So...Gluttony. How should it be fixed?

So...Gluttony. How should it be fixed?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Drarnor Kunoram.5180

Drarnor Kunoram.5180

Almost everyone here knows that this trait does absolutely nothing right now due to its multiplicative nature. However, if it were additive, certain skills (Locust Swarm, Life Transfer) would become flat-out broken. (6% life force per second per enemy in range for Locust, more for Transfer). There is no way we are meant to be able to hit 30% life force per second over 15 seconds.

So, since neither additive or multiplicative can result in a balanced trait, what would? Clearly life force gain should be part of it.

Dragonbrand |Drarnor Kunoram: Charr Necro
I’m a Geeleiver

So...Gluttony. How should it be fixed?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dakiaris.2798


The best way they could fix it is to make it give 5% life force per utility , 7% per heal and 30% on elite….. Or just a 5% for all of them… That’s all they would need to do so that we have more life force generation.

So...Gluttony. How should it be fixed?

in Necromancer

Posted by: gamefreak.5673


If they want it to stay as a multiplicative way to increase life force as alot of us players think it does, they need to greatly increase the value it gives out. It has been awhile since i tested how many attacks it took for me to fill my LF bar without the trait selected, I did find with the gluttony trait it always took just one less attack to fill the bar up. These tests all used just 1 attack at a time and I never did focus multiple targets to test, but only reducing the number of attacks by 1 in its current state is a very poor design.

I agree that if it worked like a additive value for LF it could be overpowered but right now with it being such a small amount only reducing the number of attacks it takes to fill your LF bar by 1 is just to small to matter to most players and in most fights barely even matters to most players. I know anet is not very good at testing these things out but double or tripling the value might help it actually be a good place to start from.

So...Gluttony. How should it be fixed?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Zedekiel.3021


Being that it’s only an adept minor trait, I feel a 25% multiplicative addition rounded up would be nice, which just averages about 1%LF increase overall, whereas things like Spectral Grasp would get 3%.

So...Gluttony. How should it be fixed?

in Necromancer

Posted by: striker.3704


The best way they could fix it is to make it give 5% life force per utility , 7% per heal and 30% on elite….. Or just a 5% for all of them… That’s all they would need to do so that we have more life force generation.

This is actually a pretty good idea. However the numbers might need to be a bit lower with it being a minor trait and all.

D/S/R necromancer F/A/T elementalist
S/I/F engineer Z/R/D guard

So...Gluttony. How should it be fixed?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Gluttony.2017


I dont need to be fixed :O im fine the way i am. Ps: im a he not an “it”. . .
But anyway, i would re-design it so that kills give more life force. like a 20% life force increase per kill. Or increase the radius so we can get life force from kills that happen further away. would be usefull in wvwvw or something. . .

So...Gluttony. How should it be fixed?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Fynd.4890


Almost everyone here knows that this trait does absolutely nothing right now due to its multiplicative nature. However, if it were additive, certain skills (Locust Swarm, Life Transfer) would become flat-out broken. (6% life force per second per enemy in range for Locust, more for Transfer). There is no way we are meant to be able to hit 30% life force per second over 15 seconds.

So, since neither additive or multiplicative can result in a balanced trait, what would? Clearly life force gain should be part of it.

It’s not even multiplicative right now, it simply doesn’t work at all.

The best change would be to make it additive 1%(include tooltip text that makes it clear that it does NOT stack with Soul Marks [for the sake of balance]) and change Reaper’s Precision to something else so the new Gluttony doesn’t completely supplant it.

That would kill two birds with one stone, as Gluttony has been a long-standing bug and Reaper’s Precision is arguably one of the worst traits in the game.

(edited by Fynd.4890)

So...Gluttony. How should it be fixed?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kardiamond.6952



Last that I heard about gluttony, it was working, but the increase was so small that people thought it didn’t work.

Rotthen (Necro) / Zhyx (Engineer) /Inglorious Beasterd (Ranger)
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]

So...Gluttony. How should it be fixed?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Fynd.4890



Last that I heard about gluttony, it was working, but the increase was so small that people thought it didn’t work.

So...Gluttony. How should it be fixed?

in Necromancer

Posted by: War Mourner.5168

War Mourner.5168

Test it yourself, it does not work at all.

So...Gluttony. How should it be fixed?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Noble.3647


I think the easiest way to fix it is have it give us 1% of Life Force each (1) second. That would be fair & easy to do. Too many weapons give us almost no life force, and when they do it is only when we attack – we need a better way to get it without weapons.

So...Gluttony. How should it be fixed?

in Necromancer

Posted by: JonPeters.5630


Game Design Lead

3 notes

1) it seems to be failing because of a rounding error which we are working on fixing right now.
2) we are buffing it next patch on top of fixing it.
3) carry on.

So...Gluttony. How should it be fixed?

in Necromancer

Posted by: alanis.6094


3 notes

1) it seems to be failing because of a rounding error which we are working on fixing right now.
2) we are buffing it next patch on top of fixing it.
3) carry on.

Thanks for the update! I’m hoping the team realized that 5% is just absurdly small, and 20-25% feels much more appropriate.

Drusilla Ina Alanis
<The Undead Lords>
Since 1994 –

So...Gluttony. How should it be fixed?

in Necromancer

Posted by: striker.3704


3 notes

1) it seems to be failing because of a rounding error which we are working on fixing right now.
2) we are buffing it next patch on top of fixing it.
3) carry on.

Nice, I hope ya’ll figure out why the blood fiend health siphon heal isn’t at it’s proper value soon. In most PvE zones it’s still the pre-buff value. In the lower level zones where it does seem higher, it’s only by about 50% rather than +100% more.

I’m glad to see gluttony get adressed. I’ve always wanted to tinker with a death shroud build since my MM gear works perfectly with it, but I wanted to wait for the tree to be rounded out first.

D/S/R necromancer F/A/T elementalist
S/I/F engineer Z/R/D guard

So...Gluttony. How should it be fixed?

in Necromancer

Posted by: RashanDale.3609


3 notes

1) it seems to be failing because of a rounding error which we are working on fixing right now.
2) we are buffing it next patch on top of fixing it.
3) carry on.

Thanks for the update! I’m hoping the team realized that 5% is just absurdly small, and 20-25% feels much more appropriate.

20%-25% on the other hand would be a must-have for almost every necro. not sure if i want that.

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
Gunnar’s Hold

So...Gluttony. How should it be fixed?

in Necromancer

Posted by: alanis.6094


3 notes

1) it seems to be failing because of a rounding error which we are working on fixing right now.
2) we are buffing it next patch on top of fixing it.
3) carry on.

Thanks for the update! I’m hoping the team realized that 5% is just absurdly small, and 20-25% feels much more appropriate.

20%-25% on the other hand would be a must-have for almost every necro. not sure if i want that.

Necrotic bite would go from 4% to 5%.

FoC would go from 2% to 2.5% per condition.

Necrotic Grasp would go from 3% to 3.75%

…25% is perfectly fine.

Drusilla Ina Alanis
<The Undead Lords>
Since 1994 –

So...Gluttony. How should it be fixed?

in Necromancer

Posted by: striker.3704


3 notes

1) it seems to be failing because of a rounding error which we are working on fixing right now.
2) we are buffing it next patch on top of fixing it.
3) carry on.

Thanks for the update! I’m hoping the team realized that 5% is just absurdly small, and 20-25% feels much more appropriate.

20%-25% on the other hand would be a must-have for almost every necro. not sure if i want that.

Necrotic bite would go from 4% to 5%.

FoC would go from 2% to 2.5% per condition.

Necrotic Grasp would go from 3% to 3.75%

…25% is perfectly fine.

It doesn’t sound like a lot on paper but it adds up quickly. Not to mention at a 5 point investment for 25% faster life force generation is a bit crazy. That’s better than most of our grand master passive traits.

D/S/R necromancer F/A/T elementalist
S/I/F engineer Z/R/D guard

So...Gluttony. How should it be fixed?

in Necromancer

Posted by: alanis.6094


3 notes

1) it seems to be failing because of a rounding error which we are working on fixing right now.
2) we are buffing it next patch on top of fixing it.
3) carry on.

Thanks for the update! I’m hoping the team realized that 5% is just absurdly small, and 20-25% feels much more appropriate.

20%-25% on the other hand would be a must-have for almost every necro. not sure if i want that.

Necrotic bite would go from 4% to 5%.

FoC would go from 2% to 2.5% per condition.

Necrotic Grasp would go from 3% to 3.75%

…25% is perfectly fine.

It doesn’t sound like a lot on paper but it adds up quickly. Not to mention at a 5 point investment for 25% faster life force generation is a bit crazy. That’s better than most of our grand master passive traits.

Just because our GM (and most other traits) are pretty terrible, doesn’t mean this is OP. I can name 6-7 minor traits on my Mesmer that are more powerful than this.

Drusilla Ina Alanis
<The Undead Lords>
Since 1994 –

So...Gluttony. How should it be fixed?

in Necromancer

Posted by: alanis.6094


3 notes

1) it seems to be failing because of a rounding error which we are working on fixing right now.
2) we are buffing it next patch on top of fixing it.
3) carry on.

Thanks for the update! I’m hoping the team realized that 5% is just absurdly small, and 20-25% feels much more appropriate.

20%-25% on the other hand would be a must-have for almost every necro. not sure if i want that.

Necrotic bite would go from 4% to 5%.

FoC would go from 2% to 2.5% per condition.

Necrotic Grasp would go from 3% to 3.75%

…25% is perfectly fine.

It doesn’t sound like a lot on paper but it adds up quickly. Not to mention at a 5 point investment for 25% faster life force generation is a bit crazy. That’s better than most of our grand master passive traits.

Just because our GM (and most other traits) are pretty terrible, doesn’t mean this is OP. I can name 6-7 minor traits on my Mesmer that are more powerful than this.

And to go a bit further— in comparison to my Mesmer, if their traits are a good baseline it wouldn’t be outrageous to have this trait:

“All abilities that inflict conditions recharge 20% faster” as a 5pt minor trait.

Basically, many classes have strong stuff out there — while 25% more LF sounds like a lot, I don’t think its really that much. If it gets buffed to 10%, it is still a very, very weak trait.

Drusilla Ina Alanis
<The Undead Lords>
Since 1994 –

So...Gluttony. How should it be fixed?

in Necromancer

Posted by: striker.3704


3 notes

1) it seems to be failing because of a rounding error which we are working on fixing right now.
2) we are buffing it next patch on top of fixing it.
3) carry on.

Thanks for the update! I’m hoping the team realized that 5% is just absurdly small, and 20-25% feels much more appropriate.

20%-25% on the other hand would be a must-have for almost every necro. not sure if i want that.

Necrotic bite would go from 4% to 5%.

FoC would go from 2% to 2.5% per condition.

Necrotic Grasp would go from 3% to 3.75%

…25% is perfectly fine.

It doesn’t sound like a lot on paper but it adds up quickly. Not to mention at a 5 point investment for 25% faster life force generation is a bit crazy. That’s better than most of our grand master passive traits.

Just because our GM (and most other traits) are pretty terrible, doesn’t mean this is OP. I can name 6-7 minor traits on my Mesmer that are more powerful than this.

And to go a bit further— in comparison to my Mesmer, if their traits are a good baseline it wouldn’t be outrageous to have this trait:

“All abilities that inflict conditions recharge 20% faster” as a 5pt minor trait.

Basically, many classes have strong stuff out there — while 25% more LF sounds like a lot, I don’t think its really that much. If it gets buffed to 10%, it is still a very, very weak trait.

The issue I have with it isn’t that the rest of the skills are under powered. It’s that if this trait becomes THAT much better than everything else it becomes a must have for any necro. I don’t want to see anything become like that for all builds.

25% doesn’t sound like much, but that’s still 25% less time needed to generate life force which could be a big deal.

D/S/R necromancer F/A/T elementalist
S/I/F engineer Z/R/D guard

So...Gluttony. How should it be fixed?

in Necromancer

Posted by: alanis.6094


3 notes

1) it seems to be failing because of a rounding error which we are working on fixing right now.
2) we are buffing it next patch on top of fixing it.
3) carry on.

Thanks for the update! I’m hoping the team realized that 5% is just absurdly small, and 20-25% feels much more appropriate.

20%-25% on the other hand would be a must-have for almost every necro. not sure if i want that.

Necrotic bite would go from 4% to 5%.

FoC would go from 2% to 2.5% per condition.

Necrotic Grasp would go from 3% to 3.75%

…25% is perfectly fine.

It doesn’t sound like a lot on paper but it adds up quickly. Not to mention at a 5 point investment for 25% faster life force generation is a bit crazy. That’s better than most of our grand master passive traits.

Just because our GM (and most other traits) are pretty terrible, doesn’t mean this is OP. I can name 6-7 minor traits on my Mesmer that are more powerful than this.

And to go a bit further— in comparison to my Mesmer, if their traits are a good baseline it wouldn’t be outrageous to have this trait:

“All abilities that inflict conditions recharge 20% faster” as a 5pt minor trait.

Basically, many classes have strong stuff out there — while 25% more LF sounds like a lot, I don’t think its really that much. If it gets buffed to 10%, it is still a very, very weak trait.

The issue I have with it isn’t that the rest of the skills are under powered. It’s that if this trait becomes THAT much better than everything else it becomes a must have for any necro. I don’t want to see anything become like that for all builds.

25% doesn’t sound like much, but that’s still 25% less time needed to generate life force which could be a big deal.

Well I believe some people might go out of the way to take the trait, but I doubt we’d see many people merely have 5 points in SR just for that trait. I personally still wouldn’t be taking it in my builds — not until DS is more useful for non-power builds.

Drusilla Ina Alanis
<The Undead Lords>
Since 1994 –

So...Gluttony. How should it be fixed?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ithir Darkleaf.7923

Ithir Darkleaf.7923

Oh boy… I couldn’t believe my own eyes when I saw this red post in necro forums but evenmore it was for talking about a needed buff. This totally made my day, thank yoy mister J.P.

~ The light of a new day

So...Gluttony. How should it be fixed?

in Necromancer

Posted by: nerva.7940


3 notes

1) it seems to be failing because of a rounding error which we are working on fixing right now.
2) we are buffing it next patch on top of fixing it.
3) carry on.

jon any cool buffs coming up for the siphoning mechanic and MH dagger?

Ikiro – 80 Ranger
Umie – 80 Guardian

(edited by nerva.7940)

So...Gluttony. How should it be fixed?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kill.6973


3 notes

1) it seems to be failing because of a rounding error which we are working on fixing right now.
2) we are buffing it next patch on top of fixing it.
3) carry on.

Jon, please tell me you are adjusting the speed for necrotic grasp (staff #1 skill for those that don’t know) so i can finally return to this game.

It is just slow and boring. Although i don’t like its animation and prefer something like life blast, i care more about its pathetic slow speed.

So...Gluttony. How should it be fixed?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Levian.6742


This is nice to hear, I’m curious about the specifics of the fix+buff though. Hopefully it’ll be in the patch notes

So...Gluttony. How should it be fixed?

in Necromancer

Posted by: RashanDale.3609


3 notes

1) it seems to be failing because of a rounding error which we are working on fixing right now.
2) we are buffing it next patch on top of fixing it.
3) carry on.

Jon, please tell me you are adjusting the speed for necrotic grasp (staff #1 skill for those that don’t know) so i can finally return to this game.

It is just slow and boring. Although i don’t like its animation and prefer something like life blast, i care more about its pathetic slow speed.

how can you not love that black scythe and that hand??

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
Gunnar’s Hold

So...Gluttony. How should it be fixed?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Fynd.4890


3 notes

1) it seems to be failing because of a rounding error which we are working on fixing right now.
2) we are buffing it next patch on top of fixing it.
3) carry on.

Jon, please tell me you are adjusting the speed for necrotic grasp (staff #1 skill for those that don’t know) so i can finally return to this game.

It is just slow and boring. Although i don’t like its animation and prefer something like life blast, i care more about its pathetic slow speed.

As of the October 22nd major update, Necrotic grasp projectile velocity is consistent with Mesmer Scepter projectile and Guardian Scepter projectile.

  • Necrotic Grasp also hits harder than all aforementioned attacks except for the 3rd chain in the Mesmer Scepter.
  • Necrotic Grasp pierces (can hit up to 3 targets with 1 projectile), and has longer than 1200 range (undocumented due to the November 15th patch).

If you still think its speed should be increased, please list here why you think so. Personally, I think Necrotic Grasp is in a good spot(balance-wise), not to mention it’s also a life force builder.

So...Gluttony. How should it be fixed?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kill.6973


how can you not love that black scythe and that hand??

Like i said the life blast animation is x10 better. I think the rate at which it travels turns me off, makes no sense that a hand that is about to slap someone takes so long to travel. The black scythe is awesome though.


Never knew the guardian/mesmers scepter was a burst weapon, hmmm.
Staffs are always suppose to hit harder than a scepter, it is after all a two-handed, not sure i understand what point you are trying to make…?

Want to talk about speed and its balance? Try rolling an ele and checking out its staff skills, observe the speed at which it hits the target then come back about to talk about balance.

Funny you only mentioned mesmer/guardian scepters when i’m indeed talking about staffs.

So...Gluttony. How should it be fixed?

in Necromancer

Posted by: lettucemode.3789


He mentioned the scepters because they are the slowest projectile weapons in the game. In the October update Necrotic Grasp was buffed to be on par with them, so it’s consistent now.

Sanctum of Rall
Builds: Facemelter Watch The Health Bar

So...Gluttony. How should it be fixed?

in Necromancer

Posted by: tehdirtyfivethirty.3507


Hmm, comparing apples and oranges with the whole scepter/staff attack velocity. How about looking at necro staff 1 to mes staff 1, which is easier to avoid? Which is more appealing?

Dare I say, imo, mesmer. Since the ele:nec comparison was made.

As for J.P.‘s leak of the ’buff’ in the next patch — amazing bit of insight we finally hear as to why it was suspected that Gluttony isn’t working. I’ll hold my judgements on this one trait, of many, that need work and synergy. As I see it, those first 5 points into a trait-line are as a cornerstone for one’s spec. Since I primarily run a bunker power ds spamming build I take a full 30 pts into SR (and I did so before SR was adjusted) and if Gluttony see’s a proper fix in the next patch I am sure I will notice it and have an opinion to share.

(edited by Moderator)

So...Gluttony. How should it be fixed?

in Necromancer

Posted by: TheWalkingDead.7298


3 notes

1) it seems to be failing because of a rounding error which we are working on fixing right now.
2) we are buffing it next patch on top of fixing it.
3) carry on.



So...Gluttony. How should it be fixed?

in Necromancer

Posted by: UndeadPriest.8632


3 notes

1) it seems to be failing because of a rounding error which we are working on fixing right now.
2) we are buffing it next patch on top of fixing it.
3) carry on.

Jon, please tell me you are adjusting the speed for necrotic grasp (staff #1 skill for those that don’t know) so i can finally return to this game.

It is just slow and boring. Although i don’t like its animation and prefer something like life blast, i care more about its pathetic slow speed.

As of the October 22nd major update, Necrotic grasp projectile velocity is consistent with Mesmer Scepter projectile and Guardian Scepter projectile.

Reference Please!,  I’ve noticed no perceptible change in projectile speed for Necrotic Grasp, nor is there any mention of this in the Official October 22nd Update Notes

  • Necrotic Grasp also hits harder than all aforementioned attacks except for the 3rd chain in the Mesmer Scepter.
  • Necrotic Grasp pierces (can hit up to 3 targets with 1 projectile), and has longer than 1200 range (undocumented due to the November 15th patch).

I Don’t believe you should be using what is in all likelihood, “a bug” (Undocumented Range Change) as a reason for saying that the skill doesn’t need to be modified,

As far as "Hits 3 Targets, bear in mind that this is a staff auto-attack and should be really be compared with it’s peers
The Staff AutoAttacks “Fireball” & “WaterBlast” for the Elementalist
hits more than 3 targets,
as does “Wave of Wrath” for the guardians (albeit at a range of 600, not 1200)
So hitting multiple targets is not something unique to Necrotic Grasp, which has a maximum of 3 that must be in a line.

If you still think its speed should be increased, please list here why you think so. Personally, I think Necrotic Grasp is in a good spot(balance-wise), not to mention it’s also a life force builder.

Huh? Don’t all Auto-Attacks build Life Force?
Personally, while I think Necrotic Grasp does indeed Feel like it’s too slow, I don’t think it need anything more than a minor tweak at most

Imho I think the more import failure is with the Marks (staff skills 2-5) and their recharges (i.e. your spending most of your time auto-attacking unless you swap weapons)
If the recharges on all the marks was decreased
say by like 30-40% (a very rough estimate) than this would make it so Staff wielding Necromancers were not spending so much time relying on their auto-attack
(Oh, Except Mark of Blood, I think it’s recharge is at a pretty good point where it is.)

It’s nice that Jon Peters decided to grace the Necro forums with his presence again,
maybe he will do so again next month sigh
(My Sarcastic way of saying it would be nice if we got a little more input on what changes they are working on to resolve the current issues with the necromancer, and thus what things they Don’t consider issues) :-P

On a brighter note I’m glad they finally recognize there is a problem with this trait and are actually implementing a fix,
hopefully the fix for the reanimator trait will come along with it.
crosses fingers

So...Gluttony. How should it be fixed?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kill.6973


He mentioned the scepters because they are the slowest projectile weapons in the game. In the October update Necrotic Grasp was buffed to be on par with them, so it’s consistent now.

You have failed to understand, from my previous post, that you should not compare a staff with a scepter….where is the logic in that?

I did a facepalm irl when i read “it’s consistent now” because its on par with a guardian scepter.

So...Gluttony. How should it be fixed?

in Necromancer

Posted by: kKagari.6804


Normally I’d be overjoyed but I’m kinda worried about these bug fixes breaking other stuff. I can already foresee a ’I’m not getting LF at all!’ bug coming after the fix.

“We just don’t want players to grind in GW2” – C. Johanson
“it doesn’t make you spend hours preparing to have fun, rather than having fun”
Guild missions say otherwise.

So...Gluttony. How should it be fixed?

in Necromancer

Posted by: tehdirtyfivethirty.3507


Is anyone else on board with the ‘lets wait til the patch’? Since we got a dev reply on the gluttony topic.

Oh, what do you think the buff will be? I was just stoked to see ‘rounding error’ being fixed but then… a buff? I’m all giddy!

So...Gluttony. How should it be fixed?

in Necromancer

Posted by: digiowl.9620


1) it seems to be failing because of a rounding error which we are working on fixing right now.

Meaning that it is supposed to turn 3% into 3.15% and so on, not 8%.

So...Gluttony. How should it be fixed?

in Necromancer

Posted by: chuiu.4985


I don’t see how it could be a ‘rounding error’. If it was that simple, then Blood is Power would have given 21% life force back before it was changed. But it never did. Its a bug with the trait entirely, not with the rounding.

Still it will be nice to see my skills give me 1.1% or 3.25%, etc. (or however much the new buff will give) Instead of still getting no gain from them at all.

So...Gluttony. How should it be fixed?

in Necromancer

Posted by: tehdirtyfivethirty.3507


Uh, just curious but are these decimal percentages functional like condition duration? as in they get rounded down?

So...Gluttony. How should it be fixed?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Fynd.4890


Reference Please!,  I’ve noticed no perceptible change in projectile speed for Necrotic Grasp, nor is there any mention of this in the Official October 22nd Update Notes

Test it yourself. Go into the mists with a friend on mesmer or guardian and spam 1’s on golems.

I Don’t believe you should be using what is in all likelihood, “a bug” (Undocumented Range Change) as a reason for saying that the skill doesn’t need to be modified,

I listed it for context of advantages that the skill provides. If it exists in-game, I’m going to make him aware of it so his opinion isn’t skewed by ignorance.

As far as "Hits 3 Targets, bear in mind that this is a staff auto-attack and should be really be compared with it’s peers
The Staff AutoAttacks “Fireball” & “WaterBlast” for the Elementalist
hits more than 3 targets,
as does “Wave of Wrath” for the guardians (albeit at a range of 600, not 1200)
So hitting multiple targets is not something unique to Necrotic Grasp, which has a maximum of 3 that must be in a line.

You want necro staff to have direct damage parity with ele staff ? That would be poor design, in my opinion.

Huh? Don’t all Auto-Attacks build Life Force?
Personally, while I think Necrotic Grasp does indeed Feel like it’s too slow, I don’t think it need anything more than a minor tweak at most

Scepter auto attack doesn’t build life force, neither does axe auto attack. Care explaining what “a minor tweak at most” is ? The devs read these forums for design suggestions, all ideas help.

So...Gluttony. How should it be fixed?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Fynd.4890


1) it seems to be failing because of a rounding error which we are working on fixing right now.

Meaning that it is supposed to turn 3% into 3.15% and so on, not 8%.

What he means by rounding error is Death Shroud being rounded to full percents, so 5% multiplied to a small percent, e.g. 3% from Soul Marks would just get rounded down out of existence.

  1. Mark triggers, grants 3% life force, gluttony applies
  2. Multiplicative step: 3% * 5% = .03 * 1.05 = .0315
  3. Rounding step: 3.15% < 3.5% = 3% (no bonus life force from gluttony)

So...Gluttony. How should it be fixed?

in Necromancer

Posted by: TheWalkingDead.7298


3 notes

1) it seems to be failing because of a rounding error which we are working on fixing right now.
2) we are buffing it next patch on top of fixing it.
3) carry on.

Jon, please tell me you are adjusting the speed for necrotic grasp (staff #1 skill for those that don’t know) so i can finally return to this game.

It is just slow and boring. Although i don’t like its animation and prefer something like life blast, i care more about its pathetic slow speed.

As of the October 22nd major update, Necrotic grasp projectile velocity is consistent with Mesmer Scepter projectile and Guardian Scepter projectile.

  • Necrotic Grasp also hits harder than all aforementioned attacks except for the 3rd chain in the Mesmer Scepter.
  • Necrotic Grasp pierces (can hit up to 3 targets with 1 projectile), and has longer than 1200 range (undocumented due to the November 15th patch).

If you still think its speed should be increased, please list here why you think so. Personally, I think Necrotic Grasp is in a good spot(balance-wise), not to mention it’s also a life force builder.

First of all, i’m fairly certain it was spectral grasp that got the speed buff and nothing was given to necrotic grasp. Secondly you are comparing a TWO HAND weapon damage to a SINGLE hand weapon damage. Staff auto attack should be considerably stronger then a scepter auto attack of any profession.

So...Gluttony. How should it be fixed?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Fynd.4890


He mentioned the scepters because they are the slowest projectile weapons in the game. In the October update Necrotic Grasp was buffed to be on par with them, so it’s consistent now.

You have failed to understand, from my previous post, that you should not compare a staff with a scepter….where is the logic in that?

I did a facepalm irl when i read “it’s consistent now” because its on par with a guardian scepter.

You mentioned slow projectile speed, so I compared the projectile speed with the other 2 slowest auto-attack projectiles in the game. If you want all staves to be created equal, then just say that you want necro projectile to be the same speed as elementalists’ fireball on staff. If you’re going to voice your displeasure with something and desire improvement, at least provide an example of a solution you’d like to see.

So...Gluttony. How should it be fixed?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Fynd.4890


First of all, i’m fairly certain it was spectral grasp that got the speed buff and nothing was given to necrotic grasp. Secondly you are comparing a TWO HAND weapon damage to a SINGLE hand weapon damage. Staff auto attack should be considerably stronger then a scepter auto attack of any profession.

What’s your logic for a staff auto attack being considerably stronger than a scepter auto attack ?

I can understand being stronger than the auto attack of a scepter with equal range (guardian scepter is 1200 range, also), but I fail to feel the same about mesmer scepter which is 900 range.

So...Gluttony. How should it be fixed?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Crion.8465


How about…

Gluttony: Generate an additional 1% Life Force with all weapon attacks.

It would then add an additional 1% LF generation to skills that generate LF, but also add a 1% LF generation to any skills that don’t generate it.
Just an idea.

So...Gluttony. How should it be fixed?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kill.6973


@ Fynd

I’m pretty sure Jon Peters knows what other classes staves auto attack speed is at. It is pretty obvious how bad necrotic grasp is, and needs no further explanation.

Where you serious about the “logic” for a staff auto attack being stronger than the scepter? In that case a sword should be in par with a greatsword or hammer when dealing damage. Get real, there is no argument there.

p.s – Forgot to mention but your facts are completely wrong. They changed spectral grasp…not necrotic gasp. So even if i did not mention in my first post, what you said about the speed with the 2 slowest auto-attack projectiles in the game is false.

So...Gluttony. How should it be fixed?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Fynd.4890


@ Fynd

I’m pretty sure Jon Peters knows what other classes staves auto attack speed is at. It is pretty obvious how bad necrotic grasp is, and needs no further explanation.

Where you serious about the “logic” for a staff auto attack being stronger than the scepter? In that case a sword should be in par with a greatsword or hammer when dealing damage. Get real, there is no argument there.

p.s – Forgot to mention but your facts are completely wrong. They changed spectral grasp…not necrotic gasp. So even if i did not mention in my first post, what you said about the speed with the 2 slowest auto-attack projectiles in the game is false.

For a warrior, compare axe auto attack to greatword auto attack – the axe is better DPS. Mace auto attack hits harder than greatsword auto attack.

If you played the game before the November 15th patch, then logged in on the 15th, you would notice that Necrotic Grasp velocity was changed along with the scepter speeds and not documented like they were.

(edited by Fynd.4890)

So...Gluttony. How should it be fixed?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kill.6973


If you played the game before the November 15th patch, then logged in on the 15th, you would notice that Necrotic Grasp velocity was changed along with the scepter speeds and not documented like they were.

Never happened without ANET confirmation. Even if they so called changed it, it is still one of the slowest auto attack in the game….there is no point for the “change” because it is pretty bad.

I think you are confusing between the speed and the range. Range increase? Perhaps.
The speed at which it travels, same old.

So...Gluttony. How should it be fixed?

in Necromancer

Posted by: XiL.4318


@ Fynd

I’m pretty sure Jon Peters knows what other classes staves auto attack speed is at. It is pretty obvious how bad necrotic grasp is, and needs no further explanation.

Where you serious about the “logic” for a staff auto attack being stronger than the scepter? In that case a sword should be in par with a greatsword or hammer when dealing damage. Get real, there is no argument there.

p.s – Forgot to mention but your facts are completely wrong. They changed spectral grasp…not necrotic gasp. So even if i did not mention in my first post, what you said about the speed with the 2 slowest auto-attack projectiles in the game is false.

Actually all weapon choices should be balanced to offer the same benefit to any desired play-style. So there is a very reasonable argument.

Also staff auto attack can be completely avoided 100% of the time by anyone paying attention to the Necro, and about 90% of the time by anyone not paying attention, yet still mobile. Staff 1 is consistently avoided 75% of the time by AFK players, players attempting to rez allies, and a shocking 30% of the time by those downed…stationary…HOW THE HELL DID IT MISS… targets.

The exception to these observations being the AFK player, also downed, with no allies to assist, and the Necro completely stationary, Staff 1 hit 100% of the time… every time.

So pointing out exaggerations of any kind is pee in the ocean.

So...Gluttony. How should it be fixed?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Fynd.4890


If you played the game before the November 15th patch, then logged in on the 15th, you would notice that Necrotic Grasp velocity was changed along with the scepter speeds and not documented like they were.

Never happened without ANET confirmation. Even if they so called changed it, it is still one of the slowest auto attack in the game….there is no point for the “change” because it is pretty bad.

I think you are confusing between the speed and the range. Range increase? Perhaps.
The speed at which it travels, same old.

I’m done repeating myself. Enjoy your journeys in Azeroth.

So...Gluttony. How should it be fixed?

in Necromancer

Posted by: lettucemode.3789


Kill, you’re wrong on this one. Necrotic grasp velocity was buffed to be equal to the other two slow-projectile-speed weapons in the game, guardian and mesmer scepter, that’s why Fynd mentioned them. Anet changed both Necrotic Grasp and Spectral Grasp by buffing their speed. I’ve played with staff both before and after the November patch and noticed the speed change, just like Fynd. Nothing else to say, those are the facts. If you still think the speed is bad that is another issue altogether.

Sanctum of Rall
Builds: Facemelter Watch The Health Bar