Powernecro viable for solo ranked?

Powernecro viable for solo ranked?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rolisteel.1375


I feel like other classes are better. My problem with necro is lack of mobility and defensive skills or health regen. Every other classes have it so they have good survivability and good burst too. Even if i get the skilled players that play other classes to low hp they regen way too much health back or run away or they use the run away, teleport, stealth, regen come back to me using their mobility and burst me to death tactic. So im not able to finish off my enemy that even very hard matchup if they dont run away, but impossible if they do. which makes me feel underpowered. So where in pvp power necro good at? 1v1 other classes do it better. 5v5 other classes do it better.

You recommend me keep playing necro solo ranked? or play other class for solo ranked? i don’t want to be in disadvantage. Thanks

Powernecro viable for solo ranked?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Stubie.5834


Yes they are viable. If you get focused you’re screwed but I’ve seen some bad kitten necros in spvp.

Powernecro viable for solo ranked?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tobias.8632


Power necro is an unstoppable killing machine in any even fight. If you’re getting ganked you’ll have issues though due to lack of mobility. Pay more attention to the minimap and get out of there if things start to go badly.

Powernecro viable for solo ranked?

in Necromancer

Posted by: akaCryptic.2389


It should be an uphill match for you. Keep low profile at start of the game and get aggressive as your LF builds up. After 150 points on each team, you should have near to full LF making you almost unkillable in 1v1. But yeah if your team fails to protect you and enemy targets you, not much you can do about it. Have you tried the recent downed-state build?

Powernecro viable for solo ranked?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dawdler.8521


Solo its perfect.

If you 1v1, try to pop lichform in offense – fighting a Thief for example will take roughly 2 seconds and you loose no HP, unless he happen to be a tank.

If you engage in a group battle, basicly do it WvW style – necro bomb them. Well on the point, ds, 5,4 and you take at least half the hp from 5 peeps nearby. If they are already engaged in 3v3 or similar battles, you’ve probably won the point.

A power necro is a great wingman to have.

What I would recommend however is trying full tank MM or similar build. Why? Because in about 7 out of 10 matches, you’re going to miss someone that can hold a point. Seriously, there are soooo many kittenty dps builds. Only a very good enemy team can counter it (or alternativly, a very poor friendly team). Taking the central point and holding it wins the round in most cases. A Necro is well suited for doing 1v2 and 1v3 a short period of time.

Keep in mind that PvP is not about PvP. Its about standing on a point longer than the enemy is standing on the point.

Powernecro viable for solo ranked?

in Necromancer

Posted by: NeXeD.3042


I feel like other classes are better. My problem with necro is lack of mobility and defensive skills or health regen. Every other classes have it so they have good survivability and good burst too. Even if i get the skilled players that play other classes to low hp they regen way too much health back or run away or they use the run away, teleport, stealth, regen come back to me using their mobility and burst me to death tactic. So im not able to finish off my enemy that even very hard matchup if they dont run away, but impossible if they do. which makes me feel underpowered. So where in pvp power necro good at? 1v1 other classes do it better. 5v5 other classes do it better.

You recommend me keep playing necro solo ranked? or play other class for solo ranked? i don’t want to be in disadvantage. Thanks

Power necro can perform very well solo, but here is the deal. Go glass or gtfo. Building for sustain doesn’t work so just don’t do it. There are going to be people here telling you tanky builds with points in DM and BM and how no none else knows how to play it blah blah blah nope. They are wrong. Wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong.

Your job is to +1 fights and end then quickly. Don’t engage 1v1s without lifeforce. Don’t engage 2v1s at all unless you know a teammate is coming very very soon.

Attention Moderators I am not
S P E E D Starr #0 Necro NA or
I Am NeXeD awful d/D ele NA

Powernecro viable for solo ranked?

in Necromancer

Posted by: zone.1073


I play Celestial powermancer in arenas and do pretty well. I switch between ranked and unranked so the leaderboards will not reflect the true success of the build.

It’s alright. I beat Nos of Abjured with it, at least. Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ZLPqumOFLA

I like this variation because it is tankier and has a mixture of strong power damage and condition pressure. I use plague instead of lich elite for the clutch stability finishers and plague revives, and with celestial amulet the plague outputs strong condition pressure. Celestial also boosts the conditions I push onto opponents with plague signet.

Good mobility with warhorn and pack runes. Very high crit from the fury and precision from pack runes and celestial amulet. Very comparable damage output to berserker amulet.

Lich elite is a “win more” ability, in my opinion. You need to use lich while you’re still healthy and high HP so that you don’t insta-die. If you’re high HP, you’re already in a winning position, so lich is just “win more”. Plague actually helps you survive and relieves you from focus because of its high toughness, allowing you to continue being a threat in fights instead of insta-exploding from focus.

(edited by zone.1073)

Powernecro viable for solo ranked?

in Necromancer

Posted by: NeXeD.3042


I play Celestial powermancer in arenas and do pretty well. I switch between ranked and unranked so the leaderboards will not reflect the true success of the build.

It’s alright. I beat Nos of Abjured with it, at least. Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ZLPqumOFLA

I like this variation because it is tankier and has a mixture of strong power damage and condition pressure. I use plague instead of lich elite for the clutch stability finishers and plague revives, and with celestial amulet the plague outputs strong condition pressure. Celestial also boosts the conditions I push onto opponents with plague signet.

Good mobility with warhorn and pack runes. Very high crit from the fury and precision from pack runes and celestial amulet. Very comparable damage output to berserker amulet.

Lich elite is a “win more” ability, in my opinion. You need to use lich while you’re still healthy and high HP so that you don’t insta-die. If you’re high HP, you’re already in a winning position, so lich is just “win more”. Plague actually helps you survive and relieves you from focus because of its high toughness, allowing you to continue being a threat in fights instead of insta-exploding from focus.

it won’t damage like berserker. It won’t damage like carrion. Healing power is pretty much useless, you are basically nerfing yourself. Nos didn’t dodge for like a minute literally stood in one place and you got a perfect fear off good job, if he was taking you seriously he would have won.

Attention Moderators I am not
S P E E D Starr #0 Necro NA or
I Am NeXeD awful d/D ele NA

Powernecro viable for solo ranked?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rolisteel.1375


Corrupt Boon isnt good to have for power? There are a lot of cele elementalists and dps guardians that like to focus a necro i find that very hard counters.

What you guys recommend me for skills to take? 2x stun breaks + corrupt boon? or double wells + stun break or other?

What is the best Adept trait in Curses and what is the best Master trait in Soul Reaping? i have Reapers Precision and Soul Marks

(edited by Rolisteel.1375)

Powernecro viable for solo ranked?

in Necromancer

Posted by: zone.1073


it won’t damage like berserker.

It won’t die like berserker, either, and the critical damage is equal to berserker (1% difference). Try it. It’s a refreshing change from cookie cutters.

Powernecro viable for solo ranked?

in Necromancer

Posted by: NeXeD.3042


it won’t damage like berserker.

It won’t die like berserker, either, and the critical damage is equal to berserker (1% difference). Try it. It’s a refreshing change from cookie cutters.

I have tried it, the dps is lacking. You lose out on power precision and critical damage. Healing power is a bad investment, as is toughness. Zerk amulet already has vitality. You won’t last any longer on a celestial amulet than you will on zerker and you won’t kill people anywhere near as fast.

@op Try this.


Attention Moderators I am not
S P E E D Starr #0 Necro NA or
I Am NeXeD awful d/D ele NA

Powernecro viable for solo ranked?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Nos.9803


I play Celestial powermancer in arenas and do pretty well. I switch between ranked and unranked so the leaderboards will not reflect the true success of the build.

It’s alright. I beat Nos of Abjured with it, at least. Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ZLPqumOFLA

I like this variation because it is tankier and has a mixture of strong power damage and condition pressure. I use plague instead of lich elite for the clutch stability finishers and plague revives, and with celestial amulet the plague outputs strong condition pressure. Celestial also boosts the conditions I push onto opponents with plague signet.

Good mobility with warhorn and pack runes. Very high crit from the fury and precision from pack runes and celestial amulet. Very comparable damage output to berserker amulet.

Lich elite is a “win more” ability, in my opinion. You need to use lich while you’re still healthy and high HP so that you don’t insta-die. If you’re high HP, you’re already in a winning position, so lich is just “win more”. Plague actually helps you survive and relieves you from focus because of its high toughness, allowing you to continue being a threat in fights instead of insta-exploding from focus.

The reason you won that duel had nothing to do with running a superior build or anything of the sort. I’m not going to say that I wasn’t trying, but the reason why i lost is because i became a tunnel vision boss that spammed 1 straight into a well immob combo. It happens when you zone out. But c’mon, uploading one random duel in an unranked to youtube (without asking me) to boost your ego and help to prove a build is better is kinda weak and sad.

As for the build, you say you like it because of its strong condition pressure. In what world is having a average potential of 5 bleeds on a cele amulet strong condition pressure? Oh and fun fact, the conditions you transfer and the damage they do have absolutely nothing to do with your stats so arguing that having condition damage from celestial amulet helps plague amulet is foolish and wrong. Plague signet also has no guarantee that it will hit so you better hope it is not random dodged, evaded, distorted, etc… Now for the idea that plague is better in a zerker based traitline build. Yes plague will help you survive more, but offers no where near as an impact as a lich can in team fights. Sure it lacks defense, but it can two shot classes like zerker thiefs and mesmers. With offense this strong, all it takes is knowing when to use it so you can snowball the map instead of turtling in a plague.


(edited by Nos.9803)

Powernecro viable for solo ranked?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Acandis.3250


I for one, would like to see a series of 1v1s before declaring a true victor.

Powernecro viable for solo ranked?

in Necromancer

Posted by: NeXeD.3042


I for one, would like to see a series of 1v1s before declaring a true victor.

As would I. Maybe this time nos won’t stand in one place for a minute not dodging.

Attention Moderators I am not
S P E E D Starr #0 Necro NA or
I Am NeXeD awful d/D ele NA

Powernecro viable for solo ranked?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rolisteel.1375


Thanks the replies. It’s really viable playing solo ranked. atm i’m rank 123 power necro on leaderboards only playing with power necro. I’m not sure how far i can go without team. but im happy with the results and will see how far i can go as a solo power necro player.

Powernecro viable for solo ranked?

in Necromancer

Posted by: cursE.1794


Celestial powernecro doesn’t work in spvp. Condition damage is neglegtable, healing power is pretty much useless. You’re just overall nerfing yourself to get a bit of a balance between toughness and power/crit but in the end you don’t have the sustain and still lack damage. You can’t power down thieves quick enough so they will be easily able to retreat without resetting the fight in order to whittle down your healthpool. The only way I see necro working in spvp is a condition build with fleshworm and spectral walk. Or go all in with berserker amulet but this gets also eaten alive by thieves.

(edited by cursE.1794)

Powernecro viable for solo ranked?

in Necromancer

Posted by: NeXeD.3042


Celestial powernecro doesn’t work in spvp. Condition damage is neglegtable, healing power is pretty much useless. You’re just overall nerfing yourself to get a bit of a balance between toughness and power/crit but in the end you don’t have the sustain and still lack damage. You can’t power down thieves quick enough so they will be easily able to retreat without resetting the fight in order to whittle down your healthpool. The only way I see necro working in spvp is a condition build with fleshworm and spectral walk. Or go all in with berserker amulet but this gets also eaten alive by thieves.

If the theif makes a mistake against a good zerker necro, like stealing into wells the theif is dead.

Attention Moderators I am not
S P E E D Starr #0 Necro NA or
I Am NeXeD awful d/D ele NA

Powernecro viable for solo ranked?

in Necromancer

Posted by: zone.1073


As for the build, you say you like it because of its strong condition pressure. In what world is having a average potential of 5 bleeds on a cele amulet strong condition pressure? Oh and fun fact, the conditions you transfer and the damage they do have absolutely nothing to do with your stats so arguing that having condition damage from celestial amulet helps plague amulet is foolish and wrong

Cool thanks, didn’t know that.

But I killed you with this supposed “nerf myself” build. What does that mean?

As would I. Maybe this time nos won’t stand in one place for a minute not dodging.

He was immob’d, and the way I immob’d him (twice) was not very obvious. And I lived through his berserker damage, yet he died to my celestial damage…People are saying that berserker is superior and yet this happened. ?

Powernecro viable for solo ranked?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Nos.9803


As for the build, you say you like it because of its strong condition pressure. In what world is having a average potential of 5 bleeds on a cele amulet strong condition pressure? Oh and fun fact, the conditions you transfer and the damage they do have absolutely nothing to do with your stats so arguing that having condition damage from celestial amulet helps plague amulet is foolish and wrong

Cool thanks, didn’t know that.

But I killed you with this supposed “nerf myself” build. What does that mean?

As would I. Maybe this time nos won’t stand in one place for a minute not dodging.

He was immob’d, and the way I immob’d him (twice) was not very obvious. And I lived through his berserker damage, yet he died to my celestial damage…People are saying that berserker is superior and yet this happened. ?

It means you have no idea how or why you actually won, but i’m glad i was able to teach you something about the class.


(edited by Nos.9803)

Powernecro viable for solo ranked?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


As for the build, you say you like it because of its strong condition pressure. In what world is having a average potential of 5 bleeds on a cele amulet strong condition pressure? Oh and fun fact, the conditions you transfer and the damage they do have absolutely nothing to do with your stats so arguing that having condition damage from celestial amulet helps plague amulet is foolish and wrong

Cool thanks, didn’t know that.

But I killed you with this supposed “nerf myself” build. What does that mean?

As would I. Maybe this time nos won’t stand in one place for a minute not dodging.

He was immob’d, and the way I immob’d him (twice) was not very obvious. And I lived through his berserker damage, yet he died to my celestial damage…People are saying that berserker is superior and yet this happened. ?

oh how very sad…..stop glorifying yourself.

http://strawpoll.me/3648686/r Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

Powernecro viable for solo ranked?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sandrox.9524


I play Celestial powermancer in arenas and do pretty well. I switch between ranked and unranked so the leaderboards will not reflect the true success of the build.

It’s alright. I beat Nos of Abjured with it, at least. Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ZLPqumOFLA

I like this variation because it is tankier and has a mixture of strong power damage and condition pressure. I use plague instead of lich elite for the clutch stability finishers and plague revives, and with celestial amulet the plague outputs strong condition pressure. Celestial also boosts the conditions I push onto opponents with plague signet.

Good mobility with warhorn and pack runes. Very high crit from the fury and precision from pack runes and celestial amulet. Very comparable damage output to berserker amulet.

Lich elite is a “win more” ability, in my opinion. You need to use lich while you’re still healthy and high HP so that you don’t insta-die. If you’re high HP, you’re already in a winning position, so lich is just “win more”. Plague actually helps you survive and relieves you from focus because of its high toughness, allowing you to continue being a threat in fights instead of insta-exploding from focus.

it won’t damage like berserker. It won’t damage like carrion. Healing power is pretty much useless, you are basically nerfing yourself. Nos didn’t dodge for like a minute literally stood in one place and you got a perfect fear off good job, if he was taking you seriously he would have won.

fourthmore,it is not so hard to fight him,he just happens to play on high level dosnt mean he is the top necro dueler,I bet there are lots better than him.

Powernecro viable for solo ranked?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Zenith.7301


Don’t be so quick to dismiss one of the better warrior players around. Just try out the suggestions if you find them persuasive, some playstyles and builds aren’t even good for some people — s/d or s/f ele is definitely NOT a build everyone will play well, whereas d/d cele is a far more universal spec (ie foolproof).

I do think celestial amulet is wasted on a necro, if you want more survivability why not go with something with vitality and condi damage alongside power. Toughness and healing power are horribly wasted stats on necro.

Powernecro viable for solo ranked?

in Necromancer

Posted by: zone.1073


It means you have no idea how or why you actually won, but i’m glad i was able to teach you something about the class.

No it was a genuine question. We both interrupted each other’s heals. We both immob’d and welled and autoattacked. And yet the berserker necro died, and the celestial necro lived with half HP and half life force.

If the damage from celestial is strong enough to take down a berserker necro, doesn’t that show that the build can pull its own weight? Necro may not utilize celestial stats to 100% efficiency but it’s balanced enough to succeed in situations that a berserker necro cannot.

Powernecro viable for solo ranked?

in Necromancer

Posted by: jbrother.1340


I think the title to this thread should be changed to:

“Narcissist necro viable for solo ranked?”

My statement here adds about as much value as anyone’s here. what was the point of this thread anyway?

if there is a claim why not test the claim in reality before chest pumping it one way or the other.

get an arena going and get together and prove or disprove what you are saying on both sides. Short of that this is just hot dead air.

Have a necrotic day:)

Powernecro viable for solo ranked?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dawdler.8521


It means you have no idea how or why you actually won, but i’m glad i was able to teach you something about the class.

No it was a genuine question. We both interrupted each other’s heals. We both immob’d and welled and autoattacked. And yet the berserker necro died, and the celestial necro lived with half HP and half life force.

If the damage from celestial is strong enough to take down a berserker necro, doesn’t that show that the build can pull its own weight? Necro may not utilize celestial stats to 100% efficiency but it’s balanced enough to succeed in situations that a berserker necro cannot.

So you are saying that a tanky Necro is more balanced and able to succeed in some situations where berserker is not?

What a twist!

You didnt outdps him, which would be the point of a pure power Necro. By that logic a bunker Necro outdps a zerker Thief by far. You won and he didnt, either because he was a worse player or simply unlucky because zerker is more unforgiving, even though it has more dps.

Did your extra tankiness from celestial help? Possibly. Who knows. If two zerkers go against each other a situation where one survive with half hp isnt exactly uncommon. There’s no rule that says both has to have the same hp in the end – zerkers are built to do quite the opposite thing, overwhelm the enemy. I dont question the use of celestial for a more balanced approach – I use sentinel myself and reck face because I can stand on any point and kill everything that approach – but its probably not the sole reason you won.

Powernecro viable for solo ranked?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rolisteel.1375


Celestial necro didn’t worked for me. I need zerker amulet to try keep up with other classes burst. It was ok till faced teams which had very high burst players. The problem is the survivability i get is not worth the damage loss and will die fast against anyone that doing high burst. Usually its up to what kind of team i get. If i get bad team that extra survivability don’t save me. but more damage helps. with good team that works together my survivability with berserker is okay. maybe it’s just me. but also hiding in plague form while your team getting bursted down, i don’t think it’s the best support you can do for your team.

Powernecro viable for solo ranked?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ara.4569


Why do you take Weakening Shroud + Near to Death over say Reaper’s Precision + Vital Persistance or Spectral Mastery ?

I don’t feel like it gives me increased survivability, but I would be happy to be wrong… Unless I need to pop DS as regularly as possible for it to be better, because then I would need to rework my gameplay with that in mind, but maybe it is worthy ? =P

Balance team is a bunch of clowns, hurting the game to the full extent of their abilities.

Powernecro viable for solo ranked?

in Necromancer

Posted by: NeXeD.3042


Why do you take Weakening Shroud + Near to Death over say Reaper’s Precision + Vital Persistance or Spectral Mastery ?

I don’t feel like it gives me increased survivability, but I would be happy to be wrong… Unless I need to pop DS as regularly as possible for it to be better, because then I would need to rework my gameplay with that in mind, but maybe it is worthy ? =P

purely for dps reasons. yeah I’m in ds alot even without vital persistance. I don’t take vp because I need Cleave. your making yourself slightly tankier but your taking away aoe bleed and weakness.

Attention Moderators I am not
S P E E D Starr #0 Necro NA or
I Am NeXeD awful d/D ele NA

Powernecro viable for solo ranked?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lordrosicky.5813


It means you have no idea how or why you actually won, but i’m glad i was able to teach you something about the class.

No it was a genuine question. We both interrupted each other’s heals. We both immob’d and welled and autoattacked. And yet the berserker necro died, and the celestial necro lived with half HP and half life force.

If the damage from celestial is strong enough to take down a berserker necro, doesn’t that show that the build can pull its own weight? Necro may not utilize celestial stats to 100% efficiency but it’s balanced enough to succeed in situations that a berserker necro cannot.

Dude you arent a known player so you must of only won via:
1, pure luck
2, they weren’t trying

But all those times these esports pros beat us with their full premade on ts with proper tactics and giving 100% attention to the game rather than when we are chatting to our family or friends irl…….well in those cases its because they are super awesome proz and we suck.

You need to learn how gw2 works dude!

Character: Henry rank million/Duke Henry
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.

Powernecro viable for solo ranked?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Erzian.5218


If the damage from celestial is strong enough to take down a berserker necro, doesn’t that show that the build can pull its own weight?

Which build can not take down a berserker necro (if he doesn’t use lich) in a 1v1?

Powernecro viable for solo ranked?

in Necromancer

Posted by: NeXeD.3042


If the damage from celestial is strong enough to take down a berserker necro, doesn’t that show that the build can pull its own weight?

Which build can not take down a berserker necro (if he doesn’t use lich) in a 1v1?

Zerker necro is not weak.

Attention Moderators I am not
S P E E D Starr #0 Necro NA or
I Am NeXeD awful d/D ele NA

Powernecro viable for solo ranked?

in Necromancer

Posted by: flow.6043


Dude you arent a known player so you must of only won via:
1, pure luck
2, they weren’t trying

or 3,

It happens when you zone out.

But all those times these esports pros beat us with their full premade on ts with proper tactics and giving 100% attention to the game rather than when we are chatting to our family or friends irl…….well in those cases its because they are super awesome proz and we suck.

Made me lol.

In Nos’ defense, a necro vs necro duel is the most random mirrow matchup in the game, regardless of what builds they’re running. A single condi transfer or heal interrupt can heavily snowball a fight like this, which makes it more of a matter of hitting those key moments than being superior in general.
So unless one player is out of the other’s league by a large margin there is almost no room to outplay the opponent during an on point brawl like the one in the video.

Powernecro viable for solo ranked?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Flumek.9043


It means you have no idea how or why you actually won, but i’m glad i was able to teach you something about the class.

No it was a genuine question. We both interrupted each other’s heals. We both immob’d and welled and autoattacked. And yet the berserker necro died, and the celestial necro lived with half HP and half life force.

If the damage from celestial is strong enough to take down a berserker necro, doesn’t that show that the build can pull its own weight? Necro may not utilize celestial stats to 100% efficiency but it’s balanced enough to succeed in situations that a berserker necro cannot.

You won cz of math.

Correct, you boht started with full DS, interupted and hit each other eaualy. Its a well know fact that tanky specs have more EHP (effective health pool) – a general rule of thumb u can check on build creators:
- for +1% added dmg you saccrifice -2% EHP

Now all player skill, tiredness, lag, horoscope issues aside:

You simply dont deal “enough” damage on anything not zerker 1v1, yet alone a cele monkey or more of them healing each other in 3v3…..and the survivabilrt gain is only pure stat wise – no invul defenses and blind/block+cc is still a shutdown to necro.
So it simply works better to go full ham, try to live with the few dodges and simply kill them faster than go for a inevitably lost fight.

PvP guild [YUM] -apply- (EU) http://muffinspvp.shivtr.com/

(edited by Flumek.9043)

Powernecro viable for solo ranked?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Erzian.5218


If the damage from celestial is strong enough to take down a berserker necro, doesn’t that show that the build can pull its own weight?

Which build can not take down a berserker necro (if he doesn’t use lich) in a 1v1?

Zerker necro is not weak.

I would argue otherwise but I don’t feel like wasting my energy to theorycraft with a super biased individuum. So I just look at facts and numbers on how power necs and necs in general perform (on EU as that is where I am playing) to form my opinion instead

(edited by Erzian.5218)

Powernecro viable for solo ranked?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dawdler.8521


If the damage from celestial is strong enough to take down a berserker necro, doesn’t that show that the build can pull its own weight?

Which build can not take down a berserker necro (if he doesn’t use lich) in a 1v1?

Which build can not take down a zerker anything in 1v1?

Zerkers are designed to +1. Put any zerker against the real game winning 1v1 builds (ie various bunker variants that exist across all professions) and they all will fail.

Powernecro viable for solo ranked?

in Necromancer

Posted by: flow.6043


Which build can not take down a berserker necro (if he doesn’t use lich) in a 1v1?

Zerker necro is not weak.

I would argue otherwise but I don’t feel like wasting my energy to theorycraft with a super biased individuum.

The irony…

Which build can not take down a berserker necro (if he doesn’t use lich) in a 1v1?

Which build can not take down a zerker anything in 1v1?


Also, there are a lot of strong zerker dueling classes/builds and power necro is one of them.

Powernecro viable for solo ranked?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ragion.2831


Power necros work but i really dont believe zerker necros are a good idea in high level play. The classes survivability and damage levels are balanced to be around the same. DS doesnt make you any more tanky than a warrior or ele. Deathly perception doesnt help you if you are stun locked or if you are missing all your lifeblasts or not doing the damage you expect, something that other classes can easily make happen.

That being said, we have no vigor, pretty much no stability, bad mobilty which means we can be outplayed by good mesmers and thieves. We only have ds which doesnt last long against zerker and high protection up time which doesnt do much if you are zerker fighting more than one zerker.

Because of all this i had to switch to this

The point of this build is to prevent burst damage while taking advantage of the squishy meta. Surprisingly enough it works pretty well against 2 people without leaving you vulnerable afterwards. Zerker cant do this. If you somehow manage 2 people, you will most likely have next to no hp left leaving you vulnerable to more attacks.

The downside is, unlike zerker meta builds, this isn’t a pushabuttontokill kind of build. A lot more counter play is involved, like knowing when to blind instead of just transfering condis, knowiing when to use signet for the poison (really effective against warriors engis and eles) and knowing when to go into and out of DS.

I wouldnt reccomend this build if you are new to pvp.

If you want to be able to do something about the lack of mobility,stability and the focus issue, id say drop zerker amulet and use a build with max armour, high power with decent crit and don’’t worry about ferocity.

Powernecro viable for solo ranked?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Erzian.5218


The irony…

I don’t see how basing an opinion on current facts is biased, sorry
In fact, that is quite the opposite of it.
If you link me videos of successful ESL power necromancers, I will gladly reconsider my statements. I would love power nec (or nec in general) to be good but according to ESL and other gw2 tournaments it is a supbar build. I am sure that there are a lot of well thought posts on why necromancer (in general) is not a good class in pvp in its current state and in the current meta, if you do not like ESL as a reference.
I love the necromancer class in gw2 but that doesn’t make it a strong choice in any way. Sometimes you just have to accept that your class or build is far from optimal in terms of efficiency no matter how much fun to play it is.


The point was that defeating a zerker necromancer (or any zerker build for that matter) does not make a build viable or good. Nothing more.

(edited by Erzian.5218)

Powernecro viable for solo ranked?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Aenesthesia.1697


You recommend me keep playing necro solo ranked? or play other class for solo ranked? i don’t want to be in disadvantage. Thanks

I think that for solo ranked, power necro is the best necro you could have.

Minion master requires the team actually coming to your help or you will not be able to hold points. Help is scarce in solo qeues.

And terrormancer also shines in teamplay (though it can win 1vs2 more often than powernecro, at least from what i experienced in my short noob stint as a terrormancer), while it also lacks mobility.

For solo qeues, i think that what you really need is mobility to make up for your team’s lack of coordination, and strong 1vs1 capability because goup fights are not in your advantage (unless the other team is also bad). Power necro is really good 1vs1, and lacks a bit in mobility, but is probably the most mobile necro of them all so…

You won’t be so bad in group fights either if you bring Lich form. It can down a squishy in 2-3 hits, and the squishy trying to revive him also. Great for contesting mid the first time (when a team clash is guaranteed) even though your lf will be close to zero.

Plague is not such a good idea. You are meant to kill, not to survive. If you have to pop plague it means that you are already in a kittenty situation and can, at best, delay the inevitable. But you are not specced to hold points so, why take elites to hold points?

Oh, make sure you give Death’s embrace a try. It almost makes sure you never lose in 1vs1 situations and opens the door for a lot of lols.

(edited by Aenesthesia.1697)

Powernecro viable for solo ranked?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ragion.2831


You recommend me keep playing necro solo ranked? or play other class for solo ranked? i don’t want to be in disadvantage. Thanks

I think that for solo ranked, power necro is the best necro you could have.

Minion master requires the team actually coming to your help or you will not be able to hold points. Help is scarce in solo qeues.

And terrormancer also shines in teamplay (though it can win 1vs2 more often than powernecro, at least from what i experienced in my short noob stint as a terrormancer), while it also lacks mobility.

For solo qeues, i think that what you really need is mobility to make up for your team’s lack of coordination, and strong 1vs1 capability because goup fights are not in your advantage (unless the other team is also bad). Power necro is really good 1vs1, and lacks a bit in mobility, but is probably the most mobile necro of them all so…

You won’t be so bad in group fights either if you bring Lich form. It can down a squishy in 2-3 hits, and the squishy trying to revive him also. Great for contesting mid the first time (when a team clash is guaranteed) even though your lf will be close to zero.

Plague is not such a good idea. You are meant to kill, not to survive. If you have to pop plague it means that you are already in a kittenty situation and can, at best, delay the inevitable. But you are not specced to hold points so, why take elites to hold points?

Oh, make sure you give Death’s embrace a try. It almost makes sure you never lose in 1vs1 situations and opens the door for a lot of lols.

^ mobility, is really the only problem. I think by now every necro agrees on this. I’m really hoping they give us a DS escape skill. Perhaps in team fights necros should be the one dictating the targets since we are the most vulnerable.

Personally i never use lich in pvp cuz of the cd but that is probably just me being stubborn.

Powernecro viable for solo ranked?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sagat.3285


As long as DS=high HP pool limitations will made so we remain a slow aggro magnet so we can be dpsed down like a pve boss, look at the other resource like system not big HP pool good mobility rev,war,thief. Try the duel with 0 LF then comment ,necro is not a class to brag about in duels unless you start with 0 LF.

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
The Dhuumfire thread

Powernecro viable for solo ranked?

in Necromancer

Posted by: NeXeD.3042


Power necros work but i really dont believe zerker necros are a good idea in high level play. The classes survivability and damage levels are balanced to be around the same. DS doesnt make you any more tanky than a warrior or ele. Deathly perception doesnt help you if you are stun locked or if you are missing all your lifeblasts or not doing the damage you expect, something that other classes can easily make happen.

That being said, we have no vigor, pretty much no stability, bad mobilty which means we can be outplayed by good mesmers and thieves. We only have ds which doesnt last long against zerker and high protection up time which doesnt do much if you are zerker fighting more than one zerker.

Because of all this i had to switch to this

The point of this build is to prevent burst damage while taking advantage of the squishy meta. Surprisingly enough it works pretty well against 2 people without leaving you vulnerable afterwards. Zerker cant do this. If you somehow manage 2 people, you will most likely have next to no hp left leaving you vulnerable to more attacks.

The downside is, unlike zerker meta builds, this isn’t a pushabuttontokill kind of build. A lot more counter play is involved, like knowing when to blind instead of just transfering condis, knowiing when to use signet for the poison (really effective against warriors engis and eles) and knowing when to go into and out of DS.

I wouldnt reccomend this build if you are new to pvp.

If you want to be able to do something about the lack of mobility,stability and the focus issue, id say drop zerker amulet and use a build with max armour, high power with decent crit and don’’t worry about ferocity.

knights is bad, zerker has more stats and vitality > toughness

dont use dagger 4 as a blind.

if your looking for vigor try WoP.

Attention Moderators I am not
S P E E D Starr #0 Necro NA or
I Am NeXeD awful d/D ele NA

Powernecro viable for solo ranked?

in Necromancer

Posted by: DeWolfe.2174


I’m not a big sPvP player, in fact, I really don’t like it much. Though because it’s this weekends “it thing” it’s taken me out of WvW for a bit. I tried rolling a thief and running every other “meta” build with low to moderate success. After an annoying stretch of loses I went and brought in my wvw power Necro and doing much better. The only down side to Necro’s is our lack of life force at the start of a match. I really think we should start each match full but, that’s a whole other conversation. Though even without life force, I was able to beat a cele ele right from the start. So a Necro can take on some meta builds right out of the gate.

[AwM] of Jade Quarry.

(edited by DeWolfe.2174)

Powernecro viable for solo ranked?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Zenith.7301


If the damage from celestial is strong enough to take down a berserker necro, doesn’t that show that the build can pull its own weight?

Which build can not take down a berserker necro (if he doesn’t use lich) in a 1v1?

Which build can not take down a zerker anything in 1v1?

Zerkers are designed to +1. Put any zerker against the real game winning 1v1 builds (ie various bunker variants that exist across all professions) and they all will fail.

All strong thief duelist specs are zerker. If you’re saying a shadow arts stealth spam thief is not one of the strongest 1v1 specs, I don’t know what to say other than you haven’t dueled enough people in WvW.

You recommend me keep playing necro solo ranked? or play other class for solo ranked? i don’t want to be in disadvantage. Thanks

I think that for solo ranked, power necro is the best necro you could have.

Minion master requires the team actually coming to your help or you will not be able to hold points. Help is scarce in solo qeues.

And terrormancer also shines in teamplay (though it can win 1vs2 more often than powernecro, at least from what i experienced in my short noob stint as a terrormancer), while it also lacks mobility.

For solo qeues, i think that what you really need is mobility to make up for your team’s lack of coordination, and strong 1vs1 capability because goup fights are not in your advantage (unless the other team is also bad). Power necro is really good 1vs1, and lacks a bit in mobility, but is probably the most mobile necro of them all so…

You won’t be so bad in group fights either if you bring Lich form. It can down a squishy in 2-3 hits, and the squishy trying to revive him also. Great for contesting mid the first time (when a team clash is guaranteed) even though your lf will be close to zero.

Plague is not such a good idea. You are meant to kill, not to survive. If you have to pop plague it means that you are already in a kittenty situation and can, at best, delay the inevitable. But you are not specced to hold points so, why take elites to hold points?

Oh, make sure you give Death’s embrace a try. It almost makes sure you never lose in 1vs1 situations and opens the door for a lot of lols.

^ mobility, is really the only problem. I think by now every necro agrees on this. I’m really hoping they give us a DS escape skill. Perhaps in team fights necros should be the one dictating the targets since we are the most vulnerable.

Personally i never use lich in pvp cuz of the cd but that is probably just me being stubborn.


You see your Dark Path in death shroud? It used to be a blink, and by the end of beta it got nerfed into the garbage it is today.

(edited by Zenith.7301)

Powernecro viable for solo ranked?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rolisteel.1375


I’m not a big sPvP player, in fact, I really don’t like it much. Though because it’s this weekends “it thing” it’s taken me out of WvW for a bit. I tried rolling a thief and running every other “meta” build with low to moderate success. After an annoying stretch of loses I went and brought in my wvw power Necro and doing much better. The only down side to Necro’s is our lack of life force at the start of a match. I really think we should start each match full but, that’s a whole other conversation. Though even without life force, I was able to beat a cele ele right from the start. So a Necro can take on some meta builds right out of the gate.

Are you sure it was a cele ele? sounds like it was a low skilled one that probably eat a hamburger while playing. When i played ele necromancer are free kills. Why? because the class can outlast a lot better. necromancer just dont have any chance and so easily kiteable by more experienced players ( LoS) to death with most classes. i had so much regen protection and mobility.

Powernecro viable for solo ranked?

in Necromancer

Posted by: NeXeD.3042


I’m not a big sPvP player, in fact, I really don’t like it much. Though because it’s this weekends “it thing” it’s taken me out of WvW for a bit. I tried rolling a thief and running every other “meta” build with low to moderate success. After an annoying stretch of loses I went and brought in my wvw power Necro and doing much better. The only down side to Necro’s is our lack of life force at the start of a match. I really think we should start each match full but, that’s a whole other conversation. Though even without life force, I was able to beat a cele ele right from the start. So a Necro can take on some meta builds right out of the gate.

Are you sure it was a cele ele? sounds like it was a low skilled one that probably eat a hamburger while playing. When i played ele necromancer are free kills. Why? because the class can outlast a lot better. necromancer just dont have any chance and so easily kiteable by more experienced players ( LoS) to death with most classes. i had so much regen protection and mobility.

If CoD procs and air fire proc at the same time when the ele is loaded with boons and he doesn’t have water attunement ready he’s dead.

Attention Moderators I am not
S P E E D Starr #0 Necro NA or
I Am NeXeD awful d/D ele NA

Powernecro viable for solo ranked?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rym.1469


I love to pop Lich in teamfight when there’s already one downed. People focus on rezzing, you pierce and interrupt everybody. Cool pressure and probably the best use of Lich I can think of.

As for 1v1s, Lich in this situation sucks. You waste a huge cd, one player will just escape. No target switch. Gg.

[rude]Antagonistka – Revenant, EU.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.
Streams: http://www.twitch.tv/rym144

Powernecro viable for solo ranked?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dawdler.8521


All strong thief duelist specs are zerker. If you’re saying a shadow arts stealth spam thief is not one of the strongest 1v1 specs, I don’t know what to say other than you haven’t dueled enough people in WvW.

I dont know what to say other than you didnt read the topic.

We’re talking about PvP, not WvW. In WvW stealth is and has always been hidously OP. In PvP however, stealth make you loose a point.

Zerker Thieves are strong sure, but they are no match to the game winning builds. You know, the builds that stand on a point and laugh at the Thief trying to kill them while they win. Even if the Thief kills them after 2 minutes and 3 resets or something, it doesnt really matter, does it? That’s why I said zerkers are for +1. Any zerker is weak or strong depending on how you look at it against any other zerker, but they are always outmatched 1v1 against bunkers, unless they outman them (ie +1).

(edited by Dawdler.8521)

Powernecro viable for solo ranked?

in Necromancer

Posted by: nekretaal.6485


Zerker thieves aren’t meant to fight 1v1. They only win 1v1 against other thieves and mesmers.

Their job is to make you sit on the point all game and play 4v5 or get decapped, because they are twice as fast as you due to abuse of y axis teleports.

As for necromancer, you are probably fine with one in solo ranked until you get up against top players who know how to rotate I which case your poor mobility and lack of coordination with your teammates makes you a big liability.

#24 leaderboard rank North America.

Powernecro viable for solo ranked?

in Necromancer

Posted by: borrok.9267


Power necro is pretty nice in solo, I like to think I do well with it. It is hit or miss though, I very rarely get fights that are drawn out, either I melt the person or I get CCed to death. I started doing a lot better with it once I moved away from the DS LB builds honestly. Just about everything I went after out healed the blasts or just blinded me. For solo, necro away.

Teef master race