Fresh 80 - how to gear?

Fresh 80 - how to gear?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Erhnam.5732


So I just hit 80 on my necro (my first char), and I have very little idea of what to do now. I plan on finishing my personal story and explore maps, no PvP, maybe some dungeon runs but nothing hardcore

What gear should I get? I have some money from lucky drops and around 150k karma.


Fresh 80 - how to gear?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Riccardo.7254


go full berserker weapons,armor and trinkets
what build are you currently using?

Commander Soundless Death, Necro 80 – IoJ
Commander Gammaburst, Warr 80 – IoJ
Headhunter Jaeger, Thief 80 – IoJ

Fresh 80 - how to gear?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Erhnam.5732


I’m going dagger/warhorn- staff (aoe god at events), and for utilities im using well of suffering, spectral armor (swiftness), and signet of locust, golem as elite

Where can I get the gear? Crafted? Bazar? Karma?

(edited by Erhnam.5732)

Fresh 80 - how to gear?

in Necromancer

Posted by: oxtred.7658


The easiest way to gear a char is dungeons, but since you won’t do that, you can buy them off the tp. Karma only gives you useless stats.

If you’re on EU and need help to get into dungeons, pm me.

Fresh 80 - how to gear?

in Necromancer

Posted by: TheAgedGnome.7520


This page is very useful for determining types of gear and how/where they can be obtained:

As for which type of gear to use, it all depends on the kind of build you want (condition, power, minion, hybrid, etc.). See the stickied thread on builds at the top for some ideas.

Unfortunately, the most popular build editor site [] is down at the moment, but is supposed to be up within a few days.

If you don’t have alot of gold, you can buy greens/blues to test out different gear combination, before you commit to exotic.

Stealth nerfs are the perfect fertilizer for mistrust.
PVE Power and Support Build

(edited by TheAgedGnome.7520)

Fresh 80 - how to gear?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Erhnam.5732


Thanks guys!

Fresh 80 - how to gear?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Riccardo.7254


here you can find a good editor to show us your build so that we can help you more;9;9;9;9;9;9;7FE

Commander Soundless Death, Necro 80 – IoJ
Commander Gammaburst, Warr 80 – IoJ
Headhunter Jaeger, Thief 80 – IoJ

Fresh 80 - how to gear?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Erhnam.5732


My build is some piece of crap I did with the few traits I got while levelling, and really not worth sharing :P I’ll check the guides and see what I find, and then I’ll start farming the traits

Fresh 80 - how to gear?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Erhnam.5732


Is berserker only enough to survive? Or is it worth to invest in some Soldier or Knight pieces?

Fresh 80 - how to gear?

in Necromancer

Posted by: TheAgedGnome.7520


Is berserker only enough to survive? Or is it worth to invest in some Soldier or Knight pieces?

There are three things that always generate controversy in this world: religion, politics, and builds.

Many prefer to maximize their DPS (damage-per-second) output, especially if dungeon-running, and for a power build Berserker is best.

Personally, I prefer a tankier build, which necessarily loses DPS output as a tradeoff. See the build in my signature.

It’s all up to you, and the content you want to participate in.

Stealth nerfs are the perfect fertilizer for mistrust.
PVE Power and Support Build

Fresh 80 - how to gear?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Scarran.9845


If your looking for Berserker armor and weapons your best bet is to run the train in EOTM to build up cash and badges. Although you don’t want PVP there pretty much isnt much PVP action in there anyway and its mostly following a large group to the various towers and doing alot of PvD.

Once done dive into main WvW and head to the armor master and weapon master and buy the gear there. It may not look that great but thanks to the wardrobe you can skin it easily plus you don’t have to pay the large prices for the stuff on the TP. Overall it should cost you around 10 gold and no more than 1400 badges and if your green in EOTM the badges and cash are easily achievable in quick time.

Only issue after that is getting the accessories which are really expensive and some runes and sigils which can also be expensive.

Axere – lvl 80 Necro
Nemmeister – lvl 80 Engineer
Jay Knot – lvl 80 Warrior | Rusty Colt – lvl 80 Thief

(edited by Scarran.9845)

Fresh 80 - how to gear?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Riccardo.7254


Is berserker only enough to survive? Or is it worth to invest in some Soldier or Knight pieces?

usually new players start mixing dps and survival stats until they are confident enough to wear a full dps set.
unfortunately in this game dps > survivability since well timed dodges and good skill rotations are the only good way to not die in both pve and pvp, so maximizing dps is the best way always.
for necros btw dps comes from both raw power and conditions (and these have totally different sets to look on) so it is important to understand how do you wanna play your necro before chosing your gear.

atm the best necro builds are all power-based that’s why berserker gear is your best choice

Commander Soundless Death, Necro 80 – IoJ
Commander Gammaburst, Warr 80 – IoJ
Headhunter Jaeger, Thief 80 – IoJ

Fresh 80 - how to gear?

in Necromancer

Posted by: jpersson.7368


Is berserker only enough to survive? Or is it worth to invest in some Soldier or Knight pieces?

If anything, I recommend salvageable gear. It makes future adjustments easier.

Relax… nothing is under control

Fresh 80 - how to gear?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Erhnam.5732


I think I will go with wells and siphons, something like this:;00;3kHFJ0E4-K-K0;9;4EO-T-2;057;214B;9;8FSVHP7w

With celerity runes so I can slot 2-3 wells, plus golem and either well of blood or consume conditions.

Gear I have got mostly berserker, but some runes with toughness/vitality as well. Not sure about what runes to use in my weapones, 5% damage/7% crit?

Fresh 80 - how to gear?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Riccardo.7254


I think I will go with wells and siphons, something like this:;00;3kHFJ0E4-K-K0;9;4EO-T-2;057;214B;9;8FSVHP7w

With celerity runes so I can slot 2-3 wells, plus golem and either well of blood or consume conditions.

Gear I have got mostly berserker, but some runes with toughness/vitality as well. Not sure about what runes to use in my weapones, 5% damage/7% crit?

try something like this
(made this really fast but it’s a build easy to make and pretty effective while you learn how to play the Wellomancer);00;3kHFJ0D4FJ-K0;9;599TJ;15;03;017B57-LBl66;1t_MTt_MTBBGSF6R7;2V3V80DXH2NZT_6o0S70HV8aNX8aY

Commander Soundless Death, Necro 80 – IoJ
Commander Gammaburst, Warr 80 – IoJ
Headhunter Jaeger, Thief 80 – IoJ

Fresh 80 - how to gear?

in Necromancer

Posted by: ArchonWing.9480


The easiest way to gear a char is dungeons, but since you won’t do that, you can buy them off the tp. Karma only gives you useless stats.

Not true. The temples were changed lately— Grenth karma vendor gives exotic zerker stats so that’s where I would head. (With megaservers, it’s not long until it opens) Each piece costs 42k so with 150k karma one could afford 3 pieces already (I believe chest, legs and boots matter the most)

Until then, I would put on some cheap yellow zerker armor with green/yellow zerker trinkets. (exotic trinkets tend to be stupidly overpriced and ascended rings/amulets can be gotten with laurels soon enough)

You can’t salvage the armor though so putting away throwaway runes in them isn’t a bad idea. Though you’d only replace exotics with ascended and that’s a far way off.

For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards,
for there you have been and there you will long to return.

(edited by ArchonWing.9480)

Fresh 80 - how to gear?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Flumek.9043


If youre undecisive (and mostly lazy ) you can start making celestial – all stat combo.

Youll buy quartz crystals, and take them to a “place of power” to make charged quartz. Limit is 1x per day, 5x and you can craft a armor/weapon. The trinkets are only ascended from laureals (dailies)

The good thing about is, you can try a bit of everything. Its about 60% of maximum, on all fronts

Max dps? Take offensive traits and skills and if u like it and dont die, go for more dmg gear then
Support? Trait wells and you can give nice protection, 400 healing per sec, condi remove, if youre with ba dgroup and others are just dying whole time
WvW zerg? Again trait for well, just diferently. Yoill have some dmg and survival
WvW roaming? I do it but yoll need to be creative and know necro to squezze out everything
Condi dmg? Well here you need real condi gear, but condies are in bad spot in PvE
Lazy factor? You dont need to change gear, just traits

PvP guild [YUM] -apply- (EU)

Fresh 80 - how to gear?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Anchoku.8142


Honestly, if this is your first L80, I would look into a few options: crafting, temple karma, and making offers for cheap gear on the TP.

Crafted gear let’s you make your own sets and experiment with how the stat’s affect your play.

Temple armor does not hit your gold account, provided you can gather enough karma from events.

Berserker armor sells for a hefty premium but you can st play with everything, especially an odd mix of stats.

More important is to get a full set of superior runes and Undead or Krait are both effective and inexpensive.

A starter exotic set does not need to be a huge investment. Even rare “yellow” grade equipment is functional. Play skill has at least as much effect as gear so have fun exploring the game and learning nuances of the profession and various events.

Fresh 80 - how to gear?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Samis.1750


I believe you can buy berserker armor from Temple of Grenth karma vendor.

You can buy some trinkets with karma, and get ascended trinkets from laurel vendors.

Builds are of greater importance in wvw – and one requires different builds for different activities (zerg fighting vs solo or small group stuff).

You can buy weapons from the auction house, running dungeons or wvw badge vendors.

I wouldn’t buy yellow gear.

Tarnished Coast