Remember to report bugs

Remember to report bugs

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tyler Chapman.1832

Tyler Chapman.1832

PvP and Balance QA Embed


Hey all,

This is a reminder thread to submit the bugs you come across to the game bugs sub-forum! It is hugely beneficial to us when you report issues found on Live to the Game Bugs Forum with steps listed on how to perform the bug (“repro”) or describe what is happening.


I will do my best to show visibility in each thread but I just wanted to toss out this thread to express how useful bug reporting can be after a major balance drop like we just had.

Thanks everyone!

in-game alias: Powerr
Skills and Balance/PvP Team Principal QA
Former active member of Team PZ

Remember to report bugs

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rennoko.5731


Hey all,

This is a reminder thread to submit the bugs you come across to the game bugs sub-forum! It is hugely beneficial to us when you report issues found on Live to the Game Bugs Forum with steps listed on how to perform the bug (“repro”) or describe what is happening.


I will do my best to show visibility in each thread but I just wanted to toss out this thread to express how useful bug reporting can be after a major balance drop like we just had.

Thanks everyone!

So once we report a bug, and it gets acknowledged, how exactly do we follow up on the status of said issue?

For instance, it was acknowledged several months ago now that fear isn’t causing the interrupt effect, but is in fact interrupting skill usage, and the ANET team said they took note. Is there some status page where you have the open issues and a listing of where you are with them?

IE: Investigating, addressing, solved in next patch, working as intended, etc?

Or should should we take the tact of the turret engineers and just spam keep the issue on the front page? That seems to be working for them.

Remember to report bugs

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


Like Rennoko said, it really pays to have follow up. There are many Necro bugs, not just ones in a major new patch, that we report time and again, and to my knowledge its not even acknowledged…

But thanks for the info, I’ll dig through that and see if all the bugs that come to mind haven’t been addressed yet.

But of Corpse – Watch us on YouTube
My PvP Minion Build

(edited by Bhawb.7408)

Remember to report bugs

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tyler Chapman.1832


Tyler Chapman.1832

PvP and Balance QA Embed


Bugs have different priority levels. If you can imagine the skills team has a ridiculous amount of things on their backlog/sprints. So when you see a dev response at least you know that we have it logged and will get it out fixed as soon as possible. Unfortunately that’s about all I can say about it. We can’t really give you updates on when exactly something is going to be fixed.

It is however important to remember that we do read the forums and investigate most every issue that is posted on that section of the forums. So it’s VERY likely that the bug will get fixed for when its planned to be.

in-game alias: Powerr
Skills and Balance/PvP Team Principal QA
Former active member of Team PZ

Remember to report bugs

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tyler Chapman.1832


Tyler Chapman.1832

PvP and Balance QA Embed

Also try to keep it to actual bugs, and not post recommendations or questionable design intent related issues.

Thanks everyone!

in-game alias: Powerr
Skills and Balance/PvP Team Principal QA
Former active member of Team PZ

Remember to report bugs

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


Will do, went through the bug forums and saw that at least in the last 7 days (the search function is god awful and useless for any real investigation) none of the bugs I know of were reported. So at the worst you’ll probably get a reminder of some of them.

But of Corpse – Watch us on YouTube
My PvP Minion Build

Remember to report bugs

in Necromancer

Posted by: Luke.4562


“Questionable design”.. It’s an year we deal with this problem.

By the way, for the sake of all the community we shall check if someone is interested into making this huge work. Tests, maths, brainstorming, …free work again..

This is the most recent:

Once there was this thread:

Outdated January wiki:

ALPHA, BETA, several months, … 1 Year later…“When it’s ready”[cit.]

(edited by Luke.4562)

Remember to report bugs

in Necromancer

Posted by: Siobhan.3582


Just feels like this (being posted on all the class forums)is asking us paying customers to do your job.

We post bugs all over. Heck there is a forum dedicated to this. We are doing our part. I really dislike have all the class forums being hit asking us for more help in what clearly is more Anet’s job, then ours. Yes, we should report. We are. With little feedback

That one person.

Remember to report bugs

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


I posted a bug only a few hours ago and already had a response, so I’m actually quite happy to see that. I would assume this is more a matter of making it more convenient and time efficient for them to address bugs, which is in our best interest, because that means more time fixing bugs, and less time trying to figure out what is bugged.

But of Corpse – Watch us on YouTube
My PvP Minion Build

Remember to report bugs

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rennoko.5731


Just feels like this (being posted on all the class forums)is asking us paying customers to do your job.

We post bugs all over. Heck there is a forum dedicated to this. We are doing our part. I really dislike have all the class forums being hit asking us for more help in what clearly is more Anet’s job, then ours. Yes, we should report. We are. With little feedback

There is nothing wrong with requesting help from the community with bugs. Without us they would miss 90% of them. Us helping identify bugs is in no way doing their job, in fact it makes their job harder with all the additional work.

I just personally feel like it sends mixed messages when we have the post above claiming the bug team is overwhelmed, and in the same breath asking for more bugs to be reported, and all this after removing our stickied bug threads that the classes were keeping updated.

A master list of bugs reported (so we know to not report them again and again), and a status. No one is asking for hard dates the issue will be fixed on, just the knowledge that the issue is still on someones list.

I get why they don’t do this, as it may be a rather daunting list (and possibly embarasing), but transparency is the answer to improving the game.

Remember to report bugs

in Necromancer

Posted by: daimasei.4091


Hey all,

This is a reminder thread to submit the bugs you come across to the game bugs sub-forum! It is hugely beneficial to us when you report issues found on Live to the Game Bugs Forum with steps listed on how to perform the bug (“repro”) or describe what is happening.


I will do my best to show visibility in each thread but I just wanted to toss out this thread to express how useful bug reporting can be after a major balance drop like we just had.

Thanks everyone!

Ouch! You have no idea what are asking for.

I was bored last night and just for fun I made a “Commoner” and the amount of new bugs is RIDICULOUSLY HIGH! And I just did the first part!

From very small, yet immersion breakers bugs, to bugs that really affect the game-play (and without counting the old well know bugs).

I’m more than willing to help (grinding and rush or lose content are a “bad part” of the game but we can choose to ignore them) but the bugs, now that’s a real problem.

But how should I do it? Should I make a new thread for every bug or maybe separate each bug for category and make a thread for each one (Dynamic Events, Game-Play, etc) or just make a “list” and add every bug I find?

P.S. I’m really glad to see you are still working on fixing bugs

Why fix the Necromancer for free when we can charge $$$ for the Revenant

Remember to report bugs

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


According to their bugs forum, lists are bad in general, unless asked for. I’d say things that are very closely related, post together, but not a huge list like “here are all PvE bugs in the entire game, good luck”, but something like “Necromancer staff bugs”.

But of Corpse – Watch us on YouTube
My PvP Minion Build

Remember to report bugs

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bweaty.9187


I bothered do a big bug report. None of the list has been fixed, excluding the 1sec+lag before buttons after a transform. A Dev commented in necro forum saying that it drove them nuts.

Was the URL if people want to skip re-listing bugs, that Dev’s already ticked off…

Not sure how the dev’s do the rating system for when things get fixed. It was many many many moths for them to fix things like necro having 1/3rd other class’s downed life. But will patch a single spell wrong on Ele within 5ish hours.

There’s also no ‘quality of life’ as they call it. So things like condi stacks, or us being the only class without endurance regen and blocks/invuls/etc. Or any important bigger picture things.

So if anyone can work out how to get the devs to do something, even comment on things like our putrid mark. Let us know, I’ll shamelessly bump topics to keep them fresh or whatever you have planned.

Remember to report bugs

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


My plan was, as per their own forum rules, to use the search function to first check if anything was posted (lol, just lol, that thing is bad), and if not and it isn’t in the last week or so I’m going to post it. I assume at worst a “reminder” to the bug isn’t the worst thing in the world, and they can just do a 5 second copypasta “we know and have this on the list” and leave it behind.

I did the vampiric stuff. I think the staff bugs especially should also be a high priority. I am not sure about others, I know there are at least a few tooltip bugs that should be addressed as well, at least for new-player understanding.

But of Corpse – Watch us on YouTube
My PvP Minion Build

Remember to report bugs

in Necromancer

Posted by: Leeto.1570


Interrupting marks still puts them on full cooldown… and how long it has been like this? 3-4 months? If necros most used weapon is having 4/5 bugged skills for months then i don`t even wanna think how low priority would other bugs have.

Remember to report bugs

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bweaty.9187


Yeh, staff bugs are near the top of my F’in FiX IT list too.

Leeto.1570> We had 1/3rd downed life, for many, many, many, many months. Actually after many many months, they finally responded and, then it was only 3 more months before it got a fix. Don’t expect to see high priority/quick fix’s on anything necro…. (Tho with there ‘fixing attrition’ by lowering or removing things that make us last longer, it might be a good thing)

Remember to report bugs

in Necromancer

Posted by: Leeto.1570


Yeh, staff bugs are near the top of my F’in FiX IT list too.

Leeto.1570> We had 1/3rd downed life, for many, many, many, many months. Actually after many many months, they finally responded and, then it was only 3 more months before it got a fix. Don’t expect to see high priority/quick fix’s on anything necro…. (Tho with there ‘fixing attrition’ by lowering or removing things that make us last longer, it might be a good thing)

It was a bit different, we were whining about 1/3rd downed life for months, then someone made forum thread with video proving that its true and some dev saw it on forums replied that they will look into it and on next day they said they got fix for it and its gonna get updated in next weeks patch, so it did.

Remember to report bugs

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bweaty.9187


Not true!
We were whining about it for months. Dev’s replyed saying, they couldn’t replicate it.

While later, said it was fixed for new necro’s.

Had friends quit the game over it & condi cap. Staff bothered delete there posts. (ANet’s very fast at deleting reasons why you left the game.)

Then the dev’s said they had a fix, they weren’t sure if it would make it thru to the live server because it ‘could be dangerous’. That’s right, they said ‘dangerous’!
(But yes, it did make it into next weeks patch. There was no out cry that necro’s were OP now they weren’t the rally joke of WvW.)

Remember to report bugs

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


“Dangerous” generally means that they found and fixed the bug, but in doing so might have broken something else even worse (programming does that often enough), unless there is some context I am missing.

But of Corpse – Watch us on YouTube
My PvP Minion Build

Remember to report bugs

in Necromancer

Posted by: Jack of Blades.2153

Jack of Blades.2153

I have noticed that every time im battling a necromancer that if they have minions and a skill that makes them go into flies or something, i get massive spikes. Mine graphic settings are full minimun when i go to spvp expect Render sampling,which i allways keep on ’’Native’’. I currently have nVidia gtx 460,4gigs of Ram, and phenom II x4 955 3.20, and my computer is maximum optimized for gameing. Now imagine fighitns a 2 necros with a swarm of undead minions and that skill, it’s really ridicolous.

Remember to report bugs

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bweaty.9187


I have noticed that every time im battling a necromancer that if they have minions and a skill that makes them go into flies or something, i get massive spikes. Mine graphic settings are full minimun when i go to spvp expect Render sampling,which i allways keep on ’’Native’’. I currently have nVidia gtx 460,4gigs of Ram, and phenom II x4 955 3.20, and my computer is maximum optimized for gameing. Now imagine fighitns a 2 necros with a swarm of undead minions and that skill, it’s really ridicolous.

At least double your RAM. (Then double that again).

Main prob is, GW2 is DX9. We got DX11 on chip in our vid cards.

Anyway another ^Bump^ for GW2 optimization. (Dx11, Fix sound ‘cracks’ and cut outs, VOIP for pug dungeons, and other stuff dev’s stated were prob coming)