Suggestions "New Condition" DS#5

Suggestions "New Condition" DS#5

in Necromancer

Posted by: D I V A.6018

D I V A.6018

First of all, I would like to ask the devs to not relocate this thread to the suggestion forum. Even though this is in fact a suggestion thread, the necromancer forum offers more access to necros and their ideas.

This suggestion thread is based on the recent SOTG, where an introduction of a completely new condition on DS #5 was proposed.
source: (starting @ 54:00+)

Recent threads have shown that devs enjoy collective threads as they are easy to read through, so I would like to ask you for your ideas considering
a) a new condition
b) and the skill attached to it.

Starting off with my own ideas.

1. Remorse – Remorse is a condition that deals (high) damage upon removing it or other conditions on a target.
with many people running cleaning builds, I feel like a condition that punishes removing conditions is neccessary
2. Upholding Pain – Upholding Pain is a condition that stacks in duration, which makes removing conditions impossible for a short period of time
same reasons as above
3. Chains – Chains is a condition that stacks in intensity and deals damage over time when the target is moving, gap-closing or dodge rolling. It deals increasing damage for the distance travelled (me and Roe)
I personally feel that snaring conditions like cripple and chilled are not always the best choice
4. X Condition damage every time target applies a new boon. (Oblivion)

5. A condition that ticks for damage over time, deals a shot of damage when removed and is always removed before other conditions, providing an explicit “condition cover” a la classic cover hexes. (Softspoken)

6. Dark Conditions:
All conditions inflicted on target are hidden(not visible on HUD) from the target and may not be transferred or cleared. Duration: 3-7 sec, CD: 20 sec.

7. Spiteful Spirit – Deals damage over time. Every time you deal damage you deal a percentage of that damage to nearby allies.
pretty much Spiteful Spirit from GW1. This condition would actively force enemies to play smart about their positioning.
8. Pesitlence – A DOT which cripples and deals damage to the target and to all enemies within a certain range. (Donedusted)
As if you had cast Locust Swarm on someone else.
9. Pray of Death – A DOT that ticks for more damage every tick it continues, that explodes for X + remainder if it is removed, damaging and chilling all enemies around the target (Donedusted)

10. Consume Vitality – A DOT deals damage and consumes one boon a second, ticking for X% more damage for each boon it consumes. Cleansing the dot results in a small amount of direct damage plus a daze for 1-2 seconds. (Donedusted)

11. #5 DS skill – A 35cd teleport that inflicts a new condition in the area you teleported in. 800 damage, -33% damage output. (Solutions)
much needed mobility skill

12. “Cover condition” – A small DOT that stacks in duration and heals the caster upon removal (Skyro)
promotes more intelligent cleanses, another healing ability, appealing to GW1 Necro fans
13. Life drain – A DOT that heals the caster every time it ticks. (Otaking)

14. #5 DS skill – An ability to steal boons from the target (Anchoku)
Limited access to boons for necros, another method of countering high boon stacking
15. A condition with a DOT effect that deals high damage when it ends and the ability to regain a % of damage done as health for the caster (Donedusted)

16. #5 DS skill “Consume Lifeforce” – Consume all of your remaining lifeforce to gain vigor and stability. 2…10 sec (Feanturo)

17. Death Clock – A condition that speeds up the DOT-ticks from other conditions by 50% (Hammerheart)

18. A condition that deals damage when the target applies boons. Deals more damage for every boon on a target. (Nay of the Ether)
A general condition that punishes mindless boon-applyers is much needed
19. #5 DS skill – Consuming the remaining life force to become immune to conditions for a time relative to the % of lieforce consumed. (nomak)

20. Everlasting Plaque – Conditions except Everlasting Plaque do not expire/ The initial duration of conditions is refreshed/conditions applied to the target last X% longer. (aka)
suited towards condition specs, also aids other necromancers with different conditions
21. Infection – Foes suffering from this condition transfer a random condition to nearby allies every 1-2 seconds. (Hammerheart)
Promotes intelligent playstyle.
22. Contagion – A condition that deals damage every time the target attacks while healing the caster for the same amount. The timer resets every time this condition is transferred (tyler)
Prevents unintelligent placement on the battlefield

(edited by D I V A.6018)

Suggestions "New Condition" DS#5

in Necromancer

Posted by: D I V A.6018

D I V A.6018

23. Vampiric – A condition that adds X life siphon to any attack that hits the target for the caster and his allies. (Softspoken)
Promotes more supportive builds and new builds, matches Dark combo fields.
24. Charmed – Stacks in duration. Target foe is forced to move directly to you, deals 25% less damage but is able to use skills/target suffers more damage the close he is to you. (Erys)

25. Hemorrage – Target suffers from X + X% condition damage/sec, if this condition ends prematurely, target suffers from X + X% powerdamage. (Myrmidian Eudoros)
Works for both condition and power builds, closes the gap between different builds
26. Necrosis – If you aplly this condition you deal X damage and target foe loses all boons. Deals X% condition damage/sec for every boon removed. (Myrmidian Eudoros)
punishes mindless cleansings and careless re-applications of boons
27. #5 DS Skill Haunting – 3 sec. Each time target foe is attacked, he gets teleported to the attacker’s current location (CHIPS)

28. Cover – For 5 seconds this condition does nothing. If removed prematurely it is renewed for 2 seconds while damaging your target for 100% condition damage and 25 stacks of bleeding (CHIPS)
Brings back the idea of cover hexes from GW1

(edited by D I V A.6018)

Suggestions "New Condition" DS#5

in Necromancer

Posted by: cuge.5398


Must admit, i’m really excited with this new skill for DS, atm i feel Necro is still lacking on something.

Suggestions "New Condition" DS#5

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


Add in Arvid’s suggestion for kitten remake:

  • What I’m personally in favor of (and has been proposed by others as well) is something akin to Spitefull Spirit from GW1, as that type of gameplay seems to be missing for the GW2 necro atm. As the target already gets damage from the DoT, I’d propose something like this (obviously, this is but one of the many variations on this idea): Hexed – Deals damage every second; every time you deal damage, you deal X% of damage to nearby allies; stacks duration.
    The idea (in pvp) isn’t directly to deal damage but to force the enemy to do one of the following (obviously this is in situations where multiple enemies are close together): 1) cleanse the condition, 2) stop dealing damage (stop attacking or only use non-damaging skills), 3) move away from allies, 4) having other allies move a way from the affected target. All 4 benefit the necro in some way, be it making the enemy more open to other conditions (1) or temporarily taking enemies partially out of the fight (2-4) and wasting dodges (3-4). Also, it promotes smarter awareness of positioning on both sides. To achieve this, X should be chosen to add significant pressure to the enemy team if it is ignored (notice that, since it’s % of damage dealt, damage reduction/avoidance actually reduces to effect of the condition, so X could be fairly high). Imo, this could lead to interesting game play, both for the necro and for the enemy.
But of Corpse – Watch us on YouTube
My PvP Minion Build

Suggestions "New Condition" DS#5

in Necromancer

Posted by: Donedusted.9846


Really excited about a new condition; finally DS can (potentially) be more useful!
Some ideas (which may or may not be OP!)

1. Pestilence
A DOT which cripples and deals damage to the target and to all enemies within a certain range, as if you had cast Locust Swarm on someone else.

2. Pray for Death
A DOT that ticks for more damage every tick it continues, that explodes for X + remainder if it is removed, damaging and chilling all enemies around the target

3. Consume Vitality
A DOT deals damage and consumes one boon a second, ticking for X% more damage for each boon it consumes. Cleansing the dot results in a small amount of direct damage plus a daze for 1-2 seconds.

One thing I would love to see is the option to turn one of our wells into an aura e.g. well of corruption turns into aura of corruption, having the same effect as the well but is centred on the target and affects all enemies in the immediate area (same area as the well).

Anyway, just some ideas, hope we get something good!

Suggestions "New Condition" DS#5

in Necromancer

Posted by: Soulutions.6450


Copied this from the thread New ‘Dark Dot’ Feedback

My suggestion for the 5th skill would be a simple teleport:

Call it Dark Transfer or whatever it doesn’ really matter

Dark Transfer teleports the necromancer to the targeted location and applies (New Debuff) in a small AoE around that location.

Casttime: 1.5 seconds
Castrange: 700
Cooldown: 35 seconds
Invulnerability: 1,5 seconds (during casttime)
Applies (New Debuff): 3 seconds, 800 dmg, -33% damage output, 300 AoE

The animation would be the necromancer vaporizing into dark dust and creating a stream to the target location where the necromancer appears and the dust is blown away indicating the radius of the AoE.

This skill would for one give the Necromancer some much needed mobility, which is still crippled, due to the 1,5 second cast time and due to the fact that the target location is given away to the enemy. The Debuff in it’s nature would strengthen the idea of an attrition class giving the damage reduction on the debuff. The fact that it is a dot makes it obvious, that the DS would actually be somewhat viable for Conditionmancers as well.

I think this skill wouldn’t be over the top but would solve some problems many people have with the necromancers.

Sry for my bad english tell me what you think

Suggestions "New Condition" DS#5

in Necromancer

Posted by: D I V A.6018

D I V A.6018

I like most input I get in here as well as in other threads. In my opinion there is still a lot a condition could do to this game! Keep it up

Suggestions "New Condition" DS#5

in Necromancer

Posted by: Skyro.3108


My thoughts on the new DS skill is that it should:

1) Be something that allows interesting counterplay between caster and target
2) Be beneficial to all builds
3) Serve a function that is currently not in the game via other skill/traits
4) Not be some so ridiculous as to make the Necro OP, as IMO they are very balanced (from a tPvP)

So in my mind I’m on board with a “cover” condition, one which always gets removed first when condition cleanses are used, with a very similar mechanic to how Parasitic Bond worked in GW1. It should have a small dot component with a long duration (10-20s) and a fast cast time (1/4s) and 5s recharge, with multiple casts simply refreshing the duration. Wh

This will achieve the following things:

1) Allows counterplay on both caster and target by changing the dynamic of the optimal time for when the target should use his condition cleanses due to the thread of the cover hex, instead of simply waiting until he gets stacked to high heaven with conditions and then using cleanses.

2) Would benefit all Necro builds, and in fact open up more viability in Necro builds giving Necros another healing option (more incentive to stat healing power) and buff bunker-ish builds, indirectly improves the Near Death trait (5s DS recharge) which would allow you to apply more cover hexes.

3) Cover hexes were a very interesting gameplay mechanic in GW1 that many players enjoyed. Applying many instances of this new cover hex over many targets would also make Necros very tanky in big group fights vs AoE cleanses.

4) Since the cover hex is simply a small dot in itself, the raw DPS aspect of the skill is very low, and there are still many condition cleansing abilities which remove multiple conditions. Combined with the fact that the Necro must use his DS cooldown to utilize this cover hex I think would make this skill add a very nice flavor/game style to the Necro without making it over the top. It would also appease many old school GW1 Necro fans.

Suggestions "New Condition" DS#5

in Necromancer

Posted by: Otaking.4675


Some kind of life drain dot that can heal us through DS.

Necro’s major weakness is still survivability…too susceptible to CC, no mobility, weak healing…still the easiest kill on the board.

Suggestions "New Condition" DS#5

in Necromancer

Posted by: Anchoku.8142


Cannibalize Boons for skill #5. Necromancer has limited boons so, like Thief, I think the ability to steal boons such as stability would be awesome. I feel the +boon duration in the Death Magic line is sort of wasted but then that line supports too many core Necromancer skills already, in my mind, with staff, minions, and Reaper’s Protection and Death Shiver for DS.

A lot of other classes end up with piles of boons. That sounds like it may be toned down a little in the next patch but Necromancer has few ways to get them. Death Shroud when traited, staff 2, and Well of Power are about it, from what I remember, though Humes get Prayer to Lyssa, which pops random boons fairly often but with short effects. (I have used it a bit but the skill is a real button-masher with unpredictable results.)

Anyway, the Gw2Guru State of the Game interview made it sound like it would be a new condition; possibly an AoE. Maybe it will be a condition that counters Aegis.

Suggestions "New Condition" DS#5

in Necromancer

Posted by: Otaking.4675


Necro doesn’t need more anti-boon, it needs survival and the ability to win a true war of attrition with an ele or thief or mes darting into RTL or stealth/clones, healing to full and returning.

I don’t want to be forced to bring an anti-boon abilities when I can bring two already if I want, or even three if I trait minions. I want help dealing with necro’s real problem: survival so I can do attrition in the first place.

Thief is getting one anti boon trait, warrior is getting one anti-boon trait. Necros have Corrupt Boon, Well of Corruption, and the Minion removal of boon trait already.

We will be countering Aegis through corrupting it because corrupt boon and epidemic will be made unblockable, although they didn’t mention well of corruption would also be unblockable, which makes me sad because I am a power necro, but I figure that’s because it does damage too. We already are decent at dealing with Aegis through traited marks.

Suggestions "New Condition" DS#5

in Necromancer

Posted by: Otaking.4675


You are right about it being a wasted trait in the death line, but if you want to play with some boons, Flesh Golem and Runes of Lyssa can be fun, and fits into the Death/Minions build. Full set of 5 second boons and full condition removal on summoning the golem and making it charge every 45 seconds basse.

Thief benefits more with fury and quickness in a basilisk build with this trick IMO but shhh. Basilisk base is 40 seconds I believe.

Suggestions "New Condition" DS#5

in Necromancer

Posted by: Donedusted.9846


Necro doesn’t need more anti-boon, it needs survival and the ability to win a true war of attrition with an ele or thief or mes darting into RTL or stealth/clones, healing to full and returning.

With this in mind, an interesting new condition may be some kind of dot that allows the necro to regain hp when it is in Death Shroud by e.g. healing itself for X% of damage done to the target of the dot. Dispelling the dot would heal the necro for a set, large amount and trigger the dd component. If the condition is not removed, the dd triggers by itself at the end of the dot. There are therefore three scaling parts which make it suitable for all builds and universally useful:

1. condition damage of the dot itself
2. direct damage at the end/upon dispel
3. healing power for the healing component

This would be extremely powerful so would have to be on a long CD. Somewhere between 40-60 seconds?

Suggestions "New Condition" DS#5

in Necromancer

Posted by: Otaking.4675


Necro doesn’t need more anti-boon, it needs survival and the ability to win a true war of attrition with an ele or thief or mes darting into RTL or stealth/clones, healing to full and returning.

With this in mind, an interesting new condition may be some kind of dot that allows the necro to regain hp when it is in Death Shroud by e.g. healing itself for X% of damage done to the target of the dot. Dispelling the dot would heal the necro for a set, large amount and trigger the dd component. If the condition is not removed, the dd triggers by itself at the end of the dot. There are therefore three scaling parts which make it suitable for all builds and universally useful:

1. condition damage of the dot itself
2. direct damage at the end/upon dispel
3. healing power for the healing component

This would be extremely powerful so would have to be on a long CD. Somewhere between 40-60 seconds?

I like it in theory but I think the problem is still going to be invulnerability forms. They are still one of the things putting some classes way out of the reach of a necro’s attack style and they can still negate a dot like this. If the damage is large enough it could force an early use of the invulnerability form but I doubt it can get to that point since they can still generally ‘run off and heal/invuln/stealth to remove condi’ I think to be balanced, even if the damage misses, when someone goes into an invuln form, the heal still goes off if the condition is removed.

Suggestions "New Condition" DS#5

in Necromancer

Posted by: Roe.3679


I would love to see a condition that punishes movement in the same way that confusion punishes action.

I think this would work very well in keeping with the idea that Necros are designed to be 1.) an attrition class and 2.) slow, but terrible to engage with.

I think it could deal damage based off of how much a class moves in distance. For example, normal kiting would deal damage, but huge movements like gap closers or RTL would be devastating in the say fashion that spamming abilities with confusion on leads to a quick death.

I don’t know what to call it, maybe “Death’s chase” or something. But it could really allow Necros to keep people from running as well as give them a way to create distance, all in another way to deal damage.

EDIT: My idea is pretty similar to “Chains” above. Either way, it’s what I want to see the most of the posted ideas.

(edited by Roe.3679)

Suggestions "New Condition" DS#5

in Necromancer

Posted by: Donedusted.9846


I would love to see a condition that punishes movement in the same way that confusion punishes action.

I think this would work very well in keeping with the idea that Necros are designed to be 1.) an attrition class and 2.) slow, but terrible to engage with.

I think it could deal damage based off of how much a class moves in distance. For example, normal kiting would deal damage, but huge movements like gap closers or RTL would be devastating in the say fashion that spamming abilities with confusion on leads to a quick death.

I don’t know what to call it, maybe “Death’s chase” or something. But it could really allow Necros to keep people from running as well as give them a way to create distance, all in another way to deal damage.

EDIT: My idea is pretty similar to “Chains” above. Either way, it’s what I want to see the most of the posted ideas.

This is a great concept. Rather than give us more ways to chase players down, punish them for running away from us. It’s the necro equivalent of HS/Backstab! But with a CD, natch.

Suggestions "New Condition" DS#5

in Necromancer

Posted by: TheGreatA.4192


Something that gives vigor and stability would be nice.

Metsän Suojelija (guard)/Puun Halaaja (engi)/Pieni Musta Rotta (warrior)/Viher Rauha (necro)

Suggestions "New Condition" DS#5

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


Dots that affect movement are bad from a gameplay side of things. It is counterintuitive, counters many classes far too hard (most classes die outright if they don’t move), and doesn’t really involve interesting play/counterplay. Its just oh great, I have that stupid condition now I get to stand still until it wears off.

But of Corpse – Watch us on YouTube
My PvP Minion Build

Suggestions "New Condition" DS#5

in Necromancer

Posted by: Feanturo.2059


Consume Lifeforce

Consume all your remaining lifeforce and gain vigor and stability equal to the amount of lifeforce consumed.
100% lifeforce – 10 sec
75% lifeforce – 8 sec
50% lifeforce – 6 sec
25% lifeforce – 4 sec
below – 2 sec

40 seconds cooldown

Suggestions "New Condition" DS#5

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


This is a thread for suggesting a new condition, not the DS 5 ability itself; especially if it has nothing to do with a new condition.

But of Corpse – Watch us on YouTube
My PvP Minion Build

Suggestions "New Condition" DS#5

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rising Dusk.2408

Rising Dusk.2408

I really like this one.

7. Spiteful Spirit – Deals damage over time. Every time you deal damage you deal a percentage of that damage to nearby allies.*
pretty much Spiteful Spirit from GW1. This condition would actively force enemies to play smart about their positioning.

I also like the idea of a condition that prevents any conditions from being removed, but I feel that it’s so immensely powerful that it wouldn’t be balanced with significant uptimes, and would unfortunately not really do much if it were just an active skill play. (I don’t think this is what the Necro needs)

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Suggestions "New Condition" DS#5

in Necromancer

Posted by: Roe.3679


Dots that affect movement are bad from a gameplay side of things. It is counterintuitive, counters many classes far too hard (most classes die outright if they don’t move), and doesn’t really involve interesting play/counterplay. Its just oh great, I have that stupid condition now I get to stand still until it wears off.

I think it would be pretty obvious that any condition such as this wouldn’t demolish someone for moving. What I meant by the idea I put forward would be something similar to, perhaps poison damage for simply running around normally, but if, for example, a Thief would Shadowstep away, it would deal a lot more damage.

Not to mention that conditions obviously have durations and it wouldn’t stay on someone for an entire fight. You would use something like this if you’re trying to get away or trying to keep someone from running. It wouldn’t be an I WIN button like you’re implying unless Anet completely messed it up.

In my opinion it really creates a more interesting gameplay dynamic.

Suggestions "New Condition" DS#5

in Necromancer

Posted by: Hammerheart.1426


Death Clock – A condition that speeds up the ticks of damage dealing conditions by 50%.

Suggestions "New Condition" DS#5

in Necromancer

Posted by: Coltain.1395


Walking Corpse – Applies a DoT on 1 enemy/mob that intensifies in damage with each step taken for 3-5 seconds. Optional addition: if any speed buffs are active on the target the DoT lasts longer.

This will force enemies (wvw/tpvp/spvp) to take notice of their debuffs and make them either stand still or spend a cleanser.

Suggestions "New Condition" DS#5

in Necromancer

Posted by: Nay of the Ether.8913

Nay of the Ether.8913

Ya know i was behind 100% for a disease/weakness dot, but I think I could settle for a general condition dot/punishment for removing the conditions (any conditions) or applying a boon, and the intensity stacks with the number of boons you have on you. Might make those boon spammers actually have to use some skill for a change LOL. Yeah I quite like this idea, consider it submitted.
~Surrender fiend and you will get an easy death
~I could promise you the same…but it would be a lie…

Suggestions "New Condition" DS#5

in Necromancer

Posted by: Tenderly.7019


sPvP Version:

Siphon Soul – Applies a condition that is stronger than poison but weaker than burning which Life Siphons your target. Heals you and your minions every second for a % amount of health per condition on the target. This heals life while in Death Shroud. This condition is unaffected by Epidemic.

60 second cooldown
1 second cast
7 second duration
Has a base damage that scales with condition damage.
Has a small base heal that scales somewhat with +healing
An animation that is unique and clearly visible

Increases the strength of Life Siphon traits
Provides more survival for yourself and the AoE on minions in Teamfights
Promotes bunker Necro as a possible build
Promotes more Berserker-Type Necros

Suggestions "New Condition" DS#5

in Necromancer

Posted by: nomak.8693


the 5th DS skill should be something like … the necro loses the remaining life force and become condition invulnerable for the % LF lost. 20% LF = 1 sec cond. inv.

Suggestions "New Condition" DS#5

in Necromancer

Posted by: ShadowMaster.5708


Please no new condition… I dont like running conditions build, its way to unreliable…

1. Against and object, gate controller or arrow cart for eksample… You can deal any damage (Almost), since they are immune to conditions

2. In PvP, every single time i stack some bleed on my target, they remove it. Not even fun

3. I get better damage and AOE using dagger MH and wells anyways

4. I get WAY better survivability in my soldiers gear and 30/0/20/20/0 build anyways…

So, please no new condition Anet ;D

Suggestions "New Condition" DS#5

in Necromancer

Posted by: Otaking.4675


If this class gets another condition or more boon hate without more survivability or a way to disengage it will be a real waste TBH.

It needs help with it’s 300 percent of glaring weaknesses rather than buffing its strengths by 3 percent.

Suggestions "New Condition" DS#5

in Necromancer

Posted by: Copenhagen.7015


DS # 5

Vampiric Tap: Places a life draining DoT on your target that siphons health from near by enemies and transfers health to yourself and allies.

Gives us an extra healing ability, works for power, condition, minion, and siphon builds. Could also make us a viable bunker.

Suggestions "New Condition" DS#5

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kerosenefire.3904


New condition:
Dizziness: Knocks you down for x seconds after you dodge crippling you for x seconds.

Suggestions "New Condition" DS#5

in Necromancer

Posted by: arka.8456


Here are 3 ideas for a condition that would raise necro above and beyond in condition mastery compared to other classes.

Everlasting plague: (3 possible variations)
1)conditions do not expire while this condition is present
a) don’t count down seconds but still effect the target.
b) or duration restored to full
2)conditions appied to the target last longer.

While these are mostly suited towards conditionmancer either implementation will aid all necromancers in that fear will last longer.

Suggestions "New Condition" DS#5

in Necromancer

Posted by: Criminal.5627


reintroduce disease and have it have a similar spread mechanic as in gw1 OR a DOT similar to how life transfer was in gw1 and have it syphon off health and give it to the caster while being able to use other abilities

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

(edited by Criminal.5627)

Suggestions "New Condition" DS#5

in Necromancer

Posted by: Hammerheart.1426


reintroduce disease and have it have a similar spread mechanic as in gw1

Something like this would be great.

Make it “infection” or “disease” and have it transfer a random condition that the player is suffering to a nearby ally/allies every 1-2seconds. Give it a good radius so it actually forces players away from allies, or vice versa.

1200 Range
360 Radius
60 second cd

Suggestions "New Condition" DS#5

in Necromancer

Posted by: tyler.2569


I’d like to see a condition that was useful for any build, in most situations.

Something I’d like a little more of on my Necro is some healing. What do you all think of an attrition based condition that supplies healing back to the Necro while also damaging the opponent, for every time they attack. For every ability the opponent uses, or just weapon ability, it takes a little life from them and gives it back to the Necro.

Or, what about a condition that makes the person who receives it contagious? So, if they get to close to a team mate, then their conditions will transfer to that team mate. If we really want this condition to be deadly, it can be that it can’t be healed, and, this particular condition itself is transferable, or contagious, and, when someone received it, or becomes infected, the timer starts over. It would be interesting to see it causes momentarily scattering in groups, as people try to quarantine themselves and heal, so as not to infect their allies. It would really forces these other mobile wvw builds to use their mobility to our advantage. This just sounds so awesome to me, an entire group could stay infected indefinitely if the infected players don’t quarantine themselves. But, though they cant cleanse the infection confition, they can still cleanse all other conditions that they have and could spread, or recieve from other infected players, and wow could they spread fast; but, of course, it’d have to be on a tick, so as to noy be insta and then too powerful. Haha, this was all a random spontaneous idea that popped into my head as after I finished the first idea, which was thought out… And wow do I like this idea.

Suggestions "New Condition" DS#5

in Necromancer

Posted by: Softspoken.2410


I’d like to see a condition that was useful for any build, in most situations.

Something I’d like a little more of on my Necro is some healing. What do you all think of an attrition based condition that supplies healing back to the Necro while also damaging the opponent, for every time they attack. For every ability the opponent uses, or just weapon ability, it takes a little life from them and gives it back to the Necro.

I’ve seen a couple suggestions asking for something to do with healing, and I’m starting to lean more in favour of that than the “condition cover / damage on remove” suggestion I put forward originally. A condition that essentially gives Vampiric to anyone attacking the target would be excellent for group support and the heal over time could be useful in a more attrition-based build, if there’s any way to focus on the duration/uptime of the condition.

Plus, it would match half of what Dark combo fields do currently: steal life. (They also blind on blast / leap, where most other fields give a buff of some sort. Weird, huh? Maybe they should make an aura that blinds foes when they attack you, then put it on DS 5 and the combo finishers.)

Mixing insults with your post is like pooping in a salad.
It’s pretty obvious, and nobody’s impressed.

Suggestions "New Condition" DS#5

in Necromancer

Posted by: Erys.1268


I heard from somewhere that this new condition is going to be for all class, so what I have in mind is less unique, not very necro-ish, but still fit in IMO.

Charmed – Stacked in duration, basically the opposite of fear, you are forced to move only toward the caster, you are allowed to use skills, but reduces all outgoing damages by 25%. 3-5 sec
Charmed – Stacked in intensity, forced to move toward the caster, the closer you get the more damages per tick, per stack. 2-4 sec
– Death Wish : Tempt your target to their ruin.

Suggestions "New Condition" DS#5

in Necromancer

Posted by: Myrmidian Eudoros.4671

Myrmidian Eudoros.4671

Hemorrage – For X s target foe suffers X* level +X% Condition Damage. If this condition is removed prematurely, then that foe suffers 750 damage (scales with power).

Stick it on Shroud 5 and Axe (perhaps as a chain skill on Axe 1 to make axe marginally useful). Works for condition and power necro’s alike, regardless of weapon sets. Even a dagger necro usually wants to cover a condition whether it is weakness, chill, immob, or this could even cover our short Fears effectively if it has a short cast. Clearly it would be a “stacks duration” type of condition. I would think DoT slightly less than burning would be appropriate, and a duration that would enable about 70% uptime if traited & runed heavily would make sense.


Necrosis – Xs duration, if removed target foe loses all boons and takes X * level damage. Suffers and additional 100% condition damage per boon removed in this way. Target suffers X*level+X% condition damage per second this condition was applied when this condition expires.

Punishes excessive cleansing, and careless re-application on boon stackers. Not too big of a problem for professions that aren’t stacking boons. Gives the necro another bursty (though somewhat unreliable) option.

Suggestions "New Condition" DS#5

in Necromancer

Posted by: Invictus.1503


I would love to see a condition that punishes movement in the same way that confusion punishes action.

I think this would work very well in keeping with the idea that Necros are designed to be 1.) an attrition class and 2.) slow, but terrible to engage with.

I think it could deal damage based off of how much a class moves in distance. For example, normal kiting would deal damage, but huge movements like gap closers or RTL would be devastating in the say fashion that spamming abilities with confusion on leads to a quick death.

I don’t know what to call it, maybe “Death’s chase” or something. But it could really allow Necros to keep people from running as well as give them a way to create distance, all in another way to deal damage.

EDIT: My idea is pretty similar to “Chains” above. Either way, it’s what I want to see the most of the posted ideas.

This is a great concept. Rather than give us more ways to chase players down, punish them for running away from us. It’s the necro equivalent of HS/Backstab! But with a CD, natch.

I agree, this is probably my favorite idea. A confusion style condition based on movement. Stand still and you don’t get hurt (by that condition ). Love it!

It’s better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt.

Suggestions "New Condition" DS#5

in Necromancer

Posted by: fakeblood.2576


How about something like a spirit that bounces between 3 targets causing some cool condition like spiteful spirit gw1

Suggestions "New Condition" DS#5

in Necromancer

Posted by: Gryph.8237


I think the most beneficial DOT would be something like a life-syphon that actually heals your true health while in death shroud. Thus, you can slap that one the target that drains some degree of health from the target and heals you for the same amount. That would make shroud dancing even more fun, and useful. If DS is our pivotal ability, then make it meaningful. You could even limit it to it heals you while you stay in deathshroud, and ends when you exit.

IDK, just something interesting.

Suggestions "New Condition" DS#5

in Necromancer

Posted by: lowfreq.3674


how about a move that steals boons from target and puts them on yourself.
a skill that converts some of the damage you take into hp

Suggestions "New Condition" DS#5

in Necromancer

Posted by: CHIPS.6018


Devs also asked for a suggestion on that 5th condition. Ok here is the condition Haunting:

“Target suffers from Haunting for 3 seconds. Each time target gets hit he is teleported to the attacker’s current location. This condition automatically disables any immunity the target has. That means an elementalists in mist form will still take damage if they have Haunting on.”

That is what we need. Now necros are hard to get away from. Its basically a 3 second Spectral Grasp.

Or the condition Cover

“For 5 seconds this condition does nothing. If removed prematurely it is renewed for 2 seconds, and target suffers from 100% of you condition damage and also suffers from 25 stacks of bleeding for 5 seconds.”

Brings back the idea of “cover hex” from Guild Wars 1.

Chipsy Chips(Necromancer) & Char Ashnoble(Thief)
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Necro Encyclopedia-

Suggestions "New Condition" DS#5

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


I do like the idea of a condition that would punish teams staying close together, something that has a chance of spreading every tick to the persons allies within X range.

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Suggestions "New Condition" DS#5

in Necromancer

Posted by: tyler.2569


I do like the idea of a condition that would punish teams staying close together, something that has a chance of spreading every tick to the persons allies within X range.

I’m glad to see you like that idea. Your words, “punish teams staying close together” helped me to realize how unique of a condition it could be; it’s just such an interesting meta condition to punish that aspect of a combat. The more I’ve thought about it, it seems like it could be really fun. If the players were aware they could counter it easily enough, but, at the cost of opening up their group, and if they were careless and not paying attention, a single person could begin internally compromising an entire zerg.
It seems like it could yield some very interesting dynamics.

It’d also be fun to watch an infection fester in a group as they fight to defend their keep.

Infection sounds like a good name for it too!

Suggestions "New Condition" DS#5

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kelthos Doombringer.9032

Kelthos Doombringer.9032

I’d rather keep with Guild Wars lore and bring back Disease. Necromancer ability from GW1 example:


Elite Spell. If target foe was already suffering from a condition, that foe suffers from Disease, Poison, and Weakness for 3…13…15 seconds.

I don’t think this would cut it by itself though.. Suggestion:

Condition: Disease

Disease can be like Bleed or Poison, a DoT. To avoid making it 1 build only, make Disease have its own Condition Damage.

Mechanic: Disease can spread to 5 nearby foes. The damage starts low but builds up over time to a maximum damage and lasts on the player until cleansed, or has a long duration.

Necromancer Death Shroud Number 5 Ability:

Virulence: Inflict target foe with Disease, inflicting X amount of damage of Y duration. Disease spreads to foes within Z yards. Can spread to maximum of 5 additional players.

Necro only Mechanic: If target foe already has a Condition on them, they are inflicted with Weakness and Cripple. If the Disease ends/is cleansed from any of the players, the Necromancer gains A health and the foe/s are stunned for 1 second. (Heal can only happen once per Virulence).

Chain: Outbreak: Mutate the Disease on target player, stunning them for 1 second and immediately spreading the Disease to 5 additional players within B yards.


Chain: Taste of Pain: Rip the Disease from the foe/s, stunning them for 1 second and healing the Necromancer for A HP.

  • Heal can only happen once per Virulence. Heal should be upwards of 3,000 Health.
  • Cooldown should not be short, but no more than 45 seconds.
  • The Chain ends if the player leaves Death Shroud or the original Disease ends.
  • If player leaves Death Shroud without the Heal occurring, the Virulence spell mechanics still apply – If the Disease ends/is cleansed, the Necromancer is healed.
  • The Heal applies to the Necromancer’s health, not his Death Shroud/Life Force

Note: Don’t need to stun in all chains.. I just feel that the Necromancer needs a bit more control.

Level 80 Human Necromancer

Suggestions "New Condition" DS#5

in Necromancer

Posted by: D I V A.6018

D I V A.6018

You guys really have some amazing ideas. I feel that most of us are trying to bring some “hex-flavor” to this game. I like it.
I love #3, 7, 23, 26 . So far we got a very nice list going, I will try to update at least once every 2 days while hoping we’ll get some dev attention.

Keep up your great ideas.

Suggestions "New Condition" DS#5

in Necromancer

Posted by: Xomic.5792


About about a condition that, if the target is killed while active, causes a minion to spawn from their body? The minion could last as long as you have Life force, or until it’s dismissed (probably f2 or something)