Full MM Ranked Team (vid inside)
a ranger running from u O.o? didn’t quite make sense to me there XD
If Rocket Charge is only 2 leaps then it should look like 2 leaps
True Shot should be cast on the move
a ranger running from u O.o? didn’t quite make sense to me there XD
Yeah tbh I dont think many people could really comprehend what was going on with 5 minion masters on the same team LOL.
ahh yiss also can mix some Mesmers in there
and when hot hits chill and rise + deathnova will just gonna make it more hilarious when u paint maps with poison clouds
If Rocket Charge is only 2 leaps then it should look like 2 leaps
True Shot should be cast on the move
Not bad, all classic cleric MM builds ? or were there some DPS-MM aswel ? (+ If you want to blind enemy with fiend to safestomp activate it the second before you start stomping )
After HoT release , Reaper minion masters will be all over the maps
I always wonder how will a full MM team do in dungeons :p
guard ,nades eng ,Trap thief \ranger ,signet\shout warrior, zerk mes\ele & shiro rev.
The video lacks sound effects and the music is unfitting/not form the game. Besides that: nice vid.
‘would of been’ —> wrong
The video lacks sound effects and the music is unfitting/not form the game. Besides that: nice vid.
Ah I just liked the beat and wanted to make a video with it, I’m not really a fan of sound effects because I actually play my videos in the background because they have all of my favorite songs in them xD
After HoT release , Reaper minion masters will be all over the maps
I always wonder how will a full MM team do in dungeons :p
Hmm probably not very well knowing the AI on our minions. However maybe on some bosses it would work? Just as long as the boss doesn’t have any strong AoE or teleportation moves or retaliation or… eh maybe minions wouldn’t be that great…
ahh yiss also can mix some Mesmers in there
and when hot hits chill and rise + deathnova will just gonna make it more hilarious when u paint maps with poison clouds
I was actually thinking a thief would be interesting! Running in the mix of all those zombies a thief would be rather slippery. To boot they would have 4 tanky necros to ress him/her.
After HoT release , Reaper minion masters will be all over the maps
I always wonder how will a full MM team do in dungeons :pHmm probably not very well knowing the AI on our minions. However maybe on some bosses it would work? Just as long as the boss doesn’t have any strong AoE or teleportation moves or retaliation or… eh maybe minions wouldn’t be that great…
You probably didn’t read my signature , I have been playing as MM since GW1 and I know the minions AI very well, however along with the upcoming HoT changes , I’m sure that summons AI will be fixed and they will be much better especially when their traits become baseline
guard ,nades eng ,Trap thief \ranger ,signet\shout warrior, zerk mes\ele & shiro rev.
BTW: you inspired me to try out the bunker MM build from here:
While not the most effective build, it is a lot of fun and you can hold a point quite for a long time/prevent from capping even with 2+ enemies and wait ’til help arrives. Also the damage is surprisingly good with dagger although highly defensive.
‘would of been’ —> wrong
Don’t use that build. I didn’t realize metabattle had kittened up their minion build that much, but that is just sad. This is what happens when you allow random people to “fix” builds.
Don’t use that build. I didn’t realize metabattle had kittened up their minion build that much, but that is just sad. This is what happens when you allow random people to “fix” builds.
It’s what happens when people like yourself aren’t the ones maintaining them. You could always make an account.
I have an account, and already posted on the discussion for that build a while ago, managing to fix it up from its previously mediocre state. The current build was changed from (I assume) the one that included my contributions, and frankly I don’t feel like arguing with whoever made that current abomination just to make sure my guide notes stay up.
Fair enough. The likely problem is that so few people on the site care about the build that no one argues against questionable changes.
Yeah, well I might as well do the changes lol. At least get it in order before specializations come up.
I faced one of these teams this morning. Was 3 MM necros. Since none of us were idiots we crushed their poor team 500-80. MM just isn’t very good with the terrible AI of this game and the over abundance of AOE.
I agree that the AI is pretty terrible, but if you’re traited correctly you are kitten near tanky enough to D/D them down with the occasional help from your minions LOL
-Retired Thief
Q U I C K here…if you remember from yesternight, our group kept running into you guys.
It was super annoying to fight you guys on point, but the hard thing about necro 5 mans is mobility, which we exploited with constant far point pushes and backcaps.
That being said…ugh, NO MOAR plssssss