So made a mesmer...

So made a mesmer...

in Necromancer

Posted by: jportell.2197



there is no point arguing against them. Many Necros do not understand the deficiency with other classes condition removal. Many of them dont seem to play other classes to see why necros are viewed OP.

“Deficiency” is a strong word. Conditions arent supposed to be removed too easily, else whats the point. However necros are exceptionally strong at it, conditions are our toys more than anything.

Mind you every alt I play has several means to remove conditions, but thats how I roll. And yea theres always melandrus + lemongrass if you are really stuck and dont mind losing a bunch of dps in your build.

See that’s what is messed up about the situation mesmers have to choose either or. Most classes (even warriors lol) can choose both. I would say a good start to helping mesmers with condi removal is to get it in our heal skill.

Also the amount of condition application vs. removal is what bugs me (and others.) The ease of application vs the ease of removal is beyond unbalanced. Right now if teams want to have a competitive edge they need to have the best condition spamming vs. the enemy. That is what I really don’t like at all.

Johnny The Gray
GASM’s Bunker Mesmer

So made a mesmer...

in Necromancer

Posted by: Xom.9264


Also the amount of condition application vs. removal is what bugs me (and others.) The ease of application vs the ease of removal is beyond unbalanced. Right now if teams want to have a competitive edge they need to have the best condition spamming vs. the enemy. That is what I really don’t like at all.

If there is too much removal the result is condition builds do no damage, as it is now if a person brings a fair amount of removal they counter condi builds kind of hard, where necros cant do the same to counter direct damage as hard. A team needs balance of direct damage and condi as it should be and its not even equal atm there are still more DD centered teams then condi cleave teams.

When condition cleave teams become then norm then we can talk about it, right now only some euro teams condi cleave.

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

So made a mesmer...

in Necromancer

Posted by: jportell.2197


Only some did you not see how TP steamrolled through all opposition because of 2 necros (they said so) with absolutely no bunker that should be a huge hint hint also the trams they faced generally had a bunker guard/ele both of which have some of the best Condi removal in the game… Condition cleave is the meta right now mate its sad but true.

Johnny The Gray
GASM’s Bunker Mesmer

So made a mesmer...

in Necromancer

Posted by: HiSaZuL.2843



there is no point arguing against them. Many Necros do not understand the deficiency with other classes condition removal. Many of them dont seem to play other classes to see why necros are viewed OP.

“Deficiency” is a strong word. Conditions arent supposed to be removed too easily, else whats the point. However necros are exceptionally strong at it, conditions are our toys more than anything.

Mind you every alt I play has several means to remove conditions, but thats how I roll. And yea theres always melandrus + lemongrass if you are really stuck and dont mind losing a bunch of dps in your build.

That takes a brain to process. When people spew crap like syphoning gives you massive heals. And minion condition removal is OP.(you kill your only source of damage… sounds pretty OP to me).
It doesn’t matter how you present things, what you compare them to, what kind of logical train thought you make. There will always be a reason why mesmers need buffs and everyone who says they don’t needs to get nerfed.
Conditions in this game are just plain trakittens a gimmick mechanic akittens core. In wvw I don’t even use consume… because there is 20 guardians that will instantly cleanse everything and anything from me w/o me saying a word.
Next argument will be ranger pets are so OP illusions and phantasms should do more damage and have more abilities. Because clearly its not fair.

Fun fact. Not a single necro said nerf > insert what ever here <
Everybody and their grandmother screams nerf necros because they got a 4 second burn that needs 30 trait points in a wrong tree. Why is that? High horse syndrome?

(edited by HiSaZuL.2843)

So made a mesmer...

in Necromancer

Posted by: Veltoss.9135


Stop over-simplifying everything. You cannot take a trait from one class, compare it to another class, and use that to argue balance. The two classes are very different and balanced in different ways. I’m not saying they’re both equal or balanced well, but using an argument like this is a joke.


So made a mesmer...

in Necromancer

Posted by: Andele.1306


Remember when i said that you could be a better person to discuss with than the OP? Well, you are even worst.
If by “boon strip and a weak vuln” you mean dazzling and shattered concentration the situation is just bad. Dazzling together with diversion is the base to land huge bursts because its an easy access to 25 vulnerability. Also, Shattered concentration (i talk about this because you quoted it but there are also nice traits) is arguably the best way to deal with boons-based foes when you play shatter (sword chain and clones arent so reliable).
Therefore, you call us stupid because you know, we obviously dont play a mesmer while YOU DO.
Duelist is not “the only exception” in terms of recharge, it is if in your already short career of mesmer you only played pistol OH.
First you say that we should shatter phantasms after their attack, then you claim that retal is nice. Should i shatter after their attack or when they almost have 1 hp left?
That 5 seconds are short enough to disappear before they can even think to die or receive damage in some situations while in others they die quickly. You must live in a beatiful world if you think that mesmer’s illusions always work like “let the phantasm attack, yes now that stupid guy is killing him and deals with retaliatation, well now that the phantasm have 10 hp i can shatter”.
Well you are failing. Do yourself a pleasure and stop posting (or avoid insults at least).

Stating the obvious=/= insulting.
First of all, Phantasams have a set cooldown on their attacks, in all cases except duelist, the cooldown on the weapon (to summon a fresh one) or the recharge time of the attack on the phantasam isnt worth keeping them around (so you shatter, what synergizes with the retal since no attack except wardens takes longer than 3 seconds).

For boon strip again i point to NF and AT since all mesmer skills have dual usage.

When life gives you lemon, ask if its from a anime or manga.

So made a mesmer...

in Necromancer

Posted by: Avigrus.2871


Yeah, Mesmers are crazy… run in wreck things up and then stealth/blink away without a problem.

80 Necro (5), 80 Guard (4), 80 Mesmer (3)
80 Ranger (3), 80 Warrior (3), 80 Thief (3)
80 Ele (2), 80 Engi (3), 80 Rev (2)

So made a mesmer...

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kravick.4906


Only some did you not see how TP steamrolled through all opposition because of 2 necros (they said so) with absolutely no bunker that should be a huge hint hint also the trams they faced generally had a bunker guard/ele both of which have some of the best Condi removal in the game… Condition cleave is the meta right now mate its sad but true.

So one team does it and suddenly its now “The Meta”? Yeah, no, I’m not buying it. I still run into way more power/burst/bunker teams than I am teams that focus on conditions.

Stuff goes here.

So made a mesmer...

in Necromancer

Posted by: jportell.2197


Only some did you not see how TP steamrolled through all opposition because of 2 necros (they said so) with absolutely no bunker that should be a huge hint hint also the trams they faced generally had a bunker guard/ele both of which have some of the best Condi removal in the game… Condition cleave is the meta right now mate its sad but true.

So one team does it and suddenly its now “The Meta”? Yeah, no, I’m not buying it. I still run into way more power/burst/bunker teams than I am teams that focus on conditions.

Maybe this thread will show you more than its just “one team”

Johnny The Gray
GASM’s Bunker Mesmer

So made a mesmer...

in Necromancer

Posted by: Elidath.5679


Stating the obvious=/= insulting.
First of all, Phantasams have a set cooldown on their attacks, in all cases except duelist, the cooldown on the weapon (to summon a fresh one) or the recharge time of the attack on the phantasam isnt worth keeping them around (so you shatter, what synergizes with the retal since no attack except wardens takes longer than 3 seconds).

You might want to check your facts again before “stating the obvious”.
- iBerserker : summoning CD 20s ; attack CD 5.5s ;
- iDuellist : summoning CD 20s ; attack CD 5.4s ;
- iWarlock : summoning CD 18s ; attack CD 5.5s ;
- iSwordman : summoning CD 20s ; attack CD 3s ;
- iDefender : summoning CD 30s ; attack CD kitten ;
Shattering them is a waste of about 4 to 6 attacks, and shattering at the end of the retaliation mean just before the next attack. The opposite of optimisation. Plus, the iDefender wasn’t mean to be shatter at all, and to gain a lot from retaliation. So yeah, the retaliation on phantasm has been nerfed hard and wide.

@HiSaZul : did you notice you still fail to make any point with your post ? It isn’t any clearer what you do want, and how is mesmer linked in any way.
Plus, please don’t use straw man argument. No mesmer here asked for buff of their strong points (that would be silly), nor do they claimed you asked for nerf for mesmer (my grippe being you didn’t ask anything clearly while implying mesmers where at fault of… dunno what). So here you are, asking for others to come down from your own high horse.
Last, but not least :
“Everybody and their grandmother screams nerf necros because they got a 4 second burn that needs 30 trait points in a wrong tree.” But apparently mesmers have it easy because of a trait for a crappy weapon and a meh heal. Can you spot the irony ? Can you imagine why some people might think you are being unjust in your comparisons ?
Imho Necro aren’t OP, but what you quoted about mesmer isn’t either (in fact it is quite the opposite).

So made a mesmer...

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kravick.4906


Only some did you not see how TP steamrolled through all opposition because of 2 necros (they said so) with absolutely no bunker that should be a huge hint hint also the trams they faced generally had a bunker guard/ele both of which have some of the best Condi removal in the game… Condition cleave is the meta right now mate its sad but true.

So one team does it and suddenly its now “The Meta”? Yeah, no, I’m not buying it. I still run into way more power/burst/bunker teams than I am teams that focus on conditions.

Maybe this thread will show you more than its just “one team”

Yeah, I’ve seen that thread. Its just more whining and doesn’t really prove anything.

Stuff goes here.

So made a mesmer...

in Necromancer

Posted by: Druitt.7629



there is no point arguing against them. Many Necros do not understand the deficiency with other classes condition removal. Many of them dont seem to play other classes to see why necros are viewed OP.

Necros OP? Riiight. You’re as ignorant of Necros as you claim they are of other professions. On top of which you’re talking only about 1v1 situations. In group-on-group situations with at least a minimal amount of organization, condition removal is pretty much continuous and automatic.