(edited by Khal Drogo.9631)
Top Tip: Skale Venom and Fire Bomb
You obviously forgot the most op items in game, Depleted Power Crystal and to reference “Oh My God A Giant Rock!”; in terms of effects they are known as 6bleeds/5vuln and permaknockdown.
You obviously forgot the most op items in game, Depleted Power Crystal and to reference “Oh My God A Giant Rock!”; in terms of effects they are known as 6bleeds/5vuln and permaknockdown.
Yes but you need to keep spamming them which can be rather expensive even if its 16c per pop for the depleted power crystal. Specifically I found that that for necromancers, the items which I mentioned work well to supplement the profession (which I would liken to tweaking a car with comfortable seats and nice handling but with terribad acceleration and horsepower)
I would also recommend the http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Bandit%27s_Improvised_Bomb at 16c. Dulfy’s guide has another version which is more expensive at 40c which is completely the same. I learnt the above-mentioned from a helpful reader who posted in her comment section and listed the location here: http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2uyshdw&s=6. I find it does significant damage 1.5k to 2k (3.4k on crits on P2 defend magg trash mobs; as a gauge my staff autoattack hits for 2k on crit) + the knockdown, more importantly since Life Transfer has such a long CD and you run out of marks etc, it could supplement your AOE as the staff autoattack can only hit enemies who are lined up. I suppose this is a flaw of the profession in comparison to playing as engineer and elementalist where you are constantly juggling multiple skills most of which are good damage / CC / support AOE wise.
(edited by Khal Drogo.9631)
Another great item mentioned in Dulfy’s guide comments section which I discovered today: the Frost Gun (40c). It is highly recommended for necros because it gives us a long duration of chill especially if you are traited into Condition Duration. The wiki does not give a description but I googled another guide (http://www.phantomsofthemist.net/blog3.php/consumables-guide) to help in a write up. Frost gun details are listed below in the latest post.
I guess it will be useful for AOE crowd control and most boss fights, but not for DPS I suppose.
(edited by Khal Drogo.9631)
Skale Venom is kinda usless in PvE, and getting banned from WuvWuv (Thank Grenth~!) Most Champions are immune to it, and NPC’s don’t dodge roll. Only time you ever get to get use out of it is fighting lots mobs of things when it actually applys, an there is only nice for the glancing
I do appreciate you pointing out fun consumables, especially Necro-centric ones My first 20 slots of inventory is all consumables, toys >~<
Also Iv heard/read Skale Venom is going to be removed from WvW/PvP by next update (guessing Feb 26th)
Servant of Dhuum
Skale Venom is kinda usless in PvE, and getting banned from WuvWuv (Thank Grenth~!) Most Champions are immune to it, and NPC’s don’t dodge roll. Only time you ever get to get use out of it is fighting lots mobs of things when it actually applys, an there is only nice for the glancing
I do appreciate you pointing out fun consumables, especially Necro-centric ones
My first 20 slots of inventory is all consumables, toys >~<
Skale venom is great for running dungeons because about 1% of the mobs are Champions and that includes the bosses as well and although weakness has been nerfed, it is still useful in boss fights.
And to be honest, I dont care if they ban all non food and sharpening stone etc consumables from PVP or WvW with the possible exception of hylek poison for my mesmer. Never used them in either prior to Dulfy’s guide but I dont feel its makes a significant difference in the way I play.
(edited by Khal Drogo.9631)
Ok here are the tooltip stats word for word for the Frost gun: (since GW2 screenshots dont include the tooltip, I had to literally take screenshots). It lasts about 10 min if unused and has 10 charges. Comments are in italics.
Quest to get merchant: http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Keep_Bamm_safe_while_he_gathers_components_for_his_engineering
Location of Researcher Bamm (the merchant):
1) Frost Jet (2¼ activation)
Spray a cone of frost. Chills foes with a critical hit.
Damage (9x). Chilled (4s) Range: 425
([Bad Decent for a power necro (340×9 on crits on COF P1 Slave driver) damage but your weapon sigils also procs on critical hit, more importantly the chilled condition stacks in duration so you can spam away. http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sigil_of_Chilling may work as well. I found that spamming it 8 times u get about 20-24s of chilled with 74% crit chance. Your results may vary obviously)
2) Rifle Butt (¼ activation, 8s CoolDown)
Knockback your foe with the butt of your rifle. Be careful not to break it.
Range: 130
3) Frozen Escape (¼ activation, 15s CoolDown)
Leap backward, leaving behind an area of frozen ground that chills foes.
Damage, Chilled (4s)
(Jump backwards is short; I guess 300-400, havent tested for evade; can stack up to ~ 10s of chilled)
4) Shard Volley (2½ activation, 20s CoolDown)
Launch a volley of razor sharp ice shards that bleed foes they hit.
Damage (9x), 1 stack of Bleeding (4s), Combo Finisher: Physical Projectile (20% chance), Range: 1200
(Seems that u cannot stand to close to the target in order to fire the AOE effect)
5) Deep Freeze (1½ activation, 30s CoolDown)
Encase your target in a block of ice
Damage, Range: 1200
(3s equivalent of stunned, frozen solid, doesnt work on COF P1 effigy, haven’t tested on other bosses yet)
(edited by Khal Drogo.9631)
In short Frost gun gives ~30+ s of chilled when set up and Fire Bomb gives ~30s of burning. If boss fight has several spawning minions that dont run up stairs and away from boss or more than 1 boss at a time, time for http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Epidemic.
(edited by Khal Drogo.9631)
No one said a word about Gears.
No one said a word about Gears.
http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Gear_%28consumable%29. This is probably useful for a longer range daze than the warhorn but you only really need daze in PVE for dredge machine in fractals. As for knockback, almost never. I would recommend it to warriors esp for non shield users since their daze/stun are mostly short range except for hammer burst.
Gears are pretty expensive consumables to spend them for dredge.
WvW is the way to go.
I appreciate this post. I was not aware of a consumable that would allow me to apply the burning debuff… since I am running over 2k condition damage, and I don’t normally have an ele around this is quite a nice find for the stationary bosses in fractals etc.
Sad they don’t work in WvW though. I have only 15 left on my stack of scale venom to blow through before the end of the day.
Thank you Rennoko. I wish this was a community forum in which I would request to make it a sticky.