Off-hand Dagger improvement
I’m not sure if they are trying to push the synergy between DS & Power.
But weapon choice & life force, seems very erratic.
On the subject, axe really needs to give life force, even if the spell doesn’t do damage. Very visual, main burst & main way to get life force. Means it’s kinda useless in PvP as any good player is going to avoid getting hit.
Also, access to Combo Finishers on Main or Offhand weaps. Please!
Off-hand dagger is already absolutely amazing. Not that I’d complain if it got LF on top, but it isn’t a weak weapon at all, in any part of the game, in any build.
personally i would like offhand dagger #5 to be something that applies torment. the condi transfer is good i wouldnt change that, but idk id like more torment instead of just ds #5
OH D 5 is an amazing ability…