Spectral Wall Change Idea
Give me the wall of fear in all its glory.
Mesmers get mass invis, elementalists get mass stuns, guardians get two knockback walls. Now is our time to shine.
Give me the wall of fear in all its glory.
Mesmers get mass invis, elementalists get mass stuns, guardians get two knockback walls. Now is our time to shine.
Lol xD
The nemesis terror wvw build became even more powerfull . And you can get 100% fear duration which means 2 sec of fear x.x
I’ll take wall of fear WITH vulnerability. Even if it’s just 5 stacks per pass instead of 10. Not one or the other. The detonate idea sounds pretty cool though, maybe an AoE chill when you blast it or something.
I said it before ill say it again, the walls are clunky, make it a fissure like blast (same indicator as warrior whirlwind) or a dome around the necro.