Axe, why all the hate?
anything works in open world pve, even staff mesmer.
moreover, axe is our only ranged power weapon, necro staff is just a utility weapon so there is no comparison.
use whatever is fun for you but that doesnt mean that axe is not in need of buffs
“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
Well it’s not just in PvE, I find it very good in PvP especially when paired with focus as it allows good damage while closing the distance and boon removals.
I find it to be pretty good in PvP as well honestly. #2 does a lot of damage.
(edited by Fashion Mage.3712)
It’s fine in PvP for 1v1’s, but it’s lack of cleave really brings it down fast in team fights. I do think it would probably be a little too OP if it DID cleave as a ranged power weapon tho… So I dunno. It’s fine for what it is I guess—a power option to quickly build life-force from range so you can close to reaper/GS, with some boon removal thrown in.
You pretty much answered your own question.
The auto attack is very meh and #3 is situational. #2 is great but because it’s a channelled attack (on a profession with low access to stability, no blocks, invulns, etc. etc.) it leaves us in a very vulnerable position for the duration of the cast time.
It’s a difficult weapon to balance so I truly understand how Anet could have trouble with it. It’s a decent weapon, not nearly as bad as a lot of players like to claim, but you’re kidding yourself if you think it’s anything more than that.
That isn’t to say that you’re wrong for enjoying it. I like using Axe/Dagger in WvW from time to time which isn’t a combination I see very often. It may not be as powerful as Axe/Focus but I’m a huge advocate of doing what you enjoy over what’s “better” (unless what you enjoy is intruding on other peoples time).
I wish more weapons in the game were as well designed as Ranger greatsword, honestly. It’s one of the very, very few weapons where every single skill has high value. Unfortunately the majority of weapons, Necro axe included, have only 1 – 3 skills out of the 3 (2) 5 that are useful while the rest are hugely situational or extremely lackluster.
Champion: Phantom, Hunter, Legionnaire, Genius
WvW rank: Diamond Colonel | Maguuma
I do not hate it anymore. Its vulnerability is still either useful or utterly useless but it has sufficient power for me to drop staff in some situations.
I’ve been running A/D in WvW for a while now, and between the boon corruption, cleanse, vuln, and range burst it’s done very well for itself.
Particularly great with Chill of Death. GC will typically get your enemy to half and then proc a huge nuke and boon strip on top of that. I’ve found myself often killing Daredevils who get a bit too dodge-happy early on with one channel since ToTC will be active on their engage and they’ll take max damage from Chill of Death hitting three boons.
Axe is actually Power Necro’s best weapon; the AoE boonclear and high burst/LF generation on 2 is extremely useful, and the fast attack speed is great for proc effects, especially Strength Runes. It’s just that Power Necro doesn’t really have any place doing much of anything in PvP because it doesn’t have the tools to last in a brawl and it rarely matches up in duels.
(edited by Sarrs.4831)
I find the axe can be lackluster when running solo pve if you want durability as compared to all out damage. I prefer durability with minions support and conditions healing and providing toughness to my necro. I’ve found very few things I can’t handle with it including the Bandit Executioner. My gear is prec, cond, and tough. Usually bounce between staff to scepter and focus. I don’t do much pvp so I can’t say how it works there, but I find my necro is the toughest of my toons.
Axe is in a sweet spot where it’s great for freecasting, but it’s generally very easy to pressure, especially in melee. It isn’t weak, but it has weaknesses; there is a difference. I’ve had perfectly fine results with it over the last year, increasing more so with each passing buff to it. The big thing to understand is that if you aren’t fantastic at kiting and keeping pressure off of yourself, then you won’t get prime opportunities to use Axe abilities without eating a lot of counterpressure for it.
I like it for everything it is, using only 3 skill slots and leaving the offhand for tailoring the build.
Axe is actually Power Necro’s best weapon; the AoE boonclear and high burst/LF generation on 2 is extremely useful, and the fast attack speed is great for proc effects, especially Strength Runes. It’s just that Power Necro doesn’t really have any place doing much of anything in PvP because it doesn’t have the tools to last in a brawl and it rarely matches up in duels.
I have no issues dueling with GS and staff on my power necro.
Axe is not our ‘best weapon’. Not by a long shot.
Axe is actually Power Necro’s best weapon; the AoE boonclear and high burst/LF generation on 2 is extremely useful, and the fast attack speed is great for proc effects, especially Strength Runes. It’s just that Power Necro doesn’t really have any place doing much of anything in PvP because it doesn’t have the tools to last in a brawl and it rarely matches up in duels.
I have no issues dueling with GS and staff on my power necro.
Axe is not our ‘best weapon’. Not by a long shot.
Neither are those two. Everything has its place. Depends on your build and playstyle.
Axe is actually Power Necro’s best weapon; the AoE boonclear and high burst/LF generation on 2 is extremely useful, and the fast attack speed is great for proc effects, especially Strength Runes. It’s just that Power Necro doesn’t really have any place doing much of anything in PvP because it doesn’t have the tools to last in a brawl and it rarely matches up in duels.
I have no issues dueling with GS and staff on my power necro.
Axe is not our ‘best weapon’. Not by a long shot.
Neither are those two. Everything has its place. Depends on your build and playstyle.
Here’s the difference. No one is going around claiming they are. Your response is pointless.
I have been using axe, purposely, in PvE for different builds (except condi damage) and found it adequate but barely so. The reason is the trade off in trait lines (specializations).
For adequate dps, traiting axe in Spite is necessary. However, with Reaper for AoE power dps, Spite forces a trade between Soul Reaping and Blood Magic, both of which are very useful in end-game PvE. Staff’s trait, though, is in SR so there is less conflict with power-reaper builds (S-SR-R or BM-SR-R) and more AoE utility.
Drop Reaper and you can build SR, BM, and Spite around axe but you lose the sustain of shouts. It becomes glassier.
Swap SR for DM MM and entrust dps to minions. This is a traditional MM build where intensive use of shroud is abandoned in favor of keeping minions alive until you want them dead.
Axe is tied to a zero sum game making it non-meta right now. If it is not traited, Ghastly Claws and Unholy Feast lose their CD reduction, which makes axe a poor trade for staff and its trait in Soul Reaping.
(edited by Anchoku.8142)
Well axe is probably the weapon that recieved the most buffs of all weapons. That fact alone should be a good indication how terrible the weapon was at the beginning.
It also doesnt help that the weapon is rather boring to play with (my personal opinion).
That said i think currently the weapon is ok for pvp. For pve i dont really think you should use it unless you need the range in a power build.
It was a shock to me just how much of a difference the cool down reduction made in replacing staff with axe. Of course, there is the 10% damage increase from Unholy Fervor but 20% icd reduction seemed like it made axe worth trading with staff.
Well axe is probably the weapon that recieved the most buffs of all weapons. That fact alone should be a good indication how terrible the weapon was at the beginning.
Engi Flamethrower would like a word ^^
I have no issues dueling with GS and staff on my power necro.
Axe is not our ‘best weapon’. Not by a long shot.
Maybe you could talk about general PvP instead of dueling, or try addressing the points directly, instead of barely-relevant anecdotes.
It was a shock to me just how much of a difference the cool down reduction made in replacing staff with axe. Of course, there is the 10% damage increase from Unholy Fervor but 20% icd reduction seemed like it made axe worth trading with staff.
It makes sense. All the power of the weapon is loaded into 2 and 3.
Well axe is probably the weapon that recieved the most buffs of all weapons. That fact alone should be a good indication how terrible the weapon was at the beginning.
Engi Flamethrower would like a word ^^
Sorry but i think axe got more buffs then flamethower. Though its could br close.
Honestly I don’t know why everyone hates on the axe. True the auto attack’s damage is lackluster but it makes up for it in other ways such as applying vulnerability, 2’s massive damage (had numbers almost the same as Gravedigger at times [reached 24k on Jade Construct in BF, while it was below 50% and 25 stacks of vul] ) and an area wide 2 boon corrupt + cripple on 3. Combined with Unholy Fervor, I find it does good damage and personally I think it IS a better power range option than staff.
Because Axe 2 has the conal birth of a sneeze.
Well it is in its nature to get Axed.
Honestly I think axe and scepter are the only good weapons a necro has. But yeh, axe not hitting anything except in front of you is really lame.
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.
I have no issues dueling with GS and staff on my power necro.
Axe is not our ‘best weapon’. Not by a long shot.
Maybe you could talk about general PvP instead of dueling, or try addressing the points directly, instead of barely-relevant anecdotes.
It was a shock to me just how much of a difference the cool down reduction made in replacing staff with axe. Of course, there is the 10% damage increase from Unholy Fervor but 20% icd reduction seemed like it made axe worth trading with staff.
It makes sense. All the power of the weapon is loaded into 2 and 3.
Last I checked, OP didnt restrict this conversation to pvp. Making this another useless response.
And wasnt what i responding to an anecdote in the first place? Hypocritical much?
I guess anecdotes are fine so long as they agree with you, right?
I duel all the time on axe. If you are the kind of person that stays at ranged anytime you pvp, then of course it ‘seems’ like a good weapon. But anyone with a brain will just walk away from you even with the cripple, literally. Axe has no stuns, immobs, or pulls, or fears, also its blockable.
Staff has the benefit of marks being unblockable, its projectiles pierce, its has poison which is HUGE in pvp for the healing reduction, and on top of that it generates quick burst of LF if you chain cast the marks so you dont have to camp it. Which is amazing for power builds. And its even more amazing for aoe situations as you get 3% per target hit for each mark, in addition to the few auto’s in between. which is 50%+LF over the course of 3-4 seconds with 5 targets, minimum. Even in pvp its not that hard to hit 3-4 targets with marks in team fights, and they are not blockable when traited which means you almost always land them.
And staff has a larger range. Good for poking, applying pressure, and getting out of dodge. Also you can leave marks on the ground while kiting, which people either have to walk through, or go around, which increases the chances of getting away.
I duel all the time on axe. If you are the kind of person that stays at ranged anytime you pvp, then of course it ‘seems’ like a good weapon. But anyone with a brain will just walk away from you even with the cripple, literally. Axe has no stuns, immobs, or pulls, or fears, also its blockable.
Staff has the benefit of marks being unblockable, its projectiles pierce, its has poison which is HUGE in pvp for the healing reduction, and on top of that it generates quick burst of LF if you chain cast the marks so you dont have to camp it. Which is amazing for power builds. And its even more amazing for aoe situations as you get 3% per target hit for each mark, in addition to the few auto’s in between. which is 50%+LF over the course of 3-4 seconds with 5 targets, minimum. Even in pvp its not that hard to hit 3-4 targets with marks in team fights, and they are not blockable when traited which means you almost always land them.
And staff has a larger range. Good for poking, applying pressure, and getting out of dodge. Also you can leave marks on the ground while kiting, which people either have to walk through, or go around, which increases the chances of getting away.
Just want to point out a few things.
Staff only has fear, which in itself is very easily countered due to the fact its a condition and a control effect ( resistance, stability, condition removal, condition reducing effects, stun breakers ). Also if you want unblockable marks you have to trait for it giving up other options.
Staff #1 being a projectile is also an issue due to the amount of projectile hate currently in the game. The poison is fairly useful , all be it situational. A downside here is because, even with bitter chill, the #3 skill still applies poison last and thus its the first condition to be removed. Thankfully promotes better/situational use of the skill.
Staff on its own doesnt generate that much LF. iirc soulmarks is always 3% no matter how many targets you hit with the mark. The only reason it appears to be more it due to how CV and BB works. CV has a 1s ICD per attack. This means at best, against 5 chilled targets, you will get 13(14.3% with SR) lf from a mark. If the targets are not chilled then the lf generation from it lowers significantly. Do you use #3 or #5 to gain LF or do you use them situationally.
This is an update from my last post. I’ve found the sweet spot for the axe going full zerk. If I take the critical bonus in reaper on vulnerability and and equip axe with fire, also prefer focus offhand with air since my minions take care of conditions. I still run minions and the condition armor buff works with axe. It’s the best single target take down in the HOT zones. My auto attack is devastating with fire and air runes popping off regularly with it. And the focus allows me to freeze those trying to escape while removing some boons or throw out a quick damage and heal. Since this change I’ve dumped the scepter and loving the axe. Again this is PVE so for PVP I don’t know how well it will work.
I just run Axe/Dagger paired with Greatsword and it’s the best Necro power build I’ve ever had. So much damage with little to no drawbacks!
This is an update from my last post. I’ve found the sweet spot for the axe going full zerk. If I take the critical bonus in reaper on vulnerability and and equip axe with fire, also prefer focus offhand with air since my minions take care of conditions. I still run minions and the condition armor buff works with axe. It’s the best single target take down in the HOT zones. My auto attack is devastating with fire and air runes popping off regularly with it. And the focus allows me to freeze those trying to escape while removing some boons or throw out a quick damage and heal. Since this change I’ve dumped the scepter and loving the axe. Again this is PVE so for PVP I don’t know how well it will work.
fire sigil is garbage.
get bloodlust or force.
I know this is an old thread but I would just like to say I think axe would be great if it gave 2% lf per aa hit instead of vuln.
This is an update from my last post. I’ve found the sweet spot for the axe going full zerk. If I take the critical bonus in reaper on vulnerability and and equip axe with fire, also prefer focus offhand with air since my minions take care of conditions. I still run minions and the condition armor buff works with axe. It’s the best single target take down in the HOT zones. My auto attack is devastating with fire and air runes popping off regularly with it. And the focus allows me to freeze those trying to escape while removing some boons or throw out a quick damage and heal. Since this change I’ve dumped the scepter and loving the axe. Again this is PVE so for PVP I don’t know how well it will work.
fire sigil is garbage.
get bloodlust or force.
I have to agree with this. On axe, fire sigil serves no purpose. A strength sigil would work too since axe has a high hit rate. With your crit chance it would be proccing constantly. But I would reserve that for solo play, in groups other players can give might to you in other ways.
Sonya for females. (necro,rev,ranger,mes,engi)
All classes lvl 80.
I know this is an old thread but I would just like to say I think axe would be great if it gave 2% lf per aa hit instead of vuln.
It works well w/ power necro/reaper minion mancer. auto attack for vuln stacks and the minions will eat it alive. Also using Superior Rune of the Ranger is pretty good since the 6th bonus applies to minion dmg.
Axe isn’t a bad ranged power option at all, however it can get repetitive and dull quickly. Not to mention having to Trait for it reduces your potential DPS in the long run, sure you get more power on the Axe but you lose the Chill of Death benefits, which also causes you to lose out on additional Vulnerability and Bleed stacks (if traited accordingly in Reaper and Spite). I ran with Axe/Dagger + GS for a while and it was fun, but the Axe autos are just too slow and Axe 2 is too reliant to be worth it in my book (anymore). I’ve since switched to Dagger/WH + GS, having a far better time but keep in mind I’m also running a very glass-cannon/squishy build. I rely on bursting with GS and kiting/fast DPS with Dagger. I’m also a strict PvEr btw, so PvP is irrelevant to me (which means so is this build in regards to PvP).
Axe is fun, with Decimate Defenses your Axe autos literally increase your Crit Chance per strike but you can only stack up to 15-16 (if I remember correctly) stacks of Vulnerability before you have to apply additional Vuln from other sources/skills/utilities. Axe 3 I only ever used when going into Melee, or when aggressed on, while Dagger 4 was strictly for Condi removal and Dagger 5 was also for when going into Melee. The biggest problem I had with Axe was the fact that, when I did go into Melee with GS, I had no sustained DPS but, rather, only burst. If my target could hold out against the burst it became a struggle and a few times I had to resort to Shroud (which I don’t like utilizing for emergencies, I’d much rather use it for the hard CCs and burst since I’m not running SR). Since I’m running BM, Axe 2 also didn’t ‘heal’ me for as much as I thought it would compared to Dagger 2 (yes I’m aware Dagger 2 lifesteals, I was experimenting with the burst to lifesteal theory I had with the Vampiric trait). As far as LF regen is considered, Dagger reigns supreme in that scenario because your autos do that for you, you aren’t limited to a CD that can be interrupted rather easily (whether it be by CC or having to dodge).
Not saying Axe sucks, just sharing my personal findings and why I, ultimately, decided to put the Axe down until it gets reworked/fixed. It’s fun, and the strongest ranged power weapon you can have, but keep in mind it sacrifices utility and power for safety. So if you’re fine on power, but need a safe ranged weapon, go for it but if you’re hoping to make up power with a ranged weapon, I wouldn’t suggest it personally.
decimate defenses is all well and good in a non serious pve environment. even if its used crit chance is not what necros need anyways.
for pvp and most of wvw its not useful as having reliable life force generation.
It depends on your environment. Group PvE it has low damage and thus isn’t good. sPvP is so boon-heavy the scepter’s corruption is basically mandatory, and in WvW it’s an amazing power weapon if pairing it with a melee alternate like GS or dagger.
for pvp and most of wvw its not useful as having reliable life force generation.
ya, you mean like ghastly claws, skill 2…
if you reliably hit bads with that skill, good for you. even if you do get the full channel off, grats, you get 12% lf on a 8sec cd. that’s not going to save you from much of anything.
decimate defenses would be fine without vuln on axe lol.
(edited by Stand The Wall.6987)
if you reliably hit bads with that skill, good for you. even if you do get the full channel off, grats, you get 12% lf on a 8sec cd. that’s not going to save you from much of anything.
decimate defenses would be fine without vuln on axe lol.
Why don’t you just join the rest of the people who cant land skills and pickup traited staff then…
if you reliably hit bads with that skill, good for you. even if you do get the full channel off, grats, you get 12% lf on a 8sec cd. that’s not going to save you from much of anything.
decimate defenses would be fine without vuln on axe lol.Why don’t you just join the rest of the people who cant land skills and pickup traited staff then…
He has a point, Axe 2 is easily interrupted and completely unreliable. If you so much as have to dodge you put it on CD mid-channel. Dagger Autos regen 8% LF per chain, with no CD, and faster DPS. Interruptions aren’t a threat and if you give it Sigil of Frailty you essentially have Axe autos but faster with LF regen. Not to mention Dagger gives lifesteal, Axe 2 doesn’t heal for nearly as much (that with BM properly traited for lifestealing). Dagger 3 also helps with keeping an enemy locked down, Axe 3 is pretty much an ‘oh crap’ button that’s only really good for the Retaliation it provides.
Axe isn’t bad, it’s just situational and not as universally useful as some of the other options. Even Staff I wouldn’t recommend on a Power build simply because it’s so heavily Condi-based. Not to mention you have to Trait for it to even make it worthwhile (in my book), which puts it in the same boat as Axe for me.
Axe isn’t bad, it’s just situational and not as universally useful as some of the other options. Even Staff I wouldn’t recommend on a Power build simply because it’s so heavily Condi-based. Not to mention you have to Trait for it to even make it worthwhile (in my book), which puts it in the same boat as Axe for me.
Well i would recommand staff in every pvp build, power or condi. Yeah the damage isnt good but you dont take it for the damage. Also traiting isnt much of a problem unlike axe because the other major adapts in soulreaping arent good.
With all its flaws, there is a reason why staff is a stable in most if not all meta builds.
if you reliably hit bads with that skill, good for you. even if you do get the full channel off, grats, you get 12% lf on a 8sec cd. that’s not going to save you from much of anything.
decimate defenses would be fine without vuln on axe lol.Why don’t you just join the rest of the people who cant land skills and pickup traited staff then…
, Axe 3 is pretty much an ‘oh crap’ button that’s only really good for the Retaliation it provides.
You had me thinking “maybe this guy knows something more” until you said that.
if you reliably hit bads with that skill, good for you. even if you do get the full channel off, grats, you get 12% lf on a 8sec cd. that’s not going to save you from much of anything.
decimate defenses would be fine without vuln on axe lol.
Axe 2 is a skill that is great for baiting/provoking dodges at an 8 second cooldown…
…and you are talking about “get the full channel of”. No one cares about fully channeling.
Do you think an 8 second cooldown single target Unrelenting Assault at 900 range would be a bad skill?
Axe 2 is just awesome to control the fight. Either provoke dodges to secure the following burst or to maintain pressure right after the opponent has dodged.
if you reliably hit bads with that skill, good for you. even if you do get the full channel off, grats, you get 12% lf on a 8sec cd. that’s not going to save you from much of anything.
decimate defenses would be fine without vuln on axe lol.Why don’t you just join the rest of the people who cant land skills and pickup traited staff then…
, Axe 3 is pretty much an ‘oh crap’ button that’s only really good for the Retaliation it provides.
You had me thinking “maybe this guy knows something more” until you said that.
I literally lost it when he said that.
if you reliably hit bads with that skill, good for you. even if you do get the full channel off, grats, you get 12% lf on a 8sec cd. that’s not going to save you from much of anything.
decimate defenses would be fine without vuln on axe lol.Why don’t you just join the rest of the people who cant land skills and pickup traited staff then…
, Axe 3 is pretty much an ‘oh crap’ button that’s only really good for the Retaliation it provides.
You had me thinking “maybe this guy knows something more” until you said that.
I literally lost it when he said that.
I guess he forgot that pvp doesn’t consist of flamethrower engineers.
well that’s great but you have completely missed the point.
if you reliably hit bads with that skill, good for you. even if you do get the full channel off, grats, you get 12% lf on a 8sec cd. that’s not going to save you from much of anything.
decimate defenses would be fine without vuln on axe lol.Why don’t you just join the rest of the people who cant land skills and pickup traited staff then…
, Axe 3 is pretty much an ‘oh crap’ button that’s only really good for the Retaliation it provides.
You had me thinking “maybe this guy knows something more” until you said that.
Clearly you’re only thinking with a PvP mindset, like 90% of everyone here. It’s only useful in PvP for the Boon Corruption, PvE for the Retaliation. If it was any ‘better’ than that I doubt Axe would be as frowned upon as it is nowadays. It’s also not nearly as useful as GS 3, Dagger 3, hell even Scepter 3. So yes, it’s pretty much just an ‘oh crap’ button that’s best used to transition into your melee weapon.
Axe isn’t bad, it’s just situational and not as universally useful as some of the other options. Even Staff I wouldn’t recommend on a Power build simply because it’s so heavily Condi-based. Not to mention you have to Trait for it to even make it worthwhile (in my book), which puts it in the same boat as Axe for me.
Well i would recommand staff in every pvp build, power or condi. Yeah the damage isnt good but you dont take it for the damage. Also traiting isnt much of a problem unlike axe because the other major adapts in soulreaping arent good.
With all its flaws, there is a reason why staff is a stable in most if not all meta builds.
The only reasoning I’ve ever seen with having Staff in a Power build is because you can make the Marks ‘unblockable’, which is well and good though you’re stuck with stupidly long CDs at that point for a small burst. For the record, not everyone plays PvP and not everything is about PvP either, in fact ArenaNet has made it clear that PvE is their primary focus. Staff with forever remain a Condi-weapon in my book, perfectly paired with Scepter/Dagger. ‘Meta’ doesn’t mean ‘only’, and it doesn’t mean anything not ‘meta’ is bad/trash. I really hate ‘metas’, ruins the entire point of originality and creativity in MMOs; turns everyone into copies of one another but that’s just my personal input.
if you reliably hit bads with that skill, good for you. even if you do get the full channel off, grats, you get 12% lf on a 8sec cd. that’s not going to save you from much of anything.
decimate defenses would be fine without vuln on axe lol.Why don’t you just join the rest of the people who cant land skills and pickup traited staff then…
, Axe 3 is pretty much an ‘oh crap’ button that’s only really good for the Retaliation it provides.
You had me thinking “maybe this guy knows something more” until you said that.
I literally lost it when he said that.
I guess he forgot that pvp doesn’t consist of flamethrower engineers.
I guess you forgot that PvP isn’t the only mode in the game, and not everything revolves around it ;p
EDIT: Trying to show it was meant to be light-hearted not some big serious insult
(edited by Okami.7049)
if you reliably hit bads with that skill, good for you. even if you do get the full channel off, grats, you get 12% lf on a 8sec cd. that’s not going to save you from much of anything.
decimate defenses would be fine without vuln on axe lol.Why don’t you just join the rest of the people who cant land skills and pickup traited staff then…
, Axe 3 is pretty much an ‘oh crap’ button that’s only really good for the Retaliation it provides.
You had me thinking “maybe this guy knows something more” until you said that.
I literally lost it when he said that.
Good for you?