So I want to learn to play
What is your current build?
- Traits
- Armor & Trinkets
- Runes & Sigils
- Weapons
What is your current build?
- Traits
- Armor & Trinkets
- Runes & Sigils
- Weapons
Full exotic Rabid armor; Exotic accessories; Pink back, amulet and rings
Undead runes
exotic S/D are earth & Accuracy; Staff is rare with major corruption.
Gear and weapons sound good.
I’m assuming your crit chance is good (over 45%)?
What specific traits are you using and what utility skills?
Back when my necro was my main I could tank real easy it was a well o mancer and had my traits somet hing like 30 death magic 30 blood magic and 10 in the last traitline. Anyhoo, the way I tanked was based off of the amount of enemies on me. The more the better due to everytime I hurt them I healed a lil bit weapons were d/d and staff. Its been awhile sense I have played him so that’s all I can remember right now. The nec I played could keep aggro better then a guard or war not sure why but it worked real well when my grp were all clothies
I play very similar to you. You already said you use CC and DS as much as possible and that is very good. I would suggest you use plague and set the 2nd skill to auto-attack. It gives you a massive hp boost and you can permablind foes as long as the elite is active.
Trait and utility isn’t always the same. I change depends on content. Sometimes I need blind, conditional removal, or just more dmg.
I think my biggest problem playing necro is the lack of mobility skills like leap or endurance buff. Often feel like being chased by tons of mobs.
And thanks for the auto #2 tip. I’d definitely try that. It’d be much more useful for staying alive.
Useful thread… I just made a necro a few days ago to play something other than my guard. I keep dying. lol it’s quite a change from being on the front line.
Trait and utility isn’t always the same. I change depends on content. Sometimes I need blind, conditional removal, or just more dmg.
I think my biggest problem playing necro is the lack of mobility skills like leap or endurance buff. Often feel like being chased by tons of mobs.
And thanks for the auto #2 tip. I’d definitely try that. It’d be much more useful for staying alive.
Well, its difficult to make suggestions if you aren’t going to include your actual traits and utilities, because they define so much of your build’s capabilities and weaknesses.
As for the Plague elite, by default all three skills are essentially “auto-attack” once you hit a skill once. You don’t need to keeping hitting the button repeatedly. See Notes section:
A few notes, positioning as a necro is quite important, try to hold onto a location that will let you do both dodging back into a quite safe location (into 900+ range for staff) and a easy Dark Path, dodge trough the boss and into a doom behind you (to around 600 range on the opposite side of the boss).
Using Life transfer when ds is almost out might save your life from time to time since it actually heals you for a bit.
On the aggro side, unless you go for PVT or Cleric/Shammy gear you cannot hold the pressure, you need to kite or you die. If you have Epidemic on your bar (what you should most of the time or BiP in case of bosses) use it just before casting consume conditions, i know its kinda a given but people tend to forget it in the heat of battle and its a easy additional 700 hp.
Specific trait is
20% bleeding, corruption skill cd, scepter condition
Well protection, greater mark
Dagger skill cd, and I really don’t remember that one. Well cd maybe?
Utility really changes from time to time. In dredge fractal of coz no blind well, but Ascalon I may. And sometimes I bring golem because of more dmg but some harder areas I bring plague. But epidemic is almost there 90 percent of the time.
@andele, do you recommend well heal or consume? I like having protection and support for teammate but I know consume sync well with bip and epidemic and cpc.
Do not use DS just to absorb hits. It is a weapon on a timer. Lead with it. Use DS to port to your opponent, inflict chill and AoE, channel LF, Fear, then exit and curse the snot out of everyone before laying on the damage.
While many think of DS as a second health bar, the best use it a bit like Thief’s Initiative. Build it up, watch the CD, then burn it on a face-melting invulnerable attack. Exit, wait for CD, and so on.
Despite how good WoB is, id say every necro should have CC as his heal (again made twice as good with corruption skills because of the heal bonus) if doing anything solo, however if you have friends/pre made team/random guys from guild you know and are on mumble go for WoB.
Do not use DS just to absorb hits. It is a weapon on a timer. Lead with it. Use DS to port to your opponent, inflict chill and AoE, channel LF, Fear, then exit and curse the snot out of everyone before laying on the damage.
While many think of DS as a second health bar, the best use it a bit like Thief’s Initiative. Build it up, watch the CD, then burn it on a face-melting invulnerable attack. Exit, wait for CD, and so on.
interesting concept.
let me pose a question.
would the thief be more powerful if they could lose initiative from damage?
it would be a way of soaking up damage for the thief, call it a shroud something…
perhaps Misdemeanor Shroud or something like that.
now wouldn’t that make the thief just over the top OP?
Do not use DS just to absorb hits. It is a weapon on a timer. Lead with it. Use DS to port to your opponent, inflict chill and AoE, channel LF, Fear, then exit and curse the snot out of everyone before laying on the damage.
While many think of DS as a second health bar, the best use it a bit like Thief’s Initiative. Build it up, watch the CD, then burn it on a face-melting invulnerable attack. Exit, wait for CD, and so on.
interesting concept.
let me pose a question.
would the thief be more powerful if they could lose initiative from damage?
it would be a way of soaking up damage for the thief, call it a shroud something…
perhaps Misdemeanor Shroud or something like that.
now wouldn’t that make the thief just over the top OP?
IF thief has that ^, they will be a totally uber version of a necro (not that they are not already arguably). Might as well remove necromancer profession from the game.
Do not use DS just to absorb hits. It is a weapon on a timer. Lead with it. Use DS to port to your opponent, inflict chill and AoE, channel LF, Fear, then exit and curse the snot out of everyone before laying on the damage.
While many think of DS as a second health bar, the best use it a bit like Thief’s Initiative. Build it up, watch the CD, then burn it on a face-melting invulnerable attack. Exit, wait for CD, and so on.
interesting concept.
let me pose a question.
would the thief be more powerful if they could lose initiative from damage?
it would be a way of soaking up damage for the thief, call it a shroud something…
perhaps Misdemeanor Shroud or something like that.
now wouldn’t that make the thief just over the top OP?
IF thief has that ^, they will be a totally uber version of a necro (not that they are not already arguably). Might as well remove necromancer profession from the game.
and that is what you would think at first but it would actually kitten them really badly
in the same way it gimps DS
incoming damage takes away your damage potential in DS, it almost forces you to use fear immediately to make sure the opponent doesn’t burst your burst first.
if thieves could have their initiative damaged away they would be so kitten it would ridiculous.
Oh, yes. DS has several weaknesses built in to keep it from being OP. First, LF drains without even doing anything so it has a maximum duration. Second, it can be lost by taking damage and third, perhaps most importantly, it replaces the skill bar with a handful of other skills. Imagine if a Thief could only use Stab, Shadow Step, Haste, and Twisting Fangs while in a shroud meant to augment their low HP with a very temporary invulnerability. And, they would need to lose a bunch of mobility skills because now they have an OP “shroud mode.” Thieves would be so nerfed for that bit of tankiness the shroud would give.
DS is meant to be Necromancer’s limited invulnerability skill. It was much stronger in early beta and was subsequently nerfed to keep the job from being OP. Personally, I am convinced its primary purpose is for attack, rather than as a second health bar; not that it should not be used to soak up 100b if I miss a dodge and end up face-tanking. Consider that it has the only gap-closing skill Necromancer gets on land, a couple of pretty powerful attacks, and a Fear. If DS was meant to be an escape utility, the dev’s must have been smoking something awesome.
(edited by Anchoku.8142)
Thank you for all the reply. I just watched the Zogyark’s lupi solo and his use of DS as a dodge/gap closer amazed me. I never used it that way because I thought of necro as a mage/range class and why would I need a gap closer, but wow.