I rerolled from a necro... to a necro!

I rerolled from a necro... to a necro!

in Necromancer

Posted by: mompen.7952


Can that be justified?

I had a lvl 60-ish Sylvari necro, and has become more fond of the charr lately.
So I made a charr Necro, and boy, he looks awesome with his horns, all demon-like :p
I know the light armors for charrs aint the best, but Ive seen some pics of some necroes beeing really cool if you mix it up a little.

Kenny Shayde/Ken Shadowpaw-Theef|Spiteful Sithis-Necro|Kennyneer-Engi|Mr Hex Appeal-Mesmer

I rerolled from a necro... to a necro!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dietzen.6127


I don’t wanna play my exotic decked out asura guardian, just cause I got tired of the weapons being so tiny. So I hear ya
And yes, to any who wonders about my decision, I did realize weapons would be small, but figured being tiny would prove an advantage in wv3. But I just can’t keep playing that tiny dude, so I made my norn necro

I rerolled from a necro... to a necro!

in Necromancer

Posted by: TheAgedGnome.7520


I wanted to make another profession to go along with my 80 Charr necro, but after numerous tries last night I ended up making a second necro (this time Asura)! Seems weird, but it feels kinda cool to start the necro again. I was surprised that his default starting weapon was an axe. I don’t think that was the case when I started the Charr.

Stealth nerfs are the perfect fertilizer for mistrust.
PVE Power and Support Build

I rerolled from a necro... to a necro!

in Necromancer

Posted by: SupahSpankeh.8452


Skull Masque with the longest horns possible. Epic charr.

Mad Skullz | 80 Necro | Piken Square