Good looking Charr armor for a necro
One of my favourite light sets for Charr is the named exotic gear (lvl 70+)
That mixed with CoF gloves/boots looks pretty good, and if you have the money add in the T3 helm
Wraith Mask (Necromancer mask – transmuted), the rest is Honor of the Wave’s Svanir Set…
You could also try the Berserker’s Acolyte Set
I’m partial to the Shadow Armor myself.
I’m partial to the Shadow Armor myself.
That was one of my choice before but when I noticed that the helmet piece of that set would clip the “natural” horns of your Charr, I said no.
Thanx for the quick responses guys! I’m digging that svanir and shadow armor looks awesome!
I’ll post a pic of mine when I get home if I remember. I’m covered in skulls, it looks fantastic.
I actually prefer the Tier 1 cultural armor for the charr myself and just intend on upgrading that as I go since I like the look. I don’t have a screen shot sorry but you can pre-view those in the Black Citadel. Sometimes for me the basic stuff seems to look the best and as armor increases in price or rarity it just gets uglier but there’s a lot out there for different tastes and thank god for transmutation stones !
Personal preference we look better with mix and match peice then most of the whole sets. Like Shadow/Tactical, Im partial to stately myself
@ manos
Awesome look, I swear that skull helm does look good on any1 but Charr, and I know that I’m definatly going to get th CoF pants, only for awesome tail!
@ LastDarkness
thanx for the pics and I agree that full armor sets look the worst on the charr, we have to mix and match, your guy looks sick aswell
One of my favourite light sets for Charr is the named exotic gear (lvl 70+)
That mixed with CoF gloves/boots looks pretty good, and if you have the money add in the T3 helm
Lol exactly what im using, except I have deathly avian shoulders. looks neat. T3 helm is best looking helm for charrs in the whole game.
Here’s a set I put together today.
Winged helm & mantle
Stalwart’s coat
Feathered pants