Skimming through the forums would provoke one to believe that necro is a weak class with a million bugs, but my experience with my necro throughout this game has been very enjoyable. PVE and Leveling was much easier with my necro than any of my other lvl 80’s, and PVP is amazingly fun. The strengths and utilties of a necro in thier element is unmatchable. All this said it seems the proclaimed “Attrition” class seems to be largely misunderstood. I wanted to make this writeup/video to explain my theory of the necro and how to be as efficient as possible in both SPVP and WVW.
I have 1000+ hours clocked between my necro and my mesmer and I do alot of WvW (Commander), as well as Paid Tournys, though in SPVP since the amulets stats are very restricting, my build is changed a ton. Nowadays I do alot of dueling and people are suprised to see a necro beat some of the classes people think are more powerful and people ask me my build so I made a little crappy video
Most people either run condition necros with rabid stats, and ofcourse I have tried this build as well as power builds with necro. I always come back to the build and theory I find the most effective with my necro in PVP. I think Rabid stats and pure damage stats are great for PVE, but not in PVP and I feel they miss out on a lot of what necros have to offer. The main difference in my build than most necros is the fact that I highly encourage priotizing Tankiness (Toughness and Vitality) OVER condition damage, and think of condition damage as a secondary. At lvl 80 with full gear in WVW i aim to have about 28k-30k HP and 2400+ toughness with 1100 (+/-) condition damage. Most necros go for more condition damage and want precision as well, but I feel my damage is powerful enough as it is and the amount of bleeds I would gain from precision would not benefit me as much as toughness or vitality.
the zerging in almost all aspects of this game really does not give a chance for the true complexity and beauty of the combat. In small scale pvp and duels you will see how everything you do really matters and you must counter and react. I wish there were more areas in the game with small pvp like this weather it be 1v1’s or 3v’3s etc. were around to really show the competition, complexity, and potential for pvp. So much so that I have taken a break recently from GW2
I made this crappy quality video to show some dueling and give some real time pointers. The video quality isnt the best and I would suggest running it in Youtube’s Large Screen instead of Full Screen. Incase you want to know the exact build I run I use Tahlkora Armor, Chrysocola Jewelry and those + to all stats jewelry pieces, and Shaman stat weapons. This is close to the stats I can get but not perfect and a good player can improve upon the build ofcourse it is not perfect I am just a normal player, albeit a very good pvper. ^ The video, (please someone tell me if link is not working, if not I apologize and will repost later)
The best tips I can give you is to know your enemy, know when a mesmer is about to burst you, know when a thief is about to start heartstabbing, know what moves stack conditions on you so you can transfer them at the right time or use deathshroud:::
fear at the right time. During Heal, During Low HP, Interupt, Utility:::
Use the staff as a main weapon, because of Putrid Mark and the Reapers Mark:::
Putrid Mark is game changing, removing all conditions from all allies including yourself and transfering them, you do not need to be inside the aoe, use this at perfect times when you know you were just stacked with so many condi:::
::Use consume conditions as a heal
Corrupt Boon is game changing and can Insta Gib:::
Mark of Blood I prefer because of the 10 stacks of might, making up for some damage lost for survivablity, but this is opinion:::
master deathshroud usage:::
Going 20 into Soul reaping not only makes your deathshroud health pool 20% bigger, it also makes it replenish so fast that you will always be able to use it, as long as you go for Soul Marks (Gain 3% Life force when using staff skills)
Necro PVP, WvW, and Dueling Tips and Build.
Ok so with that enormous wall of text I nearly did not click your video. But I did, and it is a very nice demonstration, actually. In fact, I think I learned quite a bit about necro play. One note to anyone watching is to turn the volume up when he is talking and to turn it down when he is done, as the combat comes in much louder than the intro.
I think the thief duels and the ranger duel are pretty helpful. Maybe the first guardian one. The 1vMany was great. But I have to ask – did you just include that second guardian video to show off beating a dude with a legendary? That guy was totally lost!
Nice! I noticed two different builds in the video, one in the beginning, and a different one just before the duels started. Which build is the one you are talking about. Too bad the quality was so poor, it was difficult to see your traits. Also, why the Tahlkora gear? Does the + healing help in this build?
(edited by Ludacrits.3857)
yea wats your build that you use for spvp i wanna try it out ima spvp nerd when it comes to necro engi and guardian :P
Like traits runes sigils so on :P
this is the build
I use Rune of the Forge.
if you cant get this then any rune with toughness as mainstat on rune set
hmm okay ill try this out with rabids amulet idk which wil be best rabids or carrion ill test both no matter that build editor isnt updated eithier as of skill changes corrupt boon is a 40s cooldown and entering death shrowd only removes a boon if im not mistaken
(edited by Lordryux.9785)
this is the build
I use Rune of the Forge.
if you cant get this then any rune with toughness as mainstat on rune set
That rune is so underappreciated.
Thank you for the awesome demo video.
this is the build
I use Rune of the Forge.
if you cant get this then any rune with toughness as mainstat on rune set
You might want to use a more up-to-date builder when showing the build, “remove all conditions apon entering Death Shroud” was nurfed like 50 seconds into BWE-1.
(Copy & Paste);TYAKwMgJAzCmDMJYA
You might also want to talk about your weapon sigils and your choice on Spectral Armor as your stun-breaker instead of walk.
In your opinion is 9 seconds of protection & 6 seconds of LF building for a 90 second cooldown better then a 39 seconds of swiftness, 8 seconds of LF building and potential position switch for a 60 second cooldown, your build has no mobility at all remember and if so, why not run Spectral Mastery to instantly judo-chop 18 seconds off that stupidly long cooldown.
Commander Ascii :: Tempest Wolves [TW] :: Sanctum of Rall :: Best Necromancer NA
Build theory seems rather nice. I do wonder how you get 28k-30k HP and 2500-2600 armor with 1100 (+/-) condition damage in spvp with shaman gear, or any gear for that matter. I can never get near 28k hp, I get around 19k. The toughness and condition dmg are obtainable, just not the hp.
(edited by Glenn.3417)
Im actually very amazed that Staff as mainweapon works out so well. Very good job
Build theory seems rather nice. I do wonder how you get 28k-30k HP and 2500-2600 toughness with 1100 (+/-) condition damage in spvp with shaman gear, or any gear for that matter. I can never get near 28k hp, I get around 19k. The toughness and condition dmg are obtainable, just not the hp.
yea im trying to figure that out aswell lol
Build theory seems rather nice. I do wonder how you get 28k-30k HP and 2500-2600 toughness with 1100 (+/-) condition damage in spvp with shaman gear, or any gear for that matter. I can never get near 28k hp, I get around 19k. The toughness and condition dmg are obtainable, just not the hp.
yea im trying to figure that out aswell lol
I think he meant “2400+ armor”, not toughness. In the vid, he has about 1500 toughness, 2500 armor.
Build theory seems rather nice. I do wonder how you get 28k-30k HP and 2500-2600 toughness with 1100 (+/-) condition damage in spvp with shaman gear, or any gear for that matter. I can never get near 28k hp, I get around 19k. The toughness and condition dmg are obtainable, just not the hp.
yea im trying to figure that out aswell lol
I think he meant “2400+ armor”, not toughness. In the vid, he has about 1500 toughness, 2500 armor.
Obviously lol. We’re wondering about hp, not toughness/armor.
yea i can barely stretch in Hp at all to about 22k is the highest i can get it with a condition/tank build having 28k hp is over the top i think thats mainly WvW and pve since we dont have earings and rings for accessorys in spvp like that and our armors dont have base stats so ull be missing alot of hp but can still reach the armor he mentioned and even more i got 22k hp and 2.7k armor on my necro but low attack high condition and high crit with crit damage
Used blood is power on a guardian when i was 1v1 with him lol it tore him to shreds my scepter bleeds was ticking for 146 a pop he died in seconds lol but yea this is a good build its just even if the low hp your still fragile to thiefs even with my 2.7k armor i got killed by a thief in 3 seconds.. its pretty rediculous
I even killed a guardian earlier with over 3.3k armor on my thief with S/D set up its rediculous how much damage this class can put out and just barely have to do anything. i sware i literally used infiltrators strike constantly to keep him in place and pop haste at 50% to destroy him in seconds. boom stomped. then he called me a hacker..
I think anet knows that is the only class that can just stand thier and auto attack and put out rediculous damage lol i sure did thats all my build is for auto attacking and infiltrators strike/ dazing :P the 3rd chain of the auto attack crits for about 5k+ damage right thier. Even crit a kitten 5.7k with steal.. im sure it can go higher.
(edited by Lordryux.9785)
Build theory seems rather nice. I do wonder how you get 28k-30k HP and 2500-2600 armor with 1100 (+/-) condition damage in spvp with shaman gear, or any gear for that matter. I can never get near 28k hp, I get around 19k. The toughness and condition dmg are obtainable, just not the hp.
I have full WvW gear and have 31k hp and 2600 armor. Also 20 points into blood magic.
Build theory seems rather nice. I do wonder how you get 28k-30k HP and 2500-2600 armor with 1100 (+/-) condition damage in spvp with shaman gear, or any gear for that matter. I can never get near 28k hp, I get around 19k. The toughness and condition dmg are obtainable, just not the hp.
Well in the video this is the stats I have. In the post I say in SPVP the build is gutted. I cant run the build because of how restricting the amulets are. I have to try to get as close to the stats as I can, and usually end up with a kitten ton of toughness and less HP. I think there is a reason for the amulets being restricting to stop people from making OP builds like you can in PVE/WvW. But i dont like being restricted on my builds.
how much condition damage do you have with that tahlkora’s set?
Knights of the White Wolf
Sanctum of Rall