Suggestions to nerf necro.
Please dont give them any ideas! They might actually take them into consideration : )
Although i think that poison should decrease the healing – consume conditions is one of the strongest heals in the game and poison should apply to this like it does any other heal.
ICD on Life transfers LF gain.
Staff#1 dont pierce.
Lower stack / uptime on Blood is power.
Cast time on Doom.
You do know consume conditions and other condi cleanse on necro doesnt work properly on all sources of poison in pve. No need to nerf something thats already broken.
Cast time on doom would be a welcomed change – no im not joking! That ability is beyond broken and needs a more obvious tell!
Cast time on doom would be a welcomed change – no im not joking! That ability is beyond broken and needs a more obvious tell!
So you dont maining a necro, arent you?
Cast time on doom would be a welcomed change – no im not joking! That ability is beyond broken and needs a more obvious tell!
So you dont maining a necro, arent you?
23 djooceboxblast.9876 Djoocebox 934 622 60.03% Desolation
We have been playing with him on necro since launch and always done good considering we have never had a propper team where everyone has atleast half a brain untill recently
I have been maining necro since launch – and been successful at it aswell!
ICD on Life transfers LF gain.
Staff#1 dont pierce.
Lower stack / uptime on Blood is power.
Cast time on Doom.
You know the sad part is
3 out of these 4 actually existed…
ICD on Life transfers LF gain.
Staff#1 dont pierce.
Lower stack / uptime on Blood is power.
Cast time on Doom.You know the sad part is
3 out of these 4 actually existed…
Really? :’DDD Made my day … not.
Cast time on doom would be a welcomed change – no im not joking! That ability is beyond broken and needs a more obvious tell!
So you dont maining a necro, arent you?
hahaha good jk , ofc doom need atleast 0.5 ct
(edited by Forsaker.9213)
Cast time on doom would be a welcomed change – no im not joking! That ability is beyond broken and needs a more obvious tell!
So you dont maining a necro, arent you?
hahaha good jk , okitten doom need atleast 0.5 ct
Its quite clear that you are new to the game, i suggest you pick a warrior or guardian as your starting profession, not something as advanced as necro, the mindless faceroll builds work for them.
yes i am quite new to the game
its funny how ppl how dont have clue about balance in pvp post here
Cast time on doom would be a welcomed change – no im not joking! That ability is beyond broken and needs a more obvious tell!
So you dont maining a necro, arent you?
hahaha good jk , ofc doom need atleast 0.5 ct
If they change other classes defense mechanism to get cast times too, im fine with it.
How about removing DS completely from necros and give it to guardians?
How about removing DS completely from necros and give it to guardians?
If we got all their defensive skills in return we’d actually have better survivability.
How about removing DS completely from necros and give it to guardians?
If we got all their defensive skills in return we’d actually have better survivability.
I think a lot of necros would be okay with virtues.
Doom does have an obvious tell, its called death shroud. Really you have to be expecting it when we go DS and with the amount of up time some classes have on stability its not to hard to counter.
but really talking about nerds to necro is kinda stupid, at least we have weaknesses as a class that we need team mates to cover. Some classes don’t and that should be the starting point of nerds really. Not that it happens that way but meh just my thoughts.
It was 2 vs 20 but its ok we got’em both!
I think Life blast should initiate costume brawl rather than actual damage.
Copying the spvp nerfs that they did to Necro (dummfire, ect) to WvW is a start.
Main Guild – oPP/RIOT/yumy(Booty Bakery)
IGN- Greek Kenpachi | Champion Ritualist
Copying the spvp nerfs that they did to Necro (dummfire, ect) to WvW is a start.
I don’t really see condition necros as a problem in WvW. They don’t “break” the game mode (zerg vs zerg) like they broke the game mode in Spvp. Yeah I roam conditions, and its incredibly powerful (too powerful), but that really has little to do with the overall game mode and balance of WvW.
Most necros would do a better service to their server by running power wells anyhow, which none of the spvp nerfs would touch. They have already said on numerous occasions they don’t care to balance WvW independently.
And really in PVE, conditions are already second bannana, and nerfing them their would be sad.
Copying the spvp nerfs that they did to Necro (dummfire, ect) to WvW is a start.
I don’t really see condition necros as a problem in WvW. They don’t “break” the game mode (zerg vs zerg) like they broke the game mode in Spvp. Yeah I roam conditions, and its incredibly powerful (too powerful), but that really has little to do with the overall game mode and balance of WvW.
Most necros would do a better service to their server by running power wells anyhow, which none of the spvp nerfs would touch. They have already said on numerous occasions they don’t care to balance WvW independently.
And really in PVE, conditions are already second bannana, and nerfing them their would be sad.
And then you get owned by a hammer warrior, Mesmer or thief? lol There is no such thing as too powerful if other classes can still stomp on you, and get 100% immunity to your only real damage type.
Every one of the necros attacks should put a stack of bleed on us, reduce CD on Consume Conditions and MAYBE up our damage to compensate for the bleeds(nerfing, remember?), rename the class yolomancer and rename minion master as swag master – lets see how many necros stick around.
jsut change every condition (fire,torment,bleeds,poison,fear,vunerability,chill, cripple) into swiftness and vigor,
So we could dodge a lot and run away (from the game altogether) in panic… understanding everything that was will probably never be again.
Been There, Done That & Will do it again…except maybe world completion.
Just reroll to warrior. ;D I just noticed, this dont even have an ICD. :’D
If they nerfed Doom i would be kitten ed… i don’t run staff. It’s the only way i can get people off me for a few seconds.
80 Ranger (3), 80 Warrior (3), 80 Thief (3)
80 Ele (2), 80 Engi (3), 80 Rev (2)
Remove the ability to run/walk.
Necros are of course meant to have absolutely no mobility in a game based around positioning.
From now on out Necromancers have no legs and need to be carried around!
(…I hope the humor value exceeds the snarkyness. Eep!)
They should add a longer cooldown to the utility skills lockout upon leaving transformation.
The range on axe, sceptre and staff should be reduced by half, but damage increased by 2%. This would synergise well with the necro’s mobility.
Death Magic 5—Reanimator: Increased the cooldown from 15 seconds to 45 seconds.
After reducing the cooldown on reanimator in the December 10th patch, we found that it was too strong and it’s synergy with Protection of the Horde was, frankly, overpowered. We have hotfixed this trait and increased the cooldown in an effort to bring the necromancer back in line with our vision of the class.
Doom recoded to use the same targeting code as corrupt boon.
Death Magic 5—Reanimator: Increased the cooldown from 15 seconds to 45 seconds.
After reducing the cooldown on reanimator in the December 10th patch, we found that it was too strong and it’s synergy with Protection of the Horde was, frankly, overpowered. We have hotfixed this trait and increased the cooldown in an effort to bring the necromancer back in line with our vision of the class.
Why not go even bigger:
Death Magic 5—Reanimator: Increased the cooldown from 15 seconds to 24 hours.
Hum… Actually that would be a buff… Never mind then.
Remove the endurance bar. Vigor doesnt fit the flavour of the class which means dodging is obviously not intended for necro playstyle. Therefore we shouldnt be able to dodge anything and should just facetank everything and eat cc.
yes i am quite new to the game
its funny how ppl how dont have clue about balance in pvp post here
I don’t really care what your street-cred is but if you actually think doom should have a casting time then you don’t know what you are talking about.
If doom had a casting time then it could not be used while stunned or knocked down. It is our main defense against getting chain CCd or stunned and burst since we have a general lack of stability and escapes.
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies
Remove the endurance bar. Vigor doesnt fit the flavour of the class which means dodging is obviously not intended for necro playstyle. Therefore we shouldnt be able to dodge anything and should just facetank everything and eat cc.
Honestly if they remove our ability to dodge (well to evade, i like the dodge roll animation) then balanced DS with that in mind/returned stuff like shade, made Sgrasp a guaranteed hit if in range and LOS, fixed bugs that they turned to features, etc, id take it in a heartbeat.
You gave me a good Idea…
why not change all fear effect in : force your target to /laugh This should still interrupt but poor and saddened guys won’t flee anymore.
You gave me a good Idea…
why not change all fear effect in : force your target to /laugh This should still interrupt but poor and saddened guys won’t flee anymore.
Only available after you purchased the Scarecrow skin from the gem store.
From no on you can gain LF only from your own death.
You gave me a good Idea…
why not change all fear effect in : force your target to /laugh This should still interrupt but poor and saddened guys won’t flee anymore.
Allow the “laughs” to stack….once 5 stacks are reached the target will wet themselves (called hysterical flow) causing rust on their armour/weapons like a dot.
Using spectral recall leaves your equipment in the spectral world.
yes i am quite new to the game
its funny how ppl how dont have clue about balance in pvp post here
Here? As in the public necromancer subforums? I’m sure I can be a self-acclaimed balance expert too……………..
As a necromancer serving Grenth, all weapon skills should do a self chill and fear for 4 seconds. In addition, as the symbol of the death incarnate, the usage of Death shroud should affect the necromancer’s actually health pool and the life force pool by reducing 10% per seconds.
We feel that the completely existent sustain of the necromancer is far too high. Therefore, we have taken steps to put necromancer on a more equal level with the competition.
- All sources of lifeforce gain have been reduced by 50%. Death Shroud, being as powerful as it is, was previously far too easy to gain access to.
- Doom now has a 3 second cast time and cannot be used while stunned or knocked down. Furthermore, all stun breaks have been removed. Previously, the necromancer was far too capable of escaping damage while being the target of focus fire.
- Consume Conditions now only removes 2 conditions and has had its cooldown increased to 60 seconds. Previously, the necromancer had far too much healing.
- Putrid Mark now only transfers 1 condition.
- Enfeebling Blood’s weakness now lasts 2 seconds, down from 6.
- Lifesteal effects have had their healing boosted by 3%. This does not actually increase the amount of lifestealing done, but it is still technically a buff to be excited about.
- Minion damage has been increased by 10%. We felt that minion master builds were previously not prevalent enough in PvP.
- Life Blast damage has been increased by 20%. We felt that the necromancer was previously not reliant enough on Death Shroud and autoattacking.
Bug Fixes:
- Endurance bar removed for necromancers; dodging to become immune to damage was a completely unintentional aspect of necromancers who have far too much natural defense and health to be given invulnerability, unlike other professions.
- Necromancers now correctly lose all of their lifeforce upon leaving combat. Beginning a fight with enough lifeforce to enter Death Shroud was never intended despite necromancers being balanced around having full lifeforce.
- Well of Blood and Transfusion have been removed from the game. We never intended necromancers to be an asset to their party.
- Signet of the Locust and Spectral Walk have been removed from the game, and Locust Swarm no longer grants swiftness. We never intended necromancers to run faster than mesmers.
- Plague and Lich Form no longer grant stability. Instead, they grant 2 seconds of protection, as intended.
- Added a tooltip correctly stating that Spectral Grasp and Charge have a 50% chance of failure.
- Signet of Spite now correctly inflicts its effects to the caster as well as the target.
- Using Death Shroud during the Temple of Grenth event now correctly results in the instant death and deletion of your character.
(edited by amiavamp.9785)
Erased Dhuumfire from history. This whole spell was an illusion created by Queen Jennah for fun to celebrate Halloween. Necromancers never could burn their foes. And Dhuum would never lend his power to humans.
The Order of Dii[Dii]-SBI→Kaineng→TC→JQ
Necro Encyclopedia-
(edited by CHIPS.6018)
Nerf: Remove Dumbfire from the game completely
Erased Dhuumfire from history. This whole spell was an illusion created by Queen Jennah for fun to celebrate Halloween. Necromancers never could burn their foes. And Dhuum would never lend his power to humans.
True that. If they wanted to make us more viable in the PvP arena they could have made it a torment effect. Doing a complete backtrack on most of the previous changes wouldn’t hurt either. Sometimes a cliff was our only way of escape in WvW, and it’s not like we didn’t lose all our life force when we had to do it anyways.
On Topic, I can’t think of any nerfs ANet hasn’t already subjected us to, hence why most days I prefer just playing my warrior.
Guys, you cannot remove dhuumfire, since you know it would be the opposite of the thread point (seriously if they didnt balance around potential in a vacuum instead of real situations + took burning chance/dhuumfire out of any equation, everyone would be happier).
Anet: We feel that life stealing is too powerful. It very very very often tips the balance of the battle strongly in the necro’s favour. Necro is always about balance. We feel that life stealing must be balanced by the conditions already on the foe.
Life Stealing – now when you steal life from a foe, you immediately suffers from all the condition on the target you just hit. Stacks duration on you with each hit. You are drinking his blood, deal with it.
The Order of Dii[Dii]-SBI→Kaineng→TC→JQ
Necro Encyclopedia-
(edited by CHIPS.6018)
Since necromancers are masters of death:
All skills and utilities work as they are, but necromancer then dies due to using said skills/utilities.
Since necromancers prefer death, resurrecting a necromancer is not a working game function. The necromancer, once dead, must stay in the spirit world and haunt the other players by spamming “OoooOooooo” on their screen.
Necromancers now spawn with 0 HP. If you like death so much just kittening die.