DeathShroud is now base 100% HP
So a few things about the latest DS changes:
- Death Shroud incoming damage
- You now take the correct amount of incoming damage. Before this change (and it wasn’t always like this, either) you would takes the same damage twice.
- Your Life Force pool is still the same as it has always been. 60% of your maximum health while alive, plus an additional 0-30% of that base value for Traits, meaning you can have a maximum of 78% of your max health.
- The change to having damage spill over to your health pool was indeed to resolve falling damage, but was also how Death Shroud was, from a Design standpoint, intended to function. Obviously making these changes simultaneously was to help decrease any sense of buff/nerf to the mechanic itself.
- Thirdly, we are testing a new way to reflect your Life Force energy pool in the UI using real-life numbers!
So Bill, I’m not usually one to quote a red post but your 2nd point there kinda ticked me off a bit.
You are saying that damage was always meant to spill over to the health pool but you only got around to fixing it the other week.
If this is true I have to question any one of you that’s been involved with Necro balancing.
Let me try and paint you a picture by listing what we don’t and what we do have. Now I’m talking purely from a PvE standpoint here, I realize this might get dismissed completely since it would seem balancing is done around PvP. But let’s give it a shot anyway.
Imagine that you are doing a boss that can do a 50k hit and you want to survive this. This 50k hit is in addition to various other sources of damage the boss has.
What Necromancers doesn’t have
-Access to Vigor
-EvadeNow all professions but the Necro has access to at least one of those and in the majority of cases more then just one.
What Necromancers used to have
2 dodges
A pseudo block in DS.Where you could pop DS and survive that 50k hit and just deplete your life force, but we’d be alive, yay!.
What Necromancers have now
2 dodgesNo longer can we rely on our one and only way it mitigating damage outside of dodging. So if you have no endurance left you are in essence screwed.
The only way to go about it now is to build for max life force gain and hope you can build a full bar of it before you need to pop it. (Goodluck condimancers…)
So, what have you achieved exactly, well:
-DS can no longer be used as an offensive tool because using your life force for anything but to mitigate damage is to commit suicide.-Tying in with the above, Necros cleave damage was poor before, but even worse now since we can’t utilize piercing life blast as much anymore.
-You’ve reduced our build options, since you kinda have to go for max life force gain now. So either dagger/axe main hand and focus off hand. + you ideally have to go in to Soul Reaping for that extra bit of life force.
Is it really meant to be this bad/hard for Necromancers? I realize Necromancers have a bit of an SnM thing going on with all the self inflicting pain, conditions, life sacrifice etc but surely this is taking it one step too far?
A-net seems to be avoiding every post on this issue.
Maybe we’re not supposed to be able to run dungeons – that’s limited to Warriors, Guardians and Mesmers… can’t bust up the big 3 now.
This is utter stupidity.
80 Ranger (3), 80 Warrior (3), 80 Thief (3)
80 Ele (2), 80 Engi (3), 80 Rev (2)
So a few things about the latest DS changes:
- Death Shroud incoming damage
- You now take the correct amount of incoming damage. Before this change (and it wasn’t always like this, either) you would takes the same damage twice.
- Your Life Force pool is still the same as it has always been. 60% of your maximum health while alive, plus an additional 0-30% of that base value for Traits, meaning you can have a maximum of 78% of your max health.
- The change to having damage spill over to your health pool was indeed to resolve falling damage, but was also how Death Shroud was, from a Design standpoint, intended to function. Obviously making these changes simultaneously was to help decrease any sense of buff/nerf to the mechanic itself.
- Thirdly, we are testing a new way to reflect your Life Force energy pool in the UI using real-life numbers!
1.1) “You now take the correct amount of incoming damage. Before this change (and it wasn’t always like this, either) you would takes the same damage twice.”
Once again demonstrating that in changing Deathshroud from our downed state to our profession-specific mechanic, errors and oversights were introduced that have persisted for 11+ months. Name any other class who’s profession-specific mechanic has been as borked for as long or as badly as our’s:
Thief? Initiative working as intended, unaware of any major revisions.
Warrior? Adrenaline working as intended, unaware of any major revisions.
Guardian? Virtues working as intended, unaware of any major revisions.
Elementalist? Attunements working as intended, unaware of any major revisions.
Mesmer? Shatters working as intended, some tweaks made with regards to clone and phantasm pathing and timing of shatters.
Engineers? Kit swapping and Tool Belt working as intended, some tweaks made to some Tool Belt skills but the mechanics of the Tool Belt itself are sound.
Necro? Deathshroud replaced our skill bar so we couldn’t see our weapon and utility cooldowns nor our boons or conditions. Taking double the amount of damage we should have been while transformed. Deathshroud skills themselves that were buggy. Being immediately knocked out of Deathshroud in some instances of receiving a hit from a hard CC; despite Deathshroud being an instantaneous transformation that’s supposed to be uninterruptible. Losing access to our utility skills for anywhere from 1 to 3 seconds after having left Deathshroud. Improvements have come; but very slowly. With the buffs, though, has come this largely unwarranted nerf that has no justification with regards to game balance (setting aside the jumping issue for a moment).
2) “The change to having damage spill over to your health pool was indeed to resolve falling damage, but was also how Death Shroud was, from a Design standpoint, intended to function”
The argument that it was done to resolve falling damage is specious. The real issue is necros accessing areas of the game the devs don’t want them seeing and with which I’m in agreement. That being the case, the proper fix is to better compartmentalize the game world to prevent players from reaching areas you don’t want them accessing rather than nerf the necros’ Deathshroud mechanic. In nerfing it, you’ve removed what was both a fun and creative escape mechanism for necros; especially when we have so few to begin with. Heck, just set a parameter that automatically kills any player who accesses a hidden or restricted area; problem solved.
With regards to damage spill-over being intended from a design standpoint, I would call that bad design. For a profession with no other form of damage mitigation or vigor in a game where bosses can hit in excess of the sum of both Deathshroud’s Life Force pool and the necro’s normal health pool, this nerf removed our only de facto version of block/evade/invulnerability. Rather than punish us with a nerf, we should be celebrated for being ingenious enough to Macgyver a solution from the limited tools at our disposal. Functionally, we created a new skill!
If we’re truly meant to facetank everything between the combination of our regular health pool and Deathshroud with no access to any form of block/evade/invulnerability, then we’re going to need a heck of a lot more virtual health in Deathshroud if you expect us to survive encounters with certain bosses.
Instead of convoluting this issue with nerfs, patches, fixes to the fixes, etc., why not, instead, take the path of least resistance and return Deathshroud to the pre-patch state with regards to the overflow damage. Moreover, maybe it’s time to just come clean and admit that Deathshroud has been problematic from day one due to hastily converting our downed state form into our profession-specific mechanic shortly before release. Honestly, I think the necro community would be much more forgiving and understanding of such an admission rather than trying to maintain the fiction that it’s working as intended now.
Perhaps you have a long-range vision for Deathshroud. However, in the process of getting to that point, we’ve been nerfed below par in certain scenarios. At a minimum, until Deathshroud has been patched to fit your overarching design goals, please revert it with regards to the damage overflow issue. It was our sole form of burst/spike mitigation. That application of Deathshroud wasn’t game unbalancing to begin with; so why fix it?
Even if it doesn’t fit with your vision for Deathshroud, the necro community creatively adapted our profession-specific mechanic to compensate for some very glaring deficiencies in the class’ design. Despite this organic evolution which established a precedent – transforming Deathshroud into our burst/spike mitigator – it’s now been stripped from us. Why? To what end?
To paraphrase General Zod:
“We exist only to serve our party. That is the sole purpose for which we rolled necros. And every action we take – no matter how violent, or how cruel – is for the greater good…of our party. And now…* choke * …we have no party. Our Deathshroud. THAT…is what YOU…have taken…from US !!!”
(edited by Kraag Deadsoul.2789)
I don’t know if it was like this before but when I’m taking more damage than I have life force and I’m switching back to my normal health bar, there is a one second delay before I can use my normal skills again. Is this intended?
This issue has been going on for months, possibly since release.
Just go watch the PAX qualifiers whenever a Necro is on and leave DS, skills are locked over 50% of the time.
I’m pretty sure this has killed a player in more than 1 occasion during the tournament.
After casually perusing this thread it would appear someone needs to send another bug shaped cake to arena net in the hopes that someone gets around to taking a proper look at death shroud.
(edited by Brutal Arts.6307)
Kraag Deadsoul: Well said, dear sir.
I just don’t understand the red post here. I tested it, and the numbers don’t lie. Even if you account for a few extra ticks of degen that didn’t happen during the testing, all indications are the DS is representing close to 100%.
I also don’t get why NOW, just NOW, they would come out and let us know DS is 60% of our HP, while that has been an unknown and debated about topic SINCE THE GAME CAME OUT.
I am a practical guy, and I like to know what I have to work with. Since my evidence and others seems to point to DS being 100% of our HP now, my best guess is that when they “fixed” the double damage, they accidentally gave us too much DS, and when they turn on the number associated with the DS value, they will realize and “fix” the bug back to 60%.
They want to nerf it to 60%, so they tell you it’s 60%. Someone came out and said no, it shows 100%. Then they say, oh there’s a bug, let us make a hot fix for you.
Regarding DS overflow nerf, I really don’t like how this gimmick nerf (which I’m ok with it, less fun but I can deal with it) affect the balance.
Once again demonstrating that in changing Deathshroud from our downed state to our profession-specific mechanic, errors and oversights were introduced that have persisted for 11+ months. Name any other class who’s profession-specific mechanic has been as borked for as long or as badly as our’s:
Warrior? Adrenaline working as intended, unaware of any major revisions.
Warrior class mechanic was messed up since the game launched. There is a trait in strength for 50% endurance when you land a burst skill didnt work with sword main hand since launch.
Major revision for warrior burst mechanic was the same patch necro received dhuumfire. Before if you put 30 trait points into discipline you got a game changing 3% extra damage on your burst skill was like that since launch till the dhuumfire patch. Now 30 trait points gets you 30% recharge rate. Those are just off top my head might be more but not sure.
Just pointing it out for information though.
I don’t know if it was like this before but when I’m taking more damage than I have life force and I’m switching back to my normal health bar, there is a one second delay before I can use my normal skills again. Is this intended?
Yes yes, please change this!
Yes, this is an unacceptable bug and needs to be fixed ASAP.
So a few things about the latest DS changes:
- Death Shroud incoming damage
- You now take the correct amount of incoming damage. Before this change (and it wasn’t always like this, either) you would takes the same damage twice.
- Your Life Force pool is still the same as it has always been. 60% of your maximum health while alive, plus an additional 0-30% of that base value for Traits, meaning you can have a maximum of 78% of your max health.
- The change to having damage spill over to your health pool was indeed to resolve falling damage, but was also how Death Shroud was, from a Design standpoint, intended to function. Obviously making these changes simultaneously was to help decrease any sense of buff/nerf to the mechanic itself.
- Thirdly, we are testing a new way to reflect your Life Force energy pool in the UI using real-life numbers!
Thank you for responding!
1) Are you sure it’s 60%? Pretty much everyone who’s tested it has come up with at least twice that. I’m not questioning the intent but at least in the Heart of the Mists, there seems to be some discrepancy.
2) Why did suicide jumping have to go? It was so much fun. ;_;
3) Better UI information is always good to hear about!
EDIT: Ok, 60% definitely appears to be untrue. Or if it is true, some sort of unmentioned damage mitigation is happening with DS.
I hopped on my Necro, filled up my LF bar, and tried dropping from the cliffs behind the 60-80 Glory Vendors in the Heart of the Mists. I was packing a Carrior amulet, so my full health was at 28,312
The fall from the spot I dropped from dealt 15,338 points of damage, or about 54% of my health. I then went and dropped from that same spot, only this time I flashed into DS at the last moment (natural degen, therefore, did not kick in). I took a screenshot of my DS bar after the fall and compared the pixel size of the area I’d lost with the pixel size of the full bar. The fall only took about 43% of my Life Force, which implies my full LF total is 35,670 with 0 in Soul Reaping, or 126% my health. If we assume my estimation of how much LF I lost was only approximatelly correct, that puts this roughly in line what other people have been saying: that DS still appears to be 120% of our max health.
I’m not trying to yell “Gotcha!” or anything, I’m just very confused.
How to Condi Reaper on a budget
Everything I say is only in reference to PvE and WvW.
(edited by Blaine Tog.8304)
They want to nerf it to 60%, so they tell you it’s 60%. Someone came out and said no, it shows 100%. Then they say, oh there’s a bug, let us make a hot fix for you.
[/conspiracy]Regarding DS overflow nerf, I really don’t like how this gimmick nerf (which I’m ok with it, less fun but I can deal with it) affect the balance.
This would be such a genius idea.
But seriously, I am pretty confused, because LF very much appears to be significantly more meaningful than my HP bar when it comes to taking hits, I can’t imagine that it is anything less than 100% HP, 60% made so much more sense with the old DS.
So if DS change was also because we were never suppose to survive falls, then if that is the case good bye spectral walk?
Once again demonstrating that in changing Deathshroud from our downed state to our profession-specific mechanic, errors and oversights were introduced that have persisted for 11+ months. Name any other class who’s profession-specific mechanic has been as borked for as long or as badly as our’s:
Warrior? Adrenaline working as intended, unaware of any major revisions.
Warrior class mechanic was messed up since the game launched. There is a trait in strength for 50% endurance when you land a burst skill didnt work with sword main hand since launch.
Major revision for warrior burst mechanic was the same patch necro received dhuumfire. Before if you put 30 trait points into discipline you got a game changing 3% extra damage on your burst skill was like that since launch till the dhuumfire patch. Now 30 trait points gets you 30% recharge rate. Those are just off top my head might be more but not sure.
Just pointing it out for information though.
Without intending any disrespect to the Warrior profession, the issues you’ve mentioned lie with traits that affect or synergize with your profession-specific mechanic. As unacceptable and frustrating as that may be, the adrenaline mechanic itself, however, works as intended.
In other words, when you attack a foe you gain one strike of adrenaline. Your adrenaline bar fills up as expected. When you reach the pre-requisite amount of adrenaline for each stage of your bar, you are able to use that resource to power a burst attack.
Contrast this with Deathshroud in which Necromancers had a bug that made us lose Life Force – our profession-specific resource – at twice the intended rate when taking damage. The mechanic itself is fundamentally flawed at the source (and that’s just one example of the problems we’ve been plagued with in regards to Deathshroud).
The analogy would be if – as a Warrior – you gained 10 adrenaline and rightfully expected the first stage of your adrenaline bar to be filled, ready to power a burst attack. Instead, there’s a bug which makes it take twice as much adrenaline – 20 strikes – just to fill up the first bar on the adrenaline meter (even though it’s been stated it should only take 10 strikes to fill). That would completely undermine the entire Warrior profession – regardless of which specific build you choose – would it not? This is the situation the Necromancer class has been laboring under for the last 11 months.
Some of these issues are – finally – being addressed. At the same time, though, the devs turn around and nerf a major function of Deathshroud which did work by improving our survivability against burst damage while still remaining balanced. It’s existed for 11 months without issue. Now, without any rational justification, they’ve nerfed it and – in so doing – removed the only burst/spike mitigator available to Necromancers.
Whether or not this was an intended use of Deathshroud is largely irrelevant in my opinion. It was the Necromancer community’s creative solution to a problem while under duress. We have no access to block, evade, invulnerability, leap, stealth, nor vigor. If we have used up our limited dodges, Deathshroud’s former ability to absorb a single burst/spike attack was our only survival option. Now…that has been stripped from us.
Even if this nerf is paving the way to grant a block, evade, or invulnerability skill to Necromancers, I don’t want it. It’s certainly the case that I – and, to be certain, many other Necromancers – have already developed the timing and twitch muscle memory for using Deathshroud as our burst/spike mitigator. Beyond the inconvenience of having to abandon a learned behavior, the deeper issue – for me, anyway – is the satisfaction of having a higher skill cap and cost : benefit associated with using Deathshroud in this manner in conjunction with how it fits the profession’s theme of riding the razor’s edge between life and death.
(continued in next post)
(continued from previous post)
With the pre-nerf version of Deathshroud, if a Necromancer wanted to use it to absorb a singular burst/spike (from a boss, for example), he or she had to make sure they:
1) had built up enough Life Force to be able to enter Deathshroud to begin with (we can’t enter this from unless we’ve built up at least 10% Life Force)
2) Deathshroud itself was off cooldown (untraited, it has a 10 second cooldown after having exited the form)
3) timed their use of Deathshroud correctly in anticipation of absorbing the burst/spike.
It was rewarding to skillfully use our profession-specific mechanic for this purpose; intended or not. Since this was a move almost exclusively reserved for boss fights, it was in no way game breaking or resulting in imbalances in PvP. Though it was certainly used to absorb some bursts from other players – a Warrior’s Hundred Blades or a Thief’s Backstab, for example – it was balanced by the fact that we had to use an expendable resource to achieve this.
It was no more OP than any other class using a block, evade, or invulnerability skill. Exact same concept except that Necromancers have to burn some of their profession-specific resource just to pull off what other classes accomplish through slotting a utility or weapon skill. This would be the equivalent of expecting Warriors to burn some adrenaline to use Shield Stance, for example. Even so, we didn’t complain; we simply adapted and persevered to the point where we were satisfied with the tool that was available to us. It was a simple and elegant solution to the problem of lacking any other form of block, evade, or invulnerability for Necromancers while remaining balanced with the larger game. But now? Now…that is gone.
Even if it is the intent to introduce block, evade, or invulnerability to the Necromancer profession as compensation for losing this functionality of Deathshroud, I will go on record right here and now by stating I don’t want any of it. I don’t want a one-button-click-get-out-of-jail-free-card; YAAAAAAWN. I LIKE the fact that – to absorb burst/spike damage – I have to carefully manage my Life Force and skillfully time my use of Deathshroud. It makes me feel like a Necromancer – transforming into a dark wraith straddling the line between here and the afterlife – to absorb that which would otherwise kill a mere mortal.
Lastly, it’s a validation of what makes Necromancers what they are. Both in-game and out-game, we’re beaten down, focused, trod on, neglected, and forgotten. But we rise from the grave stronger each time. We took an underdog class and made it viable despite a history of long-standing bugs, broken fundamentals, and a foundering vision of how exactly we fit into the game. We took our crippled profession-specific mechanic and turned it into a functional invulnerability skill. We did that…not the devs…US!
Revert us back to the Deathshroud we’ve spent the last 11 months forging into our own!
So if DS change was also because we were never suppose to survive falls, then if that is the case good bye spectral walk?
Exactly. The argument for nerfing Deathshroud because it allowed necros to avoid fall damage is ridiculous. It’s a lazy solution to the problem of preventing players from accessing parts of the map the devs don’t want them to see.
I have nothing more to add, Kraag said it all. Please revert that overflow idea, and give us our old Death Shroud back. It was one of the few things that kept our class interesting to play, and it wasn’t unbalanced at all.
- The change to having damage spill over to your health pool was indeed to resolve falling damage
Just….what? I had assumed, being a rational person, that this was not the reason for the nerf because you can do exactly the same thing with spectral walk. If this was an issue with map breaking, then spectral walk would have been changed. Period. Or anet is so ignorant of their own class that they don’t realise spectral walk can be used that way, which honestly would surprise me.
Everything Kraag said above is valid. Please, please revert the change, it has huge impact necromancer surviablity. The fact that it was taken away because anet saw it just as a cheap gimmick used to cliff dive….it just confirms more and more my suspicion that no one on the balance team plays this class to any serious degree.
I don’t care about Pve but personnaly wouldn’t want it to be reverted in PvP…
So a few things about the latest DS changes:
- Death Shroud incoming damage
- You now take the correct amount of incoming damage. Before this change (and it wasn’t always like this, either) you would takes the same damage twice.
- Your Life Force pool is still the same as it has always been. 60% of your maximum health while alive, plus an additional 0-30% of that base value for Traits, meaning you can have a maximum of 78% of your max health.
- The change to having damage spill over to your health pool was indeed to resolve falling damage, but was also how Death Shroud was, from a Design standpoint, intended to function. Obviously making these changes simultaneously was to help decrease any sense of buff/nerf to the mechanic itself.
- Thirdly, we are testing a new way to reflect your Life Force energy pool in the UI using real-life numbers!
I was suspecting that the overflow change was to balance out the damage bug-fix.
…but I’m both surprised and very disappointed that the fall damage part of it played a role in that decision.
The fall damage thing only really played a role in messing around and at escaping in WvW.
To me changing the whole mechanic because of it sounds extremely stupid.
I’m hoping that it was only a minor reason in that decision.
I saw it as the one thing that made Necro more unique in movement abilities, since they suck at moving around otherwise.
At least we’ve still got Spectral Walk for silly stuff. Sigh.
Also you say that it wasn’t intended to function like that in Death Shroud’s design, but I could swear that Anet used to use dancing in and out of Death Shroud as a “selling point” for it!
It was also pretty much the only way a Necromancer without full Health and Life Force could survive a 20k+ hit in PvE after his Endurance got low.
Of course if Death Shroud’s role is getting re-designed and Necro is receiving other ways to survive those super high damage-hits then that’s more than cool with me.
I like that Arenanet is testing the way Life Force is displayed!
Right now it really is rather confusing.
To me changing the whole mechanic because of it sounds extremely stupid.
I’m hoping that it was only a minor reason in that decision.
Although I agree with most of what is being said here, I’d like to stress out that we shouldn’t really act as if this ‘DS-block’ was the difference between being viable in hard PvE content and not being it. The DS-block was very much inferior to a real block to begin with: a lot of those big hits are encountered in high level fractals and if said hits were agony attacks, it really didn’t matter much if you “blocked” it or not; since the agony wasn’t avoided in this way, you were going to eat dust more often than not anyway. I have to be honest and say that this change really didn’t affect me much.
The issue remains though that a necro has to play a lot differently (I’d dare say better, as in: a lot less, to no room for error) than many other classes, while having pretty much nothing to show for it. I’ve never really had that much issue with not being accepted in a group or getting called out or something, as others have experienced. Yet it’s pretty common for me to find myself in a somewhat challenging encounter at lvl 48 fractals, working my kitten off to see all the tells, time all the dodges perfectly, don’t waste any dodges, dps as much as possible, etc. and then glance over to the guardian that couldn’t time a single dodge properly if his life depended on it (some don’t even seem to know how to dodge in the first place…), all while pooping out boons, heals and projectile absorption/reflection skills like there’s no tomorrow (and with hardly any notion of when to actually use/time them), having less issue to not go down than me and probably dps’ing on par with me to boot: at those moments I’m truly wondering myself wtf I’m even doing there…
(edited by Arvid.3829)
They want to nerf it to 60%, so they tell you it’s 60%. Someone came out and said no, it shows 100%. Then they say, oh there’s a bug, let us make a hot fix for you.
[/conspiracy]Regarding DS overflow nerf, I really don’t like how this gimmick nerf (which I’m ok with it, less fun but I can deal with it) affect the balance.
heck Perma Stealth thieves might as well have been nerfed (the stealth function , not the dmg) since they can spam that to avoid certain death , the same lvl the DS overflow did for necros , sure the jumping thing was fun , ive done it myself in open world areas , sometimes just get down to someone who missed a jump in a jumping puzzle rather then make them walk back , but alot of this is pure nonesense , and moreso it does seem it was done soley for the purposes of the tpvp aspect , and pax, sadly we wont see perma stealth thieves touched , much less backstab thieves crazy dmg (even running mixed gear of Valk and Berserker , 2 shots from a BS thief out of nowhere is ridiculous that ive seen no other class able to do , imbalance akittens prime right there). and to think alot of this started with some unwanted condition , dhuumfire , that pretty much any necro i ask will say wtf? why did we get burning? better things could have been done instead , like moving (withering precision i think it is? weakness on crit) to the power tree since it does no condition dmg , but would benefit from the condition duration from that tree , and replace dhuumfire with an easier access to Terror or agony or whatever thats called (DS skill 5 condition) that would give condition mancers more viability in large groups considering everyone else is spamming the same conditions necros do , and condition mancer dmg ending up as nothing (this is pve viewpoint btw , with champs and high health pools) , and bosses having defiance or whatever its called where weakness and blind have such a little / no effect /duration on them. And for a redundant thing for that btw , seeing a champ karka in southsun thath as that buff AND stability , why does it need both? XD
Although I agree with most of what is being said here, I’d like to stress out that we shouldn’t really act as if this ‘DS-block’ was the difference between being viable in hard PvE content and not being it. The DS-block was very much inferior to a real block to begin with: a lot of those big hits are encountered in high level fractals and if said hits were an agony attacks, it really didn’t matter much if you “blocked” it or not; since the agony wasn’t avoided in this way, you were going to eat dust more often than not anyway. I have to be honest and say that this change really didn’t affect me much.
The issue remains though that a necro has to play a lot differently (I’d dare say better, as in: a lot less, to no room for error) than many other classes, while having pretty much nothing to show for it. I’ve never really had that much issue with not being accepted in a group or getting called out or something, as others have experienced. Yet it’s pretty common for me to find myself in a somewhat challenging encounter at lvl 48 fractals, working my kitten off to see all the tells, time all the dodges perfectly, don’t waste any dodges, dps as much as possible, etc. and then glance over to the guardian that couldn’t time a single dodge properly if his life depended on it (some don’t even seem to know how to dodge in the first place…), all while pooping out boons, heals and projectile absorption/reflection skills like there’s no tomorrow (and with hardly any notion of when to actually use/time them), having less issue to not go down than me and probably dps’ing on par with me to boot: at those moments I’m truly wondering myself wtf I’m even doing there…
Not to mention some burst are multi hit. Which completely destroyed DS as a block even when it didnt carry over to hp. Alpha’s stacked aoes is an example of this, although its really 5 seperate bursts, if you run out of dodges DS will only absorb one and the rest will down you.
Although I agree with most of what is being said here, I’d like to stress out that we shouldn’t really act as if this ‘DS-block’ was the difference between being viable in hard PvE content and not being it. The DS-block was very much inferior to a real block to begin with: a lot of those big hits are encountered in high level fractals and if said hits were an agony attacks, it really didn’t matter much if you “blocked” it or not; since the agony wasn’t avoided in this way, you were going to eat dust more often than not anyway. I have to be honest and say that this change really didn’t affect me much.
The issue remains though that a necro has to play a lot differently (I’d dare say better, as in: a lot less, to no room for error) than many other classes, while having pretty much nothing to show for it. I’ve never really had that much issue with not being accepted in a group or getting called out or something, as others have experienced. Yet it’s pretty common for me to find myself in a somewhat challenging encounter at lvl 48 fractals, working my kitten off to see all the tells, time all the dodges perfectly, don’t waste any dodges, dps as much as possible, etc. and then glance over to the guardian that couldn’t time a single dodge properly if his life depended on it (some don’t even seem to know how to dodge in the first place…), all while pooping out boons, heals and projectile absorption/reflection skills like there’s no tomorrow (and with hardly any notion of when to actually use/time them), having less issue to not go down than me and probably dps’ing on par with me to boot: at those moments I’m truly wondering myself wtf I’m even doing there…
if im not mistaken , didnt i read a red post somewhere saying theyre trying to make DS used more defensively? if thats the case then this “nerf” has done just the opposite , more ppl use it offensively since its not going to help mitigate that spike dmg to begin with,
Although I agree with most of what is being said here, I’d like to stress out that we shouldn’t really act as if this ‘DS-block’ was the difference between being viable in hard PvE content and not being it. The DS-block was very much inferior to a real block to begin with: a lot of those big hits are encountered in high level fractals and if said hits were an agony attacks, it really didn’t matter much if you “blocked” it or not; since the agony wasn’t avoided in this way, you were going to eat dust more often than not anyway. I have to be honest and say that this change really didn’t affect me much.
The issue remains though that a necro has to play a lot differently (I’d dare say better, as in: a lot less, to no room for error) than many other classes, while having pretty much nothing to show for it. I’ve never really had that much issue with not being accepted in a group or getting called out or something, as others have experienced. Yet it’s pretty common for me to find myself in a somewhat challenging encounter at lvl 48 fractals, working my kitten off to see all the tells, time all the dodges perfectly, don’t waste any dodges, dps as much as possible, etc. and then glance over to the guardian that couldn’t time a single dodge properly if his life depended on it (some don’t even seem to know how to dodge in the first place…), all while pooping out boons, heals and projectile absorption/reflection skills like there’s no tomorrow (and with hardly any notion of when to actually use/time them), having less issue to not go down than me and probably dps’ing on par with me to booth: at those moments I’m truly wondering wtf I’m even doing there…
Completely agree with your assessment. I’m approaching this issue more on principle than from the standpoint of having been personally handicapped by this nerf.
Rather than express apathy as I’ve seen done in other posts (e.g. “I PvP, this is a PvE issue, so why should I care?”), I’m trying to look at this more globally. First of all, there are necros who are negatively impacted by this nerf.
Secondly, it’s another indicator that those making these decisions really don’t have a grasp of the profession. They may know the code behind the scenes, but they fail to see the forest for the trees relative to how Necromancers actually play. This is continually re-affirmed in every interview I’ve read or viewed in which the discussion turns to Necromancers and the devs make statements that demonstrate how little they truly understand the class. That doesn’t instill me with confidence when these are the same people making decisions that impact our profession.
Lastly, it’s another slap in the face…another kick while we’re down. We were finally getting some much-needed and long-awaited fixes; to then turn around and nerf something that wasn’t truly broken. Even if it wasn’t intended by design, the use of Deathshroud as a burst/spike sponge had become established in the game as a legitimate tactic for the past 11 months that was not game breaking nor OP in the least.
If it wasn’t broke, why fix it? The jumping issue we’ve already covered in detail and deconstructed why that is a very flimsy justification for this nerf; I won’t repeat it here. It’s just one more example of removing the fun and utility from the class with the ever-cumulative risk that when done once, it’s that much easier to do it again at a future date.
Especially for a profession which – as Arvid so clearly points out – has to work twice as hard just to keep pace. I’m not even bemoaning that; I LIKE having to constantly be on my toes, with survival being a never-ending challenge (within reason, of course). We have a very limited number of damage mitigation options, though; losing even one of them to a nerf is a not-insignificant blow to our personal survivability, usefullness in a party, and community morale.
If you want to solve the issue with falling damage, just add a kill-volume in every place where players should not be. I think that is the most obvious solution. Frankly, I’m surprised that this wasn’t implemented right away. It’s kind of level design 101. :/
Well, I’m about to say something really that really criticizes this game but it is unfortunately how I and some others feel.
I’ve said this for months now and despite how much I do like guild wars, the lore, history all that this game reeks of inexperience.
I won’t go into too much depth here as I believe most things have been covered on this forum previously. But to bullet point it up a bit.
-A lot of the balancing is done on a whim with no thought behind aka pub balancing
-Rather then make inaccessible areas inaccessible (as an example) they’ll nerf and change a critical feature of a profession
-Anet has yet to fix a bug or make a change without bringing 2 new ones into the game. This is a sign of a very weak code. I had a really good example of this the other month but I forgot the specifics of it but there’s 2 parts to this.
A) Fix a bug and something completely unrelated breaks. Ie fix a warrior utility and a necro trait breaks.
B) Change anything and something related breaks ie the sound for Staff 1 and break the Staff 4 skill so it no longer transfers conditions from allies.
There’s more but in essence, the ‘feel’ Anet gives of at the moment is that of inexperience backed by weak code.
(edited by Gutbuster.8745)
I am going to disagree with you on this.
I think if anything, the issue is the shorter cycles that may not allow enough time for full QA.
Also, I doubt much code is actually changed when skills and the like are updated/balanced. That sort of thing is usually configuration based, and usually do not require developer resources.
Ultimately, I understand the sentiment, but I think all your conclusions are wrong. Diablo 3 had/has similar issues and that game was certainly not made by amateurs.
(edited by lorddarkflare.9186)
It would seem that Anet made a change to DS so that it displays the % of LF remaining when you mouse over the bar. As such, it is now substantially easier to test the size of your LF pool.
Starting at 100%, I poked the Warrior NPC and he hit me for 2,692 points of damage, which the new UI claimed was about 9% of my LF (my a visual estimation agreed with this). Given that I had 24,812 HP, this means that my DF is equal to 118.76% my health, which I think we can likely round to 120%, assuming the 9% as displayed could’ve been anywhere between 8 and 9%.
How to Condi Reaper on a budget
Everything I say is only in reference to PvE and WvW.
Hate to burst your bubble, Blaine, but that mouseover has been there for a couple months now.
this needs to be changed back period, i don’t care if you put some vertical code check on z axis to implement my death. I need my block. This is especially apparent with the new flipping content in the gauntlet. Ridiculous and i dont cry post.
There are even simpler answers like- impact damage could be treated differently than opponent damage. An ele in mist form or a warrior using endure pain will still die from a fall, and if the main issue really was map breaking they could have fixed it in that way way….but they didn’t. Again, that excuse is either a blatant lie or evidence of a complete lack of understanding of the necromancer class in a pve context.
(edited by rfdarko.4639)
So a few things about the latest DS changes:
- Death Shroud incoming damage
- You now take the correct amount of incoming damage. Before this change (and it wasn’t always like this, either) you would takes the same damage twice.
- Your Life Force pool is still the same as it has always been. 60% of your maximum health while alive, plus an additional 0-30% of that base value for Traits, meaning you can have a maximum of 78% of your max health.
- The change to having damage spill over to your health pool was indeed to resolve falling damage, but was also how Death Shroud was, from a Design standpoint, intended to function. Obviously making these changes simultaneously was to help decrease any sense of buff/nerf to the mechanic itself.
- Thirdly, we are testing a new way to reflect your Life Force energy pool in the UI using real-life numbers!
Yet, eles can still jump, interact with objects, and move through portals from downed state… seems fair.
It would seem that Anet made a change to DS so that it displays the % of LF remaining when you mouse over the bar. As such, it is now substantially easier to test the size of your LF pool.
Starting at 100%, I poked the Warrior NPC and he hit me for 2,692 points of damage, which the new UI claimed was about 9% of my LF (my a visual estimation agreed with this). Given that I had 24,812 HP, this means that my DF is equal to 118.76% my health, which I think we can likely round to 120%, assuming the 9% as displayed could’ve been anywhere between 8 and 9%.
To this end…
I’ve been wondering if DS is supposed to halve any and all damage taken.
Logic being:
A. Pre 6/25, peeps tested LF pool to ~60% of HP pool.
B. 6/25 patch, Devs said Necros took double damage to LF while in DS.
C. 6/25 patch, Devs reset damage modifier while in DS to be what was intended (i.e. half of the pre-6/25 damage).
D. Tests post-6/25 seem to indicate LF pool has increased to 120%.
E. Devs say, “No it wasn’t—it’s stil 60%.”
Put another way: If the LF pool was always 60% of HP, then pre-6/25, we took 1:1 damage while in DS. Post-6/25 we now take 1:1/2 damage while in DS (which is apparently what was intended).
Conclusion? Half the damage = double the hit points.
Here’s the thing:
Damage done to the LF pool while in Death Shroud is measured in percentages (i.e. we see a drop from a 100% pool regardless of how large that pool may be). If the damage-to-percentage conversion was double what it was supposed to be pre-6/25 (1:1 damage HP:LF), then halving it post-6/25 effectively doubled the LF pool (1:1/2 damage HP:LF).
So that ultimately means the LF pool can be 60% of your HP, but functionally, it works like 120%, because the damage-to-percentage conversion halves all incoming damage while in DS.
At the very least, that’s how it works out practically speaking. And is evidenced in tests. It makes sense to me – even if it’s not how it’s supposed to function.
(edited by Phenn.5167)
To this end…
I’ve been wondering if DS is supposed to halve any and all damage taken.
Logic being:
A. Pre 6/25, peeps tested LF pool to ~60% of HP pool.
B. 6/25 patch, Devs said Necros took double damage to LF while in DS.
C. 6/25 patch, Devs reset damage modifier while in DS to be what was intended (i.e. half of the pre-6/25 damage).
D. Tests post-6/25 seem to indicate LF pool has increased to 120%.
E. Devs say, “No it wasn’t—it’s stil 60%.”Put another way: If the LF pool was always 60% of HP, then pre-6/25, we took 1:1 damage while in DS. Post-6/25 we now take 1:1/2 damage while in DS (which is apparently what was intended).
Conclusion? Half the damage = double the hit points.
Here’s the thing:
Damage done to the LF pool while in Death Shroud is measured in percentages (i.e. we see a drop from a 100% pool regardless of how large that pool may be). If the damage-to-percentage conversion was double what it was supposed to be pre-6/25 (1:1 damage HP:LF), then halving it post-6/25 effectively doubled the LF pool (1:1/2 damage HP:LF).
So that ultimately means the LF pool can be 60% of your HP, but functionally, it works like 120%, because the damage-to-percentage conversion halves all incoming damage while in DS.
At the very least, that’s how it works out practically speaking. And is evidenced in tests. It makes sense to me – even if it’s not how it’s supposed to function.
No it doesnt since its not measured in , its measured in how much real (combat log damage you take pre LF lost, you still take identical numerical damage, but lose less LF as a %, if we had damage reduction in DS, the combat log would show lower numbers in comparison.
No it doesnt since its not measured in , its measured in how much real (combat log damage you take pre LF lost, you still take identical numerical damage, but lose less LF as a %, if we had damage reduction in DS, the combat log would show lower numbers in comparison.
Another explanation would be that CombatLog measures incoming damage before it’s applied to DS, instead of going into our HP. At the point where this redirection happens, there could be some mitigation that isn’t reported in the log, nor in visible numbers.
It would seem that Anet made a change to DS so that it displays the % of LF remaining when you mouse over the bar. As such, it is now substantially easier to test the size of your LF pool.
Starting at 100%, I poked the Warrior NPC and he hit me for 2,692 points of damage, which the new UI claimed was about 9% of my LF (my a visual estimation agreed with this). Given that I had 24,812 HP, this means that my DF is equal to 118.76% my health, which I think we can likely round to 120%, assuming the 9% as displayed could’ve been anywhere between 8 and 9%.
To this end…
I’ve been wondering if DS is supposed to halve any and all damage taken.
Logic being:
A. Pre 6/25, peeps tested LF pool to ~60% of HP pool.
B. 6/25 patch, Devs said Necros took double damage to LF while in DS.
C. 6/25 patch, Devs reset damage modifier while in DS to be what was intended (i.e. half of the pre-6/25 damage).
D. Tests post-6/25 seem to indicate LF pool has increased to 120%.
E. Devs say, “No it wasn’t—it’s stil 60%.”Put another way: If the LF pool was always 60% of HP, then pre-6/25, we took 1:1 damage while in DS. Post-6/25 we now take 1:1/2 damage while in DS (which is apparently what was intended).
Conclusion? Half the damage = double the hit points.
Here’s the thing:
Damage done to the LF pool while in Death Shroud is measured in percentages (i.e. we see a drop from a 100% pool regardless of how large that pool may be). If the damage-to-percentage conversion was double what it was supposed to be pre-6/25 (1:1 damage HP:LF), then halving it post-6/25 effectively doubled the LF pool (1:1/2 damage HP:LF).
So that ultimately means the LF pool can be 60% of your HP, but functionally, it works like 120%, because the damage-to-percentage conversion halves all incoming damage while in DS.
At the very least, that’s how it works out practically speaking. And is evidenced in tests. It makes sense to me – even if it’s not how it’s supposed to function.
Not impossible, if we assume the combat log doesn’t take this halving into account. Though I’m inclined to think this is probably not the case — we don’t seem to take proportionally more condition damage in DS than when outside it, and it strikes me as needlessly complicated.
How to Condi Reaper on a budget
Everything I say is only in reference to PvE and WvW.
Not impossible, if we assume the combat log doesn’t take this halving into account. Though I’m inclined to think this is probably not the case — we don’t seem to take proportionally more condition damage in DS than when outside it, and it strikes me as needlessly complicated.
This is exactly my point.
The percentage system that DS uses is very much needlessly complicated. The combat log isn’t a reliable source for DS damage in actuality simply because DS converts all damage to percentages, and then subtracts it from the total pool. Or at least that’s the way it was working back at release.
If they’re moving over to a points-based system (and thus removing the percentage conversion entirely), that’ll solve that.
But yeah – I’m simply looking at the whole thing as the crazy result of a raw-damage-numbers-converted-to-percentage-of-LF-pool problems.
EDIT: Also, the damage-to-percentage conversion would explain the weird difference between ConD and DD. Each has a different conversion rate. Ergo, far more complicated than necessary all to preserve the “percentage” deal.
Not impossible, if we assume the combat log doesn’t take this halving into account. Though I’m inclined to think this is probably not the case — we don’t seem to take proportionally more condition damage in DS than when outside it, and it strikes me as needlessly complicated.
This is exactly my point.
The percentage system that DS uses is very much needlessly complicated. The combat log isn’t a reliable source for DS damage in actuality simply because DS converts all damage to percentages, and then subtracts it from the total pool. Or at least that’s the way it was working back at release.
If they’re moving over to a points-based system (and thus removing the percentage conversion entirely), that’ll solve that.
But yeah – I’m simply looking at the whole thing as the crazy result of a raw-damage-numbers-converted-to-percentage-of-LF-pool problems.
EDIT: Also, the damage-to-percentage conversion would explain the weird difference between ConD and DD. Each has a different conversion rate. Ergo, far more complicated than necessary all to preserve the “percentage” deal.
We know for a fact that DS isnt working in % since they fixed SR and gluttony since the little 0.1 chips do add up; go spam dagger 1 for 10 finished chains, you wont have 86% but 88% life force its numerical (reason why power builds that still apply conditions are wasting part of their potential).
As a matter of fact, all systems that show in % are numerical values of resources (adrenaline strikes, endurance, LF) are just ui obstructions (as a lot of tooltips and combat logs show).
Not impossible, if we assume the combat log doesn’t take this halving into account. Though I’m inclined to think this is probably not the case — we don’t seem to take proportionally more condition damage in DS than when outside it, and it strikes me as needlessly complicated.
This is exactly my point.
The percentage system that DS uses is very much needlessly complicated. The combat log isn’t a reliable source for DS damage in actuality simply because DS converts all damage to percentages, and then subtracts it from the total pool. Or at least that’s the way it was working back at release.
If they’re moving over to a points-based system (and thus removing the percentage conversion entirely), that’ll solve that.
But yeah – I’m simply looking at the whole thing as the crazy result of a raw-damage-numbers-converted-to-percentage-of-LF-pool problems.
EDIT: Also, the damage-to-percentage conversion would explain the weird difference between ConD and DD. Each has a different conversion rate. Ergo, far more complicated than necessary all to preserve the “percentage” deal.
I gotta say, it sounds a lot more likely that Anet is simply wrong about how much health DS gives. It wouldn’t be the first time they’ve said something about Necro mechanics that was simply untrue (remember how they initially denied there was a problem with our downed health)?
How to Condi Reaper on a budget
Everything I say is only in reference to PvE and WvW.
OK, my most recent test:
Method of testing: Chieftain Utahein has a pretty consistent damage output, his main attack hits me for between 2100 and 2500 damage. After six tests, two of which were disregarded because they ended with a Kick or a crit, I tallied up the damage and the time required to do it in order to add the 4%/s degeneration ticks.
The base 80 necromancer in armor with irrelevant runes and no amulet has 18372 health and 1836 armor. Damage required to throw me out of DS, when added to the 740 damage per second degeneration, was 18512 at the lowest end, 19124 at the highest. Since neither of those is close to the number 22046, as expected for a 120% HP-to-DS ratio, or 11023 expected for 60% or 120-with-double-damage, nor did the combat log or death tally indicate double damage taken, I can only conclude that the base DS with no traits is 100% our HP.
Every single time people bring this up I go into pvp and prove this again. What ever crazy stuff is going on or whatever effectively the LF pool was previously 60%, and is currently 100%.
Everyone makes all these complex tests that involve timing, or jumping off cliffs, when just taking a single, large hit from another player makes for the most accurate possible test, and is also extremely simple to do.
But yeah, no clue what’s going on, on the Anet side, and it’s pretty disappointing to get zero response back from them.
Every single time people bring this up I go into pvp and prove this again. What ever crazy stuff is going on or whatever effectively the LF pool was previously 60%, and is currently 100%.
Everyone makes all these complex tests that involve timing, or jumping off cliffs, when just taking a single, large hit from another player makes for the most accurate possible test, and is also extremely simple to do.
But yeah, no clue what’s going on, on the Anet side, and it’s pretty disappointing to get zero response back from them.
Yup… To be honest, I don’t really care what the math is behind it. I’m just pleased with the effective reality.
Is this the change that no longer allows you to survive falls when in Death Shroud?
Is this the change that no longer allows you to survive falls when in Death Shroud?
How to Condi Reaper on a budget
Everything I say is only in reference to PvE and WvW.
Is this the change that no longer allows you to survive falls when in Death Shroud?
Well that’s disappointing, though understandable. :P Thanks!
(edited by Mimir.4690)