Necromancer's only defense!
actually there were some good builds where the necro could keep them up him/herslef , though a healer also comes in handy , in prophecies (before faction and the first major necro nerf) you could summon enough minions to solo missions if you did it right , that was prob the most justified nerf they ever recieved , though ill still miss being able to raise an army and destroy my enemies XD
I agree. The huge mobs of minions were fun, but ultimate made some PVE missions in GW1 too easy. I was sad when they nerfed it, but it probably was deserved. There were still some necros post-nerf that could maintain decent armies of minions in PvP, and those were nasty opponents.
actually there were some good builds where the necro could keep them up him/herslef , though a healer also comes in handy , in prophecies (before faction and the first major necro nerf) you could summon enough minions to solo missions if you did it right , that was prob the most justified nerf they ever recieved , though ill still miss being able to raise an army and destroy my enemies XD
I agree. The huge mobs of minions were fun, but ultimate made some PVE missions in GW1 too easy. I was sad when they nerfed it, but it probably was deserved. There were still some necros post-nerf that could maintain decent armies of minions in PvP, and those were nasty opponents.
yep , but since it was in pvp it had its own pvp version of skills , ie diff cast times / CDs in regards to minions , wasnt easy to do but dam those guys were beasts and rightfully so…..nothing remotely compareable to this hollow shell of its former self.
rager , minion master was one of the core builds ppl LOVED in GW1 , thats what some of us want to see again , but right now thats clearly never going to be the case as all we see is conditions being the only remotely useful (and relatively subpar vs raw dmg) build we have , weve been pidgeon holed into specific builds because of this , which was against the initial beliefs were being said for the game… any build could be just as good as another……lol at that XD and yea things need to get fixed or this is done , where the only ppl left is that tPvP that keeps “balancing” the rest of the game / players out. there are other good mmos around the corner , its best to prioritize which group is more favorable to appeal Anet , the minority tPvP or the majority PvE / WvWvW group , make your choice and sleep with it , cause the games future will rely on it……and the tPvP group isnt exactly expanding in size
I played a little bit of guild wars 1. My friend was a healer and I would summon a bunch of minions yelling at him to keep them up..He said it was the worse time he ever had trying to keep them alive the longest he could lmao. I enjoyed watching him do it.
actually there were some good builds where the necro could keep them up him/herslef , though a healer also comes in handy , in prophecies (before faction and the first major necro nerf) you could summon enough minions to solo missions if you did it right , that was prob the most justified nerf they ever recieved , though ill still miss being able to raise an army and destroy my enemies XD
The minion master never lost its value in GW1. It was always useful. And the monk isn’t supposed to heal your minions. That is your job. You are supposed to keep them alive. And in return the monk keeps you alive.
GW2 minions and most other necro builds are complete garbage. And another problem this update made was now Death Magic is even worse to take then before. So we now have 2 trait lines that are extremely bad and low and behold, both of them are our defensive traits. Not saying that death magic was good before the nerf, because it wasn’t.
If the Champion mobs had something other than Hodor for AI, then they would not need to give them one shot attacks and defiant buffs to make them a threat, AND would make Necros or anyone else CC and condition dependent more useful.
And it would begin to heal the divide between pve and pvp, as the mobs could be weaker statistically, but far more ruthless in their actions.
Which is one of the key features that set GW1 apart from the other MMO’s back in the day.
I wonder what would happen if they reverted the change to make Fear affected by Defiant?
rager , minion master was one of the core builds ppl LOVED in GW1 , thats what some of us want to see again , but right now thats clearly never going to be the case as all we see is conditions being the only remotely useful (and relatively subpar vs raw dmg) build we have , weve been pidgeon holed into specific builds because of this , which was against the initial beliefs were being said for the game… any build could be just as good as another……lol at that XD and yea things need to get fixed or this is done , where the only ppl left is that tPvP that keeps “balancing” the rest of the game / players out. there are other good mmos around the corner , its best to prioritize which group is more favorable to appeal Anet , the minority tPvP or the majority PvE / WvWvW group , make your choice and sleep with it , cause the games future will rely on it……and the tPvP group isnt exactly expanding in size
I played a little bit of guild wars 1. My friend was a healer and I would summon a bunch of minions yelling at him to keep them up..He said it was the worse time he ever had trying to keep them alive the longest he could lmao. I enjoyed watching him do it.
actually there were some good builds where the necro could keep them up him/herslef , though a healer also comes in handy , in prophecies (before faction and the first major necro nerf) you could summon enough minions to solo missions if you did it right , that was prob the most justified nerf they ever recieved , though ill still miss being able to raise an army and destroy my enemies XD
The minion master never lost its value in GW1. It was always useful. And the monk isn’t supposed to heal your minions. That is your job. You are supposed to keep them alive. And in return the monk keeps you alive.
GW2 minions and most other necro builds are complete garbage. And another problem this update made was now Death Magic is even worse to take then before. So we now have 2 trait lines that are extremely bad and low and behold, both of them are our defensive traits. Not saying that death magic was good before the nerf, because it wasn’t.
ah well you misunderstood me , MM was ALWAYS great in GW1 , i was poitning out how it was initially with no minion limit , it was still fun and ALWAYS useful till the very end , just like SS rits (my other fav class) , i wish we could see MM actuallyb e viable for those of us that arent focused on tPvP…..but i guess thats all some ppl keep balancing the game for >.>
I wonder what would happen if they reverted the change to make Fear affected by Defiant?
Yeah I don’t see why they could not simply get rid of Defiant, or lessen its effects. I see no reason why you would want to completely make monsters immune to control skills.
Or maybe make Defiant simply a boon that you can strip. Because then boon stripping would be more important in PVE as well. Especially if bosses renew it quite often.
I understand that they don’t want players to completely ping pong bosses around with CC skills. But currently the Defiant system assumes everyone is using CC skills, and thus scales Defiant accordingly. So in a mob of 15 players, with only one player that has CC skills, he has to remove a stack of at least 15 Defiant on his own before his CC does anything at all. Even if more people are using control skills, it still doesn’t scale well, and renders CC useless against any boss.
Really, just making Defiant a boon that can be removed (but not stolen, so no larcenous strike/arcane thievery shenanagins) would go a long way to making necros desirable in PvE content (make it convert to Torment, I guess)
Really, just making Defiant a boon that can be removed (but not stolen, so no larcenous strike/arcane thievery shenanagins) would go a long way to making necros desirable in PvE content (make it convert to Torment, I guess)
What would make us desirable is making our DS boons from traits group shared instead of just on the necro. Also if BiP was party might that would be amazing. Instantly become useful with good might stacking.
Now you guys are being completely inconsiderate to tPvP.. you know.. the players who actually have “skill” with their classes. From a high end pvp standpoint & many other top tier players will agree that necro’s in their current state are now over the top. Their insane condi pressure & general condi spam is detrimental to team fights especially when used in conjunction with epidemic. Now a deathshroud / spectral armor combo is absolutely ridiculous. See for yourself :
I think you should’nt have post this vid… The burst of your elementalist is so pathetic it made me laugh. I’m sorry but an elementalist that don’t even use something like firegrab or earthquake in it’s burst, that the real joke. He even hit you with this burst of him while you weren’t in death shroud, He hit you for 8k… You can even hit higher then that with firegrab alone… What a shame… please delete this vid for the sake of the pride of elementalists.
And you dare to say : the players who actually have “skill” with their classes
BTW, when you know your classe, it’s not difficult to condition pressure like you did with any other classe in this game. Even with gardians and warriors.
Anyway, most of the player are more concern with PvE and WvW then sPvP. I know tons of people that never ever step in sPvP and that have already played for thousands hour. As for me I have my thousands hour on Necromancer already and I think i tried hundreds build with my necro. Before late june patch, Necromancer had issues with survivability, issues with powerbased damage, issues with sustain, issues… After this patch we all saw our survivability taking a step in the right direction. Before we were just locked and destroyed, without being able to do anything or being able to survive for the stun lock duration. After this patch we were finally able to survive this (thing that any other classe can do, should i say “Endure pain”, “shield stance”, “mist form”, “obsidian flesh”, “signet of stone”, “shelter”, “renewed focus”,“elixir S”, “distorsion”, “Blur”?)
For me, you probably lack real experience on this game or maybe you think that each classe have been designed to cover only one rôle? We all stated that dhumfire was probably the worst thing that they could add to the Necromancer Balancewise. Hell! there was a tread that was warning everybody about the consequence of such thing 1 month before. If they really wanted to change something on the necromancer, they should just have delete this freaking trait with which you feel so overpowered in 1v1.
I say play it a while and then see how you feel.
It feels bad, really bad,
I say play it a while and then see how you feel.
It feels bad, really bad,
couldnt agree more , as far as pve (like ALOT of ppl do rather then tPvP or sPvP) im seeing my DS life force drop just as fast as before… still waiting to see how it was “fixed” ? lol beyond now not having a solid defense against a dungeon boss , still not seeing any part of this patch that was remotely good for necros , seems to only have benefited the powerhouses that already exist (looking at you thief class).
I say play it a while and then see how you feel.
It feels bad, really bad,
Roflcopter successfully landed!
I say play it a while and then see how you feel.
It feels bad, really bad,
Roflcopter successfully landed!
Hahahaha sorry But i cannot avoid it,
Maybe it’s time to take a breath,
I will never understand how aNet can see an adept trait as balanced, but a grandmaster trait as OP, and they are the exact same traits.
Are you really saying that Phantarataram from the team Paradigm can’t play his class and that you can play it better than him ?!?!
Someone said before GW = Guardian Warrior.
The idea of just messing up the entire necro class for the tPvP thing at Pax is a lousy thing to do. There is also PVE and WvW, but neither was considered. Necros are still struggling to get into groups, and a lot of players only want guardians and warriors. Why? Because necromancers have poor DPS, and rubbish defense…. and then they remove our only defense against spike damage. Why not remove the class from PVE then while you’re at it?
Lets face it. Making the necromancer class focused on attrition is a bad idea for PVE, when you consider PVE discourages condition builds, and encourages DPS. And the fact that bosses all have Defiant means we have no defense what so ever. No wonder the necro is so unpopular in PVE. Same with the ranger by the way. If you only balance the ranger for tPvP, you’re going to have a lot of very disappointed PVE players, who are wondering why everyone but the guardian is getting the short end of the stick.
im pretty sure at this point with all the threads about STOP BALANCING THE GAME FOR TPVP and yet we still see balance being done for TPVP solely , is a pretty big sign there is no more hope for this game , that anyone that doesnt focus on TPvP will be ignored. its about time to move onto a new game ladies and gents , this is a sad truth , but a truth nonetheless. i hope Anet enjoys that small tPvP group they keep catering to as they drive the bigger group onto the next mmo.
yes and YES. Split it already. I’m still arguing the DS overflow was wrong, but at the bare minimum, split the skills . I understand it’s hard and takes time, but guess what? The players see that too. They see the time and effort that was spent on splitting them and appreciate it. their appreciation spills over directly to gem sales, and thus (a small amount) of money in your pockets (and a large in NCSOFT’s) so everyone is happy. How can you lose that way? We’re not asking for insane buffs. We just want to be able to play our class without putting in twice the effort with half the reward. That’s all.
~Surrender fiend and you will get an easy death
~I could promise you the same…but it would be a lie…
Someone said before GW = Guardian Warrior.
The idea of just messing up the entire necro class for the tPvP thing at Pax is a lousy thing to do. There is also PVE and WvW, but neither was considered. Necros are still struggling to get into groups, and a lot of players only want guardians and warriors. Why? Because necromancers have poor DPS, and rubbish defense…. and then they remove our only defense against spike damage. Why not remove the class from PVE then while you’re at it?
Lets face it. Making the necromancer class focused on attrition is a bad idea for PVE, when you consider PVE discourages condition builds, and encourages DPS. And the fact that bosses all have Defiant means we have no defense what so ever. No wonder the necro is so unpopular in PVE. Same with the ranger by the way. If you only balance the ranger for tPvP, you’re going to have a lot of very disappointed PVE players, who are wondering why everyone but the guardian is getting the short end of the stick.
im pretty sure at this point with all the threads about STOP BALANCING THE GAME FOR TPVP and yet we still see balance being done for TPVP solely , is a pretty big sign there is no more hope for this game , that anyone that doesnt focus on TPvP will be ignored. its about time to move onto a new game ladies and gents , this is a sad truth , but a truth nonetheless. i hope Anet enjoys that small tPvP group they keep catering to as they drive the bigger group onto the next mmo.
yes and YES. Split it already. I’m still arguing the DS overflow was wrong, but at the bare minimum, split the skills . I understand it’s hard and takes time, but guess what? The players see that too. They see the time and effort that was spent on splitting them and appreciate it. their appreciation spills over directly to gem sales, and thus (a small amount) of money in your pockets (and a large in NCSOFT’s) so everyone is happy. How can you lose that way? We’re not asking for insane buffs. We just want to be able to play our class without putting in twice the effort with half the reward. That’s all.
well dont expect it happening , i brought this up in the pvp thread where their attention is at the most , and the responses i got generally states it wont be done cause they dont want to do something that was already done in GW1 , that the game is too diff (not exact words mind you but you can find the responses from Allie in there) , so my hopes of this game actually getting fixed so pvps and pvers can both enjoy it are shattered , itll be focused purely for pvp and thats the end of it.
What I’m saying is that he didn’t give his all in this, come on he burst for 8 k on a Necro without protection. I mean, on a gardian he would have done something like 6k for his Burst?
What i think is that vid is a joke and a shame for burst elementalist. Just look at this video, for his burst he use two atunement : earth and air. No more. No stack of might and really really poor crits number. Not even a stack of vulnerability.
Now, if you don’t think that he can’t do way better then this poor kitten burst, then yeah, I’ll say it I can do way better then that. I’ll even say that tons of elementalist can do way better then that.
So What I think is that guy can do way better with an elementalist if he want but, this vid is a joke that only say : “hey look this guy is really famous but he can’t kill me while in death shroud!”. This lead to nothing. It’s obvious that he is not even trying.
What I’m saying is that he didn’t give his all in this, come on he burst for 8 k on a Necro without protection. I mean, on a gardian he would have done something like 6k for his Burst?What i think is that vid is a joke and a shame for burst elementalist. Just look at this video, for his burst he use two atunement : earth and air. No more. No stack of might and really really poor crits number. Not even a stack of vulnerability.
Now, if you don’t think that he can’t do way better then this poor kitten burst, then yeah, I’ll say it I can do way better then that. I’ll even say that tons of elementalist can do way better then that.
So What I think is that guy can do way better with an elementalist if he want but, this vid is a joke that only say : “hey look this guy is really famous but he can’t kill me while in death shroud!”. This lead to nothing. It’s obvious that he is not even trying.
He was demonstrating a particular s/d burst sequence that is used in high level play that will 1-shot most GC builds in under a second if most of it crits, and that sequence is all performed in earth and air attunements. It goes earth 2 4 air lightning flash double arcane 2 4. So, most GCs would have been downed or at very low health if they eat that combo, but the necro in spectral armor and DS only took about 20% life force. It was just meant to show off the tankyness of the new Spectral Armor.
I say play it a while and then see how you feel.
We did a big set of improvements to Necro recently, and we want to make sure we don’t over improve their defense capabilities.
We want to shift more focus to death shroud throug main hand skills, but, again, we don’t want to do this too fast, ESPECIALLY with a major Pax tournament right around the corner.
So death shroud gains may not be as high as you would like, but we’ll keep monitoring them and looking at further improvements to make.
Make DS lifeforce drain fill up my HP and we won’t talk about all previous kittenup’s.
Now you guys are being completely inconsiderate to tPvP.. you know.. the players who actually have “skill” with their classes. From a high end pvp standpoint & many other top tier players will agree that necro’s in their current state are now over the top. Their insane condi pressure & general condi spam is detrimental to team fights especially when used in conjunction with epidemic. Now a deathshroud / spectral armor combo is absolutely ridiculous. See for yourself :
This means absolutely nothing.. and actually proves the opposite.
Now you guys are being completely inconsiderate to tPvP.. you know.. the players who actually have “skill” with their classes. From a high end pvp standpoint & many other top tier players will agree that necro’s in their current state are now over the top. Their insane condi pressure & general condi spam is detrimental to team fights especially when used in conjunction with epidemic. Now a deathshroud / spectral armor combo is absolutely ridiculous. See for yourself :
This means absolutely nothing.. and actually proves the opposite.
The only thing he proved is that DS is now an effective counter against bad players who try to burst a DS rather than CC it/wait it out. Nothing more. Also his “burst” damage is pitiful, I do more on a hybrid necro, but under group settings, in you know, actual pvp where it’s not like a sterile laboratory where the guy just stands there waiting for your burst, they can stun break/Cc or /escape/ or CC/burst you since you already blew all your cd’s…try again good sir, your video is garbage.
~Surrender fiend and you will get an easy death
~I could promise you the same…but it would be a lie…
(edited by Nay of the Ether.8913)
Ele should kill enemies couple hits, because they have so kitten heals and no escape skills.
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch
He was demonstrating a particular s/d burst sequence that is used in high level play that will 1-shot most GC builds in under a second if most of it crits, and that sequence is all performed in earth and air attunements. It goes earth 2 4 air lightning flash double arcane 2 4. So, most GCs would have been downed or at very low health if they eat that combo, but the necro in spectral armor and DS only took about 20% life force. It was just meant to show off the tankyness of the new Spectral Armor.
I’m okay with your answer but, again, that’s a test that is out of place. A GC is meant to be played in Berserk stuff which is a power based build. Spectral armor is a CD, like “endure pain” or “Mist form” or whatever. This guy most likely have a rabid amulet which mean he is in a full toughness build and this is something that you can’t call a GC build.
PS.: The previous version of Spectral armor was way better then this one, I agree with this point. The LF buff had a great impact on sPvP with an increase in survivability (because you don’t take to many hit a once in sPvP) while the 1s CD is a huge nerf on WvW (where there are pain train that hit you everyday) and the overflow thing just destroyed PvE survivability where Boss and even trash can hit you with 20k-30k attack. So, it’s something we can all agree on : a dumb buff for PvP and a dumb huge nerf for WvW and PvE. And that’s why people complain.
I say play it a while and then see how you feel.
We did a big set of improvements to Necro recently, and we want to make sure we don’t over improve their defense capabilities.
We want to shift more focus to death shroud throug main hand skills, but, again, we don’t want to do this too fast, ESPECIALLY with a major Pax tournament right around the corner.
So death shroud gains may not be as high as you would like, but we’ll keep monitoring them and looking at further improvements to make.
Let me be succinct here, some of us DON’T care about PvP meta therefore YOU should not base the way you modify the classes around it for everyone! Get a few testers to actually play in PvE and WvW; if you can find a few, lord knows we are getting scarce, and see for yourself already. If you cannot offer anything to help the survivability of the class at this point then leave us the kitten alone, better yet revert us back!
Anet care about other game mods. For example, WvWvW. They were on Ethernal borderlands with TUP, runing there mindlessly like a crazy chickens, being killed with almost one shoot by ac with their full berk elementalists.
Seriously when I witness it, it was a like a cold shower to me, because then it was crystal clear. Devs dont have a clue…
If sharp ever played a necro i dont know in what universe he is living in now…
Buffing aspect no one ever complain about. Dhuumfire??? wtf who ever wanted a burning for necro? Just another offensive dps??? What necro needs is more reliable way to sustain(Vampiric, LF gain). Take damage from multiple sources(focus/zergs) and to have some ESCAPE mechanic.
I realy dont understand how hard is to understand that.
I say play it a while and then see how you feel.
We did a big set of improvements to Necro recently, and we want to make sure we don’t over improve their defense capabilities.
We want to shift more focus to death shroud throug main hand skills, but, again, we don’t want to do this too fast, ESPECIALLY with a major Pax tournament right around the corner.
So death shroud gains may not be as high as you would like, but we’ll keep monitoring them and looking at further improvements to make.
Like how you let the last necromancer buffs play a while before nerfi… oh wait yeah you didn’t….
Hmh. Reading all this makes me sort of happy I shelved my necro a few months ago already. I’m mostly PvE player and it seems they didn’t do anything to improve PvE experience. Plus I really wanted to use dagger and axe with necro but they are sort of meh so I mostly use staff.
I’m also wondering why people always recommend crit builds. I mean both my ele and necro use pow/cdam/vit as primary focus. Even traits are 30/0/30/10/0 so basically my crit chance is as low as it can be on the necro.
However it looks to me like devs really want us to push points into crit chance and soul reaping with additions like dhuumfire and changes to DS. Besides wouldn’t Dhuumfire be a better trait if it applies to dagger or axe only? I mean I get the impression not too many play daggers/axes…
Edit: Actually I’m not even sure why the heck I’ve put 30 points in death magic in the first place considering I don’t really even use minions…
(edited by Northlander.4619)
with a major Pax tournament right around the corner.
Watch your PAX tourny have no viable team other than guard/mes/war
with a major Pax tournament right around the corner.
Watch your PAX tourny have no viable team other than guard/mes/war
wont be surprised , though i dont particularly waste my time checking this stuff out at PAX , as ive said in other posts , i dont care for pvp , i like WvW a bit , in small doses , but not flatout regular pvp (ie spvp or tpvp).
I say play it a while and then see how you feel.
We did a big set of improvements to Necro recently, and we want to make sure we don’t over improve their defense capabilities.
We want to shift more focus to death shroud throug main hand skills, but, again, we don’t want to do this too fast, ESPECIALLY with a major Pax tournament right around the corner.
So death shroud gains may not be as high as you would like, but we’ll keep monitoring them and looking at further improvements to make.
Focusing LF gain on main hand skills means that you cannot gain LF if you cannot hit anything. That again leads into a fact that many times you are either out of range to hit, stunned, dazed, knocked down or target is plain invisible to you.
In current state you’re just big punching back to classes who can cc you (just anyone), or somehow make you miss (i.e. thief or mesmer) or stay out of you reach (i.e. ranger type).
Funnily enough if you compare necro builds, recent changes apparently made condition damage builds even stronger compared to direct damage based since they can put condition pressure out while using DS only as panic button and it actually lasts a tad bit longer now.
Most breaking thing with recent changes was this activation/deactivation delay. It makes DS flashing consume more of you LF (minimum 1 second in DS + every kind of lag + reaction times) plus it is really really deadly once you deactivate DS and cannot use heal or utility. I have really hard time figuring out why the kitten. That flashing mechanic was there almost a year and hardly no one even mentioned it. Now there just isn’t anything to make up for losses. Why it’s bad? Because it makes that tiny bit of difference between getting downed or surviving.
There’s also tons of other stuff I cba to mention here but it’s out there here on forums. Generally LF sustain is just horrible in certain aspects of this game.
Most breaking thing with recent changes was this activation/deactivation delay. It makes DS flashing consume more of you LF (minimum 1 second in DS + every kind of lag + reaction times) plus it is really really deadly once you deactivate DS and cannot use heal or utility. I have really hard time figuring out why the kitten. That flashing mechanic was there almost a year and hardly no one even mentioned it. Now there just isn’t anything to make up for losses. Why it’s bad? Because it makes that tiny bit of difference between getting downed or surviving.
DS flashing still works for me, and doesn’t lock out my skills. Not sure why it’s not functioning for you.
Getting knocked out of DS (running out of LF through degen or damage) still gives a delay on your skills popping up though, which is (still) incredibly annoying.
Focusing LF gain on main hand skills means that you cannot gain LF if you cannot hit anything. That again leads into a fact that many times you are either out of range to hit, stunned, dazed, knocked down or target is plain invisible to you.
I don’t know if you’ve heard the “In the pocket” metaphor yet or not for necromancers, but this aspect of life force generation is almost certainly intentional. A necromancer gets a lot of survivability (life force generation) for being able to stick to the target / stay in the fight. It’s the reward for aggressive play, and I seriously doubt they’re going to shift the focus to passive LF gain.
It’s pretty obvious, and nobody’s impressed.
(edited by Softspoken.2410)
Focusing LF gain on main hand skills means that you cannot gain LF if you cannot hit anything. That again leads into a fact that many times you are either out of range to hit, stunned, dazed, knocked down or target is plain invisible to you.
I don’t know if you’ve heard the “In the pocket” metaphor yet or not for necromancers, but this aspect of life force generation is almost certainly intentional. A necromancer gets a lot of survivability (life force generation) for being able to stick to the target / stay in the fight. It’s the reward for aggressive play, and I seriously doubt they’re going to shift the focus to passive LF gain.
To be honest i dont mind it if a-net lets us actually do the things we should be doing when we finally cling onto the half frozen legs of our by then blinded bored and dusty enemies. I want shade back… even if its just vs stun daze knockdown immob and cripple (leaving fear, pull, blowout and knockback to kitten with us).
I’m glad your moving in this direction because the Death Shroud/Life Force is what a necromancer should be all about and mostly it seems almost incidental to most builds.
I play necro in Fractals 48 everyday and our defense is just not good enough. When something hits you for a thousands of damage per attack, having extra health doesn’t cut it. Invulnerability, vigor, block, teleport, reflect, invisibility… we have none of it.
The last big patch for necros was a good start but wasn’t good enough. If Anet doesn’t want to give necros anything other than death shroud for defensive options, then give them more access to death shroud.
What bugs me most is that elementalists literally have it all and they can do it well. They have an answer for any single possible situation there is in this game and while I’m sitting in fractals trying to conjure up some Idea to be useful to my team with my necro, I fail 90% of the time.
To add insult to injury, not only are elementalists not considered overpowered, but now NECRO IS?! What a joke.
I would be ecstatic with necro if they gave us some options for vigor and endurance regen. Compared to the other light armor classes our mobility is horrific. A good mobility and defense boost is dodge.
EDIT: But then again, our support and utility options would still be pitiful for PvE considering that we work around manipulating conditions and buffs and how they’re both rarely a problem in PvE.
(edited by Hammerguard.9834)
I tanked a jade maw laser with 100% lifeforce the other day. It only took me down to 30% lifeforce. Not sure why jade maws attack is so weak rofl.
Was in full beserker gear and only 15 points in soul reaping.
I tanked a jade maw laser with 100% lifeforce the other day. It only took me down to 30% lifeforce. Not sure why jade maws attack is so weak rofl.
Was in full beserker gear and only 15 points in soul reaping.
care to upload a video of this ? ;-)
I tanked a jade maw laser with 100% lifeforce the other day. It only took me down to 30% lifeforce. Not sure why jade maws attack is so weak rofl.
Was in full beserker gear and only 15 points in soul reaping.
care to upload a video of this ? ;-)
I dont record. Havent bothered to set up because i would prob get poor fps while doing it. Not sure if it was a bug or what though. If i take my necro into fractals again at some point ill be sure to try it again and maybe record.
I just find it funny how before release their entire premise was “play how you want to play”, and yet a year after release and we still can’t do even that….unless you’re a PvPer, because Anet seem to be so focused on PvP that they couldn’t care that everytime the nerf us for PvP, we become even worse in WvW or PvE.
I DON’T PVP!! So why the hell should I get effected by changes to PvP?! DS used to be the only way to tank a huge spike (think Mossman in the Swamp fractal, I used to pop DS before he unvis’d just to tank that initial hit), or in WvW it was a great escape tactic, leaping off a cliff if you got too overwhelmed and popping DS to survive the fall.
I can understand how these things might be unfair in a PvP game, but then fix PvP, don’t break 2 other game modes just to please those who are QQing about Necros being OP, they can get over themselves, if Necro is OP in PvP, then it just makes up for how kitten they are everywhere else.
Question: Can other classes pop an invulnerability skill to survive a fall?
Question: Can other classes pop an invulnerability skill to survive a fall?
No, thankfully. Which is why cliffs were considered the necro’s only escape mechanism.
Still are if you have an unused Spectral Walk on your bar.
I say play it a while and then see how you feel.
Played it a while. Swapped over to a ‘death shroud’ build. Using more tanky gear…
Do love it on paper, not taking extra dam from direct kitten being 100% our life pool, and more Life Force = More defense.
NEED Vigor/Block/Invul/Tele/Something. Dev’s might want to try a PvE dungeon to see. CoE Exp, would be a perfect example of boss fights where we can’t keep up with other class’s with the dodge the red circles.
I just find it funny how before release their entire premise was “play how you want to play”, and yet a year after release and we still can’t do even that….unless you’re a PvPer, because Anet seem to be so focused on PvP that they couldn’t care that everytime the nerf us for PvP, we become even worse in WvW or PvE.
I DON’T PVP!! So why the hell should I get effected by changes to PvP?! DS used to be the only way to tank a huge spike (think Mossman in the Swamp fractal, I used to pop DS before he unvis’d just to tank that initial hit), or in WvW it was a great escape tactic, leaping off a cliff if you got too overwhelmed and popping DS to survive the fall.
I can understand how these things might be unfair in a PvP game, but then fix PvP, don’t break 2 other game modes just to please those who are QQing about Necros being OP, they can get over themselves, if Necro is OP in PvP, then it just makes up for how kitten they are everywhere else.
Or just let the other classes figure out how to actually play their kittening class rather than cry like little kitten slapped school kids when the random necro beats them. . . . . . .
~Surrender fiend and you will get an easy death
~I could promise you the same…but it would be a lie…
Ok Jon. We have played it for a while.
We want it back
Question: Can other classes pop an invulnerability skill to survive a fall?
No, thankfully. Which is why cliffs were considered the necro’s only escape mechanism.
Still are if you have an unused Spectral Walk on your bar.
Had a fractal where a guy got pushed over the edge with hammer and i popped spectral walk used DS to soak the fall dmg pickup hammer and teleport back up…………..never again :<.
They prolly working on a spectral walk fix right now though
Question: Can other classes pop an invulnerability skill to survive a fall?
No, thankfully. Which is why cliffs were considered the necro’s only escape mechanism.
Still are if you have an unused Spectral Walk on your bar.
Had a fractal where a guy got pushed over the edge with hammer and i popped spectral walk used DS to soak the fall dmg pickup hammer and teleport back up…………..never again :<.
They prolly working on a spectral walk fix right now though
thing is , it would have to be a “fix” that applies to mesmers portal , in essence it functiosn in the same manner , jsut for personal use only. not as much distance though. so if thats the case memsers better be looking forward to that “fix” as well…
Question: Can other classes pop an invulnerability skill to survive a fall?
No, thankfully. Which is why cliffs were considered the necro’s only escape mechanism.
Still are if you have an unused Spectral Walk on your bar.
Had a fractal where a guy got pushed over the edge with hammer and i popped spectral walk used DS to soak the fall dmg pickup hammer and teleport back up…………..never again :<.
They prolly working on a spectral walk fix right now though
thing is , it would have to be a “fix” that applies to mesmers portal , in essence it functiosn in the same manner , jsut for personal use only. not as much distance though. so if thats the case memsers better be looking forward to that “fix” as well…
Take it from a Mesmer main. We already expect shenanigans. We always do.
But, yes – DS damage intake being fixed is good, but the overflow business is hella problematic. With that in mind, there needs to be some method of CC avoidance/escape on Necromancers.
Other 80s: Any but Warrior
Devs have 2 options here: Return the 1%LF absorbtion effect or return shade to allow us to not get ping ponged into brust.