First of all, i must state that Nekromancer is the crown of the tipical character i like to play.
If i could pick i picked evil mage instead of Wizards even 15 years ago in D&D, and it still goes on.
But i must give word to my extreme dissapointment and i try to breake it to points why did it all happen. ( i must add to a lot of players)
1,Most players play Nekromancer for its “theme” of dark mysteriousness, and undeads.
They dont specifically deny playing a Wizard, since its firt of all a Wizard (or a mage), that is an all araund “caster” .
And not specifically a Death crazed “curser”. Those the the NPC necromancers.
2, Even if i understand you get skills based on your weapon, and you are supposed to be able to stab your foes if you have a dagger or smack them if you have a staff (since even in RPG you are able to do it) , BUT seriously its more like a decoration, then a tool you can use somethimes if something gets close, and not a CORE element of going there and stabbing them to death.
-I must also add even Elementalist is detailed in this way. He does not stab the enemy, he uses a lightning whip that is channeled trough the dagger.
-And to add more to this, Scepter is not a WAND, you dont spam stuff wit them. You channel spells trough them. The skills are fine for them, but seriously needs a differeant animation, becouse it looks more like “wanding” from wow.
3, I understand that staff is supposed to be the main “caster” weapon, but all the medium and close range skills that are so terribly “non caster” is a LOT of players feel they are forced to use staff, and get even more dissapointed.
- The “caster” ist staff wont offer them “evil dark spells” instead they put marks on the floor? “What am i? Some sort of Rune Priest from Warhammer?” Popped into my mind after 10 mins
4, I seriously didnt wanted to make a long post, but cant stand not to talk abaut minions to.
- If i think abaut a Nekromancer, Skeletons and Zombies pop into my mind, not some sack of bones floating above my head. Or rat sized bugs roaming araund me.
Not only they looks unacceptable, but there can onlybe 5-6 at best. I understand that number is fine, but the minions are so small you dont even notice them.
- The “jagged horror” s are a joke. Not only they deal no real dmg, barely get summoned, and they get 1 hitted. THey cant be even decorative since they wont last more then 3-4 sec at best, and are small as a rat.
-If i would pick “skull mask” i am supposed to get the old school Gw1 minions back atleast…..
So owerall the undead minions ( that is a brand of Nekromancer) are totally dissapointing. Even more then the rest of the character that would be toleratable.
As finish i understand the skills (even with axe and dagger) are themed for the character, but they just dont fit him. In my personal opinion.
Or maybe the skills do fit him, but not in they form, range or animation. (must add the game has mind blowingly detailed animations that rocked me)
In the end i was forced to play a Elementalist that wont fit my personality, and i keep getting the feeling i dont play the right character.
And started to wonder, a simple normal Wizard woudl have been better in stead of a “only nuke only elements” caster.
Conclusion : Eather Nekro must get more weapons for more options “how to play” him. Or needs a full remake to make me play it, even if its the 100% pick for me in the most cases.
I feel sorry myself to, that you didnt hit the point for me with your hard work, but i am still hoping in the future Nekros become what they are supposed to be (atleast for me)
And please exuse my bad english (i also have a bit broken keyboard to). I wonder what the others opinion on this is.