[Bug] Trait, Flesh of the Master, not working

[Bug] Trait, Flesh of the Master, not working

in Necromancer

Posted by: Idolicious.6091


The Master trait, Flesh of the Master (Minions have 50% more health), which is 20 points deep into Death Magic, does not seem to be working.

At least, it does not work at all in conjunction with Reanimator (5 pt. Minor trait in Death Magic) and the summoned Jagged Horror.

I tested this in Cursed Shores at level 80, counting the ticks without the trait:

Health degen @ -328 hp/sec, once summoned. JH dies @ 28th tick.

Then I re-zoned, re-logged, and re-entered Cursed Shores, this time with the trait:

Health degen @ -328 hp/sec, once summoned. JH dies at 28th tick.

Logically, one can conclude by using basic multiplication, that the Jagged Horrors have a base HP pool of around 9184, with or without Flesh of the Master.

As you can see, this trait does absolutely nothing for the Jagged Horrors. If it did, the HP pool of the JH’s would be around 13776. That means 42 ticks of health degen @ -328/sec, or that the JH would remain alive for 42 seconds if it received no damage and died only of degen. It also means that you could potentially have 2 JH’s summoned at once, albeit only for a few seconds. I am unsure of a way to test this with the Flesh Golem or other minions to see if it even works for those, either. Anyone know a good way to test? I use Flesh Golem a lot with this GM Trait and I would like to confirm it’s actually working…also, if anyone has any conflicting results with what I’ve found, I’d love to hear it.

A.Net, please fix this trait to work correctly with all minions, including Reanimator’s Jagged Horror minions. If this is intended to NOT work in conjunction with each other, then it should definitely state this on the Flesh of the Master tooltip, as a Jagged Horror is a minion, after all…

(edited by Idolicious.6091)

[Bug] Trait, Flesh of the Master, not working

in Necromancer

Posted by: Uskon.2519


Seemed to work with all minion skills. If it indeed doesn’t work with Jagged Horrors, it’s probably because it’s fundamentally different from the others, since it’s created by the trait and not by a skill.

[Bug] Trait, Flesh of the Master, not working

in Necromancer

Posted by: wiazabi.2549


You could test it using blood is power and the “Fetid Consumption” Grandmaster trait Blood Magic and check how much % health is lost pr tick.

[Bug] Trait, Flesh of the Master, not working

in Necromancer

Posted by: Uskon.2519


You could test it using blood is power and the “Fetid Consumption” Grandmaster trait Blood Magic and check how much % health is lost pr tick.

Would work if the minions actually got the conditions they remove from the necro. (Which fortunately doesn’t happen, they die fast enough anyways :P)

[Bug] Trait, Flesh of the Master, not working

in Necromancer

Posted by: Idolicious.6091


Seemed to work with all minion skills.

Could you elaborate? I assume you are talking about actual utility-slot minion skills?

Does anyone have any conclusive proof that the FotM trait is working? Especially for Flesh Golem (elite).

FotM is definitely is not affecting Jagged Horrors as far as I can tell, which is wrong and a bug IMO. Trait description reads: “Minions have 50% more health.” I’m pretty sure that encompasses Jagged Horrors. Or it should anyways, since it’s not noted, and they are a minion.

Could the recent patch that changed the degen rate on the Jagged Horrors have bugged this trait out? Does anyone even know if it worked properly before the patch? Lol.

From Dec. 14 patch notes:
Reanimator: Decreased the degeneration rate of Jagged Horrors.

(edited by Idolicious.6091)

[Bug] Trait, Flesh of the Master, not working

in Necromancer

Posted by: Uskon.2519


All minions summoned through utility skills, even Blood Fiend and Flesh Golem took around 50% more damage before going down.

Now, I’m not sure if Jagged Horrors count as minions at all, I didn’t even see them giving the toughness bonus from Death Magic 15 minor :/

So I guess this would lead to Reanimator being an all-around minor, being equally useful to all builds :P

[Bug] Trait, Flesh of the Master, not working

in Necromancer

Posted by: Idolicious.6091


So I guess this would lead to Reanimator being an all-around minor, being equally useful to all builds :P

Okay, well now I’m nearly convinced they have broken Jagged Horrors/Reanimator further, because I swear I tested them with the +20 toughness/minion trait (Protection of the Horde) a while back and they worked properly together…wtf. You’re right that the JH’s don’t give the +20 toughness anymore.

Further testing showed me that you do actually get the +20 toughness from the JH if you have Protection of the Horde. The bonus toughness just doesn’t (usually?) disappear from your stats when the JH dies. You can test this by comparing your toughness stat when you first enter a zone/instance vs. after killing an enemy/summoning a JH for the first time.

That actually further proves the Jagged Horrors “count” as a minion and should be benefiting from Flesh of the Master, which they’re not.

(edited by Idolicious.6091)

[Bug] Trait, Flesh of the Master, not working

in Necromancer

Posted by: Uskon.2519


At least they siphon health with the Vampiric Master trait, too bad their attack speed is such that they die after getting 1 lucky hit in >.<

[Bug] Trait, Flesh of the Master, not working

in Necromancer

Posted by: striker.3704


Jagged horrors are counted as minions since they activate death nova. It’s a bug that flesh of the master doesn’t affect them.

D/S/R necromancer F/A/T elementalist
S/I/F engineer Z/R/D guard

[Bug] Trait, Flesh of the Master, not working

in Necromancer

Posted by: Uskon.2519


Thank goodness, I was starting to think JHs were even worse than I thought :P

[Bug] Trait, Flesh of the Master, not working

in Necromancer

Posted by: Idolicious.6091


Any update on this issue? Big patch around the corner…

[Bug] Trait, Flesh of the Master, not working

in Necromancer

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


They might not even be aware of this issue (first time I’ve heard of it! Then again, I barely pay any attention to my Jagged Horrors anyway…), so better post this on the Bugs forum and try and draw some attention to it.

[Bug] Trait, Flesh of the Master, not working

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rebus Sohal.4108

Rebus Sohal.4108

People have used minions for long enough to notice that one of the traits doesn’t work?

[Bug] Trait, Flesh of the Master, not working

in Necromancer

Posted by: Idolicious.6091



-Flesh of the Master: This trait now properly affects Jagged Horrors.

Fixed as of 2/26 update? Can anyone confirm?