Criticism Please: Sustain and Fear Build

Criticism Please: Sustain and Fear Build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dis Wiz Raps.7240

Dis Wiz Raps.7240

Basically what I’m trying to do is cap by force. I can almost always fear bunkers off their home point long enough to decap, and can often even get a cap in if I time my fears and snares around their stability. After that it’s all about sustain through rapid DS recharge, condition cleansing, protection stacking, regen, leeching, and Plague.

I’m not 100% sold on any aspect of the build really. The things I’m especially uncertain about are the sigils/runes/neckpiece.

It seems to work pretty well in practice, even though it certainly isn’t capable of carrying like my (boring) warrior. I can decap/cap enemy home consistently but unless my team is working the other points it’s all for naught. That being said, I can’t kill anything with this, but that’s not the point.

Anyway, thanks for looking, and please rip this build a new kitten so I can get on to making it better!

Criticism Please: Sustain and Fear Build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Stand The Wall.6987

Stand The Wall.6987

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Criticism Please: Sustain and Fear Build

in Necromancer

Posted by: azuzephyr.7280


I get your angle, but I’d have to consider how much the 3s stability and 1 extra uncontrolled fear from death magic trait makes up for losing out on terror damage and 30% condition duration from spite line.

Its definitely new but what do you feel you are gaining that you couldn’t do better using the already powerful meta-terror build?

Criticism Please: Sustain and Fear Build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Impact.2780


Why not take Dagger/Dagger alternate for the additional healing and condition transfer? Even scepter/dagger and going Settlers instead of clerics would help your damaging capabilities.

Also, you could gain some survivability by taking shrouded removal in death magic instead of reaper’s protection. Darting in and out of death shroud to remove a condition is very fast and can be done every 10 seconds untraited. To make up for the loss of an uncontrolled fear, you could swap a spectral skill with corrupt boon. This is awesome because not only does it counter might and fury (thereby improving your survivability) and converts the common regeneration boon to poison, but most importantly it converts stability into fear. It allows you to counter their counter, you control when it’s executed, and it has 15 seconds less cool down.

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