There has been allot of discussion on what the future of our elite specializations could go into. Though it seems to have been focused more on Conditions than anything else. The reaper is heavily focused on chill but that doesn’t mean that a new elite specialization, say Lich, would have to be focused on something like poison or modifying conditions in some way. We could get an entire Elite specialization that doesn’t provide anything for condition specs at face value.
Another thing I keep noticing is this idea that an elite specialization has to change our Shroud in some way. And I feel that it really doesn’t have to. Getting a brand new shroud for each specialization would be nice, but we can expand in so many different directions that I feel it wouldn’t have to go that way.
A few options I see with the necromancer that are on theme speak specifically to what is important to us. Life force, Conditions, Life stealing and health. We can have elite specializations focused around condition application like the reaper is. We can also have Specializations focused on the generation and use of Life force. Another interesting idea is the idea of using health as a resource for the necromancer. Orders have been tossed around as a necromancer skill that should come back over and over again and that plays right into that idea. Life stealing is a big part of the necromancer and having specializations that focus on other aspects of the necromancer could be extremely interesting. Aside from the core Blood magic trait line of course.
I’ve been playing with this idea for a while with a Ritualist specialization that uses Life force generation as a means to support allies through healing or boons. But also was playing with it along the idea of spending life force if my utility in shroud suggestion was put into the game. It created allot of new and interesting mechanics that it could do, but it wasn’t the only idea I had.
Who says if in the future we get utility in death shroud that perhaps a Elite specialization will give us 5 new death shroud skills rather than our utility as a part of that specialization? Perhaps we don’t get anything new in Death shroud but get f2-5 skills that spend life force in completely new ways. Sure the option to get a new shroud is always there, but that shouldn’t limit the imagination of the developers or the players into what realms we could dip into with our profession.
Personally, I like the idea of an Elite specialization that uses life force in new and exciting ways more than just replacing your shroud with a new shroud. A push pull element of the necromancer has been something I’ve wanted for the profession for a long time. And with the Elite specializations we could get that eventually.