine your marks and wells to do an enormous amount of damage. IMO I see the ability to place wells and marks on the ground as an advantage, not as a restriction.

Aurora Glade
Diversity requires versatile play

Are Necromancers good for PvP?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Gluttony.2017


Necros are awesome bunker killers. Guardians wheep when they encounter a well-played necro (that was a pun incase people didnt notice it… im funny alright) well of corruption turns all boons into conditions, and once the guardians buffs are gone and turned into conditions I go in with my dagger/dagger zerker geared and chomp at him with 4k auto attack chains. Usually pop DS once hes at 40% to prevent knockdowns and some life blasts and life drain. Overall the guardian either sits in your wells and dies really quickly or he moves and loses the capture point, thus ruining the whole point off the bunker build (wells are a little bit smaller then the capture point, but once the guardian moves to the edge you can just fear him out and root/continue fearing him with warhorn 4 and dagger 3 or staff 5 depending on your build.
Also, necros have the highest base hp followed by warriors, so even a full class cannon necro has still around 20-22k hp coupled with DS and our instant fear that we can trigger no matter what situation we do have some pretty good defense against burst damage.
Also, plague perma blind. Pop it in a team fight and you seriously screw over the enemy team.
And to the people that say “people dont stand in wells” they actually do. especially if they defend a capture point. And if you root them with your warhorn 4 dagger 3.

Are Necromancers good for PvP?

in Necromancer

Posted by: XiL.4318


Flesh Golem, chill, and cripple prevent people from getting off wells before they do the majority of their damage. Wells also forcibly penetrate any thief running thieves guild or trying to pull off a backstab rotation.

People who say “people don’t stand in wells” should roll something else. People do what I tell them to do in PvP. And I tell them to die.

Are Necromancers good for PvP?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Knote.2904


Flesh Golem, chill, and cripple prevent people from getting off wells before they do the majority of their damage. Wells also forcibly penetrate any thief running thieves guild or trying to pull off a backstab rotation.

People who say “people don’t stand in wells” should roll something else. People do what I tell them to do in PvP. And I tell them to die.

That doesn’t stop people from dodging. =p

Only reliable well build involves dagger for immobilize. Not saying they’re useless though.

Are Necromancers good for PvP?

in Necromancer

Posted by: XiL.4318


Dieing most definitely stops people from dodging my silly friend.

And daggers are for ladies to make sammiches.