Lost? Confused? [TCS] – A guild for every state of body and mind
(edited by GoogleBrandon.5073)
Tired of SoloQ’s?
Tired of being the one focussed first?
Sick of being never picked for a team?
Want to make people cry while having a good time?
Goodday, my name is Brandon and as you can tell by my numerous posts, I am bored as hell… My boredom oftentimes leads to creative thoughts though, and one was exotic enough to might see and come to be, so here we go!
When I am playing my Necromancer, I always get bothered by the fact that people are like “Focus that one, he’s green!” – totally unfair and uncalled for… This made me wonder though, what if these same people were to face another Necromancer at the same time? Or maybe 3?
That made me think of the following; a full Necromancer PvP team
I wonder if someone here is crazy enough to pull this together, a team with a variety of Necromancer builds, just to see what happens… And maybe a good social experience, getting to know your fellow Necromancers and stuff, exchanging tips on how to combat etc.
So if you are as bored or curious as me, located in the EU (NA would host something on their own, sorry :< ) and feel like this could be a fun test for maybe just a couple of games, then say so in the thread! I am fairly certain it could create hilarious results!
Event Date:
Monday 29 September – around 8pm CEST
(edited by GoogleBrandon.5073)
“Focus that one, he’s green!”
Bro just change your dyes to black or something
Too bad I am on NA
I’m on EU Deso we can try it or just go till we can make it work
Í am a fabulous white actually :P
And hey, you can at least try to kickstart the same for NA – I am just curious for the outcome ^^
@Roli – Perfect, if we can get at least 5, we can discuss things :P
Bhawb did something like this before I think, don’t remember how it worked though
I’d be willing to try on NA
Now what do you guys think the best comp would be
2 terror 1 well 2 power zerk spectrals would be my first thought
2 terror 1 well 2 power sounds fun.
it probably can own some teams. golems and plague forms. :P
Actually, I’d throw in an MM to throw them off :P
Bhawb did something like this before I think, don’t remember how it worked though
I’d be willing to try on NA
Now what do you guys think the best comp would be
2 terror 1 well 2 power zerk spectrals would be my first thought
SOAC (with me) did this quite a few times. You 100% need half condi half power, you need a 1v1 build for home node, you need one of the builds to be able to rotate (as well as we can), and you need a tanky build.
In my experience, your best bet is going to be having a tanky build, either MM or tanky power, to go between far/home, design the build to focus 100% on 1v1s, so you should never 5v5. The other 4 man group should be either 2 power 2 condi, or 3 condi (one of them should be a support) and zerker power, with a focus on trying to wipe fights with epidemic.
Example setup: MM/spectral power, PoC terror necro (terror/RP/nightmare runes), Dhuumfire, zerker power, well/spectral tanky condi necros.
Important thing is to remember to work out synergy. The only reason to do this (even for fun) is to have super synergy like double-epidemics or 8000 second fear chains, so focus on that while still playing to the game modes.
(edited by Bhawb.7408)
It will be amazing if we can make it work. I can see peoples face when they running in fears till they die. reapers prot nightmare runes : ))
I’m willing to try this, I don’t have much experience with rated matches though.
So now we got:
GoogleBrandon – c’est moi (No, I am actually Dutch)
Bhawb also want to experiment again? And Tim, could you also give us where you are from? :P
Awesome idea!
I’d love to join on the EU side! I play powermancer daily and am pretty good
En Ik ben ook Nederlands
Let me know!
Ps. I got TS
Also, I’m messing around with a spectral power build so I could also use that one
And I could record/post on yt since I have a gw2 necro orientated youtube channel.
Holl is Dutch, who would’ve guessed :P
I will get the list to the FiPo and get you there – I can probably also reserve a TS3 for the EU side, so when we get things rolling, we’ll see what we can do
I can also get a list of potential builds with the roles they would fit in the FiPo, so if anyone has ideas or builds to share – post them as well
(edited by GoogleBrandon.5073)
I’m from EU (ook nederlandstalig, wel een belg).
Sign me up as extra (or practice) won’t be much use in competition with my kittenty amd pc.
But been wanting to try some weird stuff for a while in tpvp
As for theorycrafting:
-Rune of Ice on power with suffering
-Epidemic with Corruption
-Spectral healing mercy necro
-Most in Ice runes
-And all necros should run the 2 rats. XD
~Wilhelmmus van…~
NB: wasn’t there a necro guild?
My time table is not quite “normal” as I generally Tend to play after midnight NA,
But put me on the list if you would have me. Not as good as many here But willing to listen.
I run Power generally, But willing to adapt to team.
Shimai No Tenshi
Tarnished Coast, North America
Also, I have a guild Arena in NA if you guys want to use it for practice or what not. Even if i am not around you are welcome to use it.
This is an awesome initiative. I wish I was more into pvp, or I’d also join. But I’d probably not be very good at it. Never was, never will be. But if one of you can record these matches, please share them with the rest of the necro community.
If the NA group plans to run before 9PM eastern, I would go.
I’m down to play. It has to be M/W/Sat and later on Sunday (after the podcasts).
Also yes, But of Corpse is a guild, I’ve still got it and invite privs, so if anyone wants in feel free to post here or message me. We’ve got like 100 people, but the guild is basically just there for show most of the time :P
Still really cutting my teeth on PvP, but I’d be willing to throw in my lot as a tankier power/spectral build for the NA team.
Is there something with Dutch speaking folk and Necromancers? :P
Alright, updated the list
@Bhawb, it would be cool if we were to join and rep the guild as we play together (on respective sides of the sea, we cannot play together sadly :< ) – so you may invite me if you want
I should have a spot for a guild left…
Well this looks a little bit fun. Sign me up whenever i am online I can play both EU and NA :P
Brilliant – got muscle power now as well
We should probably give times on which we play – normall I am available neigh daily from 8pm-11pm +1GMT with the sole exception of Friday, since work usually calls early on Saturdays.
Also would be handy to know if a mic is available – or at least earpieces so you can listen :P
Great start Gang,
I would suggest now that we have at least one to two groups on both sides of the pond, Just use this or start a new thread for announcing a time and day for get togethers.
pick a time. Sign a team. and get yerselves into the team q. practice as we go.
I’m avaidable from 7pm-2am +2GMT (Google isn’t that also your timezone since we are in the summer?) from monday till friday. I can play saterday evenening but internet isn’t reliable at those moments.
I also thought about a bit more tanky/support orientated build for a necromancer team.The idea a chill-spectral build, I would start from something like this
http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fRAQNAW4djc00abtNG1wfbiiBR6SVuEZgFUO9KA-TJhBwAAuIAkLDwb/hIPBAA .
I think that our other options (boon hate, condition control)will hurt our conditionmancers more then it would help.
S p e e d starr
Available sun mon wed Fri 1-10 est.
Play mostly zerker spectral or carrion terror.
Yea +2GMT – I usually use CEST since I am too lazy to look up things like that :P
I can do Monday and/or Wednesday from 6-9 PM CST.
I like the look of that build Tim, though I might move 2 from DM to SR to pick up deathly perception and be able to provide more pressure.
I don’t think chill is a viable spec in tpvp.
Possibly up for EU, throw me a whisper ig when you’re doing it.
Now something else to reach the character limit… have a picture of Yoda
Maybe instead of focus on chill, try mitigation through team protection: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fRAQNAW4djc00bbtNG1wfbihBR6UZWFZgHUedLA-TpRCwA93fIcZAOPAAAHEgIHBALXAAA
I might swap the well to suffering if you want to stack more vulnerability to increase team damage. The traveler runes are to help rotations and to increase protection uptime. Still not quite sure what I’d do for D/F set sigils.
I don’t think chill is a viable spec in tpvp.
On its own no, but it fits into a spectral build w/ Ice runes and some sigils. Its one of the builds we used when we first did this thing ages ago :P
I’m up for joining the NA team if you still need people, can play Mon-Sunday from 8:00pm-1:00am. UTC -5:00
I might try and set a date soon™ for when the EU can gather up, just gotta get some caffeine and do some paperwork
Alright man, thanks for organizing this
i’d be up for an eu event aswell
Cool added you as well
From the looks of it, we got at least enough people to get something rolling starting next week
I at least got everyone added… I will keep everyone informed on where and when
Got The Laaw joining us
^Laaw doesn’t play Necro. I repeat, do not allow the Laaw. He will come on MM and claim he’s the best MM multiverse.
No worries, we can always hope that the AI will do an excelent job :P
^Laaw doesn’t play Necro. I repeat, do not allow the Laaw. He will come on MM and claim he’s the best MM multiverse.
I AM the best MM multiverse tho!
^Laaw doesn’t play Necro. I repeat, do not allow the Laaw. He will come on MM and claim he’s the best MM multiverse.
Second best maybe. Title of best MM multiverse has been taken since I made mine during PBE weekends.
Feel free to add me as well on the EU side, sounds like fun! (That would make 10 of us on EU, would be funny if we made 2 teams and got matched against each other)
It would be useful if we could have some dates for when people want to do this. I’ll probably be free tonight for a bit if other people want to run a full necro team, just whisper me tonight.
Otherwise, I believe Brandon indicated Wednesday, however I, and some others, may be busy then.
Just whisper me if yo free/when yo’ll be free next week, ‘cause I’m taking a 2 month break in a week, and would be cool to play the full necro team, with good necros, before I take a break.
Too much info, ik.
Alright, I will be available this evening as well at the very least…
I will just assemble those who are online for at least one try out – got everyone added, so that should be fine
pretty much free every night (In the Netherlands) which would be around 3 pm NY time i think.
Ah, bit on a short notice, but I just talked with some, and Monday, that is tomorrow, would suit people;
So I will send some mails, check for availability and see if we can get things rolling tomorrow
Meh, I guess I screwed up with the mails, so a last minute reminder – we are planning to kick things off tonight
Hopefully I can work on an actual schedule soon™
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