October 31st, 2012 - a great day for all necros.

October 31st, 2012 - a great day for all necros.

in Necromancer

Posted by: PowerCat.5738


Guys, it’s finally happened.

We’ve been posting over and over for weeks, begging for some red posts, getting our threads deleted within hours, sometimes minutes.

But finally, we have it. Not just one, but 3 devs posting in our forum, acknowledging that they are reading and they are working on it.

Thanks arenanet for listening to us and giving us some feedback, we appreciate all the work you put into the game.

And there was much rejoicing.


October 31st, 2012 - a great day for all necros.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Teknomancer.8475


Well samkong did have that thread about sending them cake that jumped from under 1000 views to 6000+ views overnight so …I’m pretty sure that drew a lot of attention to the community hehe.

October 31st, 2012 - a great day for all necros.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Jawapima.6978


Thank reddit for the views

October 31st, 2012 - a great day for all necros.

in Necromancer

Posted by: PowerCat.5738


October 31st, 2012 - a great day for all necros.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Aga.8641


1 small step for necromancers, 1 giant leap for anyone deluded enough to think that things will begin to change any time soon.

October 31st, 2012 - a great day for all necros.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Shredicus.8706


Yeah, the responses are lukewarm at best, “shutup already, we dont care” at worst

October 31st, 2012 - a great day for all necros.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dibrom.6408


Almost makes me wish I didn’t reroll ;_;

But it makes sense, Halloween = Necros?

Arenanet: The paragon of truth.

October 31st, 2012 - a great day for all necros.

in Necromancer

Posted by: striker.3704


Almost makes me wish I didn’t reroll ;_;

But it makes sense, Halloween = Necros?

I seriously hope you didn’t delete your character. with 6 slots base I doubt you had all of them full with level 80s.

D/S/R necromancer F/A/T elementalist
S/I/F engineer Z/R/D guard

October 31st, 2012 - a great day for all necros.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dibrom.6408


Almost makes me wish I didn’t reroll ;_;

But it makes sense, Halloween = Necros?

I seriously hope you didn’t delete your character. with 6 slots base I doubt you had all of them full with level 80s.

Ha, I thought about it as I did want the name. But no, I transmuted and stripped him of everything I could. ~100G was spent on his 80 stuff and I don’t have that kind of money anymore.

Arenanet: The paragon of truth.

October 31st, 2012 - a great day for all necros.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lyuben.2613


And watch it all die down, with no posts for months after today.

Vibor Bauman- Level 80 Engineer- Gandara

October 31st, 2012 - a great day for all necros.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Nuhj.8372


Why does it feel like the Eye of Mordor just passed by? I really hope we see some bugfixes in that Nov 15th patch.

October 31st, 2012 - a great day for all necros.

in Necromancer

Posted by: barti.7685


it’s a great day for necro because a dev decided to type 5 sentences in.. i would call it a great day for necros if some of the bugs are fixed imo

October 31st, 2012 - a great day for all necros.

in Necromancer

Posted by: draugris.9872


So after all a response which is better than nothing but what they said is not very promising. The only interesting thing for me is that they want to be more precise what is working as intended and not a bug. Besides that the old “bla bla we work on fixes for all classes bla bla” that we hear for months. What about the promise from JP to make power builds viable, what about the promised UI changes for Death Shroud to see our boons and conditions etc. etc. . There has been nothing said with any substance. Maybe they are busy with designing new awesome jumping puzzles.

I can only laugh when i see with what kind attitude they advertised before launch how pvp minded they are with e-sport and everything. When i look at the patchnotes what is getting the majority of attention it´s always pve issues. Maybe when the necro is having more issues in PvE we are getting more things fixed.

Mondsucht [MS] – Kodash

October 31st, 2012 - a great day for all necros.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Alekto.8297


Fellow necros : YAY o//

October 31st, 2012 - a great day for all necros.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Oldbugga.7029


it’s a great day for necro because a dev decided to type 5 sentences in.. i would call it a great day for necros if some of the bugs are fixed imo

Exactly…actions speak louder than words (I heard that before somewhere). I hope and hope this is not just spin.