Discussion of 11/15 Necromancer Changes

Discussion of 11/15 Necromancer Changes

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rebus Sohal.4108

Rebus Sohal.4108

Lol after all that response from Jon Peters about reanimator, did we see a change? Nope.

This is really all I wanted. Reanimator made not absolute kitten and Minion AI fixed so they work “the way they are supposed to” according to replies in that same thread from reds.
I can’t complain about the other bug fixes, they are all good, but the only 2 things I was waiting for fixes on are still borked.

EDIT: and the warrior thread dealing with the same idea as this one gets a red post within the first 15 posts. Why am I not surprised?

(edited by Rebus Sohal.4108)

Discussion of 11/15 Necromancer Changes

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kiriakulos.1690


Gluttony still doesnt work ,

Spectral grasp x2 = 20% no gluttony
Spectral grasp x2 = 20% w. gluttony

If you squint your eyes you might notice that you got 21%, as in 5% more than before.

Attrition – A pretty name for taking longer than anyone else to kill something.

Discussion of 11/15 Necromancer Changes

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ynot.8397


I was glad to see we got a couple of buffs and fixes, but extremely disappointing that so many other glaring issues remain untouched. Why doesn’t Anet just remove all minion skills and rename us Warlock or Dark Mage or something? Adding to my disappointment is the fact that my ele received some really stupid nerfs for no reason.

Meanwhile the game keeps getting frequent new quests and content no problem. Anet needs to fire the entire balance/bugfix team and hire people that are actually capable of doing their jobs like the creative content team.

Or hire more then two of them.

Didn’t you hear? They don’t have a bugfix team. It is just an intern. He’s actually doing all the programming in notepad. He’s pretty good.

Ferguson’s Crossing→ SoS→ DR→ EBay

Discussion of 11/15 Necromancer Changes

in Necromancer

Posted by: hackks.3687


Necrotic Grasp (Staff 1) Is hitting alot further than 1200 range.

It did this pre-patch aswell.

Gluttony was never broken, it’s always been such a small increase no one notices it.
Test it in the mists, count the number of Necrotic Grasp attacks it takes to fill LF pool with and without gluttony, gluttony will decrease from 33 to 32 attacks.

This is indeed how it SHOULD work: honestly people, who really believes an adept trait would turn our staff 1 into 8% LF/hit? That would make it a better trait than any of our grandmaster ones…

EXCEPT, I tested this before and now after the patch and I can not reproduce what you say Kiriakulos: every hit gives me 3%, never 4 (and never 6 either).

For a light armor class that is intended by design to have to face tank opposition thanks to it’s overbearing mechanic, yes I want 8% LF on my staff skills when traited for it. Traits are supposed to make noticeable changes to your character’s performance. 5% of 3% is not even worth calculating or being considered trait worthy.

I’ve stayed at this party entirely too long

Discussion of 11/15 Necromancer Changes

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rebus Sohal.4108

Rebus Sohal.4108

I was glad to see we got a couple of buffs and fixes, but extremely disappointing that so many other glaring issues remain untouched. Why doesn’t Anet just remove all minion skills and rename us Warlock or Dark Mage or something? Adding to my disappointment is the fact that my ele received some really stupid nerfs for no reason.

Meanwhile the game keeps getting frequent new quests and content no problem. Anet needs to fire the entire balance/bugfix team and hire people that are actually capable of doing their jobs like the creative content team.

Or hire more then two of them.

Didn’t you hear? They don’t have a bugfix team. It is just an intern. He’s actually doing all the programming in notepad. He’s pretty good.

Not true! They have 2 guys working on everyones skills and talents


Discussion of 11/15 Necromancer Changes

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dispari.3980


Looks like all buffs for my minion master necro!

Discussion of 11/15 Necromancer Changes

in Necromancer

Posted by: Thresher.3049


There’s a lot in the patch… and there’s ‘not a lot’ in the patch for us, is sort of the feeling I get from reading it!

Couple of little #% buffs which you’d be pressed to notice really, lot of things with changes, things that I never made any use of because they where rubbish and continue not to bother with because its now ‘changed rubbish’.
Few other bits like Moa-Morph knocking us out of deathshroud, think to myself… well thats ‘not’ the actual problem I have with mesmers, (something about dying a lot instead) if you’re into minions though, I guess you’ve got it even worse! Another punch in the junk I guess.
Some aesthetic bits.

Crux of the matter is there are some fundamental design issues aside from being a “Tank-in-a-Dress”, without the “Tank-Damage” that need to be addressed at some point by Anet.
That is major work to overhaul and to be honest, when I see this whole big shiny new zone full of pve mob-ginding, which must have taken many hundreds of man-hours of labour. They can’t extend at some point, some of that labour into knocking out some flaws in a number of classes that structurally don’t work with any kind of synergy/play-style, aren’t popular because they’re busted- I really do worry where their focus and energy is going.

That’s not an easy thing to write, sounds like I’m unappreciative entirely of what they do, (they do a lot- that is a big patch) and being negative for many reasons.
I’m just not sure exactly sure why when I go home this arvo, that I’ll bother looking at the necro, which has a lot of sentimental ‘value’ and just get on enjoying leveling my warrior a bit more.

Pinot Noir (Necromancer) Pinot Blanc (Warrior)
KnT Blackgate

Discussion of 11/15 Necromancer Changes

in Necromancer

Posted by: HiSaZuL.2843


I laughed at people who thought that this was going to be the DAY when all necro problems will wither away and become nothing more then obscure memory… and I’m still laughing lol.
Yeah keep on dreaming that something is going to change, this class isn’t salvageable until some core mechanics are completely re-done and that will not happen. I can’t even see anet fixing utterly horrible trait lines that do not fit anything with their choices.
This titanic is going steady.

(edited by HiSaZuL.2843)

Discussion of 11/15 Necromancer Changes

in Necromancer

Posted by: Voodooray.9852


R.I.P. necros only form of stability today is a sad day

First world problems.

Discussion of 11/15 Necromancer Changes

in Necromancer

Posted by: Altair.6109


Why Mark of Evasion still gives 2 stacks of bleeding instead of 3 , y……….

Discussion of 11/15 Necromancer Changes

in Necromancer

Posted by: HiSaZuL.2843


Why Mark of Evasion still gives 2 stacks of bleeding instead of 3 , y……….

Because that would be a buff?…
Dude you are playing a necro here… not thief/warrior/guardian/mesmer. Buffs are paired with nerfs… They didn’t find anything to nerf. Hence the reason why its still 2 and not 3. I half expect anet to roll out of the bushes and tell everyone " WORKING AS INTENDED LOL".

Discussion of 11/15 Necromancer Changes

in Necromancer

Posted by: Unpredictability.4086


Is it weird that putting 30% into +Plus Life Force trait sets max life force to 87%, not 70%? That’s not how I envisioned it working when I heard about how we could tell when it was working.

I would assume something died when you tested this. I was somewhat alarmed because 87% is indeed not what it should be. So I did the test myself and it was 77% for me, which is what it should be (100/130=0,769). That’s how the math works: 100 is not a 30% increase of 70, but a 30% increase of 76,9.

nothing died near me. i don’t care enough to go back and check again though.

Discussion of 11/15 Necromancer Changes

in Necromancer

Posted by: GodAtHand.5124


Was expecting more with the hype they were throwing. I mean… c’mon there is an entire thread filled with nearly endless amounts of fixes the Necro needs. And we get this poopy list of nothing worthwhile…

Discussion of 11/15 Necromancer Changes

in Necromancer

Posted by: yurtshone.7325


the blood fiend fix would be nice if the blood fiend was not the first thing ANY mob goes for, and kills it!
I have never understood this. What’s the point of it doing ANY healing at all if I am at full health till it dies and only then do I take any damage!
The whole concept of the blood fiend would be fine if it only pulled agro after a certain time. I have stood there time after time and no matter what I do I cannot pull agro from it.
I even tried not summon until after I start fighting, soon as he pops out the mobs switch to it and burn it down. Anet sucks as much as the blood fiend.
I gave up trying to be a proper “necromancer” pretty much at level 20. I am now a warlock instead!

Discussion of 11/15 Necromancer Changes

in Necromancer

Posted by: gamefreak.5673


the blood fiend fix would be nice if the blood fiend was not the first thing ANY mob goes for, and kills it!
I have never understood this. What’s the point of it doing ANY healing at all if I am at full health till it dies and only then do I take any damage!
The whole concept of the blood fiend would be fine if it only pulled agro after a certain time. I have stood there time after time and no matter what I do I cannot pull agro from it.
I even tried not summon until after I start fighting, soon as he pops out the mobs switch to it and burn it down. Anet sucks as much as the blood fiend.
I gave up trying to be a proper “necromancer” pretty much at level 20. I am now a warlock instead!

Just make it unkillable, problem solved.

Discussion of 11/15 Necromancer Changes

in Necromancer

Posted by: GodAtHand.5124


the blood fiend fix would be nice if the blood fiend was not the first thing ANY mob goes for, and kills it!
I have never understood this. What’s the point of it doing ANY healing at all if I am at full health till it dies and only then do I take any damage!
The whole concept of the blood fiend would be fine if it only pulled agro after a certain time. I have stood there time after time and no matter what I do I cannot pull agro from it.
I even tried not summon until after I start fighting, soon as he pops out the mobs switch to it and burn it down. Anet sucks as much as the blood fiend.
I gave up trying to be a proper “necromancer” pretty much at level 20. I am now a warlock instead!

Just make it unkillable, problem solved.

I like that solution.

Discussion of 11/15 Necromancer Changes

in Necromancer

Posted by: gamefreak.5673


the blood fiend fix would be nice if the blood fiend was not the first thing ANY mob goes for, and kills it!
I have never understood this. What’s the point of it doing ANY healing at all if I am at full health till it dies and only then do I take any damage!
The whole concept of the blood fiend would be fine if it only pulled agro after a certain time. I have stood there time after time and no matter what I do I cannot pull agro from it.
I even tried not summon until after I start fighting, soon as he pops out the mobs switch to it and burn it down. Anet sucks as much as the blood fiend.
I gave up trying to be a proper “necromancer” pretty much at level 20. I am now a warlock instead!

Just make it unkillable, problem solved.

I like that solution.

I do to, because we have the only heal skill in the game that can be killed. before any healing takes effect.

Discussion of 11/15 Necromancer Changes

in Necromancer

Posted by: Hufflepuffer.4201


Ah, I get it now. I just learned that they have only 2 devs working on all balance changes for all professions, and this explains a lot. Really, I have to applaud their efforts and it’s obvious they put a lot of heart and soul into fixing the bugs, but I would say they’re a bit understaffed. I no longer have any expectations that there will be any balance adjustments, skill modifications, or better traits (Reanimator, Gluttony) coming our way anytime soon.

So to the people who are deeply disappointed with the necro in its current state, I’d say maybe try out a different profession as it won’t be changing anytime soon.

To the people who are okay with the necro and just would like the more glaring bugs fixed (me), I guess we’ll keep holding on.

To the people who currently love their necro… well, I am jealous of your enthusiasm.

Discussion of 11/15 Necromancer Changes

in Necromancer

Posted by: Overkillengine.6084


No sub fee. Just roll something else. Maybe Anet will start fixing the glaring imbalance issues and bugs, maybe they won’t and they’ll end up with a game where basically only 3-4 classes get any real playtime amongst the population.


Discussion of 11/15 Necromancer Changes

in Necromancer

Posted by: sazaw.1347


Andlat Helsonr.1284
I think that we were indirectly buffed with the nerfs to the mesmer and the thief. I do not like the change to DS and how it is now removed by Moa Morph – maybe let us enter DS even when Morphed so that we can choose if we want to be in this mode or not ? Soaking up the spike which usually follows MM with Death Shroud was something I was glad I was able to do.

Yes, I have the same view as you. All necro changes are ok except for DS change. Now if meet Moa user with 1 on 1 my chance to win or survive is next to 0%

Wrath T – Asura Necro | Don Hohenheim – Norn Guard | Bellcroxx – Human Mesmer
[DKJ] – Jade Quarry

Discussion of 11/15 Necromancer Changes

in Necromancer

Posted by: Osprey.6587


Now when you cast Dark Path you can’t leave death shroud during it’s cast time or it cancels the skill. Well, I guess that was kind of a bug. But funny as a Dev used that tactic in a post not too long ago

Leaving DS always canceled spells you were still casting. Leaving DS never cancelled spells in flight. Very different things, there.

Nothing broke there, you’re being paranoid. It still works fine, you’re just leaving death shroud too early.

Yeah, noticed this too. Made me smile.
The only thing Anet are good at is trolling their necro playerbase, well maybe two things actually.. being clueless about their own game as well.

You too.

I can second that, this still works.

lot of text lill change i can tell you one thing tho.. bloodfiend healing is pretty good now 574 that doesnt scale with healing for every time he attacks thats not bad thats not bad at all

also dark path seems faster the hand.. could be my imagination and wishful thinking tho. but since they made the staf animation faster.. it wouldnt suprise me this would be a lucky fix too and it got 33% faster.

I believe they made Spectral Grasp faster, not Necrotic Grasp?
Also, mine heals for 614, so it must scale with something or there some other effect in play?

ah thought they made the staff animation faster since that shares animation with dark path same hand .. ah well the pet doesnt scale iwith anything with me tho maybe you got inflated lvl 80 stats with gear.. i dunno switching to cleric amulet didnt increase the health it gave to me tho nor did bloodthirst.

Running around Orr tonight, it seemed the staff hand animation was faster to me. Could have been my imagination though as there is no way to test it for sure.

Discussion of 11/15 Necromancer Changes

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ascii.9726


My thoughts on all the changes to Necromancer:

Good Changes

  • The Soul Reaping trait line now properly increases maximum Life Force.
    (Needed to be fixed, gives us alot more DS-HP)
  • Ghastly Claws: This skill’s damage has been increased by 10% and updated to indicate the correct life force gained.
    (Nice buff for Axe users, #2 and #3 are the main reasons to use Axe +214 damage for me)
  • *Reaper’s Touch: *This skill applies 4 stacks of vulnerability per hit instead of 3.
    (Additional conditions are always welcomed)
  • Spectral Wall: This skill now applies its recharge at the correct time instead of both during and after casting.
    (Fixes the longer cooldown bug)
  • Dark Path: This skill now applies it recharge at the correct time instead of both during and after casting.
    (Fixes the longer cooldown bug)
  • Soul Marks and Mark of Revival: These traits now work together to grant 3% life force to players when triggered.
    (2 More +3% LF Boosts for Soul Reaping users)
  • Death Nova: This skill now properly activates when using Taste of Death and Putrid Explosion. The internal cooldown has been removed. This skill’s field duration is now 4 seconds, and the rate it pulses has been increased to every 2 seconds. Its poison duration is 5 seconds per pulse.
    (Very nice change for minion users or Bone Minion nukers, nurf on Death Novas pulse time but it adds free damage for Death Magic + Bone Minion users)
  • Weakening Shroud: This trait now functions underwater.
    (Additional conditions are always welcomed)
  • Plague Blast: This skill’s casting time has been reduced.
    (Cast time reductions are always welcomed)
  • Deadly Catch: This skill now pulls enemies to the necromancer in a reliable fashion.
    (Correctly working skills are always welcomed)
  • Summon Blood Fiend: The Blood Fiend’s survivability has been increased, and its attack now heals the necromancer for 200% of its previous heal.
    (Very nice for minion users, boosts there use in PvE by alot too)
  • Spectral Grasp: This skill’s projectile velocity has been increased by 33%.
    (Faster moving projectile is nice, its still quite dodgable but it makes the skill that much more usable for pulling people off in JP’s)
  • Feast: This skill no longer causes damage to the necromancer.
    (Nice our skills dont damage us anymore)
  • Vampiric Precision, Vampiric Rituals, and Vampiric:* These traits have been updated so that they don’t heal enemies when in lower-level areas.
    (Not healing your enemies with your skills is always welcomed)

Bad Changes

  • Spectral Walk: This skill now sets its underwater slot appropriately on recharge.
    (Bug fix, but they have yet to change the bug were going underwater removes all swiftness if Spectral Walk isn’t on your utilities and not just the Spectral Walk swiftness)
  • Mark of Evasion: This trait is no longer a blast finisher when the mark is created.
    (Pretty lame, one less finisher for our already least amount of fields and finishers out of every class)
  • Lich Form: Leaving this skill now removes stability from the player to make the removal consistent with all other transform elites.
    (Now its Lyssa runes, or 30 points in Soul Reaping or GTFO for Stability. I used this alot so its pretty lame even if it was for consistency.)
  • Death Shroud: Moa Morph now removes Death Shroud from the target instead of the necromancer being stuck in Death Shroud and using their entire bar while in the transform.
    (I see this as a bad change, DS asorbing the massive burst that followed Moa Morph was always nice, now it turns Necromancer to a No minion, no defense class vs Moa Morph)

Neutral Changes

  • Spinal Shivers: This skill’s casting effects and audio are now consistent with or without the Spiteful Talisman trait.
  • Mark of Blood: This skill now uses the standard staff scythe cast effects.
  • Corrosive Poison Cloud: This skill’s duration tooltip has been corrected.
  • Frozen Abyss: This skill now lists the vulnerability it applies.
  • Sinking Tomb: This skill now has a correct range of 1200, cannot hit targets above the water, and has to hit the target to cause the sink effect.
  • Signet of Spite: This skill’s description now indicates all conditions applied.
Rank 580+ Necromancer WvW Stream
Commander Ascii :: Tempest Wolves [TW] :: Sanctum of Rall :: Best Necromancer NA

Discussion of 11/15 Necromancer Changes

in Necromancer

Posted by: gamefreak.5673


Ascii, the minion can still die before you as a necro can consume it for a heal when you need to. So best way to use him is summon him and only consume as quickly as possible.

Discussion of 11/15 Necromancer Changes

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ascii.9726


Ascii, the minion can still die before you as a necro can consume it for a heal when you need to. So best way to use him is summon him and only consume as quickly as possible.

I was referring mostly to PvE, Minions in PvP or WvW with there current AI system and lack or survivability are terrible. For PvE though it means when your farming Orr it will stay out that much longer and heal that much more.

(I use Blood Field, Well of Suffering, Well of Corruption, Signet of Spite, Flesh Golem as my Orr farming skills)

Rank 580+ Necromancer WvW Stream
Commander Ascii :: Tempest Wolves [TW] :: Sanctum of Rall :: Best Necromancer NA

Discussion of 11/15 Necromancer Changes

in Necromancer

Posted by: Arianna.7642


The majority of random crap we got in the patch were Bug fixes through and through.

The only thing that really irks me (Outside of Thieves getting their Trait leech scaling with Power while Siphons remain unchanged), is that at this point I don’t know what the kitten is considered a bug and what is considered intended. I honestly did not see Mark of Evasion as a bug; I thought it was simply a nice addition to an otherwise slightly underwhelming Trait that also gave our Dodge Rolls multiple, varying uses.
Surprise, it was a bug. They didn’t even bother to remove the ridiculous 10 second ICD from it. Which was yet another reason I assumed it was working as intended.

So seriously, what in God’s name is considered a bug at this point? It would literally take Arenanet all of five minutes to respond to our list, stating whether each individual bullet was a ‘Feature’ or an actual bug. And they can’t even get their heads out of the sand long enough to do that, understaffed or not. It’s a bit ridiculous, really.

(edited by Arianna.7642)

Discussion of 11/15 Necromancer Changes

in Necromancer

Posted by: Swadow.6213


Arianna here is a guideline: If it’s helpful for Necros, it’s a bug. If it screws Necros up, it’s a feature(See minions+Lich/Plague/Moa)

Discussion of 11/15 Necromancer Changes

in Necromancer

Posted by: Arianna.7642


That’s a given, but I didn’t expect Arenanet to be that daft. Or rather, I really didn’t want them to be.

Oh well.

Discussion of 11/15 Necromancer Changes

in Necromancer

Posted by: MeGaZlo.9516


Guys, am I glitch or CD of spectral armor and walk were much less? Now it’s 90 and 60s. Can not remember x_x

Discussion of 11/15 Necromancer Changes

in Necromancer

Posted by: xEtherx.6127


I was also expecting more and honestly and quite disappointed in anets efforts in fixing our broken traits, minion AI and skill balance. Add in the fact that they took away a blast finisher and the nerf to lich for consistancy reason was BS.

Necro has gone neglected for far to long and at this point I’d ask only 1 thing from anet and they could profit from this one…. Add profession change item to gem store (800 gems) so people can switch to mesmer, ele, ranger, guardian or whatever they choose and let necro die or sit idle like paragon did in GW1 until they decide to fix it 2 yrs down the road making it a one trick pony like imbagon became.

Discussion of 11/15 Necromancer Changes

in Necromancer

Posted by: Craiger.8579


So I guess that’s it for me…………… I got bored with this game some weeks back, but hoped that this patch would help somewhat, but it only made it worse……

We got a patch that added bad things (don’t need to tell you what), and then I at least hoped my Necro would be buffed enough for me to care about the game, and test the new patch……. But no they didn’t do anything, Necro are still boring and bad…..

10% increased dmg on Axe #2…. That’s it for Axe ?

Well bye everyone !

Discussion of 11/15 Necromancer Changes

in Necromancer

Posted by: oneking.7396


After reading the update notes and testing the changes myself … i remembered an clip from an south park episode.

This clip kindy shows what i feel:

The storm trooper = necromancer class

Discussion of 11/15 Necromancer Changes

in Necromancer

Posted by: MeGaZlo.9516


So I guess that’s it for me…………… I got bored with this game some weeks back, but hoped that this patch would help somewhat, but it only made it worse……

We got a patch that added bad things (don’t need to tell you what), and then I at least hoped my Necro would be buffed enough for me to care about the game, and test the new patch……. But no they didn’t do anything, Necro are still boring and bad…..

10% increased dmg on Axe #2…. That’s it for Axe ?

Well bye everyone !

Bye bye

Discussion of 11/15 Necromancer Changes

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ascii.9726


Guys, am I glitch or CD of spectral armor and walk were much less? Now it’s 90 and 60s. Can not remember x_x

Spectral Walk was 60 seconds before patch, and Spectral Armour was 90 seconds so there was no change to there cooldowns and Spectral Walks 30 second swiftness buff remains unaffected by the Spectral Attunement trait.

Rank 580+ Necromancer WvW Stream
Commander Ascii :: Tempest Wolves [TW] :: Sanctum of Rall :: Best Necromancer NA

Discussion of 11/15 Necromancer Changes

in Necromancer

Posted by: draugris.9872


After reading the update notes and testing the changes myself … i remembered an clip from an south park episode.

This clip kindy shows what i feel:

The storm trooper = necromancer class

And i guess George Lucas is somebody who mastered Death Shroud already ^^

Mondsucht [MS] – Kodash

Discussion of 11/15 Necromancer Changes

in Necromancer

Posted by: Arolas.5209


I’ve been pretty optimistic about the Necromancer, but after reading the weird symbols that they’ve chosen to call update notes I must say my two weeks old warrior looks very attractive at the moment.

Arolas, lvl 80 Necromancer
Far Shiverpeaks

Discussion of 11/15 Necromancer Changes

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dispari.3980


the blood fiend fix would be nice if the blood fiend was not the first thing ANY mob goes for, and kills it!
I have never understood this. What’s the point of it doing ANY healing at all if I am at full health till it dies and only then do I take any damage!

Seems like your heal skill works pretty good if for a period of time you’re taking no damage at all because badguys are attacking something else. They even made it more durable so it’s even BETTER at doing that.

Discussion of 11/15 Necromancer Changes

in Necromancer

Posted by: arabeth.2361


I did notice that most classes seemed to get balance changes while we mostly got bug fixes. It’s a good start, though.

Still waiting for that glorious day to read in the patch notes: “Minion AI substantially improved.”

I’d also like “Bone Fiend’s over-the-top aggro range and starting aggro of 10,000% reduced to act like any other creature in the game,” and “Flesh Golem now behaves as if it were on your team and not its own team,” but I realize some things are almost too much to hope for.

Discussion of 11/15 Necromancer Changes

in Necromancer

Posted by: lettucemode.3789


I liked this patch. Like the quote from Jon Peters says, they fix the things they have time to test. For necros, they made sure that included changes that every necro would notice, not just certain builds. It would have been nice if fixed minion AI made it into this patch but rewriting AI is hard work. If they had done AI it probably would have been the only necro change and then everyone would have complained that we only got 1 fix.

They also managed to address a couple of the issues that meant a lot to us here on the forums. Plague Blast got its cast time reduced, now we won’t feel so slow and useless underwater. Death Nova fixed so that you can actually use it with the exploding minions, I saw that mentioned in a few threads. The Blood Fiend healing minion is tougher and heals you for more, lots of people didn’t like how squishy that thing was, including me. Vampiric things don’t heal enemies anymore, that thread exploded with angry people so they took note and fixed it.

It sucks that we lost our blast finisher on dodge, but if you read the rest of the notes so did the Ele and other classes that had it (Guardian?). So it was a class-wide change.

So yea, I like these notes They made sure to cover some of the important issues, and the changes are spread out enough so that every necro will notice a difference. It also shows that they listen and fix what they can. Necro will only get better over time.

Sanctum of Rall
Builds: Facemelter Watch The Health Bar

Discussion of 11/15 Necromancer Changes

in Necromancer

Posted by: digiowl.9620


One small note about the blood fiend, if you summon and consume in quick succession it will drop a poison nova field were your standing

Discussion of 11/15 Necromancer Changes

in Necromancer

Posted by: Scarran.9845


I must admit that I am disappointed with the patch, I was maybe being a little bit too naive in thinking it would be better.

At this moment in time I honestly feel like giving the game a break. Yes I could re-roll another class but to be honest I am a casual player and ive put alot of effort into getting my Necro to the level he is at with decent armour etc. I cant really be bothered going through all of that again with any other class.

Currently it feels like if the Necro has a skill/trait/etc that is bugged yet benefits them to at least make viable against other classes it gets fixed really quickly. Yet if its a skill/trait/etc that is bugged and causing problems to the class then that fix can wait till the next halley’s comet sighting. Don’t get me wrong I appreciate some of the fixes in the patch and some is better than none but it feels like someone gave me a gift in one hand and slapped me across the face with the other. I don’t know wither to say thank you or what the bleep are you doing.

Just now I think my patience has worn out and the wait and see approach is wearing thin.

Axere – lvl 80 Necro
Nemmeister – lvl 80 Engineer
Jay Knot – lvl 80 Warrior | Rusty Colt – lvl 80 Thief

Discussion of 11/15 Necromancer Changes

in Necromancer

Posted by: Feathers.7261


Gave the game a break already more than 1 month ago, and will continue.
Almost ALL I wanted was working pets. Im done (again)

Discussion of 11/15 Necromancer Changes

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dabrixmgp.4758


So just finished reading all the patch notes for the new update. Didnt see anything about minions being fixed. Maybe I was in a hurry and read them too fast and missed them or something. Did anyone see mention of minions being fixed so they arent 100% useless?

Discussion of 11/15 Necromancer Changes

in Necromancer

Posted by: Captain Epicfail.8730

Captain Epicfail.8730

Well, on the face of it this patch is basically a huge slap in the face and seriously calls into question whether Arenanet devs play their own kitten game.

The Spectral Grasp change is nice, and the +axe damage is a step in the right direction, but overall pretty meh with none of the serious, fundamental issues even addressed.

I have to give some credit to the balancing team given they do all this with a pitifully small workforce, but I have to say my faith in Arenanet is in freefall right now. They seem vastly out of touch with their playerbase to an extent even the WoW devs never achieved, and I think I speak for more than myself when I say it’ll be a cold day in hell when they see any more money out of me until they get their act together.

If they had done AI it probably would have been the only necro change and then everyone would have complained that we only got 1 fix.

Well it has to be said, a fix to minion AI is really more like 6 fixes in one, and a big overall fix to an entire playstyle. I was deeply disappointed in the lack of an AI fix personally.

(edited by Captain Epicfail.8730)

Discussion of 11/15 Necromancer Changes

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tyr.6097


Guys, we’re fine. Look here, the buff for warriors was important!


Tyrs Klinge ~Thief~

Discussion of 11/15 Necromancer Changes

in Necromancer

Posted by: Wayfarer.2051


Since Bloodfiend is now so incredible usefull, I tried going 10 points into DM for the 20% less CD for Minions on my Spite/SR Bunker-Build for the reduced Minions.
Then I realized: might as well take another minion skill (Kamikaze and Wurmy sounded fine).
Then I just gawked at how freakishly bad these guys were at staying alive.
Sure, the BF healed me for quite a bit and 15 sec CD were nothing compared to the 1,5k less Healing it does on Use than the other Healing Skills, but BUGGER ME!
That was attroctious.
My Golem couldn’t stay alive through a sinlge TestFight in the Mists.
Even with constant fearing, knocking and pulling, The GuardianBot was capable of downing it before I could down him!
I’ve never played MM in GW2, but I really would have given up my much needed Vampiric fix just so they could enjoy the game again!
…..oh wait.
What did they do again this patch?? Oh yeah, take away 2 more good bugs!

Discussion of 11/15 Necromancer Changes

in Necromancer

Posted by: Alekto.8297


Plague lasts 20sec… did not it last 30 secs before ? Maybe im wrong tho,

Discussion of 11/15 Necromancer Changes

in Necromancer

Posted by: alanis.6094


Plague lasts 20sec… did not it last 30 secs before ? Maybe im wrong tho,

Was always 20.

Drusilla Ina Alanis
<The Undead Lords>
Since 1994 – undeadlords.net

Discussion of 11/15 Necromancer Changes

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sparda.9750


Guys, we’re fine. Look here, the buff for warriors was important!


_ no word.. i can’t do 20k damages neither in my most erotic dreams!!

Discussion of 11/15 Necromancer Changes

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kirika.9120


Guys, we’re fine. Look here, the buff for warriors was important!


So, the commando class wasn`t an april fool’s joke

Discussion of 11/15 Necromancer Changes

in Necromancer

Posted by: TheAgedGnome.7520


Guys, we’re fine. Look here, the buff for warriors was important!


Once I master Death Shroud, will I crit like that? hahaha!

At least we got some fixes. (I’m calling the glass half full by drowning the Jagged Horror in it to raise the fluid level.)

Otherwise, the necros are really falling behind with this patch: this thread is only 3 pages long while the Rangers patch thread is 12 pages. They are not happy campers at all.

Stealth nerfs are the perfect fertilizer for mistrust.
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