Servant of Dhuum
So Feedback/Changes Thread unstickied !!!
Servant of Dhuum
Didn’t vanish, they unstickied it. So yes I think a new update thread is coming, maybe tomorrow?
Well it didn’t vanish. It’s just unstickied. But yes, BWE3 changes will likely to be posted Monday or Tuesday. Seems this has actually taken a bit longer than Gee expected/intended already, so that’ll be fun.
This may only be Reaper information though and not the full list of Necro changes.
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)
Ok Unsticked but u know what i ment
Servant of Dhuum
The mesmer one is still there. But they unstickied the others. Still, do not get your hopes too high. I think they want to release the notes for all classes in the same time, and the Ele/DH ones took ages to come out last time.
The mesmer one is still there. But they unstickied the others. Still, do not get your hopes too high. I think they want to release the notes for all classes in the same time, and the Ele/DH ones took ages to come out last time.
That’s for a specific reason… Let’s hope a balance patch is not delayed.
The Dhuumfire thread
Well Iam guessing that we are getting close to the final chnages for HoT, they have 1 more BWE before launch and thats about it. Doubt they delay many balance fixes til after HoT. Imho I think the Elite Spez will mostly be fine-tuned until release and then fixes,bugs and so on can ofc be cleared out with update patches.
Servant of Dhuum
They hype is real necroforum brethren.
Taking a break from GW2 to play various
Nintendo games..
I was a bit lazy with my feedback from bw2, you think its best to wait for new thrread and drop it there?
I think enough of us gave feedback. Probably deciding what they gonna do with the shouts. Other than the shouts reaper seemed pretty close to where it should be.
other than the shouts the reaper is looking good i hope there is not massive changes to gs and the shroud
randal althor char warrior
hibbari norn guardian
other than the shouts the reaper is looking good i hope there is not massive changes to gs and the shroud
Only things for GS and RS would be a smidge less cast time on GS 1, 2, & 3 while making GS 4 follow you around and 3 having an increase in range to something like 300 as well as slightly bumping the coefficients on RS 1 and potentially to at least the <25% portion of RS 5.
Pretty straightforward and should be easy to avoid messing up what those two things have going for them. Shouts though… They need some bumps and tweaks and a little shaking up, but they’re not that bad either