Important race question
So I have settled on necromancer for my class. I have a level 40 asuran necro.
But my question is should I stay asuran or make a CHARR, also male or female. Which is more necro. Also which one looks better in light armors.
Honest answer is probably something like… most light armor looks like kitten on males. Sad truth. Some like arah set but I could never get into it, its overblown instead of menacing/dark/necromantic. This game is going wow route now. Massive shoulderpads that hold castles. Armor doesn’t need rainbow vomit spewing from every stitch to make it amazing. It just needs to be appropriate and varied.
Race… meh… semantics and personal opinions here.
I could always simply say that considering both gods of death are human gods as far as lore goes humans are the most likely necromancers/priests of Grenth. But then anet makes the only prominent necro around a sylvari. Which are supposed to be peace loving hybrid plants. So… who knows.
(edited by HiSaZuL.2843)
Well, there’s that image of an Asura Necromancer, which you see quite often. Most Charr aren’t really into magic anymore; though you can actually meet a Charr Necromancer in your personal story. As for armor, people usually complain that you can’t see armor on Asura very well; but they also complain that most armor looks bad on Charrs.
So yeah; I guess it’s up to you. Though, since your Asura Necro already is lvl 40, I’d suggest you stick with it. Unless you really feel like you want it to be another race/gender.
charr/norn make the best looking necromancers in my opinion
female charrs are… fluffier than male charrs (theres that one BA female face with bone putrusions… but theres still the fluffy tail that doesnt seem very necro to me)
80 warr [Blaze Steelsoul], 80 ele [Blaze Nightstrike], 80 mesmer [Grim Shatterwhirl]
80 guard [Dusk Grimlight], 80 engi [Flintgear]
I had a norn and switch to asura.
My question is merely cosmetic. Between charr and asura. Which looks the best in light armor. Leveling isn’t a problem I can always just craft to 80 if need be.
I leveled a Charr necro to 80 and then decided I wanted an Asura necro for the racial skills.
But I never found any light armor that made the Charr looked good – its almost all just stretched human gear. Its not quite as bad with the Asura. Here is my current outfit (T2 helm, acolyte shoulders, cabalist coat, winged leggings; colors are midnight fire, oxblood and winter ice):
EDIT: Two big aesthetic drawbacks to the Asura:
1) all the weapons are so small its hard to see them
2) the exception to #1 is that when the staff is stowed, most of them are too long and/or rigged too high on the back so that they clip through your big Asuran ears and it looks really lame.
(edited by TheAgedGnome.7520) Use and Abuse of it I never make a character without knowing its endgame looks haha.
My necro’s a female human (wanted T3 leggings+shoes) but I’d have made a Norn one just for the racial Snow Leopard Form. WWW Roaming lich form is too easy to juke against so they dont get hit by it. Necro being a fight to the death profession since we lack mobility /escape (unless you park your flesh wurm) => Snow Leopard form Stealth + Dash is the best escape tool in the game.
My view on asura+necro: I don’t like death/necro looks personally, so Arah’s out of the question, which left only Acolyte (which does look awesome on asura in a midnight ice+gold mix). I felt really restricted with asura for looks.
(edited by Kajin.5301)
My question is merely cosmetic. Between charr and asura. Which looks the best in light armor. Leveling isn’t a problem I can always just craft to 80 if need be.
charr imo
most asura go for the same armours because the rest look horrible on them…
80 warr [Blaze Steelsoul], 80 ele [Blaze Nightstrike], 80 mesmer [Grim Shatterwhirl]
80 guard [Dusk Grimlight], 80 engi [Flintgear]
(edited by Linguistically Inept.6583)
I have a charr and an asura.
I use the charr for my power builds i. e. axe and dagger main hand
I use my asura for condition builds i. e. scepter and staff mainhand.
I did this because asura are more ‘magical’ than charrs. and charrs are more menacing than asuras.
oh and cosmetically my asura uses tier 2 cultural because I like it, my charr has tier 2 cultural as well (I think) also the dry bones armor on charr and the karma set minus the head piece from straights of devistation (you can get this from wvw badge vendors)
theres not many nice sets for light armor but a few are pretty swanky.
(edited by Bull Zooker.1672)
Sylvari necro
[IMG][/IMG] Use and Abuse of it
I never make a character without knowing its endgame looks haha.
My necro’s a female human (wanted T3 leggings+shoes) but I’d have made a Norn one just for the racial Snow Leopard Form. WWW Roaming lich form is too easy to juke against so they dont get hit by it. Necro being a fight to the death profession since we lack mobility /escape (unless you park your flesh wurm) => Snow Leopard form Stealth + Dash is the best escape tool in the game.
My view on asura+necro: I don’t like death/necro looks personally, so Arah’s out of the question, which left only Acolyte (which does look awesome on asura in a midnight ice+gold mix). I felt really restricted with asura for looks.
kitten YOU…. i knew that but i ignored it!
PS: i have a Sylvarie
IS the Snow Leopard worth the time to level another Necro and get the equip ?
(for WvW ofc)
Corvin Caboom † 80 Norn Engineer † Kodash
Corvin Mistwalker † 80 Norn Revenant † Kodash
(edited by SimVanLee.3421)
Asura. Nothing beats being a tiny ball of plague and death!
Tiny Icono – Engineer / The Icono – Elementalist
SoS – Empyrean Knights [EK] YB – The Coasters [TC]
I’m happy with syvari. Now that I’ve come full circle and using the axe again the entangle skill can be very useful, in smaller battles.
alts: Fangyre (Necro), Hardrawk (Ele);
Jade Quarry