Levelling build?

Levelling build?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Erhnam.5732



I can’t find a semi up-to-date levelling guide. I’m using Staff/Dagge-Warhorn for levelling (although I use the Staff 95% of the time), with consume conditions, signet of speed, and signet of +power (sorry I don’t remember the names)

What do you recommend? I’m only doing PvE, (filling maps and doing events), and I have no interest in PvP


Levelling build?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Morbridae.8607


Hi! I will give you not exactly a “leveling guide”, but a “leveling build”. I suggest you to go for minions, since they can help you killing mobs faster and “tanking” for you, at least on PvE open world.

The build should be something like http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/?fRAQNAoYWjM00VbbNO1webiohSyA4Am+C+gQAyecAA-TJRBwAD3focZAQnCAAPBAA

I normally change the Blood Fiend for Connsume Conditions (best heal, period) and while I am open maps, I switch any minion for Signet of the Locust, to get more running speed (unless I get BM10).


Go for minions as soon as you can.

Morbridae (Norn Necromancer)
@ Sorrow’s Furnace (VE)

Levelling build?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Erhnam.5732


Mmm I tried pets but they seem a bit lackluster, nothing compared with ranger pet. I will make sure to give them another try tho Thanks!

Levelling build?

in Necromancer

Posted by: jpersson.7368


Nah… necro minions are different to ranger pets by design, a bit more brain dead =) Have you tried running with traited minions? That makes a difference. You can also try wells if minions does not cut it for you.

What do you find challenging?

If you are happy with what you have got, I would say start using the dagger more and gear for power as primary stat, or you could try out the axe if you would like some more range — and don’t forget your death shroud #1.

Now… you will most probably always have a staff as your secondary weapon and it is good thing you have started to understand it. The same goes for death shroud.


Edit: spelling

Relax… nothing is under control

(edited by jpersson.7368)

Levelling build?

in Necromancer

Posted by: TheAgedGnome.7520


Mmm I tried pets but they seem a bit lackluster, nothing compared with ranger pet. I will make sure to give them another try tho Thanks!

They will be a bit lackluster until you are at a level so that you have enough traits to make them more useful. What level are you now?

Stealth nerfs are the perfect fertilizer for mistrust.
PVE Power and Support Build

Levelling build?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Erhnam.5732


I don’t find anything particularly challenging right now (I’m level 17 so no traits and other stuff), I was just looking for tips and pointers in the good direction, which you provided I have start using more and more the dagger tho, and its an improvement unless I have to AoE, where staff spam + DS#4 is just pure awesomeness.

I also tried well of suffering instead of the power signet, I’m undecided between the both of them, so I want my 3rd skill slot NOW xD

Thanks for this

Levelling build?

in Necromancer

Posted by: TheAgedGnome.7520


I’d take WoS over Signet of Spite. I also prefer scepter instead of dagger for leveling, since it keeps me out of melee range.

As you acquire trait points, things will get better.

Stealth nerfs are the perfect fertilizer for mistrust.
PVE Power and Support Build

Levelling build?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ishmael.6740


I started a few weeks ago, so maybe my advice is not the best, but anyways:

I orientated myself mostly on the guide that is sticked at the top of the necromancer forums:

My necro is now 62, I use dagger/focus mostly for the vulnerability bounce skill and damage and switch to dagger/warhorn in larger groups for the aoe dot/cripple – Most things are dead before they can do serious damage.

Approaching single mobs i just fling the vulnerability bounce skill and melee them to death, for groups i also fling the thingy, flash the Deathshroud since I traited it with weakening shroud, use the 5 skill and then switch back to use well of suffering – then i switch to warhorn, use the swarm skill and melee everything that remains (most trash groups don’t survive to that point, especially if i fire off blood is might after the well…)

For utility I use Signet of Spite, Well of suffering, blood is might and for elite the flesh golem, since it makes soloing feel less lonely ^^

Traits I use so far are somewhat limited by what I have so far but I use the one that reduces cooldown on focus skills and weakening shroud, have yet to discover some useful traits to spec another…