Necro needs instacast healing now.
But we already have the powerful trait Deathly Invigoration!
I really hate that extra second after leaving transformations. Sometimes it results in death, most of the time in frustration. Must be a punishment for using our class ability.
Anyway, asking for instant heal is going overboard. We should always have a mean to interrupt healing. But having no access to block/aegis, stability, etc. AND having one of the longest cast time is a bit harsh. So, please, consider reducing Consume Conditions cast time from 1.25 sec to 1 sec.
as a result of some changes it seems after DS deactivates there is odd delay that you cannot use any healing or utility skills which means you’ll just die horribly
second thing is that because apparently damage carries over to base hp, or is somehow in weird way bugged since i’ve seen this happen even before these “buffs”, you just tend to die when DS ends
this DS “buffing” really needs some rework.
It also seems 1sec +lag. As a Au player, sometimes it can be a ‘few’ seconds before the buttons show up.
The lock-out on skills when a player is forced out of DS has been around for a while, but I agree that it’s very annoying. Is it happening when you leave DS voluntarily as well?
It’s pretty obvious, and nobody’s impressed.
Yes. It gets you killed a lot in WvW as a Necro when you try to use it to soak hits when you are getting assist trained, since not only is there a delay, but most your skills that might help you get some breathing room also have a longer animation time than the enemy damage and CC skills that are inevitably incoming.
The lock-out on skills when a player is forced out of DS has been around for a while, but I agree that it’s very annoying. Is it happening when you leave DS voluntarily as well?
no no, it used to be annoying
now that damage spills over it is just plain broken when you have to wait for your heal to show up and you went into DS low on hp.
Half the time it’s better to not even use DS and take the gamble on healing right away and risk the interupt/s.