Post your unique effect necromancer traits

Post your unique effect necromancer traits

in Necromancer

Posted by: Andele.1306


Simple topic for anyone to share kitten y/funny/maybe good ideas for traits (so more for what if and comedy than balance).
Mine would be:

Dhuumed Rules - Allows usage of Utility and Healing skills in transformations, but their recharge id doubled while transformed.

Icy Fortitude - For x amount of seconds after getting hit by a skill that disables, disable effects chill you instead.

Eldritch Resonance - Upon generating 100% life force, you let out a wail of sorrow, binding enemy hp to your life force for x amount of seconds

Zhaitans Reach - Spectral Grasps cooldown is set to 120+ seconds, but now pulls in every enemy within 1200 to you (via shadowstep, orr wraith picking up the character then porting) granding x% life force pre enemy.

Eve’s Gift - Minion summons are now channeling skills, summon more minions holding down the button longer, but each minion locks off part of your life force

Spite in Yore - Spiteful spirit trait is now called Vengeful Shroud and get the GW1 spiteful spirit unlocked as a Elite

Venomancers Call - Enemies with more than x seconds of poison on them cannot be healed (but you spawn no jaggered horrors from them)

Emotional Breakdown - This trait can only be picked up if you have Deathly Perception, gain 150% more power and the ability to equip greatswords, using a, elite or healing skill and any kind of character rotations causes you to shout: CRENDORIA! *Errata - Dont know how to play my class, still do 20k dps*

When life gives you lemon, ask if its from a anime or manga.

Post your unique effect necromancer traits

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


Aura of the Lich – every minion is summoned with an unremovable buff that, when killed, has a chance to summon a jagged horror.

Order of Undeath – minion damage is largely increased whenever they crit, but you receive feedback equal to the extra damage caused.

And just to appease all the MMs:
Blood of the Master -when a minion takes damage that would kill it, you jump in a dramatic (and slow mo) fashion in from of them screaming NOOOO, and are downed, and all minions are healed to full.

But of Corpse – Watch us on YouTube
My PvP Minion Build

Post your unique effect necromancer traits

in Necromancer

Posted by: RashanDale.3609


Mostly stolen from GW1 and dota:

Parasitic Bond: Every 25 seconds, a parasitic bond is placed on your current target for 10 seconds. While active, it slowly leeches health from the enemy. Will be removed when using a condition cleanse (or when dodging, like the bees/karka/birds?). When the bond is removed, runs out or the target dies, the necromancer is healed for a big amount.

Heartstopper Aura: Up to 5 enemies near the necromancer lose 2%/3% of their max health per second. The necromancer gets 0.5% life force per affected enemy.

Insidious Parasite: You siphon life from enemies every time they attack you. (Blood magic, grandmaster/master)

Defile Defenses: Every time an enemy blocks/evades/blurs/distorts one of your attacks, you deal X damage to them. (the attack itself is still avoided).

Corrupting Combos: Your combofields corrupt the ground, removing any hostile combo fields (or turns them into a poison-field for the enemy). Main purpose is to deny enemies heals/might stacks in wvw and get some area controll. I actually wanted Corrosive Poison Cloud to have that effect, but since the thread is about traits…

Eldritch Resonance – Upon generating 100% life force, you let out a wail of sorrow, binding enemy hp to your life force for x amount of seconds

what do you mean with ‘binding’?

Sigils for everyone!: Your minions use your current Sigil(s). The internal cooldowns of the sigils for each minion are independent from each other. On-crit-sigils will trigger on crit, On-swap-sigils will trigger when the minion’s special ability is used or the minion dies.

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
Gunnar’s Hold

(edited by RashanDale.3609)

Post your unique effect necromancer traits

in Necromancer

Posted by: Andele.1306


what do you mean with ‘binding’?

Tshackles, Morgana ulti, Wisp, etc. If you mean what as a effect, easy all the damage they deal to DS is taken by them, but also all life force gained (what at 100% would be 0 unless you use it just for a absorb) heals them for 1/4 of the % value or something like that.

When life gives you lemon, ask if its from a anime or manga.

(edited by Andele.1306)

Post your unique effect necromancer traits

in Necromancer

Posted by: TheAgedGnome.7520


From the GraveA well (with the Grasping Dead animation) which cripples and Torments each second. Lasts 7 seconds.

Stealth nerfs are the perfect fertilizer for mistrust.
PVE Power and Support Build

Post your unique effect necromancer traits

in Necromancer

Posted by: Anchoku.8142


Play Dead: Reduces Health to 1 and puts the player in a defeated stance but causes mobs to release aggro and grants invulnerability for 30 seconds.

Post your unique effect necromancer traits

in Necromancer

Posted by: Riot Inducer.8964

Riot Inducer.8964

Jagged Bones: Whenever one of your minions die they inflict bleeding on nearby foes and summon a jagged horror. Jagged horrors are exempt from this effect.

Post your unique effect necromancer traits

in Necromancer

Posted by: Unreal.4231


sigil: on crit 10% chance to spawn a jagger horror

ign: Gengar/Rx Drugs/Rx Blood
Ranger/Necromancer- Anvil Rock PvP

Post your unique effect necromancer traits

in Necromancer

Posted by: psygate.5632


Deadball: Every time you get CC’ed more than 10 seconds, you spawn 1 jagged horror with stability.

Nostalgyus-Necromancer (Kodash)

Post your unique effect necromancer traits

in Necromancer

Posted by: Anchoku.8142


Ping Pong Powie! Necromancers hit with three knockdowns, knockbacks, or tosses within 30 seconds gain an automatic stun break, 5 stacks of Might and Stability for 5 seconds.

Oh, wait. That’s actually helpful.