Stop Building Your Necros Wrong [Conditions]

Stop Building Your Necros Wrong [Conditions]

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ruufio.1496


I see a lot of people complaining about trait attributes and traits that increase direct damage in the condition line.

Just wanted to get this out there – Stop going all out conditions when making a condition build.

Rune of the Undead, Bleed duration to the max, 1400 condition damage and whatever else. You’re building wrong. Don’t know if anyone has actually noticed but scepter attacks do direct damage as well, as do all of your skills, which can all crit and do 150% more damage.

Feast of Corruption – Strike your target, dealing additional damage and gaining life force for each condition on them. Can easily crit for 1500 being a hybrid. 10s cooldown.

Life Blast – Blast a foe with accumulated life force, dealing more damage the more life force you have.

Barbed PrecisionCritical hits have a 66% chance to cause bleeding.

Target the Weak2% increased damage for each condition on a foe.

*Might is a boon which increases power and condition damage *

The key is hybrid.
None of your skills should be useless, including Life Blast. If your Life Blast does at least as much damage as your Scepter #1s total damage output when at ~75% or more life force, then you have built correctly.

There are things wrong with Necromancers obviously, but building wrong isn’t one of them.

(edited by Ruufio.1496)

Stop Building Your Necros Wrong [Conditions]

in Necromancer

Posted by: LeetKony.5627


Sounds counterintuitive to NOT max conditions in a condition build, but agree that there are certain traits/aspects that you can forgo (for example, I thought the 33% increase of scepter conditions was GREAT…but you look at it…you extend cripple/bleed for an extra second or two…there may be other more useful traits)

People will prob laugh but at 80, with full gear/weap/trinkets (no food buffs), I’m around

1750 Power
1500 Prec
1250 Vit
1250 Tough
1400 Condition Dmg (can be buffed to 2000 when I use tuning crystal and then BiP for the 10 stacks of might)

Maybe my build makes sense, maybe it doesnt. But it works for me (as in I do fairly well in PvE /dungeons/Plinx runs tagging). I dont do the most ‘burst’ damage, but also Im not constantly dying (bc Im rarely melee range) .. I am able to consitently apply condition after condition so i kill things OVER TIME.

Stop Building Your Necros Wrong [Conditions]

in Necromancer

Posted by: Amityel.5324


try it in pvp and tell me then

Stop Building Your Necros Wrong [Conditions]

in Necromancer

Posted by: LeetKony.5627


try it in pvp and tell me then

Haha I’m assuming you’re talking abt my super low Vit/Tough. Ya for PvP it’s a different animal..

I go trait in Prec 20/Tough 30/Soul Reap 20 — def can’t treat PvE v PvP!

Stop Building Your Necros Wrong [Conditions]

in Necromancer

Posted by: Aga.8641


For PvE running a hybrid build is better, so you can tag mobs easier. But in PvP condi with survivability is better, however I have ran with 20/20/20/10/0 before and it works ok.

Stop Building Your Necros Wrong [Conditions]

in Necromancer

Posted by: boneduste.4023


I think not maxing out condition in a condition build is a mistake. If you are looking to discuss the merits of a hybrid build vs a condition build, that’s another story.

Stop Building Your Necros Wrong [Conditions]

in Necromancer

Posted by: Recycle.5493


Idk, all out condition build hits pretty hard when you know what you’re doing.

Stop Building Your Necros Wrong [Conditions]

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sera.9750


I think its kinda a apples to oranges comparison as a hybrid ( as the name implies ) is a hybrid of two existing set-ups ( conditions + something else ).

In this case I would think the argument would be between a sustained Bleeder build with BiP, Lingering curse, Hemophilia,etc….and a more debilitator form not specing in one specific area.

I would agree that a hybrid ( the case above ) would be more suited for PvE; not just for tagging mobs…but simply being more multiversitile. For PvP I would believe a strong build geared in one area would be better…would be silly to be simply marginal on two fronts and accel at nothing in particular.

It’s all subjective opinion however and comes down more to preference. I would just say…when you find something that works in one area..your gonna tend to stick to it as its probably good in X area for a reason.

Stop Building Your Necros Wrong [Conditions]

in Necromancer

Posted by: Berullos.6928


@ Recycle. Thats a power build.

And yes, this is why I think hybrid (power/condition) is the best for a necro. You can’t go full conditions, but you can’t go full power either without something being kittened.

And as vitality scales the bets with life force/conditions/self inflicted conditions and the large health pool to somewhat make up for the life siphon being terrible. So the life siphon will always benefit you somehow.

The best ammy IMO for a necro is Carrion.

Stop Building Your Necros Wrong [Conditions]

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ruufio.1496


Strange that some of you say hybrid for PvE and not PvP. I haven’t done diddly squat in PvE only being level 20. In my opinion, hybrid is the way to go in PvP because of all of the condition removal, which isn’t going to be going away in any meta situation.

I agree that Carrion is the best for Necro as well. The only issue I’ve found is trying to get toughness built up because the toughness traits suck so bad that I refuse to use that line… blegh.

Stop Building Your Necros Wrong [Conditions]

in Necromancer

Posted by: Berullos.6928


Strange that some of you say hybrid for PvE and not PvP. I haven’t done diddly squat in PvE only being level 20. In my opinion, hybrid is the way to go in PvP because of all of the condition removal, which isn’t going to be going away in any meta situation.

I agree that Carrion is the best for Necro as well. The only issue I’ve found is trying to get toughness built up because the toughness traits suck so bad that I refuse to use that line… blegh.

Toughness traits are one of the best for necro imo. They arent useless like other trait lines, and it contains the staff CD and bigger marks. Problem is I almost feel forced to take them.

Stop Building Your Necros Wrong [Conditions]

in Necromancer

Posted by: boneduste.4023


I think toughness is great. I am a strict condition build necro (30/30/0/10) and have Prec/Tough/Cond armor (svanir) and I last quite a while. The key to a necro is not only how you build them, but how you use what you have. For instance, BiP gives you a stack of 10 might for 12s. If the enemy is closing I hit them with that, then go DS and hit them with Life Transfer which increases dmg (up to 2k a hit for 2-3 of the last hits), which not only does nice dmg, but keeps my life up, which I then use to hit them a few more times or simply use the extra life force as health. I can then dump out of that and into plague form (blind) and kite them a little longer. When I come out of Plague I can hit them with the usual scepter/dagger combos.

This is just an example of how to use all of the necro abilities together, not just one or two. I don’t think the necro has any single ‘killer’ ability, but use them together in what you might call “extended combos” and you can be a force on the field.

Stop Building Your Necros Wrong [Conditions]

in Necromancer

Posted by: kKagari.6804


Life Blast is a waste of time in sPvP IMO. You want to save your LF for hairier moments and react to bursts rather than sit back and gather some might. Especially since BiP gives you 10 stacks of might easily and goes well with a condi build.

TBH, the +50% damage while downed trait is not bad.

“We just don’t want players to grind in GW2” – C. Johanson
“it doesn’t make you spend hours preparing to have fun, rather than having fun”
Guild missions say otherwise.

Stop Building Your Necros Wrong [Conditions]

in Necromancer

Posted by: Blood Red Arachnid.2493

Blood Red Arachnid.2493

The best I’ve manged to get out of a condition damage build was just from taking traits that extended bleed duration and putting that on top of my power minion master build. Doing that made the scepter do a bit more damage than the axe. However, I had to nerf my dagger damage and loose a few more traits to get bleed damage up, and after all that the extra damage didn’t beat out the usefulness of the axe. In the end, the axe’s vulnerability, life force generating abilities, and retalation works better for a minion master.

I don’t have opinions. I only have facts I can’t adequately prove.

Stop Building Your Necros Wrong [Conditions]

in Necromancer

Posted by: Xom.9264


I find pure conditions builds to be less then optimal. A little power in a condition build gives you better returns (traits force it actually).

The real issue is Spvp and Tpvp you can not get optimal condition damage and power for a hybrid build, due to limited choices in amulets. As you should know amulets are how you get stats in spvp and tpvp. Have to question your bold statement that necros dont know how to build here… really starting to get sick of you WvW/PvE heros spouting off idiocy without any real understanding of Spvp and Tpvp class balance.

So that in mind, the necros condition trait line is bad. (or gear choice in spvp/tpvp is too limited) Look at it how you want but other classes do not have these issues as badly as necros do.

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

(edited by Xom.9264)

Stop Building Your Necros Wrong [Conditions]

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sparda.9750


men, when u play a non condi build, using BiP make u KO.. or u heal urself or, generally, u haven’t something to heal conditions ( in utilities u have wells and other, weapons, just 4° staff)..
and life blast when u start with high LF is decent.. 2k damages for hit… liche form hit hard, 3.5k, 4k
if u go full condi build, sometimes is not optimal choice and is true, but our power build sux.. we have only one way to give fury, we haven’t berserker and we have might just for BiP or life blast, and BiP is problematic

Stop Building Your Necros Wrong [Conditions]

in Necromancer

Posted by: Savan.8495


I think not maxing out condition in a condition build is a mistake. If you are looking to discuss the merits of a hybrid build vs a condition build, that’s another story.

Sorry for the repost

Conditionmancer PvE/WvW dps spec

Consensus Build:
Variations: 10/30/20/10/0 (with blast finisher), 20/30/10/0/20 (with soul reaping/unyielding blast), 30/30/10/0/0 (with well of corruption) or 0/30/30/10/0 (with focussing crystal for maximum cond. dmg at the expense of other traits)

Gear: 5x Rabid – Dungeon: TA, Arah, HotW/Trading post: Khilbron’s/Karma: Orr karma vendor 42k

Accessories: 3 x Rampager 2 x Carrion, Rampager back (any gem) – provides 50% crit

Weapons: MH Rabid scepter, OH Rabid dagger (e.g. Malfectyrm(sp)), Rabid staff

1) Plague signet or Bone minions or Corrupt Boon or Spectral Walk/Spectral Armour (Lupicius) or Well of Corruption (Build variation dependant)
2) BiP (use with dagger 4)
3) Epidemic (use on cooldown)

Elite: Flesh golem or Plague (situation dependant)

Runes: 6 x Undead

Sigil: MH of Earth, OH of agony/of corruption, Staff of corruption/of geomancy

Rotation: Scepter 2, dagger 5, BiP, dagger 4, (epidemic), swap weapon, staff 2, staff 3, staff 4, epidemic (If sppeced correctly – Enter DS, Life blast x 3 to stack might/vulnerability, Exit DS) – Repeat

Additional notes: If you consistenly pop epidemic early in the rotation you may want to enter DS to build might/stack vulnerability through reapers might/unyielding blast to fill the rotation- see build variations

Some people swap mark talents for pet talents though personally I find them to be a liability it most dungeons with aoe/random pulls etc

I have recently come across a build focussing on stacking might (sticky build post) through (strength/of the fire/hoelbrak) and sigil of battle – I am still testing it out but it seems the original build I provided comes out marginally on top (I am not a heavy theorycrafter)

You can supplement rabid gear with carrion gear until you farm the necessary tokens/karma. You can alternatively craft rampagers gear though I would then adopt a more well-centric build – see Xyi’s post on Guru forums

Finally for your mob tagging issue just swap Master of Corruption for Focussed Wells…, want to PvP swap mark talents for Reaper’s protection – congratulations you can now do everything without retraiting

The issue is not with condition specs – its people not speccing/gearing correctly

(edited by Savan.8495)

Stop Building Your Necros Wrong [Conditions]

in Necromancer

Posted by: Xom.9264


lol savan, you understand that spvp and tpvp are the real pvp in this game right? There are not options in spvp and tpvp to gear like you just posted.

WvW is faceroll easy sorry to say…. man i really wish Anet would split the forums like other sites do so WvW is with pve like it belongs.

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

Stop Building Your Necros Wrong [Conditions]

in Necromancer

Posted by: Gryph.8237


Yes, lets put the elitist “I s/t PVP all day long” into their own forum so they can talk about all the wonderful different, rich aspects of pvp of gw2. I tried it, and found it… underwhelming. it’s the same thing over and over and over, to where people have developed a pattern to play it. seems mindnumbing. WvW seems more dynamic. I don’t find WvW even close to pve, which is also mind numbing.

So, yeah, elitists to one side, all the rest of us to another.

And another things, HE even posted it as a PVE/WvW build.

Stop Building Your Necros Wrong [Conditions]

in Necromancer

Posted by: Sugram.3106


Stop Building Your Necros Wrong [Conditions]

in Necromancer

Posted by: Edenwolf.6328


I’ve actually decided to give up my pure power build last night to go hybrid and after reading this I can totally agree. I went for a pure power/crit/crit damage build with staff, dagger and warhorn, and I always fealt I was missing out on the bleed damage from staff and the crit trait line.

Last night I decided to switch it up so I picked up a scepter, dagger and staff and went full out power, condition and crit. I put the last ten points into bigger marks, picked up bleed on crit, stacks of condition damage on kill, and bleed those around me on weapon swap for sigils and condition damage/15% duration increase to poison and bleed runes.

For utility I use ground target wells and blood is power to skyrocket bleeds and power based alike, getting 90+ bleed ticks and scepter 3 can crit for 4k. This build also allows me to use DS effectively in terms of dps where life blast hits for 3500+ and #4 up to 5000+. All in all I feel I’ve been missing out all along on the full potential of the damage this class can do, I can keep up many stacks of bleeds on multiple targets, then blast them away with wells and staff skills, especially putrid mark.

Alistat the White-Guardian, Edenwolf-Thief, Grimtech Jones-Necro Borlis Pass

(edited by Edenwolf.6328)

Stop Building Your Necros Wrong [Conditions]

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ferrous Wheel.1286

Ferrous Wheel.1286

I’ve actually decided to give up my pure power build last night to go hybrid and after reading this I can totally agree. I went for a pure power/crit/crit damage build with staff, dagger and warhorn, and I always fealt I was missing out on the bleed damage from staff and the crit trait line.

Can you link your build? Ive been running a mostly condition damage build and need to introduce more power to it.