(edited by TheDevice.2751)
[Concept] Main Hand Shield (drawings)
It’s kind of a neat idea, but a bit overcomplicated for a weapon. It doesn’t seem to really have an auto-attack. Or any sort of life-force generation. Both of which are very necessary for a necro weapon. It’d fit better as a conjured weapon, or some sort of environmental or story weapon.
i think it could work, imagine shooting a beam of whatever out if it like mesmer’s greatsword. (for the autoattack)
As true as Odin’s spear flies,
There is nowhere to hide.
(edited by Lightsbane.9012)
I love this idea, it’s really really cool, but as Captain unusual is sayinh, Life force regeneration is a must on any necromancer weapon.
But really cool and well themed!
Love the art as well!
I love this idea, it’s really really cool, but as Captain unusual is sayinh, Life force regeneration is a must on any necromancer weapon.
But really cool and well themed!
Love the art as well!
wow thanks for the reminder about the life force (completely forgot for some reason). I added life force on the death head skill.
(edited by TheDevice.2751)
This is kind of design that I like. Interesting, themed and fun to use.
Applaud for you. Enough of designs with “Oh, here’s some damage, boon and here some knockback, bam new weapon”. Also, I like the art.
Would be much more interesting than some Greatsword. I like it.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.
Streams: http://www.twitch.tv/rym144
Your idea is nice, interesting and sounds very fun to use.
However, bear in mind that main-hand weapons need to have a spammable 1, that’s how we kill stuff. You’re proposing a CHANNELING 1, which is completely against all other weapons in the game.
If you changed to, say, a melee-hit that continuously build up damage, and exploding into a projectile on the 3rd hit, would be useful.
I’d really like to see something like this implemented for necromancers, but with a channeling 1 it’s just a no-no, unfortunately.
Your idea is nice, interesting and sounds very fun to use.
However, bear in mind that main-hand weapons need to have a spammable 1, that’s how we kill stuff. You’re proposing a CHANNELING 1, which is completely against all other weapons in the game.
If you changed to, say, a melee-hit that continuously build up damage, and exploding into a projectile on the 3rd hit, would be useful.I’d really like to see something like this implemented for necromancers, but with a channeling 1 it’s just a no-no, unfortunately.
The auto attack is there… The auto is simply a double activation. Completing the channel is for anchoring the skull on your shield. So: you activate your H1, it starts a channel, you can immediately activate a gain to cancel the channel and shoot a death head.
Since its a main hand shield it already is in the realm of being different then other main hand weapons. And since its a shield it should feel a tad more sluggish (taking a mere 1 extra button smash to aa). The skill 1 was intentional. It’s not supposed to feel like a dagger (high speed repeated attack).
If you’re firing off one death head at a time the damage will be sub par (as i feel it should be). Building up 3 death heads, using h2 and h3 to their full effects, tanking and mitigating damage, and releasing your 3 heads at a critical moment is the more ideal approach. After that sequence or if all your death heads have been demolished from mass damage mitigation would be be spamming 1 death head in the middle of combat.
The death head idea is in the “preparation” region of the necromancer theme (like flesh wurm) and will favor a more buid-up approach.
The auto will take an additional key push but take less time than the DS auto.
(edited by TheDevice.2751)