Hey all!
Before I get into my questions, I think it’s pretty important to give a bit of background about myself. I just recently hit 80 on my first character so it’s safe to say that I am a total and complete newbie to this wonderful game.
The second I heard about the Necro class from a friend, I immediately wanted to play it. I’ve always loved using minions in Skyrim and WoW, and I get an evil little thrill using them as pawns to be sacrificed while I beat on my enemy.
So, even though I had heard that MM’s sucked in-game, I HAD to become a minion master. Heck, in many ways that was part of the charm. I’ve always loved playing the “supposedly” underpowered class because I enjoyed the originality and it was fun to see people’s reactions when I wiped the floor with them through what was considered a “crap” class.
Now we come to the class itself. I’ve played MM all the way through 80 and I still feel like I’ve barely scratched the surface on what’s possible. I’ve run staff for the most part, and have just now started trying out axe/focus because I’ve heard good things about from Bas on this forum.
Current Build
Right now I’m running http://www.gw2db.com/skill-builds/2568-minionmancer
This build is pretty much exactly what Bas suggested, and he seems to know what he’s talking about(many thanks for putting it up if you read this.)
Just had 1 or 2 quick questions about it if I could.
-Bone fiend or Bone Minions?
I’ve always felt conflicted on this point. Bone minions may seem weak, but they actually stayed alive pretty well with staff skills and their “bomb” seemed very powerful in taking down enemies. Add that to the short respawn and could keep sending them.
However many people say that Bone fiend is better. I don’t get this alas. I can see how Bone Fiend does great damage, and its root is pretty nice, but the thing has the aggro of one of those blasted yapping dogs and is about as tanky. Every single time I pull that thing out, every mob I even look at is like “Bone Fiend!! Kill it NOAW!” The thing is dead in like 5 seconds flat and I have to wait to summon it again, lowering my dps by a chunk. Is there perhaps something that I can do to keep them from jumping the poor little guy?
-Health Regen
One of the things that I liked about the staff was that my minions suddenly became nearly unkillable. With healing power and staff’s #2, my minions were constantly receiving heals and could tank all day. Now I’m trying out axe/focus and I’m worried that they’ll start dropping like flies. Does the focus #4 provide good regen and should I use the staff as my 2ndary to axe/dagger?
MM in Dungeons
I’ve not really stepped foot in dungeons on my way to 80 as I felt I needed to get used to the game first, plus I heard(and seen) that MM’s don’t get their all important traits until way later down the line. However I am 80 now and recently went into the new and improved AC.
What was depressing is that I felt completely and utterly useless. That blasted spider boss would drop her AoE red rings of death on the ground and I would watch as my minions would literally melt to it right before my eyes. I feel like I spent more time resummoning my minions than actually hitting the boss. All in all, I honestly felt like my group would have been better off with a engineer turret.
I’ve heard that dungeon MM is viable. How?
Is my build the best possible for dungeons? I admit I’m new to using minions correctly in dungeons. I usually try to put up my Flesh Worm(Love that guy) in an out of the way spot while I use my minion skills on the boss. Still encounter the mass minion melting(alliteration is fun!) which makes me feel pretty useless.
Or, for all I know, that spider boss is the ANTI-MM. That would be best case scenario, but I’m doubtful. I have a feeling that a lot of bosses use AoE and I’m worried that means my minions are little more then insta-poison clouds which I don’t want.
Again to reiterate my newbiness…I have no idea what people mean when they suggest that MM’s get Berzerker armor or knight armor or the like. Is that armor I get from dungeons, or possibly stuff I buy from dungeon quartermasters for thingies like the tears of ascalon. Moving on, what armor is best for MM’s and where can I find it.
2ndly, I’m in the Orr area and I see that really sexy armor that I can get 40k(ouch!) karma. Which of these would be best for me or, perhaps more importantly, should I even use my karma on such items or save it for something else?
Also, any other tips/tricks for playing MM’s in PvE that you felt I’ve missed would be VERY welcome. I’ve always loved dungeons in other MMO’s so I am looking to get more into those, but any other tips would be fantastic!
-Thanks in Advance and sorry for the Wall of Text!