Fairly new PvP Necro needs opinions!
Hello necro community, I’m coming to you as a somewhat new to necro PvP player :P
I have a max lvl necro and I do WvW with him and I think it’s great fun but I have never seriously gotten into sPvP with him cause my tourney team already has a good necro.
But recently there have been some changes, first our necro quit GW2 out of frustration and I can no longer effectively play a warrior (my previous role) in tPvP since the 26th.
So essentially we decided I could bring my necro into s/tPvP as either the support wells role or as a high burst/damage build. Which lead me to this forum in the recent past asking about builds. I got a lot of great help and came up with a build that I would like your opinions on.
It’s a “burst” build, not insane like a thiefs output or warriors former burst, but it’s still quite high and has more utility and survivability to back it up.
It’s a roamer so I have the warhorn and I’m not using it as a support so no need for staff. The axe is great for two things, the first being that using the AoE cripple stacks retal on me, and with that alongside my DS jumping retal applications and how a lot of teams auto focus necros it does quite a bit of damage. Secondly it’s good for figuring out if theres a thief in the area or not, since retal is applied if it hits invisible targets as well lol
The dagger speaks for itself really, high single target damage with a self healing skill that does a decent amount of damage to people trying to run away, then the immobilize that I use to deal lots of WoS damage.
I guess I just want your opinions on the utilities and runes mainly, cause I don’t understand too much about runes, having used the same kinds on my warrior for so long and never having to change the ones on my bunker guardian lol Then the utilities, I like spectral armor but is spectral walk better? And I like spectral wall so far while testing in hotjoins, the long protection for my team and high vuln stack on enemies does WONDERS, but is it worth it?
So ty to anyone who reads this and provides any constructive comments
bad link bro
bad link bro
Link is fine; you just need to copy/paste.
ok ,my bad .
Build looks interessting. It is deffenetly not easy build , because using effectivly Specral wall is pretty hard [personaly i am ignoring this skill at all].
Still dmg from d/d and from well is not so high. MB i will even test this build and will reply more details )