Necromancer DPS low?

Necromancer DPS low?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Moxie.8531


I have an 80 Mesmer, I thought it was the class for me. I decided to make a Necromancer and I love it! My guildies are discouraging, insisting I concentrate on my Mesmer or any other class, stating the DPS is too low for Necromancers. I love the class, I believe this is my main now. So a few questions, is Necro DPS low in comparison to other classes? Would you go back and choose another class instead? Which builds are the greatest for PvE (dungeons and Fractals mainly)? I’m rocking scepter/dagger & staff.

Necromancer DPS low?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sepreh.5924


Go full berserker with dagger main hand, trait 30,0,10,0,30, drop well of corruption and well of suffering and see if the DPS is low :-p

Legendary Sepreh, Necromancer
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Necromancer DPS low?

in Necromancer

Posted by: wiazabi.2549


Necro will slow down a dungeon group no matter what.
Would i have choosen another class if i knew the state of the necro ? yes but stuff were said about necro giving false hope.

You can hope for the trait patch coming soonish and stick with your necro og go with mesmer if you wanna help your group the best.

Necromancer DPS low?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Elvahaduken.3609


Yes necro is getting changes soon which are all hopefully good ;p as for your pve build, i do not like condy builds for the clipping that appears so often, a full zerk dagger necro can put out alot of dps, we don’t have the cleave like other classes though.

The 30 0 10 0 30 build is nice for raw damage output, or you could change it up with say 10 20 10 0 30 getting 5 sec ds with high fury uptime and lower cds on focus ( the new focus 4 is awesoooooome)

edit: forgot to mention, i dont know any good dungeon condy builds, but i assume hybrid would be the way to go if you want to stick with condys

Klaus Night (Necro)/ Elvahaduken (Engi) [TaG] Gunnars Hold

Necromancer DPS low?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sepreh.5924


Necro will slow down a dungeon group no matter what.
Would i have choosen another class if i knew the state of the necro ? yes but stuff were said about necro giving false hope.

You can hope for the trait patch coming soonish and stick with your necro og go with mesmer if you wanna help your group the best.

I havent ever gone through the math or timed the runs perfectly, but I do know that I have run the archetype “DPS” dungeon, CoF 1, multiple times with my dagger berserker necro and have never been told I was holding anything up. Plus, I am able to take down the gate extremely quickly.

Legendary Sepreh, Necromancer
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Necromancer DPS low?

in Necromancer

Posted by: spoj.9672


Beserker necro does good damage. Just not good enough for the lack of useful utility and support they provide in dungeons. They either need to be a full dps class or have more use in dungeons utility wise. They do more damage than mesmers but mesmers are infinitely more useful in dungeons because of utility and team buffing.

Necromancer DPS low?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Afya.5842


I personally believe anything in Berserker is good enough dps. You may not have the output of a warrior, but should be good enough in any dungeon run.

Since you’re using scepter dagger, I assume you’re running a condition build. From my experience, it is a little slow mostly due to the bleed stack build up.

However, how slow is slow? In fact it depends on your group. If your teammates are running mostly berserker and you run a condition build, then yes you may slow them down.
BUT if they are running tanky setup in the first place and you run a condition necro, then it won’t make any difference in terms of DPS.

Necromancer DPS low?

in Necromancer

Posted by: wiazabi.2549


Necro will….

I havent ever gone through the math or timed the runs perfectly, but I do know that I have run the archetype “DPS” dungeon, CoF 1, multiple times with my dagger berserker necro and have never been told I was holding anything up. Plus, I am able to take down the gate extremely quickly.

Well neither have i but its not exactly like people are asking me to bring my necro when i have a warrior and having a warrior it’s not hard to see how much more you add to the group.

Taking down the gate is a small part and another one of those power > condition as always, but not having cleave proper access to fury, vigor, might + actually helping your team with buffs hurt the class alot.

But im trying to be hopefull for the coming patch since the class got a ton of attention lately.

Necromancer DPS low?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Chullster.3608


Don’t run the 30/10/0/0/30 build; it’s crap.

the real dps for a necro is 30/30/0/0/10

Necromancer DPS low?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Moxie.8531


Thank you all for taking the time to respond. Hate to be a bother, but I really wanna try out this 30 0 10 0 30 build. Does anyone have a link? I tried to search for it, but not having any luck.

Necromancer DPS low?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Chullster.3608


Thank you all for taking the time to respond. Hate to be a bother, but I really wanna try out this 30 0 10 0 30 build. Does anyone have a link? I tried to search for it, but not having any luck.

As I said before, it’s bad, don’t use it, search GWguru for a proper DPS necro build.

Necromancer DPS low?

in Necromancer

Posted by: youlostthegame.8102


I tried to join a CoF farm run today in full Arah gear and they said “No necros and no engineers, sorry.” lol. Was quite annoyed because I’m a full power build and my max in CoF is about 15k with Ghastly Claws and about 8k with Life Blast but this still doesn’t compare to warriors hitting 30k with Hundred Blades.

Necromancer DPS low?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Loyo.8526


I tried to join a CoF farm run today in full Arah gear and they said “No necros and no engineers, sorry.” lol. Was quite annoyed because I’m a full power build and my max in CoF is about 15k with Ghastly Claws and about 8k with Life Blast but this still doesn’t compare to warriors hitting 30k with Hundred Blades.

If it makes you feel better, they hear something similar when they want to go sPvP.
(which it doesn’t for me, but hey we all are different here)

Khloe Deschanel – Human Necromancer/ Ami Ginju – Human Ranger [DOLO] -SBI
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Necromancer DPS low?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rennoko.5731


Or don’t run a necro for DPS? Because it is completely illogical in PVE to play a class as DPS that has only his “1” skill for actually doing dps…

Seeing as how #2-#5 skills do little to no added DPS…. your benefit in a group is around conditions and manipulation. Since that aspect of the game is largely unimportant (mobs buffing themselves too often for you to remove, party cleansing without you being needed to flip debuffs, other classes apply vuln as effectively as you), you are largely unimportant.

Yes you can 1 spam with a dagger and do decent DPS, but that is all you are doing… it is horribly uninteresting, and your less effective than a warrior who has 100 blades, whirlwhind, aoe might/fury, etc etc etc.

In my opinion, in PVE your best value is hybrid. You do good damage, can keep good uptime on debuffs. No dungeon needs those things, and in many cases weakness/poison make no difference on the mob anyways, but at least you aren’t pretending to be power DPS and falling short.

If we had cleave, or if our 2/3 skill on dagger did a massive burst of damage, we could compete. Seeing as how it doesn’t, you are going to be looking that in the face everytime you want to run a power build.

Necromancer DPS low?

in Necromancer

Posted by: youlostthegame.8102


Or don’t run a necro for DPS? Because it is completely illogical in PVE to play a class as DPS that has only his “1” skill for actually doing dps…

Seeing as how #2-#5 skills do little to no added DPS…. your benefit in a group is around conditions and manipulation. Since that aspect of the game is largely unimportant (mobs buffing themselves too often for you to remove, party cleansing without you being needed to flip debuffs, other classes apply vuln as effectively as you), you are largely unimportant.

People can consume their own conditions with sigils and healing spells. we’re not needed for support really and if we went to a support built it would go very unappreciated if it was noticed at all.

Like the first boss on Arah P3, I went condition build and cleansed all debuffs on my team as they were put on and got rid of immobilize before they got 1 shot and no one noticed. Instead we can just add to the damage they’re doing already and then ress people as they get downed. In my opinion the latter is far more efficient.

Necromancer DPS low?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Nemesis.8593


Necro will slow down a dungeon group no matter what.
Would i have choosen another class if i knew the state of the necro ? yes but stuff were said about necro giving false hope.

You can hope for the trait patch coming soonish and stick with your necro og go with mesmer if you wanna help your group the best.

Say what now ?… Lol… slow down the group… and i suppose guardians do more AoE damage then a condition necromancer, or mesmers…
Fractals = AoE AoE AoE…

Don’t run the 30/10/0/0/30 build; it’s crap.

the real dps for a necro is 30/30/0/0/10

So… a full glass cannon build is crap, and a hybrid build is the real dps for a necromancer ?…

So where does the conditionmancer go then ?… or you think you can do more AoE damage with the hybrid ?…

Hmmm… what gear and weapons do you use in your 30/30/0/0/10… If you say berserker i will leave this thread… never come back…

Nemesis Youtube channel - necromancer & mesmer tutorials, PvP and more…

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Necromancer DPS low?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kanto.1659


Or don’t run a necro for DPS? Because it is completely illogical in PVE to play a class as DPS that has only his “1” skill for actually doing dps…

It’s interesting you should say that because I was interested in a necro after seeing

The bleeds ticking for 100, the 5-6k hits from the axe, the 3k crits in DS. It’s not a 34k 100b, sure, but we cannot keep on using warriors as a measuring stick (not to mention 100b is a 4 second melee channeling skill. There is too much touting of DPA and less of DPS, actual honest used-in-real-situations DPS).

I’m currently playing a grenades engineer and enjoying the damage and vuln stacking, but I just need to have a moving boss for my damage to plummet.

(edited by Kanto.1659)

Necromancer DPS low?

in Necromancer

Posted by: spoj.9672


Necro will slow down a dungeon group no matter what.
Would i have choosen another class if i knew the state of the necro ? yes but stuff were said about necro giving false hope.

You can hope for the trait patch coming soonish and stick with your necro og go with mesmer if you wanna help your group the best.

Say what now ?… Lol… slow down the group… and i suppose guardians do more AoE damage then a condition necromancer, or mesmers…
Fractals = AoE AoE AoE…

Don’t run the 30/10/0/0/30 build; it’s crap.

the real dps for a necro is 30/30/0/0/10

So… a full glass cannon build is crap, and a hybrid build is the real dps for a necromancer ?…

So where does the conditionmancer go then ?… or you think you can do more AoE damage with the hybrid ?…

Hmmm… what gear and weapons do you use in your 30/30/0/0/10… If you say berserker i will leave this thread… never come back…

It is a valid beserker build nemesis. It just lacks the soul reaping utility and crit damage. I prefer to have stability in dungeons but if i didnt id probably go 30 in curses aswell for target the weak and better crit chance. You can argue that the condition damage on curses is wasted but then you can also argue that the soul reaping line is a waste aswell due to its limited choices of decent damage boosting traits.

The problem is the necro has no clear cut maximum dps build. There are several beserker variations which miss out on one thing or the other. You can also run hybrid with beserker gear and the bleeds still tick for about 70 but you hit for a lot harder with auto attacks and wells at the same time.

(edited by spoj.9672)

Necromancer DPS low?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sepreh.5924


Hey guys – another thing I have been thinking about is running 30,0,10,0,30 with full berserker gear but using Superior Runes of Lyssa with flesh golem. Granted, fleshy can die pretty easily but I am wondering if it is worth it to switch from ruby orbs to Sup. Rune of Lyssa in order to have access to boons we have poor access to now.

Think I will buy a set when I get home…

Legendary Sepreh, Necromancer
[SYN] Synyster Legion | Dragonbrand Server
Youtube Necromancer

Necromancer DPS low?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Molch.2078


Say what now ?… Lol… slow down the group… and i suppose guardians do more AoE damage then a condition necromancer, or mesmers…
Fractals = AoE AoE AoE…

Epidemic-Coditionmancer does pittyfull AoE. Guardian hits harder with GS autohit…. almost….

The Problem isn’t epidemic, it’s a really strong skill, the problem is a) the lack of other AoE-Skills and b) conditiondamage still su*ks in 99% PvE.

Not much in this game where AoE burst for trash and sustained singeltarget for vets/champs/bosses isn’t the fastest and easiest way.

(edited by Molch.2078)

Necromancer DPS low?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Afya.5842


Fractal != AoE

  • Underwater: yes AoE is king and condition is brilliant. But it’s underwater……..
  • Cliffside: single target.
  • Snowblind: vs object
  • Swamp: Single target. aoe only help you get up from down which normal cleave is enough.
  • Underground: AoE is great here.
  • Ascalon: use LoS and npc to tank and 100b down trash. Condition takes too long to build and spread. By the time bleed stack is high enough, NPC could be dead/your group run out of protection & you start taking damage/direct damage already or almost nude down trash.
  • Volcanic: condition build can be useful in boss fight but still slow to build stack. And there are more than 3 × 5 elementals so you need to build your stack 3 times.
  • Asura: single target.

tl;dr Bleed stack is just slow to build up for aoe trash cleaning.

Don’t tell me you can spike bleed by traiting to dodge in dodge out, quick swap staff/scepter. It is just not consistent bleed and still slower than burst builds.

Necromancer DPS low?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Drarnor Kunoram.5180

Drarnor Kunoram.5180

Don’t forget that Volcanic Fractal is the ONE place in the game where high DPS is actually punished. Condition necros work very well there (and Well of Power is an amazing skill in that one).

Dragonbrand |Drarnor Kunoram: Charr Necro
I’m a Geeleiver

Necromancer DPS low?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Brighteluden.2974


This is coming from someone who has a mostly zerk geared mesmer and a conditionmaner. I’d say if you want to go and say a mesmer has more damage sure, but it comes down to what playstyle you prefer more. I actually prefer my necromancer..surprising I know. I’ll try to give you a few reasons as why I enjoy my conditionmancer more.

I for one love my necro’s sustained damage and AoE potiential compared to my mesmer, yes the mesmer has more burst but once you do your shatters or what have you the damage you do afterwards is alot less until you get your shatters up again, but with my necro I just love dishing out the constant stack of bleeds and the ability to spread conditions/bleeds around I Just find it more fitting to my playstyle.

I also enjoy the fact that I can take quite a beating with my necro as opposed to my mesmer . I know people always love to bash the necro but I really haven’t had to many issues aside when in WvW where I can never get away from a zerg or multiple peeps that are chasing me unlike my mesmer oh and the condition removals do suck, but I roam alot with my necro in WvW and not many classes can beat my condtionmancer in a 1v1 scenario aside from the few bunkers I run into and I can also flip camps pretty quick as well oh and you don’t feel useless in zergs unlike my ranger…..

I also have done quite a few dungeons as a conditionmancer and it’s not too bad just if you have multiple people stacking bleeds in the party it can be a problem since the cap is reached quickly but if you don’t you’ll be fine. I mean if people are concerned more about DPS and not what class they find more entertaining to play then what’s the point of playing a game when it’s suppose to be played for your enjoyment?

(edited by Brighteluden.2974)

Necromancer DPS low?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Afya.5842


Don’t forget that Volcanic Fractal is the ONE place in the game where high DPS is actually punished. Condition necros work very well there (and Well of Power is an amazing skill in that one).

How does it punish dps?

Necromancer DPS low?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Nemesis.8593


Say what now ?… Lol… slow down the group… and i suppose guardians do more AoE damage then a condition necromancer, or mesmers…
Fractals = AoE AoE AoE…

Epidemic-Coditionmancer does pittyfull AoE. Guardian hits harder with GS autohit…. almost….

The Problem isn’t epidemic, it’s a really strong skill, the problem is a) the lack of other AoE-Skills and b) conditiondamage still su*ks in 99% PvE.

Not much in this game where AoE burst for trash and sustained singeltarget for vets/champs/bosses isn’t the fastest and easiest way.

More damage with GS auto-attack ?… to hit 4k on crit with GS auto-attack as a guardian you have to be squishy enough to get 1 shot… GL in dredge fractal rank 48.

Secondly… cleave hits 3 targets, epidemic hits 5…

Thirdly… pure breed conditionmancer maxed out has 1950+ condition damage (without blood is power) and 133% condition duration which gives him the ability to stack 25 stacks of bleeding on his own = 3500 DPS on single target – epidemic x5 = 17500 on 5 targets…


4k hits auto-attacks on 3 targets… 12k… and squishy, and melee…

I’m in a hurry so i’ve rushed these calculations, maybe i’ve missed something ?

ps: i’ve just finished my 4 x berserker necromancer + 1 mesmer CoF p1 fast run attempt, trying to see the difference between 4 x berserker warriors + 1 mesmer vs the necromancers…

The results are very very pleasing… so the whole "necromancers slows down the group no matter what doesn’t hold true to someone that has tested the class as much as i have.

Nemesis Youtube channel - necromancer & mesmer tutorials, PvP and more…

Nemesis live-stream channel - focusing mainly on Guild Wars 2, League of Legends and Dota II.

(edited by Nemesis.8593)

Necromancer DPS low?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lucas.9162


You just compared a single auto attack to a fully-stacked-sigil-and-food-buffs-full-skill-rotation-without-interruption-perfect-scenario-with-loads-of-cast-time-dream-hit.

Now tell me who that argument was in favor of.

Necromancer DPS low?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Nemesis.8593


You just compared a single auto attack to a fully-stacked-sigil-and-food-buffs-full-skill-rotation-without-interruption-perfect-scenario-with-loads-of-cast-time-dream-hit.

Now tell me who that argument was in favor of.

I was answering to a statement that was made, there are people that are new and might just believe that statement.

I’m getting tired of defending the necromancer… it’s not as bad as people think. 90% of the people think necromancer is much worse then he actually is, and think other classes are so much stronger then they actually are… meanwhile i keep meeting squishy no damage mesmers, tanking no reflection guardians, berserker warriors and my personal favorite “epidemic build – staff auto-attacking” necromancers in lvl 48 fractals…

Nemesis Youtube channel - necromancer & mesmer tutorials, PvP and more…

Nemesis live-stream channel - focusing mainly on Guild Wars 2, League of Legends and Dota II.

Necromancer DPS low?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bweaty.9187


While were not top for dps, there’s a few overlooked things.

We ‘stack’ things together. For example, each minion is doing there own dam, then you have yours ontop in any gear types not affecting them. Minions are sadly pretty useless except for the odd single target, solo farm.

Ok, the staff. With #2 you can maintain regen on meele at the same time as doing a tap of damage & nice long bleeds. You can slow the burst of dam with #3 (movement & spell recharge) also reduce there heals, and dose damage ontop.
Our #1 is only say 2/3rd as strong as a fire ele’s staff #1, but go’s thru a line of monsters hitting them all.
You can leave 2 marks on the ground for them to walk into, and hit a row of them per attack. 5 flavors of aoe damage at the same time, de-buffing the monsters & buffing your meele.
Ontop of that, #3 is a Poison combo field for a short time.

Wells, (You kinda really want 20points in Blood for the 20% faster CD.)
Suffering & Corruption, both tick damage while your doing your other attacks ontop.
While there doing dam, there also doing other nice little things like stacking vul, turning boons into on conds.
Nice long Dark combo fields!
(While on wells but off topic of stacking damage, Well of Blood is a 10 sec Light Combo field)

10 Points Blood magic, Transfusion. Makes your DShroud 4, heal everyone around you nearly 2k in 3 seconds, at the aoe burst time when it’s nice for extra heals, on top of doing some rather nice aoe dam, and extending your DShroud up time.

So, while a war can go ‘100 blades’ oh that 1 number is soo big I need a mes to carry my big 2handed ego, by confusing the monsters with shiny things. You can have done alot of smaller numbers together & buffed/debuffed/healed all at once.

(edited by Bweaty.9187)

Necromancer DPS low?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Molch.2078


I’ve played everything in this game but frac 20+ (got bored soon). I duo’ed and solo’ed Arah exp.

So far no content where 100% glass isn’t viable, no content where 100% melee isn’t viable. On the contrary: It’s the way to go.
And I know enought ppl who do fotm 40+. With full glass thief or ele, dual dagger, full offensive traits.

Therefore, being squishy or melee is no argument.

For the numbers: You don’t stack 25 bleeds, you have 20, max. The rest is usually taken by the team.

And there is something you missed. Epidemic transfers the duration. If your target has 25 bleeds and you use that skill, you get one bleed with 15 sec, one with 14, sec one with 13…. and one that is gone after one tick. Therefore it deals just half the damage you think it deals.

And I said almost harder. Ofc a condi-nec will outdamage a brainafk guardian. But guardians have more skills than GS1.

[…] and my personal favorite “epidemic build – staff auto-attacking” necromancers in lvl 48 fractals…

This was the first thread writen by you I ever read. I lol’ed much

And no. Necromancers are not “that” bad. Rangers are not that bad either. Bad played necro/rangers, those are the problem. And I find muuuch more poorly skilled rangers then warriors….

Thats probably the reason ppl think they suck. Players who do care about efficiency AND don’t reroll W/G/M are very rare.

(edited by Molch.2078)

Necromancer DPS low?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rennoko.5731


Or don’t run a necro for DPS? Because it is completely illogical in PVE to play a class as DPS that has only his “1” skill for actually doing dps…

It’s interesting you should say that because I was interested in a necro after seeing

The bleeds ticking for 100, the 5-6k hits from the axe, the 3k crits in DS. It’s not a 34k 100b, sure, but we cannot keep on using warriors as a measuring stick (not to mention 100b is a 4 second melee channeling skill. There is too much touting of DPA and less of DPS, actual honest used-in-real-situations DPS).

I’m currently playing a grenades engineer and enjoying the damage and vuln stacking, but I just need to have a moving boss for my damage to plummet.

Sorry, I should be more clear.

I was referencing a power build, or a crit damage build using dagger.

I have no problem with hybrid or full condition damage in PVE. The challenge is the bleed cap. Dredge fractal/Volcano/Cliffside/ascalon/underwater are all VERY friendly to a condition necromancer (except the last boss of dredge).

If you can get into a group with no other bleeders, and with some warrior/guardians to stack might, I would challenge you to find any build that could out-damage me with 12 second epidemics and 20+ bleed stacks on mole-men. And I do it all from 900 range.

The problem is that a normal group comp is going to have other bleeders…. mesmers/rangers/warriors/eles all applying there diddly bleeds and removing our long lasting good bleeds.

I have long said that if they would fix the bleed cap problem, condition necros would be the king of PVE. I also long ago gave up the good fight on seeing that happen, as ANET has made it clear they have no intention of making that happen.

Necromancer DPS low?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Molch.2078


I have long said that if they would fix the bleed cap problem, condition necros would be the king of PVE.


…you do realize I just said that Condinec deals not much more damage then a GS autohitting Guardian. While that was slightly exaggerated, I dont se ANY way you outdamage a warrior. 9k DPS on 3 targets with + 30% / + 40% damagebuff for the entire party.

there are people that are new and might just believe that statement.

just saying

(edited by Molch.2078)

Necromancer DPS low?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Pendragon.8735


Dungeon design is a joke in this game, simplistic offense and defense mechanics. Burn down mobs as fast as possible, and just dodge damage. Defensive stats don’t really matter. if I had any interest in them probably wouldn’t be playing GW2 any more. Especially if you like playing Necro.

Necromancer DPS low?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Afya.5842


25 stacks is just unrealistic. I don’t know how you achieve that. Nothing except boss should last long enough for you to put 25 stacks and epidemic it. If you are allowed to build 25 stacks on a trash, something is wrong with the team and the total dps is extremely low.

If that’s a boss then ofc you can have 25bleeds. But then I guarantee you your teammates put at least 5 stacks of bleed on it just by critical hit and lower your dps.

Necromancer DPS low?

in Necromancer

Posted by: BonesAndHubris.3895


It doesn’t really add much as far as the theory talk goes, but I will say that the hybrid build that nemesis posted is really, really enjoyable. It feels more like a WoW lock than a gw1 necro, but it’s versatile, fun, does decent damage if played well, and it’s easy to switch stuff around for open world PVE and other situations. Full condition necro with rabid made me feel like wet dirt with dots. Tried it with rampager, still wasn’t quite right. The hybrid build made me love this class how I wanted so hard to.

Necromancer DPS low?

in Necromancer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


I have been playing Necro sense launch and not only is it not bad its kitten… Just to be clear i have a war and i lvled it (and a mez) just for speed runs, if your looking to run CoF path 1 over and over… well roll a war guardian or mes (tyvm devs for not fixing this yet…) The idea that this game runs best with pure glass cannon builds is just wrong.

My necro tts out really nice DPS not DPA like war but overall its stronger, i run PVT gear and have over 3500 atk my Axe #2 (yes i run Axe sometimes) hits for around 10k and its on a 6s cooldown switch to dagger for dagger #2 and #1 and i have a nice burst combo (not including wells) Plus i have 28k hp and 3k def

bottom line i will fight you, i will win lol =P

…and i dont care about speed runs so if thats your think then, yeah…

Necromancer DPS low?

in Necromancer

Posted by: spoj.9672


I have been playing Necro sense launch and not only is it not bad its kitten… Just to be clear i have a war and i lvled it (and a mez) just for speed runs, if your looking to run CoF path 1 over and over… well roll a war guardian or mes (tyvm devs for not fixing this yet…) The idea that this game runs best with pure glass cannon builds is just wrong.

My necro tts out really nice DPS not DPA like war but overall its stronger, i run PVT gear and have over 3500 atk my Axe #2 (yes i run Axe sometimes) hits for around 10k and its on a 6s cooldown switch to dagger for dagger #2 and #1 and i have a nice burst combo (not including wells) Plus i have 28k hp and 3k def

bottom line i will fight you, i will win lol =P

…and i dont care about speed runs so if thats your think then, yeah…

How are you hitting 10k with PVT gear?

Necromancer DPS low?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Puru.4217


Necro dps is okish. My only issue with necro is the lack of a melee aoe weapon.

It’s not my fault if S/P is not popular !!!

Necromancer DPS low?

in Necromancer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


I have been playing Necro sense launch and not only is it not bad its kitten… Just to be clear i have a war and i lvled it (and a mez) just for speed runs, if your looking to run CoF path 1 over and over… well roll a war guardian or mes (tyvm devs for not fixing this yet…) The idea that this game runs best with pure glass cannon builds is just wrong.

My necro tts out really nice DPS not DPA like war but overall its stronger, i run PVT gear and have over 3500 atk my Axe #2 (yes i run Axe sometimes) hits for around 10k and its on a 6s cooldown switch to dagger for dagger #2 and #1 and i have a nice burst combo (not including wells) Plus i have 28k hp and 3k def

bottom line i will fight you, i will win lol =P

…and i dont care about speed runs so if thats your think then, yeah…

How are you hitting 10k with PVT gear?

the “P” in PVT stands for Powrer lol, jk jk. I was surprised as well but trust me with 3500 atk your pretty beast! Crit + Crit dmg ie zerker gear is better but i like PVT play style. ill have to find it but i recently watched a video of a necro doing around 30k with Axe #2 (it was obviously set up perfectly but still impressive) so its easy to see how thats possible and i should prolly clarify that it ranges from 8k – 10k depending on the mob.

Really i just want people especially new players to necro to understand thakittens a wicked powerful class and if its your style its a lot of fun but its really hard to master.

Necromancer DPS low?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Drarnor Kunoram.5180

Drarnor Kunoram.5180

Don’t forget that Volcanic Fractal is the ONE place in the game where high DPS is actually punished. Condition necros work very well there (and Well of Power is an amazing skill in that one).

How does it punish dps?

By summoning tons of lava elementals every 25% health. You try to DPS it down like other bosses and you get overwhelemed and wiped.

Dragonbrand |Drarnor Kunoram: Charr Necro
I’m a Geeleiver

Necromancer DPS low?

in Necromancer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


Necro dps is okish. My only issue with necro is the lack of a melee aoe weapon.

sorry to double post but i wanted to address this, Axe + Dagger or Focus and Wells with staff, I feel like i do nice AoE dmg. I mean its not as good as some but we can make up for that in other areas.

Necros power is in its flexibility we dont really need to sacrifice DPS to kitten support to the party (maybe not Might stacking and Quickness) but dont underestimate Blind Weakness and Poison.

Necromancer DPS low?

in Necromancer

Posted by: spoj.9672


I have been playing Necro sense launch and not only is it not bad its kitten… Just to be clear i have a war and i lvled it (and a mez) just for speed runs, if your looking to run CoF path 1 over and over… well roll a war guardian or mes (tyvm devs for not fixing this yet…) The idea that this game runs best with pure glass cannon builds is just wrong.

My necro tts out really nice DPS not DPA like war but overall its stronger, i run PVT gear and have over 3500 atk my Axe #2 (yes i run Axe sometimes) hits for around 10k and its on a 6s cooldown switch to dagger for dagger #2 and #1 and i have a nice burst combo (not including wells) Plus i have 28k hp and 3k def

bottom line i will fight you, i will win lol =P

…and i dont care about speed runs so if thats your think then, yeah…

How are you hitting 10k with PVT gear?

the “P” in PVT stands for Powrer lol, jk jk. I was surprised as well but trust me with 3500 atk your pretty beast! Crit + Crit dmg ie zerker gear is better but i like PVT play style. ill have to find it but i recently watched a video of a necro doing around 30k with Axe #2 (it was obviously set up perfectly but still impressive) so its easy to see how thats possible and i should prolly clarify that it ranges from 8k – 10k depending on the mob.

Really i just want people especially new players to necro to understand thakittens a wicked powerful class and if its your style its a lot of fun but its really hard to master.

I asked because I run full beserker and I cant hit anywhere near 10k with 3500 attack unless I crit. PVT shouldnt be criting so you should be hitting about 4k. That video was a 30k hit on a risen beserker (has frenzy so it takes double damage).

Necromancer DPS low?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Afya.5842


Don’t forget that Volcanic Fractal is the ONE place in the game where high DPS is actually punished. Condition necros work very well there (and Well of Power is an amazing skill in that one).

How does it punish dps?

By summoning tons of lava elementals every 25% health. You try to DPS it down like other bosses and you get overwhelemed and wiped.

It’s not punishment. You still need to dps down adds as fast as possible and refocus on boss. The less dps you have, the more time you need to spend on adds, to a point you eventually run out of reflects, you’ll be immobolized and killed.

Necromancer DPS low?

in Necromancer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


I have been playing Necro sense launch and not only is it not bad its kitten… Just to be clear i have a war and i lvled it (and a mez) just for speed runs, if your looking to run CoF path 1 over and over… well roll a war guardian or mes (tyvm devs for not fixing this yet…) The idea that this game runs best with pure glass cannon builds is just wrong.

My necro tts out really nice DPS not DPA like war but overall its stronger, i run PVT gear and have over 3500 atk my Axe #2 (yes i run Axe sometimes) hits for around 10k and its on a 6s cooldown switch to dagger for dagger #2 and #1 and i have a nice burst combo (not including wells) Plus i have 28k hp and 3k def

bottom line i will fight you, i will win lol =P

…and i dont care about speed runs so if thats your think then, yeah…

How are you hitting 10k with PVT gear?

the “P” in PVT stands for Powrer lol, jk jk. I was surprised as well but trust me with 3500 atk your pretty beast! Crit + Crit dmg ie zerker gear is better but i like PVT play style. ill have to find it but i recently watched a video of a necro doing around 30k with Axe #2 (it was obviously set up perfectly but still impressive) so its easy to see how thats possible and i should prolly clarify that it ranges from 8k – 10k depending on the mob.

Really i just want people especially new players to necro to understand thakittens a wicked powerful class and if its your style its a lot of fun but its really hard to master.

I asked because I run full beserker and I cant hit anywhere near 10k with 3500 attack unless I crit. PVT shouldnt be criting so you should be hitting about 4k. That video was a 30k hit on a risen beserker (has frenzy so it takes double damage).

I have about 1k more atk than i do in my zerker gear (my zerker gear is exotic my PVT is ascended + Frost Fang)

Necromancer DPS low?

in Necromancer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


Ill record a video

Necromancer DPS low?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Druitt.7629


I’m experimenting with 30/30/10/0/0 right now (S/F and Staff) and am pretty please, though I’m not a dungeon-crawler, so can’t speak to that. Outside of dungeons, I keep up with other folks DPS-wise as far as I can tell.

Necromancer DPS low?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rennoko.5731


I have long said that if they would fix the bleed cap problem, condition necros would be the king of PVE.


…you do realize I just said that Condinec deals not much more damage then a GS autohitting Guardian. While that was slightly exaggerated, I dont se ANY way you outdamage a warrior. 9k DPS on 3 targets with + 30% / + 40% damagebuff for the entire party.

there are people that are new and might just believe that statement.

just saying

I guess if every part of the game is measured against COF 1, then you will always feel this way… but personally I would love to watch your full team of zerker warriors deal with the 10+ mobs on the ascalon fractal over level 40.

Not arguing survival vs. damage, but I am arguing that sustaining 9k dps on mobs is not possible if you actually have to dodge or intelligently avoid attacks.

Against a target golem though yeah, I agree with you.

But I am willing to be proven wrong. There is a risen champion giant thing that roams around alone in Orr. I challenge you to go kill with any class of your choosing solo, and I will go kill it with my condition necro, and I would be willing to bet I can kill it faster. (Yes it stomps, yes it summons adds, but hey… your a mega DPS machine… it should be no problem).

People get way to hung up on the idea they can go full glass and mash keys. My point was that the at least somewhat difficult content in this game isn’t that way.

Necromancer DPS low?

in Necromancer

Posted by: mons.1386


Staff 2+mark of blood on dodge+weakening shroud+shroud 2+geomancy sigil+scepter 2 + epidemic —> 16 bleeds on your target and 25 on the mobs around it within 6s.

Just telling…

Necromancer DPS low?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Azraeel.1238


My power build is like this:


Spiteful Spirit Gain retaliation for 3 seconds when entering Death Shroud
Middle trait use whatever you prefer
Close to Death Increases damage by 20% to enemies below 50% health


Weakening Shroud Cast Enfeebling Blood when entering death shroud

Soul Reaping:

Vital Persistence Life force drains 25% slower while in death shroud
Decaying Swarm At 25% health, you become surrounded by a locust swarm

Flick Death shroud on and off for fury, Retaliation, and Enfeebling blood.

80 Necromancer (Main) | 80 Thief | 80 Guardian | 80 Warrior
Engineer and Elementalist in progress…

Necromancer DPS low?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Molch.2078


I have long said that if they would fix the bleed cap problem, condition necros would be the king of PVE.


…you do realize I just said that Condinec deals not much more damage then a GS autohitting Guardian. While that was slightly exaggerated, I dont se ANY way you outdamage a warrior. 9k DPS on 3 targets with + 30% / + 40% damagebuff for the entire party.

there are people that are new and might just believe that statement.

just saying

I guess if every part of the game is measured against COF 1, then you will always feel this way… but personally I would love to watch your full team of zerker warriors deal with the 10+ mobs on the ascalon fractal over level 40.

Not arguing survival vs. damage, but I am arguing that sustaining 9k dps on mobs is not possible if you actually have to dodge or intelligently avoid attacks.

Against a target golem though yeah, I agree with you.

But I am willing to be proven wrong. There is a risen champion giant thing that roams around alone in Orr. I challenge you to go kill with any class of your choosing solo, and I will go kill it with my condition necro, and I would be willing to bet I can kill it faster. (Yes it stomps, yes it summons adds, but hey… your a mega DPS machine… it should be no problem).

People get way to hung up on the idea they can go full glass and mash keys. My point was that the at least somewhat difficult content in this game isn’t that way.

Champion giant? Boring. Lets solo Giganticus Lupicus instead, kay?

(edited by Molch.2078)

Necromancer DPS low?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bull Zooker.1672

Bull Zooker.1672

my warrior in full knights gear does more dps than my full zerk necro. though necro is soo mucch more fun to play imo.

I do plenty of dmg on my power necro, but I feel much more effective as a condition necro. I feel I deal more dmg overall using conditions

Grandad Fester / Unruly Pigeon – Necromancer by trade