Sell the Necromancer to me!

Sell the Necromancer to me!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Maximum Potato.5923

Maximum Potato.5923

Hello! I’ve been playing GW2 for a little over a year now, and I’ve played a Ranger for about 90% of that time. Despite loving the class, I’ve decided its time for a change, and I liked the concept of the Necromancer. I’m looking for a class that can sacrifice its defences in return for more damage (So corruptions look really interesting to me). But outside of that, I’m still sort of on the fence about whether or not this is the class for me. Tell me, what makes the Necromancer a fun and interesting class to play? What do you like about the class? Does it feel engaging and satisfying to use? Thanks in advance for any replies

Who’s a good boy? Not you, since you aggro’d the BLOODY CHAMP-

Sell the Necromancer to me!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lily.1935


If you are looking for a profession that sacrifices their defenses, look no further!

Death shroud replaces Vigor, invulnerability, mobility, most stability, stealth and even blocking! With this extra health bar, you will be able to take hits almost as good as 1 use of aegis from a guardian! Tremble in fear when you can’t heal in it so your life stealing’s effectiveness shoots through the ground. You will have them on the ropes as your quickest recharging stun break requires set up before use and can be killed! Look no further, The necromancer is the absolute best at sacrificing their defenses!

Oh, you meant getting a significant benefit from it? What do we look like? A well designed and well balanced profession?

In all seriousness, the necromancer isn’t terrible. The Minion build is something to be feared in PvP. Their condition build is also rather threatening if used right. But its not all sunshine and roses. We suffer from a lot of preventable problems that are built into our mechanic. High end PvPers who use the necormancer as their main have to abuse a bug in order to have a uninterrupted stomp. Which, isn’t the case with other professions. Death shroud also has more bugs with it where occasionally it locks you out of your heal and utility for 3 seconds. The over all lack of defense that we have will lead you needing to rely on your party in order to survive. Although Death shroud is good in 1v1, it scales poorly when fighting multiple foes.

Maybe someone else would be better at selling the necromancer then I am. I’m very bitter and really only keep playing because I’m hoping arena net get their head out of their butt and correct our poorly designed mechanic. its a really cool concept, it is. It just doesn’t work well in practice.

Sell the Necromancer to me!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046

Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046

Ok ok.. 5$..
fine 1$…
Hey dont walk away.. here..have it for free..

Ok wait please.. ill pay you 1$ if you take it..
5$….I’m cutting into my profit here..
wait please take this off me, i can’t stand it anymore.. I’ll pay you 10$ ..just get it out.. pleeeeease…
Fine 20$..oh and you will take out the trash too? thanks alot.

54 infractions and counting because a moderator doesn’t understand a joke when he/she sees it.

Sell the Necromancer to me!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ogii.6958


That’s the problem, OP. Everyone in this forum loves the concept of the necromancer. Only the concept is far from what we actually get in-game.

Conditions or minions will provide the most unique experience for you.

Sell the Necromancer to me!

in Necromancer

Posted by: borrok.9267


Necro is a very fun class to play, you just need to work through the ridiculous nerfs.

Teef master race

Sell the Necromancer to me!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Jinx.7258


Tell me, what makes the Necromancer a fun and interesting class to play? What do you like about the class? Does it feel engaging and satisfying to use? Thanks in advance for any replies

Nothing. Nothing. No and no. You welcome.


Sell the Necromancer to me!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


I was going to say inb4 massive QQ but I obviously wasn’t fast enough.

The reality is that a lot of people enjoy playing the Necro. If you’ve had fun on Ranger, Necro can feel similar. I suggest you just play the class a bit (especially in sPvP as you can get a feel for level 80), and just see if you like it. If yes, play it, if no, don’t.

People wouldn’t come on here to kitten if they didn’t play the class, and they wouldn’t play the class if they didn’t enjoy it.

But of Corpse – Watch us on YouTube
My PvP Minion Build

Sell the Necromancer to me!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tongku.5326


I’m having a blast on my necro, however there are many changes coming to the game which may change that.

At this time, I like going zerk in PvE or hybrid in WvW. I don’t like spvp due to its limitations so I don’t play it.

Sell you the necro ? There is no auto dodge or auto leap on any skill chain, your best ranged AOE doesn’t root you down and you have more of them, unless you go minion build, which most of us do not use outside of SPVP or leveling, you are not subject to pet problems.

Heavy Deedz – COSA – SF

Sell the Necromancer to me!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Chaos Archangel.5071

Chaos Archangel.5071

I checked this thread hoping to also be inspired to roll a Necro, as I really love the concept of the class and have little to no idea about them.

…Didn’t quite work out as I’d hoped. =[

Sell the Necromancer to me!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


I checked this thread hoping to also be inspired to roll a Necro, as I really love the concept of the class and have little to no idea about them.

…Didn’t quite work out as I’d hoped. =[

Make a thread in any other forum and I guarantee there will be plenty of QQ.

But of Corpse – Watch us on YouTube
My PvP Minion Build

Sell the Necromancer to me!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Brando.1374


Necro’s have the ability to down the OP warrior in 15 seconds while taking close to no damage.
Could have been done faster

Xxkakarot [GF] Good Fights
Dark Wizard Incar [GF] Good Fights

Sell the Necromancer to me!

in Necromancer

Posted by: lorndarken.3702


i’ve got this here 80 necro just sittin on the lot , it got alot of mileage on it but it can still go , as far as whats under the hood , i put in some spare parts on it to help it get by but don’t expect it to finish first at daytona cause no necro is capable of that , as for how much it can haul , well it can take you to your house and back but not meant for anything else , i guess it can seat 1 but you cant get more or else it breaks down like with most necros do, when i found it at first it was in such a mess but me and this necro has gone through a lot over time , i’ll be willing to part ways with it in a trade if you got a 80 ranger :P

Sell the Necromancer to me!

in Necromancer

Posted by: wildfang.9670


I checked this thread hoping to also be inspired to roll a Necro, as I really love the concept of the class and have little to no idea about them.

…Didn’t quite work out as I’d hoped. =[

necros are the master of conditions but their power builds can be kinda lacking although lich form is absolutely devasting. corruption is handy as a necro can become stronger via it’s own condtions with abilities to heal more per condition to send more to the target or to turn condtions to buffs.

try to look up a decent necro build ignore this qq. they are areas where necros are very lacking. limited stability only decent to mediocre power dps. poor mobility. all those should be taken into account prior to considering a necro.

Sell the Necromancer to me!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rym.1469


“Corruptions” concept was related to Sacrafices from GW1 Necro and didn’t work quite well.
Atm, you may occassionally see a condi necro in pvp carrying Corrupt Boon. That’s basiclly it, meta builds are mostly designed around 1v1.
Then you have other corruptions. Blood is Power can be spotted in PvE (maybe, somewhere), Epidemic is quite cool for AoE trash.
Nobody ever uses Corrosive Poison Cloud. It’s not like it’s that bad or something, but…. People don’t need it in any meta.
If meta, especially PvE shifts, full zerk and stack won’t be allowed anymore, people may start looking for Weakness.
And CPkittenil then, we should wait.

[rude]Antagonistka – Revenant, EU.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.

Sell the Necromancer to me!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Loco.4561


Roll a Warrior.


Mashup Bootleg ~ WvW Mesmer
Cyrus Glitch – sPvP/tPvP Mesmer
Doctor Loki – sPvP/tPvP/WvW Power Necro

Sell the Necromancer to me!

in Necromancer

Posted by: thomasgjkgwdn.4760


Maximum Potato, try out berserker axe/dagger (with full Spite line). numbers are okay. you’ll be giving vulnerability for your pals too (trait life blast with it).

Sell the Necromancer to me!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Zoid.2568


As it is now i’m running a power, precision, condition build. D/D + A/W.
If Axe and Dagger got Cleave that would make this build very good, but Necromancers don’t Cleave so… still a good build though.

Will create it on a build site and link it here. Give me a minute.

Here’s the:

Once Necromancer get Cleave, it will be better.

(edited by Zoid.2568)

Sell the Necromancer to me!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Muchacho.2390


Necro’s have the ability to down the OP warrior in 15 seconds while taking close to no damage.
Could have been done faster

Well to be fair the warrior was using a sub par build…

No berzerker stance and no real condi removel and he also didnt stun break the fears.
I also guess the necro used dire gear, the most op gear ever…

Sell the Necromancer to me!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Jinx.7258


Necro’s have the ability to down the OP warrior in 15 seconds while taking close to no damage.
Could have been done faster

Well to be fair the warrior was using a sub par build…

No berzerker stance and no real condi removel and he also didnt stun break the fears.
I also guess the necro used dire gear, the most op gear ever…

Downing a warr that doesnt have cleanses with sooo much condi dmg due to broken stats imbalance… skill required, must brag on the forums!


Sell the Necromancer to me!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Brando.1374


Necro’s have the ability to down the OP warrior in 15 seconds while taking close to no damage.
Could have been done faster

Well to be fair the warrior was using a sub par build...

No berzerker stance and no real condi removel and he also didnt stun break the fears.
I also guess the necro used dire gear, the most op gear ever...

Downing a warr that doesnt have cleanses with sooo much condi dmg due to broken stats imbalance... skill required, must brag on the forums!

what class would you like for me to post up?

D/D ele?
S/F ele?
Guardian? (no food)
Power necro?
another condi necro?

Please let me know which class you want me to record I will be more than happy to try and get it for you.

Xxkakarot [GF] Good Fights
Dark Wizard Incar [GF] Good Fights

(edited by Brando.1374)

Sell the Necromancer to me!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Edenfer.9816


Conceptually, it’s awesome, you get to be a lich, a plague, to command minions, desecrate the boons of others and most of all make them fear you (mu ha ha ha).

Apart from the known bugs (mentioned by the others) necros are in a good place right now in all areas of the game. You will probably struggle in the beginning, the key is to understand the power and limitation of death shroud (specially the bugs).

What’s interesting is that you have a lot of different build options, here are some of my favorites:
_Conditionmancers: it rocks in all areas of the game, you deal conditions to one ennemy then spread them to others.
_Terrormancer: fear as a weapon to control the battlefield and deal damage.
_Wellomancer: with pvt armor and a support build you can basically survive anything (solo booses) and deal good damage.
_DeathShrouder: zerk armor and a good build, you can deal 4K on life blast (the auto attack option on DS)

So here you go, I’m an altoholic and necro is one of the most fun professions.
(do I get my cookie now? ^^)

Sell the Necromancer to me!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Yamedo.2561


I checked this thread hoping to also be inspired to roll a Necro, as I really love the concept of the class and have little to no idea about them.

…Didn’t quite work out as I’d hoped. =[

^lol anyway.. II in soul reaping in every build, that is all.

Sell the Necromancer to me!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Jinx.7258


As I said… skill required…


Sell the Necromancer to me!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Waffler.1257


Necro’s have the ability to down the OP warrior in 15 seconds while taking close to no damage.
Could have been done faster

Yep, warrior without berserker stance is a free kill. Unfortunately, any half-way intelligent warrior will equip zerker stance for a necro fight and then necro is only allowed to run and try to survive for the first 10 seconds of the fight while the warrior pummels them. If you want to post something impressive, make a vid of you beating a good diamond skin ele, not some new person who obviously doesn’t have a good understanding of class mechanics.

Sell the Necromancer to me!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Brando.1374


Necro’s have the ability to down the OP warrior in 15 seconds while taking close to no damage.
Could have been done faster

Yep, warrior without berserker stance is a free kill. Unfortunately, any half-way intelligent warrior will equip zerker stance for a necro fight and then necro is only allowed to run and try to survive for the first 10 seconds of the fight while the warrior pummels them. If you want to post something impressive, make a vid of you beating a good diamond skin ele, not some new person who obviously doesn’t have a good understanding of class mechanics.

Only way I was ever able to beat a dimond skin ele is to swap out my utilites with minions. once he was under 90% i never let him get back above that.

Xxkakarot [GF] Good Fights
Dark Wizard Incar [GF] Good Fights